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The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 41: Volume II - 7: Justin Malus
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Chapter 41: Volume II - Chapter 7: Justin Malus


The sound of metal on metal echoed in the training room, and I took a quick step back. Sweat dripped down my forehead, but I didn't attempt to wipe it off because to do so would have given my opponent an advantage.

"Are you sure you've only been learning to use a sword for a month?"

Julian spoke with his eyebrows raised.


We've been having a friendly duel for about fifteen minutes. And I haven't been able to give him a single scratch... He hasn't been able to give me one either, but he's in much better condition than me, and he's not so hard on me...

What I mean is he can easily take me down if he wants to.

"Let's get some rest."

I sheathed my sword, lowered myself to the ground, and regulated my breathing.

Even if these fifteen minutes were nothing compared to the time I spent with Professor Calvin, I was really tired.

If I compare Julian to Professor Calvin… he's certainly easier to fight, but he's not to be underestimated. No wonder he's ranked fourth in the academy...

When Julian saw me panting on the floor, he tilted his head to the right and looked at me. Then he sighed, moved across, and sat down like me. He took a thermos out of his bag and poured it down his throat.

There was a silence between us, a silence I had been waiting for from the beginning.

Here we go.

"Julian, let me ask you something."

Julian lowered his thermos and looked at me with raised eyebrows.


"Don't take this the wrong way, not that it's you… but you know the bullies of the academy, right?"

He must not have liked that because he frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you need them for? Try to talk to anyone and you're instantly their target. You don't have an extremely rich family or a strong background, even I can't save you from some of them."

I wonder what you would do if you knew that I had a deal with Ulka and that I had eighteen million to use in any way I wanted...

"I know, but I'd like to see someone about a personal matter."

"Personal matter? Do you have a grudge against a student or something?"

Uh... He misunderstood.

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"No, I'm not going to get someone beaten up. Do I look like that kind of person?"

I made a little bit of an angry face, so Julian didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I just... need to see one of them. Can you put me in front of Justin Malus for once?"

Julian froze for a moment.

"Are you serious? You need to see that guy?"

He looked around hurriedly. It was like he was afraid someone would hear him.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to screw up my life when I have a sister to take care of."

I tried to reassure him, but it didn't seem to work.

"Look... I really appreciate you helping me with my studies, if it's something I can help you with I really will, but you don't seem to have the slightest idea what that guy is like."

I clicked my tongue. He had no intention of giving up.

"You're wrong, Julian."

It's going to be hard to convince him... I have to try a little harder.

I averted my eyes for a moment, squinted them slightly, tensed my muscles, and clenched my fist. Of course, Julian didn't miss it.

"I know him better than you, no... better than anyone."

Well, it's not a lie.

I turned my eyes back to him, but this time I didn't have my usual demeanor. I had a cold and straight face, so when our eyes met, Julian's eyes widened slightly.

"I have an issue with him and believe me, I know how to take advantage of him."

I released my clenched fist and continued, smiling slightly.

"You forget I am not stupid, I'm not one to fall into traps like that. I'll talk to him, get the job done, and then walk out of there without a single trouble."

I could see Julian hesitating after what I said. He trusted me, but he didn't want to put me in danger with his own hands.

That's why I don't like to be manipulative, even if I do it a little, but I have no choice.

"Aiden... I wanted to ask you something too."

Hmm? I thought he would hesitate a little more and say 'Okay'... This was unexpected.


"You disbanded a group of bullies last time, right?"

Ah, that rumor... I was sure no one was watching, I guess the saying 'walls have ears' is true.

"It's exaggerated, but yes. All I did was blackmail them. I didn't beat anyone up."

Julian sighed deeply, then scratched his head.

"You want to see him because of that girl?"

Ah... I think I was a bit too misunderstood.

"No... Believe me, you're misunderstood."

Julian smiled wickedly.

"Well, I can put you in front of him for once. He owes me a favor, but it won't be easy."

"You really misunderstood..."

Julian ignored me, pretended he didn't hear me, and then his face turned slightly uneasy.

"Are you sure you can leave there without any problems?"

"Yes... But I think yo-"

"Okay, when should I arrange to meet?"

Damn it... I can't tell him anything, can I?

Anyway... At least he agreed.

I lifted my wrist and saw that the time was approaching ten o'clock at night, so I couldn't help but smile, I still had plenty of time.

"Right now, if possible."


I looked at the building Julian and I were standing in front of and couldn't help but admire it, even though I had seen it before.

The boy, Justin, had taken over almost the whole of dormitory number two, except for the first floor, which was the lobby.

Of course, there were some people who were not in his group who lived here, and no one overly touched them unless they caused Justin trouble. But I would not be lying if I said that he controlled more than half of the building.

And since he did all the illegal things he did in secret and left no evidence behind, the academy couldn't find anything to charge him with and couldn't stop him.

After all, it wasn't 'bad' for a bunch of eighteen-year-olds to band together, no matter how big, as long as they couldn't prove they had done anything bad.

"Leave everything to me until you meet Justin, then you can do whatever you want with him."

"All right."

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Julian walked calmly into the building and I followed him.

The first thing we saw was a lobby that, although more crowded than the other buildings, was no different, but the real differences came when we tried to go upstairs.

We couldn't take the elevator up because it had a sign saying it was out of order.

Well, it's obvious why...

We left the elevator and headed for the stairs, but then a rather large and bald 'student' met us at the top of the stairs.

"Your ID?"

This was something they had arranged.

If a student's room is in this building, he gets an ID from Justin's group and as long as he shows it to the 'students' he can go to his room without any problem.

In our case... we are not residents of this building, just guests.

"I'm Julian Virhen, here to see Justin."

The moment the burly student heard the name 'Justin', he frowned and became alarmed.

"He owed me a favor. If you let him know, it won't be a problem."

With that, he shifted his gaze to Julian's name badge and then, with a sigh, opened his watch.

After almost a minute of waiting, he turned back to us and stepped aside.

"Wait on the first floor and a boy with blond hair and orange eyes will show you the way."

I was relieved to see that there was no problem, and Julian, already knowing that there would be no problem, started to go up to the first floor without waiting.

I couldn't help but admire the building again when we quickly followed him up to the first floor so as not to be left behind.

The 'plain' design of the normal dormitory buildings had changed in this building. Most of the normally closed rooms had open doors and there were students in and out of every room, no matter where they were.

In fact, at first glance, it looks like a bit of chaos. But when I watched what was happening, even for a few seconds, I could see that there was perfect order on the floor.

As bad as Justin is, he definitely knows his stuff. It's not easy to create such an order.

"Follow me, please."

I was surprised to hear the voice coming from our right and to find someone as described by the 'student' below.

Isn't communication a bit too fast?

Julian nodded and acknowledged the boy. So the boy began to lead us up through the floors and as we ascended each floor, the number of students on guard on the stairs increased proportionately.

There were students on guard everywhere as if they were protecting a mafia boss. It was like a whole other world inside the academy.

When we finally arrived at the last floor, I saw that the entire corridor was filled with these 'sentries'. I was subjected to particularly crushing stares as I passed through them all, but I ignored each and every one of them, and so we came to the front of a room where four people, in particular, were standing in front of it.