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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 513 Diligent Training
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Amber almost took a subconscious step forward. She felt wholly entranced by this sensation.

However, as soon as the sensation came, it instantly vanished.

Amber's eyes jerked up, looking around at them. Everywhere she looked, not a single disciple or wander Elder took notice of them.

It wasn't strange at all for disciples to grasp the gear and give it a small test run. All others simply thought Cain was undergoing a similar process.

Amber turned back over, a glint flashing in her eyes. 'Senior Wei has always said that Dragons aren't exclusive to one family or clan. They are quite sparse across the God Galaxy. It's not impossible to get their hands on some blood. But to make him react so intensely...?'

At this time, Cain's eyes flung wide open. A flash of dark light flickered from his pupils before instantly vanishing.

Cain slowly looked over the stand where the Dragon Sword came from and slowly muttered, "Dragon Swift Sword...alright. This will be perfect for me."

He then turned to Amber, feeling highly amused by the serious, contemplative look in her eyes.

He transmitted to her, 'Believe it or not, but I already mastered 5% of this weapon's energy principles. It's probably what you're thinking. Somehow, whoever made this blade, it can just barely stimulate my bloodline, as if it was a natural calling.'

Amber had to stop herself from exclaiming out in genuine surprise. Her eyes did widen, however. 'Jeez, you know how long it takes for an average genius to comprehend 5% of a Quasi-Saint Weapon? Hell, do you remember how long it took you to master a small portion of the Spiral Sword?'

Just like with Laws, cultivation arts, the Heaven and Earth or Spirit energy, the higher the form of energy it is, the longer it will take to comprehend it.

Quasi-Saint Martial Weapons have a more rigorous standard than most. One would need to comprehend the Gold-level World Spirit Master rune markings and the Divine Ruler origin energy principles that make up the weapon.

In this feat, one could say Cain had instantly comprehended a very small portion of the energy principles of a Divine Ruler!

Even for Cain, Amber found that far too shocking. She calmed herself and continue to say, 'Did that connection to your blood have anything to do with this instantaneous comprehension? I wouldn't be surprised if it did.'

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Cain casually shrugged. 'It had to be something in my bloodline and soul. These two don't react easily, so whatever principles are in this sword is like a natural calling for me. I doubt I will have an easier time comprehending the rest of its energy principles. But at the very least, it's far stronger than my Spiral Sword, even at a 5% state.'

Amber lightly sighed. 'If you say so. Since you chose your weapon, let's hurry up and get mine.'

Keeping it moving was a motto Cain and Amber subconsciously have. Whatever common-sense-breaking thing that occurs would only be expected to happen in their minds.

But of course, the duo didn't want to broadcast what had happened to the world. That would be far too much of a chaotic storm they wouldn't be able to handle.

Not ones to waste time, Cain and Amber quickly shuffled over to the World Spirit Master portion of the treasury palace. They shuffled through the aisle until they came upon the Red-Class section.

Entering it, Amber took the lead in scanning the various Spirit energy gear here.

Amber didn't have a bloodline or soul connection to rely on. However, her Divine Sense was still able to faintly detect which Spirit gear had the most complex Spirit energy Law principles.

Like with Martial items, there was a mix of armor clothing, and offensive weapons.

Amber, of course, went straight for the offensive Spirit Weapons. She sauntered right over to a five-inch, red-colored staff on a stand.

Various Spirit insignia runes were patterned by all the staff. Every rune exuded rippling Spirit energy principles that lower Red-Class Masters would have no chance of understanding.

When Cain saw this staff, he nearly faltered. This staff had an eerily similar appearance to those fantasy mage staff he saw in games in his previous homeworld.

From the base to the tip of the red staff, everything held an intricate design. Along with the Spirit insignia runes, there were also dimly colored jewels decorating the staff.

At the top of the staff was a small, red crystal. Flickers of lights sparsely flashed out of the crystal. Every light held more intense Spirit energy principles than any other spot on the staff.

Cain suddenly had a queer thought. Truthfully, with how varied and magical World Spirit Master are, they are almost like mages.

From all the World Spirit Masters he saw, there has never been one who fights up close. Even battle-orientated World Spirit Masters keep attacks at a safe distance.

