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The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 331
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The induction ceremony wasn't all that complicated.

The officials applauded us as a gesture of welcome, and we knelt before the emperor, listening to his speech.

I couldn't tell if it was prepared or impromptu, but in the end, it was all just superficial.

He said he was delighted to see the exceptional talents cultivated by the Temple, an institution preparing the future of the empire, and he hoped that we would continue to strive and lead the empire. To me, it was nothing more than empty words.

It was similar to the headmaster's moralizing lectures.

The emperor had us stand up and shook hands with each of us, encouraging us to keep up the good work. Naturally, I witnessed some interesting scenes.

“Strive on.”

“Ah, Your Majesty! This is the honor of a lifetime!”

“Hmm, hmm.”

Some of them were on the verge of tears.

No, that reaction was actually the majority, and it was to be expected.

“Strive on.”

“I shall engrave this honor and glory in my soul and serve the empire for the rest of my life!”


There was even a guy who seemed to have prepared his lines.

Anyway, everyone was squirming in his glory. Their reactions were rather ordinary.

"Strive on."


Ellen nodded her head once as if responding to a teacher while shaking hands with the emperor.

"Strive on."

"Thank you."

I had considered trying to express my gratitude as gloriously as possible, but since I didn't really think of it as an honor, I simply gave a brief reply.

Ellen and I had the most unusual reactions.

The emperor did not point out the absence of Lydia Schmitt at this event, perhaps he had been informed beforehand.

Afterward, a banquet with the emperor was scheduled.

Moving to the banquet hall, the Temple students and the emperor sat together at a long table and shared a meal.

Starting with appetizers, just like the meal I had at the palace last spring, dishes began to arrive one by one.

Om nom


Appetizers are always like this, but Ellen popped it in her mouth, chewed, then stared intently at the empty plate.

What the...

Why is there only this?

It had that kind of vibe.

Ellen had little patience when it came to food, and course meals required too much waiting. She preferred ordering various dishes, eating them all, and then ordering more.

She would quickly eat each dish as it arrived, then sit blankly until the next dish was served.

Come to think of it, she had been muttering about being hungry earlier.

Naturally, the emperor was observing the students' behavior as he ate.

The emperor whispered a few words to the lady serving his meal.

...After that, Ellen's portion was tripled.

It seemed he had discreetly instructed them after seeing her appetite. He didn't say it openly, perhaps to avoid embarrassing her.

Om nom nom

Now that her portion was more substantial, Ellen could finally pace herself and eat in sync with the others.

Of course, Ellen didn't question the sudden increase in food.

She just ate.


As I stared intently at her, Ellen tilted her head.

"I mean, sometimes... you're a bit... yeah."


"Never mind."

She's someone to be proud of, really.

Her strong appetite earns her the Emperor's consideration.

I know I shouldn't be embarrassed, but I am!

Everyone else was tense and barely eating in front of the Emperor, while Ellen devoured her food and I openly scolded her. They all looked at us as if we were a strange spectacle.

No, I'm the stranger one here, right?

After the banquet, we briefly toured the central palace, Tetra.

Although we didn't visit the Emperor's bedroom, we saw the training hall, the guards' waiting room, and the gallery, making a full circle around the palace. I thought the audience and banquet would be the end, but the Emperor seemed to have allocated a significant amount of time for this official event.

Everyone was stiff with tension, ready to stutter if the Emperor so much as spoke to them. However, the Emperor didn't speak to Ellen or me.

We soon found out why.

When all the events were over and the students, accompanied by guards, were about to leave,

"You two, come here."

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Saviolin Turner, dressed in the Shanafel uniform, called Ellen and me.

"Do you remember me?"

"Yes, the Shanafel squad leader."

Although they hadn't interacted much, Ellen had seen Saviolin Turner's face when she was appointed the first-year dormitory supervisor, so she remembered him.

"Good. His Majesty, the Emperor, has summoned you two separately. Follow me."

The other students left, and Ellen and I followed Saviolin Turner to an unknown destination.

-Knock knock

"Your Majesty, I have brought the two of them."



Saviolin Turner looked at Ellen and me.

"I trust you two to behave."



She seemed concerned about me, knowing my true nature, but not so much about Ellen.

As if I would lose my mind in front of the Emperor.

When Saviolin Turner opened the door, the tall ceiling and walls filled with books caught my eye.

And in front of a wooden table near the window, the Emperor sat on a chair, backlit.

The Emperor's office, or perhaps a library.

It seemed like that kind of place.

On a nearby armchair, the cloak, scepter, and crown he had been wearing were placed. He probably wouldn't wear them when not attending official events since they were cumbersome.

Though made from fine materials, his clothing was not ostentatious.

