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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 522 Direct Disciple
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Only through being recognized by a Supreme Elder way can a Holy Land disciple's life completely change. Their status would near similar levels to that of a Divine Decree Lord. Moreover, their base combat prowess would naturally be extremely high and their future potential will be immense.

It was essentially a gateway to a high class of Holy Land life.

But of course, gaining this position is tremendously difficult. Not only does one need to outperform other top-tier geniuses, but they also need to prove themselves worthy to the Supreme Elders.

The Supreme Elders are all Primal Soverigen grandmasters. Their personalities are unpredictable and enigmatic. What could impress Holy King Elders wouldn't be able to make a single wave in a Supreme Elder's mind.

Thus, every disciple knew they would need to bring their absolute best. There couldn't be any slouches, or they would miss out on this chance for a long time.

At this time, at the top of the genius living quarters, Xu Tao and Hu Wen were currently meeting up.

They sat around a table that held a light blue-color ring. This ring shimmered with a beautiful energy glow that sizzled with sparks of electricity.

Xu Tao and Hu Wen had pleased smiles as they study the light's energy principles with their Divine Sense. After a few minutes, the glow dissipated and the young Lightning Lords opened their eyes.

Xu Tao sighed with mixed emotions. "Really, to think we can make such progress all because of Lee? For myself, I estimate I only need around a few more years before being able to attempt to reach the Divine Ruler realm."

Hu Wen's eyes overflowed with light. Her smile turned charming. "And that's where our differences lie. I may not have a stronger combat prowess, but with my bloodline, I only need 2 more years before attempting the Divine Ruler realm! But like you said, without Lee, I doubted I would have such confidence to try in 10 years."

For so many years, Xu Tao and Hu Wen never felt such confidence. Their Inner World foundation has massively deepened because of their new formations of higher complex Law energy principles.

They were able to convert a large number of their original energy principles. All these new energy principles significantly improved the space structure of their Inner World and overall prowess.

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It was to a point where the duo now have confidence in challenging the higher rank core disciples and winning!

The deeper Inner World foundation had, of course, meant their Spiritual Sea's perception abilities greatly broadened. They came to a new fundamental understanding of Source Laws and the Heaven and Earth by simply gaining higher complex Law energy principles.

What would've been practically impossible for them in the past was now made into a reality. Even for how prideful and haughty Xu Tao and Hu Wen were, they felt genuinely grateful to Cain.

At this moment, Xu Tao had an easy expression when saying, "The direct disciple selection competition is only a few days away. I can say for sure that Lee is going to be picked. While Xun never showed frightening Martial prowess, it's very likely for her to be picked simply because of her Spirit energy. I wonder just how much of a disparity there will be when Lee shows off."

Hu Wen giggled with joy. "I will admit, seeing people like Sun Wei or Jin Bo get so ruthlessly suppressed will be an absolute show to watch. And...Oh?"

Before she could continue talking, a pulse of a Divine Aura stirred her and Xu Tao's Divine Sense.

This Divine Aura felt incredibly familiar to them, which caused their expressions to slightly darken.

Hu Wen's brows creased as she said, "This guy? Seriously? Out of them all, he really acts the most lawless!"

"His master equally acts without boundary. How troublesome...but since he's here, let's not delay matters." Xu Tao sighed with resignation.

He and Hu Wen flashed towards the house courtyard and Xu Tao took out his house ring, igniting it with his soul energy.

As the defenses of the royal house opened up, a flash of white instantly streaked into their courtyard.

A handsome young man silently landed. His presence was unfathomably strange. It simultaneously stirred the atmosphere but didn't ripple with extreme power.

Almost as if with every action this man took, he can just slightly stimulate the natural World Source Laws of the current environment. His pressure wasn't overbearing but was still all-encompassing.

Hu Wen and Xu Tao furrowed their brows as they surged their soul energy to calm themselves down and resist this man's natural presence.

Thankfully, after all of their new achievements, they were a step closer to understanding the principles behind this man's overflowing power. What they can understand allowed them to more easily resist him.

The man in question seemed as if he had a royal spirit inhabiting his soul. Such a bearing made him seem like he was natural above most other beings in the entire universe.

