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The Fox Goddess

Chapter 14 Fighting The Bear King PT 1
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Yuki was now bleeding badly and she needed to cure it immediately, so she used one of her potions in her inventory and drank it.

[+500 HP]

HP - 3000/4500

"Ok, that's much better now. Now let's see what I should do with this Bear. Yuki then began to think but she was interrupted by a sudden roar of the Bear.


The Bear roared because it was shocking that a little fox could withstand its big heavy claws.

When the Bear was screaming in confusion. Yuki looked in the direction of the Bear to see it, Yuki was now finally able to get a better look at the giant Bear. The Bear was about 15 meters in size, it was at least thrice the size of a normal elephant. The Bear also has more metallic skin than the other Bear that Yuki fought in the cave, so Yuki immediately knows that this Bear has a much stronger skin than the rest.

Yuki was very shocked at the sheer size of this Beast. Even though Yuki was far away from the Bear when she first saw it, the pressure that it was giving was already heavy, and now that Yuki was close up to it she cannot help but gulp at the sheer amount of pressure that it is giving now. The pressure seemed to have tripled, Yuki was now gasping for air at the pressure she was feeling, it is as if Yuki was carrying a mountain.

After Yuki felt the pressure for a few seconds, she immediately sensed danger and tried to back away as fast as possible. But when the Bear saw this it grinned, because it knew that the pressure it was giving was too much for the little fox.

The Bear then dashed toward Yuki with extreme speed, the ground even shook as it was running toward Yuki.

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Yuki was now shocked at the scene she saw. "How the hell is this guy so fast? I mean look at him, this guy is so fat and big! And it seemed to be running like it was nothing, I think this bear is just close to my speed without me using my Absolute Speed skill. Ugh, why is life so unfair." Yuki complained and cursed at the heavens in her mind.

"So you want to run into me huh, ok I'll give you what you want," Yuki said and also now started to dash toward the Bear.

When Yuki and the Bear were about to make contact. The Bear lifted its claws and tried to slash at Yuki.

Yuki already knew that this was coming so she braced herself. But what she did not expect to happen was that, after the Bear slashed the air it created a beam. The beam then rushed toward Yuki, fortunately, Yuki saw it and managed to dodge it at the last second.

"Great! F*ck it also has some ranged skills like mine." Yuki then pounced toward the Bear and used her Absolute speed to close their distance.

"Absolute Speed!"

When Yuki was now in front of the Bear, Yuki then bombard him with her skill non-stop."

"Razor Claw!"


Yuki used these two skills nonstop. When the Bear noticed pain it turned around to only see that Yuki was now far away from him. Yuki noticed that the Bear felt all of her power so she decided to back away now when she sensed that the Bear was about to be hit. Luckily for Yuki, her skill's passive bleed activated, and it immediately started its effects on the Bear. The Bear was now howling in pain and looked at Yuki with an angry face who was laughing at him.


Yuki just laughed it off and decided to check the health of her enemy.

HP - 17,000/20,000

Yuki frowned at the health of the Bear so she sighed and said in a somewhat gloomy voice.

"Sigh... I knew that it would not be that easy. I already bombard it with my skills, and I only managed to dent 3k health, are you kidding me!" Yuki yelled.

Yuki then decided to try a different attack pattern, she then used her Moon Slash skill and charged it all the way. Luckily for Yuki, it was night time so she can use this skill without too much restriction.

"Moon Slash!"

When the Bear saw this shiny light it also used its slash to counter it, but... Yuki's attack was stronger and when it made contact with Yuki's slash it shattered like glass and went straight to him. The Bear then raised its arms to try to counter it with all-out power.


Yuki's slash and the Bear's claw made contact. It exploded and left a lot of dust in the air. When the dust was finally cleared she could see that the bear managed to stop her attack, but... sadly it cannot use its arm anymore.

Yuki smiled happily at this scene, after that she dashed again and jumped up at the Bear's head and attacked its left eye to make it blind.


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The Bear shouted when it felt immense pain in her left eye, and both in its arms. The Bear then tries to shake Yuki off by slamming its head into a nearby tree.

Sadly Yuki was a step closer and used her claws again to attack its right eye.

"Razor Claw!" Yuki said in a cold voice in her mind.

Smiling happily, Yuki went down from the Bear's head to avoid the tree. "HAHAHA! You're not as strong as I imagine you would be stupid Bear!" Yuki the. laughed at the Bear.

Yuki used her All Seeing Eye again to see the health of the Bear.

HP - 5,000/20,000

Nodding happily, Yuki again was about to attack the Bear when it suddenly roared at the sky


Yuki then smiled at it and said, "Hey big fella, no need to scream anymore when you are about to die. Well, I'll give it to you this time since you are already dead to me, take it as a farewell gift for me."

Yuki then waited for the roar to stop. When the roar stopped, Yuki heard some rustling sound in the bushes.

Yuki looked in the direction to be only left confused, Yuki then looked at the Bear King and laughed. "Hey weren't you just screaming for your last battle cry, HAHAHA! why did you bring out allies you do know that they are also going to die."

But what did Yuki expect, was the Bear suddenly run up to its king and bow down.

When Yuki was about to laugh at how stupid the Bear is, she was shocked that the Bear King suddenly bite the Bear's head, and started eating it. Yuki was now very vigilant and became wary at the scene she saw, then when she saw that the Bear is seeming to be gaining its health back, Yuki decided to use her All Seeing Eye again but was shocked by what she saw.

HP - 15,000/20,000