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The Most Powerful Characters In The World Are Obsessed With Me

Chapter 89
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Dalia’s carriage soon arrived at the Duke of Mershain’s residence.

The servant of the Duke of Mershain’s mansion greeted Dalia with great enthusiasm. His demeanor was very polite, as if he had heard something from Duke Mershain.

“There is a guest that arrived earlier, so you will have to wait a little bit, is that okay?”

Dalia nodded.

The servant took her to the drawing room. It was a drawing room right next to Beolde’s room.

Maybe he didn’t pay much attention to the soundproofing, or he thought that it was useless to try, the conversations from the next room were slowly flowing into the drawing room.

It wasn’t enough to understand what they were talking about.

The servant left the room, leaving her alone. Dalia struggled between conscience, shame, and curiosity, and eventually lost to her curiosity.

She gently put her ears to the drawing room wall.

“Really sister, how can you do this to me?”

She heard a sobbing voice through the wall. Dalia was startled as if she had heard something she shouldn’t hear.

The voice was very similar to the Empress’s voice that Dalia heard yesterday.

“How come you never contacted me, huh? And at my son’s birthday banquet again……”

“Is there nothing that you can do but cry every day?”

She could hear Beolde’s curt voice.

Even Dalia, who did not know the circumstances, wanted to hit her when she heard that. However, the Empress seemed to be more upset rather than the desire to hit her instead.

“I’m hurt, sister. No, I hate it. I hate everything. You go to that Miss and listen to what she says, but you don’t really care about me at all.”

Could the ‘Miss’ she talked about referring to Dalia?

For some reason, she seemed to be unintentionally incurring bad feelings for the Empress.

“Both Cedric and sister too, it’s all my fault. It’s like you’re telling me I’m doing something wrong and ruining the relationship.”

Dalia was taken aback when she heard Cedric’s name, which came out of an unexpected situation.

“I admit it. It’s all my fault that Cedric has become such a cold child. But even sister can’t do this to me either.”

Dalia thought to herself.

‘Her fault?’

Then she heard the rattling sound of a chair.

With a sobbing sound, the Empress seemed to have risen from her seat. Dalia quickly moved away from the wall, sat on the sofa in the drawing room, and fixed the hem of her skirt.

Soon after, the Empress, who stormed out of the room, entered the drawing room.

As expected, her face was covered with tears. She looked at Dalia sitting awkwardly and was blatantly startled.

It seemed that she didn’t want to see anyone else with her current look. And that’s also towards the person that she just mentioned before too.

“………I look unsightly. Excuse me.”

The Empress sprinted out the door that she had come from.

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Neither the maids nor the servants seemed to accompany her.

‘If she’s going to leave right away, why did she come in here?’

Dalia tilted her head.

The question was answered immediately. She soon found a small bag on the table opposite of the sofa she was sitting on.

It seemed to be the Empress’s. It seems that she was uncomfortable to encounter Dalia to the point that she couldn’t even take her bag.

Thus Dalia’s heart also needlessly felt uncomfortable.

‘What really happened between Sir Cedric and Her Majesty the Empress?’

She heard from Cedric the other day that they don’t get along, but…….

“Oh, you’re here.”

However, that discomfort was immediately broken by Beolde, who entered the drawing room.

She looked like she had just woken up. She was wearing a large shirt, with her unruly hair stretched out, and a slightly swollen face, and it was impossible to tell whether she was wearing pajamas or everyday clothes.

She reluctantly sat down on the sofa opposite Dalia, put one ankle on the opposite knee, and raised her arm over the backrest.

At first glance, she looks like a hoodlum, but anyway, she has a comfortable posture.

Beolde, who was looking at Dalia in that posture, looked at her face closely, suddenly undid her posture as if she had remembered something.

“Oh, right. Come here.”

“Yes, what?”

“I forgot about this. I feel good when I hold you.”

It also meant that she would use her as a human bamboo wife. Dalia frowned and shook her head. Beolde acted cute that didn’t suit her. (t/n: this is bamboo wife. A woven bamboo cylinder, and people usually hold this during hot weather)

“Aye, come on.”

“I don’t want to.”

“You’re here to ask me a favor, aren’t you? I’ll listen to it.”

Seriously, she didn’t know anything else, but Beolde was really quick to notice. Those words moved Dalia’s heart.

She slowly got up and went to the seat next to Beolde.

Beolde hugged her waist like a cat and leaned her head on her shoulder without permission. Then she looked up at Dalia.

“So what do you want to ask me? No. First, listen to my good deeds and acknowledge them.”

