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The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 626
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Chapter 626

Originally, until they reached their destination, Grenosia, the Allied Forces had to engage in several small-to-medium scale city sieges.

With the Immortals taking over the tasks of the Demon King's army and quickly and accurately neutralizing key points, the Allied Forces advanced vigorously.

However, the Allied Forces did not encounter any battles as they moved forward.

There were no monsters on the path they followed.

At best, only the remains of monsters that had already been reduced to pieces were left.

Regardless of the reason, it was a situation that anyone would gladly welcome.

Naturally, rumors spread that the Empire was operating a massive vanguard force.

But in the end, wasn't it a good thing that there were no battles?

Although the fact that the Empire was operating a powerful large-scale unit, which was now replaced by the Immortals, was not explained in detail, it was also something that the heads of each military had foreseen to some extent.

They couldn't know what kind of power the vanguard force had, but the fact that they were annihilating small-to-medium scale cities was undoubtedly a good phenomenon for the main force.



Grenosia, where a large-scale battle was scheduled, had already been reduced to ashes by the vanguard.

"…What is this?"

Kono Lint couldn't help but see the scene before anyone else.

An unknown large-scale military force had not only destroyed small-to-medium scale cities but also the large city of Grenosia, and even the gates and monsters were completely wiped out.

No matter how much an army is a group prepared for war, there would be no one who truly enjoys battle itself.

Therefore, there was no reason to dislike the fact that the small-to-medium scale cities were already destroyed and that there was no need to fight in those places.

However, should they be happy that the major strategic point had already been destroyed?

Regardless of the reason, the fact that the expected major battle had already been won meant that there was no shortage of military resources.

But wasn't it strange?

Wasn't it strange that something of this magnitude was possible?

Surviving was good, and it was good that a large-scale battle didn't occur.

Despite the good news, a peculiar sense of unease and anxiety spread throughout the Allied Forces, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Instead of being excited about the disappearance of the planned large-scale battle, a strange sense of unease pervaded the Allied Forces' base.

At the high command's meeting place.

"Your Majesty, won't you tell us now?"

One of the commanders leading each army, who had gathered in the high command's tent, cautiously opened his mouth.

"Everyone knows that the Allied Forces have been operating a vanguard unit until now. We also know that neither Lady Saviolin Turner nor the hero is affiliated with them."

Those who knew that the role the Immortals had taken over was previously handled by the Demon King's army, but the majority didn't.

Hence, they could only guess that the Empire was hiding a very powerful military force.

"If we have such a powerful ally and such an army, we should welcome them with open arms."

Why would they need to hide the existence of such a powerful ally? Wouldn't it be better to reveal the presence of such a powerful force to boost the morale of the Allied Forces?

It wasn't a wrong argument.

However, everyone felt uneasy in a situation where the army advanced without knowing the reason. "Your Majesty, I believe it is now necessary to inform the commanders at least about what is going on."

Bertus quietly listened to these words.

It was inevitable that the commanders of each army would feel confused in this situation, where the need for an assault on Grenosia had disappeared.

In the joint military command headquarters, where representatives of each army were gathered, seats were assigned according to rank, as if the emperor himself were sitting there.

And, of course, the one sitting closest to the seat of honor was none other than the commander of Kernstadt, Louise von Schwarz.

'How will the emperor respond?'

Naturally, she who had witnessed the experiment at the temple knew the meaning of the current situation of the allied forces.

Louise had no choice but to intuitively know that the army was on the move. And because this army alone was powerful enough to capture a major city, she couldn't help but be tense.

It was a powerful army.

However, its origin was unknown.

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Despite the good news that the empire possessed an unidentified powerful army, the commanders under the emperor's command were showing anxiety because they did not know the truth.

Would he tell the truth or keep it hidden?

Neither side could predict which would lead to a greater crisis.

Louise, too, could not determine which choice was better.

Secrets tended to spread as more people became aware of them. Thus, simply by revealing the fact that they were creating an army of the dead at the command center, it was inevitable that the entire allied forces would eventually learn about it.

An ominous and uneasy silence continued.

At that moment, when the emperor was about to make a decision and speak up.

"I'd rather not know."

The voice that broke the silence did not belong to the emperor.

The woman sitting very close to the high-ranking seat in the joint command headquarters' conference room, just like Louise von Schwarz, had a melodious voice filled with laughter that was almost irritating in the anxious atmosphere.

"Am I the only one who thinks that?"

It was the newly appointed Holy Knight Commander, Rowan.