Nelliod de Gardias, without the cloak, scepter, and crown, gave off the impression of a scholar.


"Come closer. You don't need to kneel."

Following his command, Ellen and I took a few steps closer to the Emperor.

The Emperor looked at us.

"How much do you two know about each other?"

It was an unexpected question, but I knew what he was getting at.

Ellen was hiding the fact that she was the younger sister of Artorius.

I, too, was concealing that I was the master of Tiamata.

His Majesty must be asking if we know each other. If not, it must be to protect our secret.

"Though there's much we don't know, we know each other well enough," Ellen spoke before I could say anything.

Though there's much we don't know, we know each other well enough.

Her words seemed to dig deep into my heart.

"That makes things easier. Good."

The Emperor gazed at us in silence.

"As the Emperor of the Empire, it is an honor to meet the Champion of Tu’an and the Apostle of Mencius."

At his words, we couldn't help but be taken aback. The Emperor stood up and quietly looked out the window.

"The gods do not choose Champions meaninglessly."

Whether he was a believer in the Five Great Gods, we couldn't tell.

However, he couldn't deny the existence of the gods, so he must be speaking of the divine providence itself.

"Champions have always had their roles, and as long as there are situations in the world that require them, the artifacts and Champions will exist."



"Ellen Artorius."


"The Alsebringer is in the possession of the Empire."

The sword of the War God Alsebringer was a memento from Ellen's older brother.

"I figured as much."

As if it wasn't surprising, Ellen simply nodded.

"If the Alsebringer chooses a Champion, there will be owners of three out of the five divine artifacts in the world."

Three artifacts have appeared in the world. Two have already chosen their Champions, and the location of Alsebringer is certain.

"During the Great Demon War, only two artifacts were in the world: Alsebringer wielded by Ragan Artorius and Lament. Moreover, only Alsebringer was actually used."

The Emperor continued gazing out the window.

"Now that the Great Demon War has ended, an additional artifact has appeared. What do you think that implies?"

"Does it mean more dangerous events are on the horizon?"


Ellen responded to the Emperor's words.

The gods don't let artifacts wander the world carelessly.

Even in the Great Demon War, humanity's greatest crisis, only two artifacts appeared. Now, there's one more.

The Emperor seemed to interpret this as a bad omen for humanity's fate.

But that's a misunderstanding.

The Five Great Gods are not solely gods for humans. It seemed clear that even the Emperor couldn't break free from such prejudice.

The Emperor turned to face Ellen and me.

"You must be aware of the recent rumors disturbing the Imperial capital."

"Yes, Your Majesty."


"About twenty elite Holy Knights, including the former Holy Knight Commander Riverrier Lanze, were killed by an unidentified group of demons. All of them were war heroes who had performed admirably during the Great Demon War."

Although this was already public knowledge, hearing the story from the Emperor's mouth felt novel.

Especially from the perspective of the mastermind behind the incident.

“Although this might simply be the work of remnants of the demon race, the royal family has taken the worst-case scenario into consideration."


"It could be that the Demon King is not dead, or there might be a successor."

Ellen seemed tense and swallowed hard at those words.

The Demon King.

To Ellen, that name was inextricably linked to her destiny.

Being the younger sister of the hero and born with an even greater talent than Ragan Artorius, Ellen had always been aware of the expectations placed upon her to become a hero.

"You all possess sacred relics and are highly valuable talents. But you are still young."

Although they had the qualities to become heroes, they were still mere sprouts, not yet ready.

"But when the time comes, are you prepared to face the Demon King in battle?"

The emperor's question was met with silence from both Ellen and me.

We couldn't say no.

However, Ellen had said that she didn't want to live a life where she had to save the world with her own life.

She had resolved not to make the same choice her brother had.

At the same time, she had risked her life to prevent innocent people from dying in Darkland.

Ellen had changed since the beginning of the semester.

"If the Demon King desires the annihilation of humanity, if their goal is to destroy everything I love......"

Ellen spoke calmly.

"Yes, I will fight the Demon King."

Unlike the original story, Ellen had created many precious things in her life.

She had risked her life for the world even when she had nothing, but now the meaning was different.

If the Demon King's goal was to destroy everything in humanity, she would kill the Demon King.

That was what Ellen said.

The emperor then looked at me.

"I feel the same way."

It wasn't about killing the Demon King.

I was prepared to fight for that purpose, and I was already fighting. The emperor, in the end, gave a firm nod to Ellen and me, who gave different reasons but the same answer.

"Thank you."

The words of gratitude from the emperor's lips were somehow surprising.

"From now on, the empire promises to provide you with the utmost protection and cooperation."

To the emperor, we were weapons to defeat the Demon King. Therefore, he promised not only the protection as Temple students but also unlimited cooperation from the empire until we became stronger.

