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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 70 - Crazy
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In what felt like the blink of an eye, the remaining exam time passed.

Once the exam was up, even more examinees failed to pass. And this time, all examinees were left with either slight trauma or severe impact on their mental psyche.

While no one went so far as to fall into a coma, these examinees would surely have their future cultivation majorly affected.

And with Crimson Sea Academy prestige, these examinees could only blame their lack of ability.

As Cain looked over the current competition, he counted there were now thirty examinees left. This number was exceedingly low compared to the hundreds of youths that were initially here for the exam.

In Lower Realms, the disparity of Martial Talent is colossally high.

When Cain glanced over the competition, he noticed that none of them appeared to come from ordinary or even low-class level backgrounds.

Each of them had some sort of rich symbol to signify they at least came from a mid-class level background or higher.

These talents were all the utmost pride of their class-level family. And yet, they all couldn't feel genuine excitement over their results.

The disparity felt by Cain and Kali was simply too significant. This instilled many of these family talents with a mix of admiration, envy, and even slight hostility.

Still, nobody was daring enough like Zhao Tan to try and provoke the sibling duo. They all couldn't place their fingers on it. But a faint ominous feeling permeating from Kali dissuades them from wanting to involve themselves with the sibling duo.

Once the Martial Heart exam was over, Elder Mo led everyone towards the final part of the exam.

Elder Mo took a different direction within the massive courtyard, going in the complete opposite direction as the Illusion platform.

The large group only had to walk for around a few minutes until arriving at the final part of the entrance exam.

Elder Mo stopped in front of an extensively tall pavilion that was six stories high into the skies, and next to it was a black metal battle platform.

'Hm? So this is what a pavilion looks like, huh? It's quite mystical looking….'

Cain remarked with slight admiration. Staring up close at the six-story pavilion gave him a mystical feel about it.

Running along the pavilion's surface were exotic-looking pattern symbols that appeared to be from some sort of ancient tongue.

Gazing intently into these symbols, Cain felt like he could see them slowly moving on their own.

This filled Cain with a sense of wonder on how these cultivators and World Spirit Force Masters could create such intricate places like this.

On the other hand, the battle platform didn't look anything special. It was a simple design, obviously used for combat between youths.

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As Cain checked around the scenery, Elder Mo suddenly turned around to address the remaining examinees.

His indifferent gaze swept past them all, only stopping on Cain and Kali's form for a split second. Even now, those two exuded a strange feeling within his gut. It's like they were truly different from all other humans.

Suppressing all of his other thoughts, Elder Mo began to explain the final part of the exam.

"This final part will be a challenge even greater than the Illusion platform. You all will have two options. One is two take on the Pavilion challenge in which you will face numerous spiritual vicious beasts for six levels. To pass, you must at least beat the third level. Your other option is to directly challenge our Crimson Sea Academy students."

"Challenging the students??"

"Is there anyone daring enough to even think of that?"

The examinees couldn't suppress their disbelief reactions.

Fighting the prestigious students who all have rich backgrounds?

That's undoubtedly an impossibility!

These students' combat prowess is simply unfathomable towards anyone outside of the Academy. This was the absolute advantage these Sect-like organizations possess.

The cultivation manuals, martial skills, training environment, and weapons were all at a standard not even High-Class level Families could possibly achieve!

Therefore, no matter how potentially talented you are, it is impossible to compare with youths who have numerous superior advantages.

Choosing this option just seemed like a chance to bring great embarrassment upon oneself.

Not even Zhao Tan, Zhao Li, or Zhun Yi held that kind of confidence to go against Academy students.

Their arrogance was founded, but they clearly know their limits. In their minds, they were already making plans on how to achieve the peak results within the challenge pavilion.

"Heh, as expected. No matter their results, these kids aren't that foolish enough to lose their heads to challenge us."

"I mean, I don't blame them at all. Even our Senior brothers and sisters, who all have great talent, simply took the pavilion test. Although….do you think those two would?"

As one Crimson Sea Academy student brought it up, the others shot their gazes straight onto the sibling duo.

For only a moment, they considered the possibility of either Cain and Kali taking up the mantle.

Everyone could still clearly recall the dense pressure the sibling duo's Nascent Qi had emitted. Honestly, it is comparable to other genius students within the Academy.

Such a feat is worthy enough of great praise. But despite this, the Crimson Sea Academy still held their utmost confidence.

They all promptly squashed the idea that Cain and Kali could challenge them as of now.

"No matter the potential they show now, these two are still far lacking compared to us. They have no great manuals, martial skills, or even a decent weapon! It is simply impossible to compare to us as of now."

