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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 516 In Mere Seconds
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The Nether Ice Spirit wanted to quickly react. It wanted to back far away from Amber as possible.

However, when wanting to act, the Nether Ice Spirit suddenly felt all of its thoughts considerably slow down.

The surge of its Ice essence energy slowed by a tremendous amount, almost to a snail-like crawl. Its reaction speed and movements nearly became ineligible.

This was different from space being locked from a powerful attack. The Nether Ice Spirit genuinely felt as if the whole world had slowed down for him!

As horror flowed through the Nether Ice Spirit, its vision was suddenly engulfed with piercing red lights.

The Red Noble Staff burst out several lines of Red Spider Web energy.

The movement of the Spirit Spider Webs was peculiar. It went fast and slow at the same time. As if it could cover the entire space and instantaneously appear in front of the Nether Ice Spirit all at once.

Even more Spirit energy Law principles pulsated out from each Spirit Web. Everything superimposed on top of each other, creating a far more powerful range of effects.

When the Nether Ice Spirit blinked its eyes, the Spirit Webs were right in front of its face!

In that moment, the Nether Ice Spirit experienced a violent surge. It definitely roars as Ice essence energy spread across its body!

With what little power it could scrounger up, it desperately tried to resist the Spirit Webs. However, the rate Ice essence energy moved, even with the Spirit burning a power similar to blood essence, was still far too slow. It only managed to cover larger chunks of its body.

The energy principles exuding from the Ice essence energy also weren't enough to fend off the Spirit Webs. In fact, the Ice chunks intensely vibrated when the Spirit Webs neared.

Overwhelming Spirit energy principles surpassed its density and complexity, suppressing the Ice essence energy on a fundamental level.

With ease, the Spirit Webs wrapped all over the Nether Ice Spirit. Spirit energy drilled into its body, further exuding an immense suppression upon the Nether Ice Spirit.

The Nether Ice Spirit could only struggle for a brief moment before becoming deathly silent. Its vicious face was fraught with utter horror.

In only one move, Amber completely suppressed a half-step Divine Ruler!

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Jin Ya was completely surprised and in awe. She intently stared at Amber's calm form, thinking to herself, 'Her energy principles and Spirit Aura...they're all so powerful! She rarely fights and only immerses herself in Spirit meditation. Who knew she's almost as terrifying as Lee!'

Amber's reputation in the Holy Land and even in the Zhou Family manor came from her versatile Spirit energy arts. Because she rarely used forceful means or the Martial Way, many believed her to be a better talent in Spirit energy.

Nobody would doubt her prowess, but they didn't believe it was as great as Cain's.

But after this battle, Jin Ya became fully aware of just how terrifying Amber could be if she wanted to be.

Given that bored look on her face, it didn't even appear she was utilizing her full power!

Jin Ya just had to take a cold, deep breath. Her Divine Sense refocused, instantly detecting vastly powerful auras rippling from Cain's side of the battle.

At this time, Cain causally faced off against two half-step Divine Rulers.

His speed was fast, far too fast! He was a mere blur in the eyes of both Nether Ice Spirit clones!

Pitch black light swirling with Draconic Lightning surged around the Dragon Swift Sword.

Overwhelming energy principles from both the weapon and Cain's Inner World encompassed the entire area.

Both Nether Ice Spirits suddenly felt significantly weakened. The force from the combined energy principles taking over the atmosphere completely suppressed their own Ice essence energy.

They would only be able to use 60% of their full power if they could even react!

Using nothing but pure physical force, the power of the Dragon Swift Sword, and his Inner World power, Cain sliced his Dragon Swift Sword straight at one of the Nether Ice Spirit Clones.

The Nether Ice Spirit Clone wanted to desperately react. The horrifying sensation of death felt as if was right near its neck.

But when it could feel anything, a streak of black mixed with blue blinded its vision.

The brutal sound of flesh ripping apart reverberated.

In one clean strike, Cain instantly sliced through the Nether Ice Spirit Clone, perfectly beheading a half-step Divine Ruler!

Despite being a clone, the Nether Ice Spirit could still utilize the original body's full power. That's what gave it an overwhelming edge against all cultivators in the same realm and even made Divine Rulers slightly wary.

But all of that was useless against Cain!

His speed was far too quick. And his combined energy principles from himself and the Dragon Swift Sword were more than enough to tear through Nether Ice Spirit's innate defenses.

​ Even if the Ice Nether Spirit Clone did make use of its power, it would still be far too weak to exchange a single blow.

