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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 494 Destined For Death
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Many others would never even consider killing a World Spirit Master. Their position, even if they were on the opposite side, was too precious. Cultivators were willing to let bygones be bygones if the World Spirit Master really had something they desperately needed.

Cain and Amber, however, were World Spirit Master themselves. Moreover, the background of their foes never mattered in the duo's mind.

Amber had a plain smile as she said, "These people really are audacious. At this point, though I never cared about killing, I'm starting to feel nearly everything we do revolve around it."

It was true. If she had the other option to completely settle a situation with the least amount of work possible, she would take it. Killing was something she simply was indifferent about.

Cain casually shrugged. "We would have more problems without killing. In fact, it's practically one of the most critical ways to get anywhere in our society if you have some kind of ambition. Still, this kind of life suits me the best."

At this point, Cain could even consider the possibility of thinking about his previous life. All that he can do here simply wasn't possible on modern earth.

The society of the God Galaxy, Divine Plane, and even the Lower Realms was something entirely alien and different from modern earth. It wasn't possible to compare the two, as they simply weren't comparable at all.

People of the God Galaxy built founded a society that suited them perfectly. Many, if not all, were taught to follow the strong and be determined if they wish to go down the Martial Way. Anyone can potentially gain world-breaking powers. Thus, eliminating your foes, whether it was through suppression of strength, killing, or other brutal means such as slavery, was commonplace.

Senior Master Juo's means of dealing with the duo was on the more extreme ends of things.

Truthfully, Senior Master Juo's plans were more sinister than that of simply trying to kill them. Taking away their souls to become nothing but useless slaves would've been an unprecedented humiliation.

It was natural that neither Cain nor Amber would leave him off. Even if he was ordered, Cain and Amber were ruthless in their vengeance.

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Cain poured soul energy into the contact ring and instantly connected to Jiang Ling. He transmitted first, 'Martial brother Ling, sorry to contact you all of a sudden, but I hope you have the time to answer some questions for me.'

'Ah, naturally, I can make time for you. What question do you have for me?' Jiang Ling eagerly replied.

Without any fluctuation in Cain's tone, he asked, 'Amber and I had just visited the Spirit Association and had a run-in with Senior Master Juo. Elder Heng had briefly mentioned he as from Wen Shao's faction, so I was wondering if there's anything you can tell us about him.'

The line went silent for a moment. Jiang Ling had truly stimulated his Spiritual Sea to give the best answer possible.

He spoke after a few moments. 'Spirit Brother Juo is quite the character, actually. His Martial talent is only average at best and mainly advanced through because of pills and formation rituals. But his Spirit Talent is utterly monstrous. Indeed, Lord Wen Shao puts immense value on him because of his Spirit energy. And across our Holy Land, he holds more weight than all Core disciples and some of the Supreme direct disciples. Many of our Supreme Cloud Elders sometimes call upon Spirit Brother Juo for his services.'

A small rise of surprise crossed Cain's eyes. His expectations of World Spirit Masters were high, but he didn't expect it to be this level.

Senior Master Juo is practically second to the Divine Decree Lords!

Feeling curious, Cain asked, 'Just what has Juo provided to the Holy Land that's making him so valuable?'

'In terms of weapons, he can create immensely powerful Quasi-Saint and Saint-ranked weapons for Divine Rulers. His Armor creation is also at an exceedingly high level. But his true talents lie in his pill-making. He created plenty of high-grade Heavenly rank, Quasi-Saint rank and even full Saint rank medicine! Saint-rank medicine is rarer, but it can be used to even treat Holy King wounds by a large amount and provide healing benefits to the Supreme Elders. Even though we're on opposite factions, even I have to respect him.' Jiang Ling had genuine respect in his tone.

Listening to all of this, however, didn't cause Cain's mind to sway in the slightest.

He only asked with faint intrigue, 'That's all very impressive, but surely, Juo isn't the only gold World Spirit Master there.'

'That's right. There are indeed other 4th Class World Spirit Master there. But their numbers are even less than our Holy King elders. Though, what they lacked in quantity, they more than makeup for it in quality.'

