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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 530 A New Stage
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The power of a Primal Soverigen grandmaster surpasses all realms of comprehension. They will quite literally evolve into a higher form of existence!

Even Cain couldn't deny a longing feeling while staring at and feeling the breath of the Great Dao.

At this time, the Supreme Elders didn't yet address the crowds.

Elder Qi and Que had difficult expressions while facing Elder Xi. In a peaceful tone without the slightest hint of aggressiveness, Elder Que said, "Elder Xi, every single one of us doesn't want to miss out on this event. We simply ask for fairness, that's all."

Neither Elder wanted to have a disagreement. They posed themselves in a weaker position, showcasing a benevolent personality.

This didn't manage to move Elder Xi, however. Her lips even began to curl with slight disdain. Her gaze swept over the Elders and then seemingly pierced into the distant void. She could see and sense what others can't.

Despite knowing the other hidden parties that arrived, Elder Xi didn't change her poise at all. She simply said, "Naturally, when concerning any other matters, I won't bother at all. You should all know how hard it is to move my mind. But if there is something that can do it, I will be supported no matter what. Is that clear?"

A faint pulse rippled from Elder Xi's body when she finished speaking.

Nearly everyone else couldn't detect the pulse. Only Cain, with his Chaos Sense, suddenly perceived a terrifying release of power. He kept his expression neutral but had to hurriedly recall his Chaos Sense into the depths of his Spiritual Sea.

Just sensing that ripple of a pulse gave Cain the imminent feeling of death!

At the same time, Elder Qi and Elder Que's expression paled a bit. They attempted to keep a calm facade. But their palms became sweaty as they silently clenched down on it.

Before they completely lost their facade, the pulse had vanished, as if it had never existed.

Elder Qi and Que internally sighed. A multitude of emotions swelled through them. They nearly let a sliver of what they felt leak through. But, they couldn't lose themselves at this moment.

Elder Qi hurriedly suppressed all distracting sensations and took one look at Cain and Amber. He slowly said, "Since Elder Xi is so adamant about it, then it's fine. But shouldn't you let them have their own opinion?"

"Indeed, I should." Elder Xi promptly spoke up before Elder Que could.

Her gaze directly matched Cain's. Any disdain or superior presence had suddenly vanished from Elder Xi. The smile she gave seemed purer than the sun.

She calmly asked, "So? What do you two think of this situation? Are you willing to come under my wing?"

The moment Elder Xi asked, many held their breaths in burning anticipation.

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This would be a deciding moment for Cain and Amber! Though they were able to work towards a good life already in the Holy Land, becoming Elder Xi's disciples would forever change their status!

They wouldn't even have to fear Divine Decree Lords!

The only concern, if one could even call it a concern, was Elder Xi's enigmatic and overbearing personality. One wouldn't be able to predict how training would go under this unfathomable expert. However, this unpredictable trait would barely matter in the grand scheme of things.

And to everyone's expectations, Cain and Amber didn't go off script. They traded just one brief glance before smiling. They simultaneously bowed and calmly said, "We would be honored to be your disciples."

"Excellent." Elder Xi's tone was still calm, but there was a noticeable trace of joy in her eyes. She then turned over to Elder Qi and Que, wearing a smile that also wasn't a smile.

"Well? Is there anything more you would like to say?"

Whatever plans or words the other Elders had were caught in their throats. They took a deep, long look at Elder Xi. Emotions continued to rise through their eyes until they suddenly became serenely calm.

Elder Qi plainly said, "Since it has been decided, then there's no more reason for us to stay anymore."

As he finished speaking, Elder Qi's body quickly blur from everyone's eyes.

Elder Que didn't bother staying behind, vanishing without another word.

Several other Breath of the Great Dao's existences similarly vanished from the Void Space.

The moment it was decided, the surrounding audience couldn't contain themselves. They had just witnessed the birth of who would most likely be the most extreme direct disciples in Cloudsea's history!

Elder Heng looked at the scene with a mixed expression. She soon quietly sighed, muttering, "Though I had a feeling this would happen, I still underestimated just how domineering Supreme Elder Xi is. Elder Que stood no chance..."

The same befuddled expression also appeared on Elder Hon's face. He even had a faint ominous premonition about the days to come.

'Perhaps Wen Shao underestimated these two, even at this point. I can't predict just how much they will grow now...'

Above the sky platform, Elder Xi swept her gaze throughout the entire area. Everything for hundreds of miles was captured in her vision. Her expression turned indifferent as she announced to everyone, "With this, the selection competition is over. Lee and Xun managed to obtain all of the golden cores, thus completely securing their spots over all others. From this day forth, Lee and Xun are my disciples."

As she finished speaking, Elder Xi snapped her fingers. The mere release of her fingers unleashed an invisible energy force that covered the entire area.