Unaware that the subject of their cooperation was the very Demon King they were desperately seeking.

"And, Reinhardt."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The emperor's eyes revealed a slightly different emotion this time.

It was a more emotional gaze than before when discussing the future of the empire and humanity.

"Thank you for saving my daughter."

A feeling that could be called paternal love.


Naturally, Ellen tilted her head, not understanding what he meant.

After exchanging those words with the emperor, Ellen and I left the imperial palace under the guidance of the imperial guards.

The emperor spoke to Ellen first, then to me.

"Before long, there might be something you'll need to do for Charlotte."

"...Is that so?"

"I'm not certain what it is yet, but can you do it?"

The answer was predetermined.


"...Thank you, Reinhardt."

There was a deep, unexpected resonance in the emperor's genuine gratitude.

Something to do for Charlotte.

What that was, I didn't know.

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But if it was for Charlotte, it had to be done.

Of course, that was only an aside; the emperor's true request was something else.

In this situation, where the Demon King might have reincarnated, the emperor decided that my safety and that of Ellen Artorious, both of us possessing relics, should be of the utmost importance in the empire.

In return for pledging our lives to the fight against the Demon King later, we were to receive nearly unlimited support from the empire.

Ellen and I each took an item into our possession.

It was the same royal crest we had briefly received from Charlotte.

The emperor personally explained that with this, we were not merely Temple Royal class students, but possessed authority that surpassed even that of most high-ranking nobles.

We could receive treatment nearly equivalent to that of royalty anywhere, and in serious cases, even borrow military forces.

Put simply,

From now on, not only were our Warp Gate usage fees free, but we also had a free pass.

Of course, neither Ellen nor I felt this reality immediately.

"Explain what happened."

Left alone, Ellen asked me directly.

I had no choice but to explain the whole situation to her.

From the incident at the Spring Palace, Charlotte's rampage, to the struggle we had in the Spring Palace with Saviolin Turner.

Upon hearing the dates, Ellen seemed to recall the days I hadn't returned to the Temple and realized when it had happened.

"You said you'd never been to the imperial palace."

"...I'm sorry."

"You lied again."

Although I had said I'd never been to the imperial palace today, it was revealed that I had, and even saved Charlotte while talking to the emperor.

"It's just that... it's something no one should hear..."


"It's not that you shouldn't hear it... It's just that, well, there were others too."

Ellen reluctantly nodded her head.

"Right, it's not your problem, but Charlotte's. It must have been difficult to tell me because... it's the royal family's secret."

Ellen lifted her head as if convinced. It was a matter I couldn't arbitrarily discuss with anyone. Ellen seemed to be pondering something.

She hesitated to say something, then raised her head with a start.

"Can I be upset?"


"It seems like something I shouldn't be upset about, but I'm upset."

"Well, that's... your feelings..."

It's strange that she's seeking permission to be upset.

"Then, I'm upset."

As Ellen said this, her lips began to pout slightly.

"Ah... I'm sorry..."

"You always just say sorry."

Grumbling, Ellen kicked a stray rock rolling around.

"I want to hear something else."

Ellen didn't specify what that something else was. Just when I thought she was changing the subject, she turned her head.

She stared intently at the main entrance of the imperial palace, Emperatos, behind us. Then she carefully took out the royal crest she had received from the emperor.

"He said we're now treated almost like royalty, right?"

"We're not actual royalty, but... yes, he did say that."

"So, can we just go in there?"

Ellen tilted her head.

"Well...? It shouldn't be impossible, should it?"

The statement about being treated almost like royalty wasn't something the emperor would say carelessly.

The emperor considered us as weapons to fight the Demon King in the future. As champions who pledged their lives to the fight against the Demon King, he decided to provide us with the utmost protection and treatment until we become strong.

Ellen stared blankly at the entrance of the imperial palace.

I wasn't sure why she was curious about that.

"Let's go back."

Ellen began to stride away.

Not towards the Temple.

"Should we use the Gate?"

"Yeah, we're allowed to, right?"

Ellen was heading towards the Warp Gate.

It seemed I wasn't the only one thinking of this as some sort of Warp Gate high-pass ticket.

If you think about it, the most frequent benefit we would use from being treated almost like royalty would be the priority access to the Warp Gate.

It may seem insignificant, but to me, it felt like an enormous privilege.


Even Charlotte, who is actual royalty, travels using the magic train in the imperial capital.

Isn't it a bit of a nuisance for us to use the Warp Gate so casually?

Of course, even with that thought in mind, I followed Ellen, who was striding towards the Warp Gate.

If we can use it, then we should use it – that's just how it is.

Her reassuring back conveyed that attitude.