"Mn, but I do think they can score very high in the challenge pavilion. Their talent seems much better suited for that."

Discussions broke between students, wondering if Cain and Kali could reach the top. Everyone already tossed the possibility of getting challenged out of their heads.

And at this moment, Elder Mo's eyes sparkled with a slight mysterious glint. "One last note. If you so choose to challenge a student, the rewards would be far greater than the pavilion challenge. You would even be able to obtain your own private space if you win. However, if you lose, you will fail the whole exam and must leave."

"Lose and fail?? Definitely not crazy enough for that." Instead of becoming pumped up, the other examinees sucked in a cold breath.

Failing the exam this way was even more humiliating than the first two-part!

In that instance, Zhao Tan cast a cold gaze over at Cain and Kali. His lips curled in mocking disdain, seeing that their expression didn't particularly look confident, only indifferent.

'Of course, their arrogance isn't that high.'

"In this part, this is were all of our differences will show. No matter what, the prowess of a High class-level family is superior to all common worms. Tricks won't matter here." His voice came out as highly vicious as he openly provoked Cain and Kali.

At this moment, he even forgot about Kali threatening him with just a mere gaze. His confidence in his prowess squashed any of his previous tensions.

As the surrounding students and examinees heard the overt hostility within Zhao Tan's tone, they all turned quiet, curious to see how this feud would develop.

And promptly after Zhao Tan spoke up, a new voice decided to cut into the fray.

"Indeed. Really, who knows? Whatever cheap tactics you possibly used before certainly won't matter in a test of true skills."

Zhun Yi's tone dipped to freezing temperatures as she joined in hurling insults at the sibling duo.

Now that it comes to this, she could no longer suppress the frustration in her heart. This final test was a perfect gateway to vent every little unwillingness smoldering within her chest.

With jeers hurled at them and all eyes on them, everyone else thought Cain and Kali would surely respond or show some sort of reaction.

However, contrary to all expectations, the sibling duo didn't even spare one glance at either Zhao Tan or Zhun Yi.

In the instance Zhun Yi finished talking, Kali kept her sights squarely on Elder Mo and spoke in a loud, confident voice.

"Senior, I will like to challenge a student."

And all hell broke loose within the crowd.

"Is this girl serious?! Did she really fall for a trick like that?!"

"Crazy….she too confident for her own good. Now she's going to pay the price."

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"To think the situation would develop this way for us? This would be amusing for a short moment."

Students' and examinees' reactions mixed in with each other, causing a storm of noise.

And even with so many reactions, there wasn't a single person who honestly believed Kali could achieve a magical victory over a trained student.

This disparity was simply impossible to overcome.

In contrast to all reactions, Elder Mo went silent for a moment. He cast a deep, unreadable expression towards Kali. Then a second later, he nodded towards her.

"Tch. Truly pathetic." Zhao Tan and Zhun Yi's disdain only increased.

Internally, they were also rejoicing to see this no-name reject get crushed and humiliated in front of everyone.

It only serves her right for ever thinking she could possibly make some kind of miracle. Very soon, she will know the true horrors of a Martial cultivator life!

Kali, however, paid no attention to all other talks. Instead, she threw Cain a knowing smirk before jumping right onto the battle platform.

Upon touching down, Kali spoke up again before Elder Mo had a chance to call down a student.

"Oh, and one more request Senior. Would it be possible if I could face a student at the sixth level? This is a challenge after all."

There simply wasn't any nerves or tension within Kali's tone. Only complete and utter confidence.

"Di-did I just hear that, right?!?"

Students and examinees all jumped in utter disbelief. They nearly thought their ears failed them, but that look on Kali's face showed she wasn't joking at all.

"This arrogant girl really wants to face someone above her level? Hah! She must really want to invite disaster upon herself!"

"Truly too shameless! Thinking her talent could perform miracles like that? Something like this isn't even worth our time!"

Students and examinees didn't even believe Kali could beat a student within her same level.

And now she actually wants to face someone higher?

She's virtually asking to get her ass slapped seven ways from Sunday!

Combat prowess exceeding one's level, no matter how small, is something reserved for only authentic geniuses! Not some randy who only showcased promising potential.

Amidst all jeers and disdain, Elder Mo never took his gaze off from Kali. Now, the faint premonition in his heart grew tenfolds.

If he were to let a student fight, something unbelievable might occur.

Elder Mo couldn't say what or if this feeling was even a good judgment call. But no matter what, he must follow the Academy rules. He makes the final shot, not anyone else.

So with a slow nod, Elder Mo opened his mouth to say, "There are no rules against this.. Inner student Zak, come down and fight Kali."