When the first Nether Ice Spirit Clone was killed, the second ferociously roared in a mix of horror and frustration.

Spikes of Ice essence energy protruded out from its body. The misty frost atmosphere attempted to surge from the Ice Spikes.

However, Cain had already closed in for the kill.

The Nether Ice Spirit started to tremble all over. Complete and utter suppression gripped its entire being like an iron fist!

It simply wasn't possible to overcome Cain's combined energy principles. Simply through the higher complexity of Cain's energy made the Nether Ice Spirit clone completely helpless.


The Dragon Swift Sword was like the grim reaper scythe as it smoothly tore right through the Ice Spikes protruding on the Nether Ice Spirit Clone's body.

Without stopping, the Dragon Swift Sword shredded every Ice Spike to dust and then slashed right through the Nether Ice Spirit Clone's neck.

Its head flew up into the skies, sprawling about a trail of ice-cold blood. At the same time, its corpse and beheaded head smashed to the ground with sickening thumps.

Though Cain slashed their heads off, he still focus his Divine Sense over the clones' corpses. He was a bit surprised to perceive that his two deathly slashes produced enough overwhelming force to the point they completely vaporized their souls.

Even at the half-step Divine Ruler realm, one would still have a ferocious vitality from both body and the soul. If the body isn't dead for long, one would have a chance to revive through the lasting essence of their dissipating souls.

Of course, reviving through this method would tremendously weaken a person's original cultivation as their Inner World would have collapsed and their souls have taken tremendous damage.

But they would have a sliver of hope of cultivating again in the future. Obviously, the Nether Ice Spirit Clones would never get this chance.

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Cain was satisfied that his strikes can potentially wipe out a soul if he was strong enough. It would make everything much less troublesome when wanting to finish an enemy for good.

Sweeping his gaze over, Cain felt invigorated. Not even at full power can he decimate half-step Divine Rulers.

He wasn't completely sure at this point. But Cain had confidence in actually facing full-fledged Divine Rulers without his full power!

Everything relied on his Dragon Swift Sword. Within the Spirit insignia runes of this blade contain energy principles from both Gold World Spirit Master and an Early to Mid Divine Ruler.

The combination of both principles leads to the weapon energy being created in the form of this blade.

Indeed, Cain may not have Supreme Divine Laws or a Dao Origin in his Inner World. But, through comprehension of Quasi-Saint weapon energy, he can harness power genuinely equal to any Gold World Spirit Master or an Early Divine Ruler!

Amplified by Cain's own powerful energies, it wouldn't be suspicious at all if he simply pin everything on the overwhelming might of the Dragon Swift Sword.

Cain looked up from his blade and over at Amber. Sauntering over, Cain gave a little smirk at Amber. "Well, would you look at this? You're starting to become just as crazed as me with this kind of prowess."

"Oh really?" Amber mockingly snorted. "Truthfully, if it's several Perfection Layer Red Spirit Master and with the highest quality Red-Class Spirit Weapons, they can hold off against a half-step Divine Ruler. At the very least, they'll do better than several Peak Stage Divine Star geniuses. Spirit energy is just too versatile."

"Maybe. But you can't deny there's not another Late Layer Spirit Master who can dominate a half-step Divine Ruler in one move." Cain genuinely praised.

Though Amber still waved him off, much to Cain's amusement. In general, Cain found it cute that this little vampire girl always seem to get a bit flustered when compliments came flying from his own mouth.

Amber ignored Cain's smirk and pointed at the trapped Nether Ice Spirit. "So? Are you going to get its core or wait until it dies of exhaustion first?"

Throughout the entire time they spoke, Amber never once looked or felt fatigued. She kept her continuous stream of Spirit Webs with complete ease.

For any other Red-Class World Spirit Master, their Spirit energy reserves would be drained after only a few seconds.

The amount of energy they would need to overpower a stronger foe would be far too taxing, even for a peak talented genius.

Amber, however, had several other means to keep her energy reserves and tremendously empower herself.

From the power of her bloodline, her Inner World, and her Inner Soul Space, each of them is connected to her Inner Spirit World. This three-way connection created a perfect cycle.

The density of Amber's Spirit energy Law principles increased to overwhelming degrees. And the complexity of her Divine Shadow Laws amplifies the complexity of her Spirit Energy Law principles.

All of these factors lead to her easily overpowering a half-step Divine Ruler and indefinitely suppressing the Nether Ice Spirit without any trouble.