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The Hitting Zone-Novel

Chapter 919 V3 Ch153 Night Before
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Friday went according to plan. School. A light practice. Hurry home to shower, then we were off. Off to sit into some traffic. It wasn't as bad as the outbound traffic but it certainly took a long time. Too long.

"Do we go straight to Stanford or forget the game and get checked into the hotel?" Mom asked Dad.

Dad glanced in the rear view mirror to look back at us. Only I was the one to look back at him. The other three were sleeping.

"Tough decision." He said, looking thoughtful. He made eye contact with me again. "Jake, you're the only one up. What would you rather do? See the last bit of Zeke's game? Or get settled into the hotel? You do have a very early morning tomorrow."

"See Zeke." I shrugged. I wasn't tired yet. Plus, it would feel weird to choose not to see him when we're so close. Who cares if it was the end of his game.

Dad got off at the appropriate exit and made his way to Stanford's stadium. The constant start and stops at the street lights prompted the other boys to wake up. A lot of yawns, groans, and complaints started to fly around. Dad pulled into a packed parking lot.

"By the time we park and get to the field, it's going to be over." Noah muttered.

"But we still get to see Zeke." I pointed out.

"I'll drop you all off up front, don't worry." Dad did what he said, getting as close as possible before letting us out. "I'll meet up with you all in a few."

Mom kissed him on the cheek real quick. "Thanks, honey."

We all piled out of the car. With Mom leading the way, we followed her into the stadium. She was in charge of tickets and had them scanned by a worker.

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"Just in time to catch the win." The old lady joked.

"Happy to hear that, ma'am." Mom smiled back at her.

Our seats were nowhere near as close as we previously had, but that wasn't an issue. Their stadium could only seat a couple thousand so every seat was a decent one. We really did only catch the last inning, sadly. No real action but getting the win and celebrating afterwards.

We hung around in our seats and talked about dinner as we waited for Zeke to be done with his team. As the custodians came around cleaning up, we took the hint and started to leave the stadium, intent on waiting for Zeke before going back to the car.

He eventually made it out, walking side by side with Rhys. Both of them had their backpacks on and dressed in normal outfits.

"Thank god!" Noah jumped up. "Any longer and I thought I was going to starve to death. Let's go somewhere close, please!"

Dad, who joined us late, looked to Rhys. "You just stopping by to say 'hi' or do you have time to join us for a late dinner?"

Rhys grinned and rubbed his stomach. "Definitely hoping to bum a meal off of you guys. I'll drive myself though. Want to stay in the dorms tonight." He looked at Kyle. "You're not the only one pitching tomorrow."

"Good for you!" Dave slapped his shoulder.

"Let's move quickly then." Mom pulled out her phone. "I think that Italian place nearby stays open late."

"I'll ride with Rhys, but put my bag in the car." Zeke took his backpack off and handed it to Noah.

Noah looked surprised. "You're not going to go back with Rhys after dinner?"

Zeke shook his head with a small smile. "I don't have to do nearly as much in the morning. Might as well check out the hottest game around. I heard there might be a chance of an upset."

Noah swung the bag around happily. "Yes! You know it!" He laughed some more. "I bet you want this revenge even though you've moved on to college."

Zeke fixed his shirt. "It's not revenge. They lost a lot of seniors. Half the starters will be new." He looked around at us. "Not afraid?"

"Not even a little." Kyle grinned, confident.

We had a great dinner. Good vibes with lots of carbs. Zeke went with us afterwards to check in at the hotel while Rhys went back to the dorms. Mom and Dad got connecting room, with two queen beds each.

"Should we let Kyle get a bed to himself?" Dave whispered to Noah. "I'll bunk with Zeke. You and Jake share the other room with Mom and Dad."

"I say we let Jake choose." Kyle spoke up, clearly having overheard his twin.

"Me?" I was stunned. "Why me?"

"You're one of the big keys to winning tomorrow." Kyle reasoned. "So am I. But I'm used to sharing beds. You're always on the edge of the bed when you share. It's late and we need you well-rested for the morning."

I looked around and no one seemed to disagree. I was embarrassed and touched at the same time. Kyle wasn't the type to put so much thought, but lately I've felt him becoming closer. Like his sense of empathy was growing.

I felt my face heat up. "Okay. Thanks."

"Who would you like in the other bed?" Noah asked. "Me and Zeke?"

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Ehh. I looked up at Dad and Mom. "I rather have them."

Noah looked stunned. "Not me?"

My lips twitched. "Mom and Dad won't wake me up so aggressively like you do. You're just so loud and energetic in the morning. Like you have a good 'on' switch. I'm more slow to getting up and stuff."

"You have good awareness." Zeke told me before going into the other room. "Let's go. You guys heard him. Leave him be."

Noah looked like he wanted to say more, but Dave quickly dragged him away.

Kyle followed behind them and closed the connecting door. I sighed with relief. I then picked the bed closest to the door and looked back at my parents. "Can I have this one?"

Mom nodded with a soft smile. "Yes. Of course! Go get your pjs on and get to bed first."

I got my soft flannel pants out and changed in the bathroom. I came back out to see Mom turning down the sheets for me. I smiled, feeling good. This was the best family. I was so happy I was placed with them. That they wanted me.

I got into bed and snuggled under the sheets and comforter. I watched Mom and Dad as they moved around the room, unpacking necessities, hanging up all of our uniforms.

Dad caught me looking. He frowned. "Are we keeping you up? Don't worry, we're almost done."

I shook my head. "No. I'm okay. I'll fall asleep soon."

Before they had turned out the lights, I was down for the count. I had a good sleep, with no dreams. I slowly woke up to the sounds of Mom and Dad getting ready. One shower. Two shower. It started to get louder and lights came on.

I peeked out from under the covers.

"Rise and shine." Mom greeted me with a smile.

I stretched and yawned. Then shivered. It was a bit cold despite the AC not being on. It was only going to be colder outside. I slowly got moving.