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden remark of the new Knight Commander, who said she would rather not know anything when everyone demanded the truth from the emperor.

Everyone was aware that a significant political change had occurred within the Five Great Religions, since the former Holy Knight Commander had suddenly been replaced, and a new Holy Knight Commander had taken office. However, only a few knew what exactly that internal situation was.

Those who knew kept their mouths shut, so no one knew what the change in the Holy Knight Commander's position meant.

Even if she was new to the position, there was no one in this place who could ignore the Holy Knight Commander.

Since the Holy Knight Commander's rank in the alliance was higher than that of most royalty, her right to speak was stronger than that of many kings.

Therefore, Rowan's words were not something that could be easily dismissed.

"Commander, what do you mean by that?"

In response to the question from the one who had demanded an explanation, Rowan tilted her head.

"It means that His Majesty must have had good reasons to keep it secret until now."

The emperor remained silent, and a suspicious hush filled the room.

"Everyone here must have noticed to some extent that there is a hidden force within the allied forces, right?"

"But the fact that we haven't been told what it is or what this hidden force consists of means that there must be a reason it can't be disclosed."

"If it's so difficult to talk about despite everyone's unease, doesn't it mean that it's something we shouldn't know?"

"That's why I'd rather not know."

"Because I believe there's a reason it's being kept secret."

At the words of the Holy Knight Commander, who claimed to trust the emperor, Louise felt nauseous.

She didn't know what the Demon King was really like, but Louise knew that Rowan harbored extreme hatred for the empire.

Moreover, she was the mastermind behind the massacre orchestrated by the empire.

Seeing her feign trust in the emperor so nonchalantly made Louise's anger boil.

'She must know, of course...'

Knowing that Rowan was acting like that while being aware of the truth made Louise feel as if her insides were turning.

"But if we know about the secret force within the allied forces, it would certainly... be more helpful for planning future operations."

"Even if it's a truth that would cause more problems if known?"

"What... do you mean?"

"You see, knowing it doesn't necessarily resolve our anxiety. Instead, it might reveal a truth that would make us even more anxious. Don't you understand what I'm saying, considering there's a reason it can't be revealed?"

Rowan spoke with a sweet, slow smile.

"Let's say it's a force that shouldn't be exposed externally. Can any of you confidently say that you shouldn't use that force anymore? It's a force so helpful that we don't even need to engage in the Gresonia campaign, which was expected to result in a massive loss of power."

If it were an ominous magic or a cursed force that was rightly powerful.

If the hidden force within the allied forces were something that could only be obtained through the hands of someone who should not be dealt with or something that would inevitably receive external criticism.

Would anyone here be able to assert that they should not use their power and end this war solely with the power of the allied forces?

"I don't know exactly what it is, but we all have to admit that we need the hidden power of the allied forces, or more precisely, the hidden power of the empire in this war."

"Of course, if it's a power that must be kept secret, it's not a righteous one, right?"

"But if we know about such a force and still choose to remain silent, what would we become?"


The emperor's involvement with some kind of power was unknown.

However, knowing about that ominous, dark, and evil power and the emperor's involvement with it would be problematic.

The emperor leads the war with evil power. But if they knew the truth and remained silent because they needed that power, they would become accomplices of the empire and the emperor.

"Shouldn't you all appreciate that His Majesty's silence is for our sake?"

At the words of the Holy Knight Commander, everyone swallowed hard with a stiff expression.

Ignorance is bliss.

In any other situation, they might not have agreed, but at that moment, everyone felt that the saying was true.

There are things in the world that one should not know.

"Isn't trying to share the burden when His Majesty is willing to bear all the responsibility alone both meaningless and a blatant disregard for His Majesty's consideration?"

The Holy Knight Commander sought to protect the Emperor's secret.

But everyone present could feel that it wasn't out of respect for the Emperor.

A single crime.

Ignorance was best for the rest.

Whatever the matter, whatever wicked scheme was involved.

The Emperor's silence in response to the evidently malicious words of the Holy Knight Commander was evidence in itself.

If the Holy Knight Commander's words were baseless conjecture, the Emperor had no reason to stay silent.

The insinuation that the Imperial Emperor had committed an unforgivable, heinous crime was a great insult to the Imperial Family, the Empire, and the Emperor himself.

No matter how mighty the Holy Knight Commander was, she couldn't best the Emperor.

Despite the Holy Knight Commander's grave impropriety, the Emperor said nothing.

