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The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 303: The Main Exhibition Hall: Past Hall
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Sung-Woon listened to the tone and rhythm of the spirits. The beat was slow, the pitch high, with a diverse harmony and a smooth interplay of high and low notes.

However, Sung-Woon remembered his duties while listening to the spirits' song. The spirits also had no intention of disturbing Sung-Woon.

As long as Sung-Woon didn't concentrate on them, the spirits' presence was insignificant, but they still tickled his ears with their soft, emotional humming.

Mazdari said,

Sung-Woon was in the lobby of the museum. In the center of the lobby stood a model of Avartin, about five meters in diameter, and its first moon, Yonda, orbiting around it. Yonda moved smoothly along an orbit made of thin brass bands and mechanical gears.

Above it, a thin brass chain hanging from the ceiling held an arch-shaped sign with 'Welcome to Avartin' in Gothic script, evidencing this space as a reflection of Sung-Woon's consciousness.

Sung-Woon slowly observed the model of Avartin, which seemed to represent its current state. Skyscrapers were in the urban areas, and lush greenery in what was once barren land. Landmarks and ancient ruins in each region were built larger than the original, making them more noticeable.

Sung-Woon spotted the Starkeeper above a transparent base in the middle of the ocean. It appeared to be made of tin with a clean finish; its detailed representation of naval aircrafts and shading made it look outstanding.

Kyle said,

Sung-Woon nodded.

Right behind the Avartin model was the Present Hall. Sung-Woon knew he would have to visit there sometime, but it wasn't next on his list.

To the right of the Avartin model was the Future Hall. The path was blocked with black and yellow striped tape, and a red ‘Under Construction' sign hung there. The passage behind led into darkness, revealing nothing. Sung-Woon thought it made sense. The future hadn’t arrived yet. After all, museums were places to exhibit things from the past.

Sung-Woon turned to the left. There was the Past Hall. Sung-Woon had to go to Avartin’s past. The museum kindly indicated the way with arrows. Guiding left-hand traffic, there was an exit to the right side of the entrance to the Past Hall, and the exit now led to the Present Hall.

Sung-Woon decided to first follow the arrows into the Past Hall. What welcomed him first was a collection of primate models, made at 1/6th scale, huddled together in a small cave with the name 'Primitive Humanity'. Sung-Woon knew this was called a diorama, a display intended to recreate a specific situation, as Crampus had informed him.

The appearance of these primates, known to Sung-Woon as ancestors of humans, was slightly different, though he found it hard to pinpoint exactly how. Perhaps their cheeks appeared slightly larger, and their necks were a bit shorter. Their posture could have been more stooped.

Sung-Woon had some knowledge of paleoanthropology for both Earth and Avartin. According to research on Avartin, Humans were undoubtedly a candidate for the oldest species.

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Sung-Woon was about to quickly pass by this section of Primitive Humanity, but his eye caught the exhibit named ‘The First Dream'. The primitive Humans sat huddled together with their eyes closed, appearing either asleep or in pain. But Sung-Woon knew that wasn't the case.

As he observed quietly, a magenta light shone over the model, and the primitive Humans opened their eyes. The movement of their joints, in addition to their eyelids, revealed to Sung-Woon that they weren’t simple models, but automatons. Unlike their ancestors before them, these primitive Humans sat up straighter and could spread their fingers firmly.

Sung-Woon moved on to the next diorama. The next exhibit was named 'Differentiation'. After reading about the exhibit, Sung-Woon realized the meaning of 'The First Dream'.

As the name suggested, the exhibit showcased the descendants of three primitive species of humanity placed in different environments. Some lost their fur and became more Human-like, others grew in size and fur, resembling Bigfoot. Surprisingly, some started developing a hard exterior instead of fur.

He realized that during the era of primitive magic, individuals were able to transform into the bodies they dreamed of. Sung-Woon gained a deeper understanding of Dragons. Even though the old gods had stolen secrets and trapped dreams, some beings ultimately overcame these challenges.

As Sung-Woon followed the arrows and turned the corner, an overwhelming exhibit was revealed. Named 'The Divergence of Man', it wasn't a diorama. A massive infographic, approximately 20 meters tall and over 60 meters long, filled the large wall. The infographic, maintaining a sepia tone and using silhouettes and poses to depict different species, satisfied Sung-Woon with its explanation of the evolution of different species.

While quickly scanning the infographic, Sung-Woon discovered several intriguing aspects that would interest paleoanthropologists.