'There are even two greater Gold World Spirit Master than Spirit Brother Juo. These two are more reclusive than Juo, but their reputation is far more fearsome,' Jiang Ling patiently explained.

While it isn't overtly obvious, but World Spirit Masters provides a near equal amount, sometimes even more support than powerful Martial cultivators to any organization foundation.

Just one World Spirit Master can tremendously power a cultivator through the creation of Martial weapons. Sustaining injuries also was a non-issue because of the powerful Spirit medicine.

Above all, if a World Spirit Master has the right materials, they can even create potent cultivation resources that come with zero backlashes.

Such a resource is of course, incredibly rare.

Cloudsea Holy Land themselves had even broadcasted information of several Holy King Elders breaking through with the help of World Spirit Masters.

These Elders also weren't weak in the slightest. Each and every one of them wields prowess that is decent among other Holy Kings.

Nobody across the God Galaxy can underestimate the value of a World Spirit Master, even if a majority of them have lower combat strength than Martial cultivators.

Still, even when understanding this, Cain's killing intent didn't diminish in the slightest. He holds no particular feeling towards Cloudsea Holy Land as a whole in any case.

In the near future, he was sure he and Amber would simply move on to a better environment more suited to their higher cultivation. The loss of a Spirit genius was no weight on Cain's mind.

Despite his killing intent, Cain still felt curious enough to ask, 'From what I recall studying about Spirit energy, it normally takes a great amount of time for World Spirit Masters to improve. It doesn't even matter that their Spirit talent is extremely high. The natural environment of the universe is simply disadvantageous to World Spirit Masters.'

'And that's what makes Spirit Brother Juo so special.' Jiang Ling's tone sounded noticeably eager.

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'He had a lucky encounter a long time ago and managed to secure the Source of Spirit Art. With this, his Spirit energy saw an immense rise in speed. Breakthroughs for him almost come too easy compared to other World Spirit Master Seniors.'

'Is that right? This is all so fascinating. I have to thank Martial Brother Ling for the info.' Cain spoke in a seemingly genuine tone.

After exchanging one last pleasantry, Cain cut off the connection. He then turned over to Amber and quickly summarised their whole conversation.

Moments after being filled in, Amber's lips curled into a chilling smile. This was a look of simple, raw killing intent. Her gaze alone would freeze even Great Divine Sea cultivators to their very souls.

She calmly said, "Such high status, but he really seems to have a hidden death wish. In the future, I hope the other gold masters can pick up his slack."

Just as ruthless as Cain, Amber had zero qualms about eliminating a problem at the expense of the Holy Land.

Cain had even started to lightly tease Amber, chuckling when saying, "When we take what his, you might be able to reach Gold class yourself. By then, you will be needing to take Juo's slack as well."

Amber snorted with a dismissive wave. "I won't reject those who come up to me. But you can bet I won't go out of my way to be some helpful Senior Spirit Sister."

Cain let a good chuckle before his expression regained a chilling calm. Now that they have the background intel they need, it was finally time to start planning on how to remove a thorn.

Cain seriously said, "If we really wanted to, there's the potential of playing the long game and infiltrating deep inside where Juo operates. This way, we can potentially learn more useful things than what we can get from Zi Yan. But..."

At this point, Cain's eyes flickered as he gave Amber a look over. "There's no time for that. And, you wouldn't have the patience for that even in ordinary times."

"I don't mind going to that temple in order to just practice my Spirit energy." Amber nonchalantly shrugged. Her following words were cold, however. "But like I said, no interest in putting on a fake face for these people. And if they overstep their boundaries, then it's just inevitable."

Cain nodded in understanding. "As long as you don't maim any of the Gold World Spirit Masters, then it's fine. Though I doubt any of the other World Spirit Masters are foolish enough to provoke you. It would do us good to have an ally World Spirit Master. But, if not, I'm more than sure we'll have plenty of opportunities in the near future."

As Cain spoke, his eyes glinted with a devious light. A plan already formulated in his mind.