Everyone knew that his tolerance of the affront was a sign of his acquiescence.

Would they knowingly become accomplices?

Would they remain ignorant and prepare an excuse of not knowing anything later?

Looking at the silent crowd, now fearful of learning the truth, the Emperor slowly nodded.

"Thank you, Holy Knight Commander."

The Emperor looked at the Holy Knight Commander with an icy gaze.

"You're welcome, Your Majesty."

Rowan smiled at the Emperor, her eyes wide open.


The Duke of Saint-Owan silently observed the cold standoff between the two, sitting close to the throne.

When they had successfully captured Serandia, the Allied Forces were simultaneously elated and grieving.

Many had died, but the people held onto hope that they might finally be able to put an end to the Gate crisis, and for now, they had won the battle.

But gathering the monsters of the ruined Grenosia and burning them repeatedly was all the Allied Forces had to do.

“What happened?”

“Didn't the hero do something?”

“Is that so?”

“It seems there is an enormous force.”

The soldiers had their own conversations, while the commanders had theirs, each unable to help but comment on the bizarre and incomprehensible situation.

Once the cleanup of Grenosia was over, the Allied Forces would announce a new plan.

No one knew if they could pass through without any combat then, too.

“If this continues, won't we be unnecessary?”

“If we're unnecessary, what will we do when we return? Starve to death?”

“Yeah, it's better to stay in the military.”

“Anyway, it's a good thing.”


In the end, everyone was grateful for the safety of the day.

In the Allied Forces' base, the atmosphere was more perplexed than celebratory.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"In the end, we couldn't test the new equipment for Titan."

In the tent where the Duke's troops were stationed, Adelia murmured softly.

"Are you disappointed?"

"No, no! No! That's not what I meant!"

As Adelia waved her hands, the Duke of Saint-Owan lowered his head.

"……It's not a big deal. I'm also somewhat disappointed that we couldn't confirm Titan's second operation."

"Ah... Yes, me too……."

The second operation of Titan was supposed to be confirmed in this battle at Grenosia. They could have checked the improved Titan's condition, collected data, and determined which aspects needed to be refined.

The story could sound regrettable that the battle did not take place, depending on how one listened.

Of course, Adelia and Duke of Saint Owan, along with the duke's mages, had devoted as much time as possible to improving the Titan.

It wasn't just the battle at Grenosia that disappeared.

There were no battles in any of the intermediate locations either.

Even Adelia, who was busy with research and uninterested in external affairs, could not help but feel that something was strangely amiss.

"But really... what could it be?"

Adelia felt the same doubt everyone else did.

Important battles had vanished into thin air.

And nobody knew what had happened. Even those who attended the high command meeting knew only the fact that it was dangerous to inquire. Moreover, that was said not by the emperor but by the Holy Knights' commander.

The emperor barely spoke at all.

Duke Saint Owan also did not know what was happening.


"Yes, Your Grace."

Duke Saint Owan, seated and looking down at the Titan blueprint, spoke.

"If you could sell your soul to a demon and end this war, would you do it?"


Adelia could not help but be bewildered by the duke's unexpected question.

To sell one's soul to a demon.

There were quite a few legends about great demons lending power to dark mages through such contracts, but no one knew now whether those stories were true or not. They could be tales created to inspire fear in demons, or there could have been actual cases.

It was a mere figure of speech.

To sell one's soul to a demon.

To end this war in exchange.

Adelia fell deep in thought at the duke's question.

It was a tragedy, too great.

A tragedy had occurred, far too great.

To end this war, only her soul was required as the price.

But standing before her was Duke Saint Owan.

He was the father of Adelia’s friend, and the family of righteous mages who were famous for never dabbling in wicked powers.

It was by no means wise to speak of selling one's soul to a demon in front of him.

"…I think I wouldn't."

Nevertheless, Adelia could only give such an answer.

Wasn't the price too cheap?

If my soul, my life, was the price to stop these tears and bloodshed, wouldn't there be countless people who would make such a choice?

Adelia couldn't help but cautiously gauge Duke Saint Owan's reaction after speaking.

Duke Saint Owan gave a bitter smile.

"…I think I would do it."


Even Duke Saint Owan, who had lived with a long-held belief, would say that.

It was such a terrible war that he would make such a choice, even if it meant abandoning the honor of his long-standing family and his own beliefs.

'The emperor must have made such a choice.'

Knowing that he would do the same, Duke Saint Owan could not help but realize that the emperor had reached out to some evil, even if he did not know exactly what had happened.

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