Just then, something moved in the corner of Sung-Woon's vision. He quickly turned around.

Kyle responded quickly to the unusual reaction. Mazdari had already flown into the air.

Sung-Woon looked around one side of the exhibition hall. He thought he heard footsteps from somewhere, but couldn't tell if they were real or not.

Mazdari returned and perched on his shoulder, saying,

Kyle assessed,

Sung-Woon understood.

Kyle bowed his Lizard head deeply,

Sung-Woon lifted Kyle's head with the tip of his index finger, indicating he shouldn't bow. Understanding Sung-Woon's intention, Kyle complied.

Sung-Woon, who had felt intrigued by the entrance of this ancient hall, left without hesitation. There would be time to return after everything was finished. His duties laid elsewhere.

Sung-Woon spoke while walking,

The two apostles listened quietly. The spirits' humming lowered in volume. They were listening to the story as well.

Kyle asked,

Sung-Woon replied,

Sung-Woon recalled the memory.

Having read Sung-Woon's emotions, Mazdari said,

Kyle looked at Mazdari for the rude question. However, Sung-Woon didn't find offense in that.

Kyle said,

Sung-Woon answered,

Kyle noticed the slight upward curve to Sung-Woon's lips. He said,

Sung-Woon entered the next subsection, 'Dawn of Magic', leaving behind 'Primitive Avartin'. Sung-Woon, along with Mazdari and Kyle, were getting closer to their intended destination.

Sung-Woon quickly glanced at the dioramas like the Orc, 'Ancient Wizard', wrapped in lightning around his wrist, the Kobold, 'Sorcerer', manipulating a small light orb, and the Dwarf, 'Seeker of Secrets', wandering in shadows in their imagery world with eyes closed.

He also skipped a few directions indicated by the arrows on the floor. Sung-Woon paused briefly, pointing to a cleverly hidden door in a corner.

Kyle agreed,

Sung-Woon opened a 'Staff Only' door in the exhibition hall and entered. Inside were panels used for creating temporary exhibition partitions and various tools and cleaning equipment used for maintaining the museum.

Sung-Woon picked up a can of red paint and a brush.

Mazdari agreed,

Sung-Woon walked down a narrow corridor and pulled back a curtain, revealing the entrance to the next subsection.

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Holding the paint can in one hand and the brush in the other, Sung-Woon entered the subsection. The spirits' song intensified. This subsection was circular, allowing a full view in one rotation.

In the center was 'The First Rasdasil', a black rock that was a symbol of the Demon World's depths, and one could follow the arrows to read the descriptions, pictures, and infographics on the walls. Though small, there were also a few dioramas.

After looking around, Sung-Woon walked toward a description labeled, 'Ancient Wizards Crafting the System.' He opened the paint can and dipped the brush deeply into it. Then, with the brush soaked in red paint, he began painting over the description.

A scream-like sound continued until Sung-Woon lifted the brush, and then it stopped.

Mazdari said,

Kyle explained what Sung-Woon had just achieved.

Mazdari added,

Sung-Woon said,

Sung-Woon kicked the paint can with his foot. The can spilled, pouring red paint over the white marble floor, continuously flowing and creating an unending pool. Sung-Woon slightly bent over, dipped the brush, and painted the exhibits with red. A wail erupted from the system.

Sung-Woon's brushstrokes, though seemingly hasty and random, followed a precise pattern. He continued his work as he moved through the subsection, 'The Birth of the System', which soon became soaked with red footprints and brushstrokes.

Kyle said,

Mazdari said,

Sung-Woon, as he had often done to recharge his brain with energy, turned his consciousness inside out, going to the outside from the inside. Sung-Woon momentarily woke up in the Baustan Sanctuary.

Just as the two apostles guarded Sung-Woon's mental world, Sratis and other long-time creations of Sung-Woon guarded his external world without even being summoned. One of the old gods' creations, called an Angel, interfered, but nothing happened.

Sung-Woon expressed his gratitude to the Frogman, who had done their best for him. Then, he submerged back into his consciousness and raised his head. The chaotic scene of the subsection covered in red paint had transformed.

As Sung-Woon quietly observed, Mazdari said,

Kyle said,

The overall structure of the subsection hadn't changed despite the altered scenery. The red paint had simply turned into red velvet. Since the form and image themselves weren't important, Sung-Woon didn't mind.

The most significant change was in the exhibit itself. Sung-Woon turned to recheck the name of the subsection. The name changed. Instead of 'The Birth of the System', it was now 'The Birth of the Returner'.