“Yes, please go ahead.”

Just what good deeds did she do for her to bother her since yesterday.

“I apologized to the person whom I broke his leg before. And even though he asked me three times, I didn’t swear and said it again kindly.”

‘…… Isn’t this a knowledge that everyone should have?’

But Dalia still nodded.

For Beolde, this was commendable. She could tell just by looking at what happened yesterday. Beolde revealed her teeth and was pleased like a young boy.

“Good, now there are 96 left.”

She was a very positive person in a special sense.

“Why don’t you count that I hit that bastard yesterday as a good deed?”

“……No. You just did it because you don’t like to be swear at.”


As if losing her interest, Beolde lowered her head again.

Then a moment passed. The warm afternoon sun poured into the drawing room.

Dalia turned her head to look at her. Beolde was cleaning under her fingernails, revealing her handsome jawline and white skin under her short hair that extended to just under her ear.

Strangely peaceful, Dalia was under the illusion that she had a cat of good pedigree.

“I’m done. Go.”

Soon, however, Beolde pushed Dalia away. Dalia was also hoping for it, so she obediently moved away.

“You know, where did you get that strange power?”

Dalia shook her head.

“I don’t know either.”

“You should be careful about that.”


“I want to stick to you all the time. That’s why I’m purposely letting you go. I’m afraid I’ll get attached to you.”

Beolde still looked at her nails and said in an annoying tone.

‘This is the attitude of a person who’s worried about getting attached.’

Dalia thought to herself. However, Beolde’s advice was etched into her heart. Beolde lifted her gaze and looked at her.

“Now tell me what you want me to do. Once you’re done with your business, you can go.”

“Lady Beolde, would you like to do 10 good deeds?”


It was an unexpected answer. Of course she thought that Beolde would say yes. Dalia looked at Beolde in surprise.

She frowned and looked at Dalia.

“Do you think I’m stupid? It must be a very annoying matter if a stingy child like you wants to recognize it as ten good deeds.”

“What do you mean stingy! When did I do that!”

Dalia raised her voice, feeling unfair. Beolde covered her ears with a look of disapproval.

But this time, she really needed Beolde’s help. She managed to catch her breath and said.

“You said you’d do me a favor.”

“That’s that. I’ll do you another favor.”

“Then can you get me some water?”

“I’m lazy. Something else.”

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‘She has no desire to listen at all.’

Indeed. Not anyone could be a traitor in the future. You have to be able to change your words like that…….

Dalia diligently held back. She spoke in a gentle soothing tone.

“It’s not too troublesome. It would be better than doing ten good deeds. You should listen to it.”

Beolde glanced at Dalia and placed her hands on her stomach. It seems that she is ready to listen.

“Okay, tell me.”

“At that time, did Lady Beolde remember the guy I went with when I first met you?”


“Not him.”

“Oh, that illegitimate child? I was wondering where Artus’ blood went, so it went to him.”

Belord said flatly. Then she looked at Dalia with a grin, as if she had noticed what Dalia was asking her to do.

“You, so you’re trying to make him the Duke of Artus, aren’t you?”

As expected she’s a quick-witted person. Dalia nodded.

“If Lady Beolde recognizes him as a transcendent, he can enter the Artus family.”

“Well, it’s nothing difficult. Is that all I have to do?”

Dalia’s face lit up. She pulled her upper body forward and nodded eagerly.

Beolde smirked and patted Dalia on the cheek.

“But there’s a condition before that. Two.”

“…… Two conditions?”

“First, I need to get permission from my younger brother. Since this is a rather political issue. He had been keeping an eye on me because of yesterday’s incident.”

It was fascinating to see that she cares about others for the first time. However when she thought of Beolde, who was suddenly walking around like a different person yesterday, she could see the painstaking effort her brother took to discipline her.

Anyway, Dalia nodded. This condition was not bad.

The moment Meldon is incorporated into the Duke of Artus’ family, the future of his becoming a Duke is decided. Knowing the future, Dalia was almost certain.

Even if not, it is better to invest in Meldon than the current Felix Artus, who is obviously out of his league.

Because he’s a transcendent. Since the Duke of Mershain is also a politician, he would definitely understand.

“There’s a second one too.”

“Yes, please tell me.”


Beolde hesitated, unlike her normal self. Then she finished worrying about it and opened her mouth.

“You need to help Siord to not be angry anymore.”


Translator Note: The way I need to list down every character mentioned in this novel so that I can refer back on how I spelled them since I’m a forgetful person HAHAHA