This was the bearing of a Divine Ruler genius, a Supreme Elder's direct disciple!

This direct disciple smiled with amusement as he watched Xu Tao and Hu Wen fly over.

Instead of showing revere or fear, Xu Tao and Hu Wen stayed completely calm.

Hu Wen had even softly snorted at the direct disciple. "Senior Martial Brother Han. Let's not dance around each other like we usually do. Just what is it that you want? We have to prepare for the selection competition in a few days, you know."

Staying silent, Xu Tao also gave his tactical agreement.

Senior Martial Brother Han appeared a bit surprised. His brows raised as he spoke with a smile. "Becoming far bolder these days, hm? Is it because of your time with that Emperor Tier genius?"

It wasn't overt, but there was some tone of disdain within Senior Martial Brother Han's voice.

Hearing this only made Xu Tao and Hu Wen give a slightly bewildered glance.

"What? Do you actually believe someone like Lee isn't worth your time? Do I need to remind you he's only at Late Great Divine Sea and is already so powerful? In the same realm, can you even imagine how much more terrifying he will be?"

Xu Tao factually spoke. This wasn't personal feelings, but simply stating what is known.

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Senior Martial Brother Han, however, didn't change his poise. He simply gave a causal wave. "I know full well of their future and limits. If they were in the half-step Divine Ruler realm, I would feel a bit more serious about them. But that's not the case now. And this is what I wanted to discuss with you two. I simply want you two to pass on a word of advice. They should learn to fit into the mold if they desire to become direct disciples. If they can, we can avoid so many potential problems."

"Fit the mold?" Xu Tao and Hu Wen furrowed their brows.

Hu Wen continues to say, "Never heard this from you before. So you also believe they will surpass the competition and be selected. And this, 'fitting the mold' is just because you all wanted them to understand their place, huh? Isn't that quite arrogant?"

"And so what if it is?" Senior Martial Brother Han casually shrugged. "The chasm between Divine Ruler and everyone else is simply unfathomable. No amount of talent or future potential can bridge this. They're certainly not any Divine Decree Lords or Divine Mortals. Besides, it's not like we all want to be hostile toward those two. I simply believe if those two can show restraint, we all can benefit from each other far better."

Xu Tao and Hu Wen stayed silent for a moment. Neither of them believed in this seeming action of peace at all.

Divine Rulers are the high-class of the God Galaxy society. Even if they are the lowest among the high class, they are still superior to every other being in the universe.

It was only natural that most Divine Rulers don't take those with lower cultivation bases as serious threats.

In Senior Martial Brother Han and most likely the majority of the direct disciple eyes, Cain and Amber were simply too haughty for their own good.

Xu Tao and Hu Wen would be inclined to believe this in the past. But after weeks of training with Cain, their thoughts had dramatically shifted.

Xu Tao honestly asked, "And? What if they still choose to keep their current attitudes."

Senior Martial Brother Han gave the young Lightning Lords a slow look over. Very subtly, but enough to make Xu Tao and Hu Wen shiver, Senior Martial Brother Han's presence turned a bit eerie.

He turned around and spoke without looking back. "If that's the case, then so be it. It would be good for everyone to learn lessons, right? Martial brother Zui or Martial sister Ran can appropriately teach them, and then we can build a greater bridge for stronger cooperation. I hope you can convince those two otherwise. But either way, it's only a causal problem for us."

Senior Martial Brother Han didn't wait for the duo's reply. He already turned into a streak of white light that tore through the skies.

Silently, Xu Tao and Hu Wen traded looks. A mix of concern and confusion swirled on their faces.

Xu Tao said first, "You know what I'm thinking, right? The chasm between the lower realms and the Divine Ruler should be near impossible to cross. Only Divine Mortals can cross it. But with what we saw and experienced with Lee..."

"I know." Hu Wen solemnly nodded. "What should be impossible may really be possible for him. If it really is possible, just how much would their status change?"

Thinking on it for a moment, several possibilities ran through Xu Tao's mind. His eyes flickered while saying, "It would be too shocking if Lee can do it with only his own powers. But, even if he uses Quasi-Saint weapons to breach the gap, it will still be terrifying. In any case, our Holy Land is about to be shaken up again."