'Now all we need is Kali and we'll be a full party again,' Cain mused to himself.

At the same time, Amber had already picked up the red-colored staff. She muttered out loud, "The Red Noble Staff, huh? Yes..."

Amber closed her eyes. Her Spiritual Sea went into over gear as her soul energy sank into the Spirit energy Law principles swirling there.

Compared to Cain, Amber used several minutes for her comprehension. It's still incredible speed when considering all the other geniuses.

Amber slowly opened her eyes, lights of red Spirit energy flickering from her pupils before dissipating.

She transmitted to Cain, 'Not as amazing as you, but I'm confident in reaching combat use after a few days of meditation.'

'Perfect. I wanted to make another breakthrough anyway before taking this mission. Higher cultivation would give us more ease when controlling these weapons,' Cain decided.

With their weapons and plan decided, the duo went on to check out their items.

The Elder overseeing the treasure was an ordinary-looking, middle-aged man. His presence didn't seem real at all. He blended perfectly into the background, which can cause any and everyone to ignore him.

But nobody would dare to do so. As this man was a mighty, Holy King Master!

A Holy King master such as this Elder would rarely show interest in the younger generation. The ones who can wouldn't bother coming here as they already have signature items.

But when the Elder witnessed Cain and Amber coming up, his attention instantly spiked. It surged even more when seeing just which Quasi-Saint weapon Cain chose.

His eyes flickered with a complex light. When the duo reached the stand, the Elder spoke first in an advising tone.

"Martial nephew, are you sure you want to choose this blade? Since you haven't been here long, I'm not sure if you know of its rumors."

"Oh? What rumors? We haven't explored too deeply in the past tales here." Cain expressed genuine interest.

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The Holy King Elder took a long look at the Dragon Swift Sword before saying, "Truthfully, not much is known about the blade itself. It has apparently been around for more than two thousand years. One of our Supreme Elder had one day decided to drop this sword off at the treasury without any explanation. Since then, many disciples came to master this sword. However, they all failed in the end. Even the direct disciples and Divine Decree Lords failed to gain a reasonable hold over it."

This arouses Cain and Amber's interest even more. Especially when considering this Dragon Swift Sword heavily reacted to Cain's bloodline.

Cain curiously asked, "If it's so, then why keep this blade? And just why didn't the Supreme Elder seek to enhance the blade for himself?"

"I am unsure why Supreme Elder never wanted the blade himself. As I said, no other explanations came from him. However, this sword's power truly is terrifying. One of your Eldest Martial brothers used this blade to heavily injure a Fire Star Holy Land's direct disciple to the point of a near death. Moreover, that direct disciple was in Mid Stage Divine Ruler while your Martial brother was just a freshly broken in Early Divine Ruler."

"However, this nearly came at the cost of your Martial brother's life. He could barely afford one move before nearly killing himself. Even when his cultivation increased, it was still impossible to control this sword beyond one move. I hope Martial nephew will take this into consideration." The Holy King Elder explained.

For Cain and Amber, this didn't dissuade them in the slightest. In fact, Cain became greatly excited. A powerful weapon like this will suit him for a long time!

Whether or not the destructive force of this weapon can affect him remains to be seen.

But Cain felt pretty confident. Not only he has Chaos energy, but it also seems to be some sort of connection between his bloodline and this sword.

Thus, Cain displayed an adamant expression as he said, "I thank Elder for the advice. However, I still want to choose this weapon."

As Cain spoke, he already took out Elder Heng's special badge.

When seeing the badge, the Holy King Elder could only sigh. "Then I wish Martial nephew the best of luck."

Cain confidently smiled. Even Amber couldn't hide her intrigue. They know their days ahead are finally going to become much more interesting.


Several weeks have passed since Cain and Amber had received Elder Heng's mission.

The duo underwent their most diligent round of cultivation yet in these several weeks. They focused on purely maximizing their best in their fields for the most efficient results.

Cain barely took any breaks. And even Amber applied herself to serious meditation.

No matter how strong their current prowess is, the duo never wants to be unprepared. They wouldn't be able to regret it if they do.