Everyone but Cain and Amber were engulfed by this energy force.

Nobody even knew what was happening. The next moment they blinked their eyes, the sensation of space had twisted and pulled them out of the area!

Cain and Amber froze in genuine shock. Their Divine Senses scanned around, only to detect there was nobody else but them and Elder Xi in the whole area!

With a snap of her fingers, Elder Xi can decide the fate of thousands of powerful Divine realm experts. And these weren't ordinary Divine realm experts. But ones who are elite among the elites!

Yet, all of that didn't matter in the face of Primal Sovereign powers.

The duo felt a tingle from their soul nucleus and Divine Wills. This kind of power seemed so outrageous. Like a fantasy that couldn't possibly exist.

To most other cultivators, this kind of power would be unattainable, just a simple fantasy to play out in their minds.

But to Cain and Amber, a huge fire of motivation ignited within their minds. The things they could do with that kind of power fully flamed their greedy side.

Seeing the determined gazes of both Cain and Amber caused Elder Xi to smile with satisfaction. Everything about the duo was what she hoped for, and then some more.

Waving her hand, Elder Xi covered the duo in an invisible energy force. Her tone was seemingly grand as she said, "Come. I'll show you two to your better future."


The next day quickly came. Cloudsea Holy Land was still in a state of uproar. One battle recording ring made countless disciples shiver and even made Elders furrow their brows.

Even in Holy intelligence networks, this recording ring gained immense traction.

That recording was of Cain and Amber causally suppressing half-step Divine Rules and peak Stage Divine Star disciples at the same time!

Their reputation took a tremendous leap after this recording ring. Amplifying this news was the fact that it's official news that the duo is now the disciples of one of the strongest Supreme Elders of Cloudsea!

At this point, many started to genuinely believe the duo will not only become Divine Decree Lords. But Lords who will reach the very apex of the ranking list!

Even Holy King Elders believed the duo has a high chance of making it very far among the Divine Decree Lords.

The sense of disparity the duo exuded made some of the top-ranking core disciples feel completely helpless.

No matter what they do, there wasn't a single chance for them to even step into either Cain or Amber's shadows.

While other core disciples used the disparity Cain and Amber exuded as their fiery motivation!

Xu Tao, Hu Wen, Tao Ju, and even Sun Wei and Jin Bo hardened their training after yesterday's events. They became that more determined to reach the Divine Ruler realm.

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Xu Tao and Hu Wen even started to adopt the crazy practice of letting their bodies get struck by the Lightning Law Field's lightning strikes to temper their comprehension.

There were also Spirit Master disciples who took Cain and Amber's disparity as wonderment to fuel their determination.

Gi Zuo had completely stepped up his Spirit meditation. He knew how far Amber was from him, but still desired to one day reach the sliver of strength that she has.

As for Jin Ya, she became much calmer in her training. The enlightenments of the previous day had yet to be fully digested by her.

The more she analyzed every sensation felt that day, the more Jin Ya's Spiritual Sea perception abilities grew. Her combat prowess and cultivation base were taking steady leaps forwards.

With how well Jin Ya had performed, there was also a noticeable amount of attention on her. Not many were willing to provoke in her the first place because of her connection with Cain.

Now, they were unwilling to provoke her simply because of her current strength and future potential.

Jin Ya didn't care about basking in glory. She ignored all social interactions if she could, focusing specifically on herself.


Through several transmission arrays, one can venture deep within Cloudsea Holy Land.

Beyond the general area, beyond the training areas, beyond the genius living quarters, there exists an area that held the best Divine Essence and Dao environment.

Here, there was an endless amount of cloud runes, each rippling out profound energy principles of both the Heaven and Earth and World Source Laws.

Cultivating here would increase anyone's speed by at least four times!

​ This wonderful area was split into several sections. One of these sections contained an ordinary-looking house that was covered in an ample amount of Dao runes.

Inside the courtyard of the house sat two ordinary-looking youths. But though they looked nothing special, the natural auras they released during their cultivation intensely vibrated the air. It was on the verge of collapsing space.

At the center of the duo's forehead was a beautiful, black Dragon rune marking. Trickles of black electricity flowed from the Dragon rune and their bodies.

These two were, of course, Cain and Amber. They were currently basking in the benefits of being a direct disciple.

After one night of cultivating, Cain had reached peak Late Stage of the Great Divine Sea realm and Amber was similarly close to reaching Late Stage!

Their Dao Core Fragments dimmed once again, but the speed at which they improved still left the duo satisfied.

Contrary to what they expected, Elder Xi actually gave them a day to get accustomed to their new place. The duo didn't take long to adapt, propelling their cultivation another step forward.

At this time, Cain and Amber simultaneously opened their eyes. The black Dragon rune markings cleared away as they slowly stood up.