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The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 487
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Chapter 487: The Underground Meeting Room

I opened a portal to see Shirley is freezing a giant mantis with her ice magic. Has her ice magic reached expert level yet?

“Hey, Princess! Have you reached expert level in your ice element as well?” I asked her after entering the portal to her location.

“Yes. I have just reached it recently,” Shirley replied.

“That’s great! You’re amazing!” I said.

As for me, I am just an advanced level in both of my elements. Summoning and air. And with my talent, I don’t know if I can reach even further. Though for my summoning element, it’s up to my monsters. They need to defeat even stronger enemies.

Well, me too since I used my monster as a weapon. Maybe if I kill a lot of artificial master level mages, I can be expert level in my summoning element. I have eaten my second Pear-y Fruit, and I can make a contract with another monster once I breakthrough to expert level.

Though that seems to be still far away in the future. But for now, the mission is more important.


“What are you doing here?” Shirley asked.

“Under the ground we’re walking, it’s a sewer connecting to the capital. And there are hidden rooms where the cult members are gathering and discussing something. I want to see if I can eavesdrop on what they are discussing,” I said.

“Alone? How many are there?” she asked.

“Alone is fine. I’m not going there to kill anyone. At least not yet. There are fifteen of them. and only five have explosive devices in their mouth. We are not close enough for them to notice us if they have expert level mages. And I don’t think there are any artificial master level mages in there,” I said.

Shirley then continues fighting the monsters nearby. Most of them are giant mantis. But she still offers her help to me.

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“Do you need my help? Or anyone?” Shelia asked.

Hmm... she’s all alone. No one else is here. Shirley must be taking a request to defeat the giant mantises in this area alone for her training. I think it’s fine for her to help.

But what should she do? Oh, right. Distraction.

“Five minutes after I enter the underground, I want you to go over there, and get wild. Use-low level magic on the surrounding while pretending that you didn’t detect the enemies under you. Do that for at least ten minutes. Make sure only low-level magic so you can still have mana in case they come out to fight you,” I said.

I pointed at where the closest place to where the meeting room is so Shirley can use her magic there.

“Should I use magic there, or from somewhere else and use magic targeted there?” Shirley asked.

“Either one is fine. Just be careful in case they come out to fight. For now, I don’t have a plan to kill them all yet,” I said.

“Okay. Five minutes after you enter, right? Where will you enter from?” Shirley asked curiously.

“From here.”

I walked to a grassy area. There’s a hidden door under the grass. The door is covered by soil, and grass have grown. That way, it won’t be suspicious. Unless there’s an earth mage coming here. But from the look of it, the door hasn’t been opened for so long. Or maybe the cult has killed those who found the door.

“This area has only weak monsters. Which is why there are not many people who would come all the way here. I used the giant mantises to practice my magic. And since this place is quiet, I thought that it’s good,” Shirley explained why no one seems to have found the entrance.

I guess that makes sense. The giant mantises are not a monster that will give you nice reward. Even though they are stronger than goblins, they are still considered weak. It’s because mages would attack them from afar before the mantises could even get close.

I dug my finger on the ground, and grabbed the handle to the door. I opened the door and see a wooden door. And it’s locked. Good thing it’s not locked with magic tool and just ordinary lock.

I transformed a Blobby into a key, and opened the door.

“Alright. Five minutes from now. I’ll see you later,” I said to Shirley.

“Be careful, Roy,” she said.

“You too.”

I closed the door and enter the underground. I have just finished a mission involved with the underground, and now I keep going into the underground again. Am I a mole?

Sigh... Victoria is not here so any jokes I made will not be retorted. I miss her already.

There has been no news from the team at Varadis. But I won’t ask since I might end up ruining their concentration.

I walked into the tunnel while covering myself with Aura to not let the expert level mages know that I’m getting closer. My stealth mode has improved so much that they won’t be able to notice me until I get right behind them. Though killing fifteen people in stealth mode is impossible. That’s why I want to hear their discussion first.

I reached another door toward the meeting room. If I open it, I can go down the ladder and be right at the meeting room. Though I will end up being caught.

At least it’s good that there’s no soundproofing in the room or the door. I can hear what they are talking inside.

“...She’s not coming. Yesterday, she sent a signal that says she will come. But she didn’t come at all.”

“Hmm... suspicious. But who are we talking about?”

“It’s her. That one who married a guard of the Empress.”

Seems like they are talking about the woman I captured and brought to Albert. She’s not here. She’s all the way in Tatrama and will die soon.

“Why do you think she’s trying to come here? Did she have an important message?”

“From the signal, it says that she has a message to say. But it’s not important to call for everyone, and I’m the only one who waited for her. But I called you all here because it seems like she has gone missing from the capital.”

The one who said that was the guard of this place. The man whose meal I ate and I blame the rat for it.

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Seems like they are discussing about what message the girl has, and why was she missing. The answer to both questions is me and me.

“About that, seems like there are several other people who have gone missing like her. They are all just low rank members, but it happened to several people at once. It was as if someone is targeting only us. It’s not a random attack.”

“That might be right. But we don’t know for sure. There’s also another person missing. It’s the cold-blooded murderer whom I tried to recruit. Seems like he was near those low-rank members when he was missing. It could be that the culprit is targeting him, but our members got caught up. Or maybe that murderer is the culprit and he escaped from the capital already.”

It’s good that I didn’t just kill all cult members. I also asked Claudia to give me wanted posters of criminals so I can kill them. Seems like the one wanted man I killed last night was not a member of the cult. Though I still kill a lot of cult members.

“Right. But we need to be careful as well if the culprit is a bounty hunter. Many of us has bounty on our heads.”

Alright. There’s no important discussion other than from what I caused. And Shirley has started casting magic above us. she’s from far, but her magic is targeted right above the meeting room.

Ten people raised their heads together, while the some from the five who have explosive devices in their mouth are confused. I was right that those ten are expert level mages. But it seems like some with explosive devices are expert level mages as well.

“...No, it’s not us. Someone is probably just training their magic. And it’s too weak. At best, they are just intermediate level. Let’s ignore them. They are not attacking us.”

“Right. Let’s stay here a little longer until whoever practicing magic leaves. At the moment, they don’t know that there’s a hidden room underground.”

I know though. And I’m right so close to them.

Now, they don’t seem to have anything important to discuss. They just waste their time having a small chat with each other. Though the man whose meal I ate is cooking another meal. And someone else is asking him to cook for them. Now, he’s cooking for all fifteen people.

They are all in the meeting room with warm meal, while Shirley above us has stopped casting magic. Now, I guess I should capture them all if possible.

They are having a meal. It’s the time when people lower their guard the most. I should be able to do it.

And so, I kicked the door open and jumped down into the meeting room. It’s time to fight.

“What a nice meal you all have right now!”

...No! No, you idiot! Don’t think with your stomach! I should have said something much more threatening instead!

Sigh... it seems that the meal I stole just wasn’t enough. Well, let’s fight anyway.