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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 487 Spirit Association Temple
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The Divine Seal Art had to be one of the most mystical and mysterious cultivation arts across the God Galaxy. Everything about this art revolved around the soul. The requirements to even began cultivating the art stemmed from the soul.

If not for the soul ritual Cain and Amber used during their Divine Ascension, they would've been just as lost as anyone else when attempting to cultivate this art.

When bluntly speaking about it, Cain and Amber would admit that the Divine Seal Art didn't have any overwhelming combat advantages. The effects it could offer were passive at best.

If Cain and Amber utilize attacks purely with soul energy or heavily based on soul energy, they can revolve their art to slightly seal the energy of their foe's attack. Sealing an attack would either completely negate it or heavily weaken it.

Amber's Spirit Web attack's main effects are to slow down attacks and seal them at a separate pace. The Divine Seal Art for her was more useful than for Cain.

All of Cain's attacks focused on brutal, overwhelming advantages. He rarely used passive effects, as it simply didn't suit his combat style.

However, what the Divine Seal Art lacks in combat potential, at least for now, is more than made up for it in enhancing the level of their soul for cultivation.

Their stronger soul energy gave them better endurance for cultivation and higher control over the essence within the cultivation arts. It's also greatly helpful for when wanting to precisely control their Law essence for more specific tasks, such as connecting to the atmosphere.

Only Cain and Amber could enjoy these benefits of their cultivation. Plus, they had only scratched the surface of these advantages.

Even without the presence of controlling two Great Daos, Cain would still want to perfect his soul cultivation.

For a while now, the duo didn't get a chance to revisit the art because of the situation with the Divine Decree Lords. Every step they took needed to be a direct counter to whatever scheme Wen Shao had.

Now, free from the rein Divine Decree Lords, for now, Cain had an aspiring drive to further his soul cultivation.

Cain eagerly smile and said, "Not since that cave, I think. But now really is a good time. Two Laws need a strong soul and Spirit energy is related to the soul, right? At least this is better for two Laws than just forming essence marks."

Unfolding the scroll, a refreshing wave of soul energy released throughout the courtyard. The sensation of the soul engulfed everything. It was like every rule, Law, and principle was converted into soul energy. Such an attraction could pull anyone into a trance.

Even Cain's and Amber's current souls still nearly got lost in an unbreakable trance. Thankfully, because of their familiarity with this cultivation method, they jolted themselves with soul energy, quickly allowing themselves to sober up.

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Cain laid the soul scroll on the ground and adjusted into a cultivation state.

With a shrug, Amber was quick to follow behind. She couldn't deny that there was a strong correlation between Spirit energy and the soul. At the very least, the sensations between both forces hold a similar feeling.

In an instant, the duo interjected their Divine Sense into the soul scroll. They were instantly hit with the immensely potent sensation of the soul. All other sensations didn't exist at this moment. Nothing of the Heaven and Earth matter besides the soul.

This was a state the Divine Seal Art directly mentioned one needed to be careful of. It wouldn't matter the level of talent or even base cultivation of a person. A single slip-up could drown them in an inescapable mind purgatory.

During their first times cultivating this art, Cain and Amber could admit it was potentially dangerous to even them. They needed the utmost meticulous care.

But that was during the time their attainment levels and Spiritual Sea perception abilities hadn't yet undergone massive transformations.

Now, everything has changed.

Instead of becoming confused or needing to focus, Cain and Amber had actually relaxed. With higher perception abilities, it was far more manageable to feel out the higher and more complex principles of the soul.

Soul Laws, or more accurately, the Great Dao of the Soul, was an amazing and unfathomable concept.

Every single being in the universe has a soul. And it was through this innate ability that any being can intake some form of power and reach up to heights as high as the heaven.

At the same time, while the soul grants anyone the road to immense strength, it also acts as the very core of any person.

A soul is what makes Cain himself and what makes Amber herself. Without a soul, they would be nothing but a hallowed shell.

Furthermore, Cain and Amber have such high strong personalities. These two can go through numerous traumatic events, but the core of their souls would never change. This would be their unwavering soul beliefs.

In terms of the soul, just being determined and having perseverance wasn't enough. One needs to continually comprehend the origin of their soul, the origin of themselves, to improve upon their soul beliefs. The more one can understand of themselves, the fewer questions, doubts, and hesitation one would have.

Soul beliefs directly tie into one Divine Will. Both systems are inexplicably linked, being what pushes Martial cultivators forward despite the immense challenges.

Of course, comprehending the origin of the soul and finding one true self was far easier said than done.

Cain and Amber managed to simply comprehend the surface levels of these energy principles. They were still years before being able to dive deep into the origin of their souls.

But even this little bit of progress was tremendous.

In this state, Cain and Amber had no idea how much time has passed. Their whole entire consciousness stayed enlightened by the sensation of the soul.

And at the same time, the duo could clearly feel their inner soul space growing rapidly. To the overall power of their soul energy, the space stability of the soul space, and Soul Law marks, it all grew at exceptional speed.

The soul scroll had an infinite amount of Heavenly Venerate Soul's soul energy.

Even with just a small portion of this soul energy, Cain and Amber were able to successfully comprehend the potion, absorb it into their soul space and continually form soul law Marks.

Through the formation of Soul Law marks, the raw power and space stability of the duo's soul space grew at exceptional speed.

Cain sensed his Soul Law marks increasing by 30. He thought he would hit a limit very soon, but the strain on his Spiritual Sea didn't block him off just yet.

Amber had only increased by 20 Soul Law marks and could feel the strain of her Spiritual Sea. The strain wasn't anything too distracting, however. She would be able to push herself to go farther, just like Cain.

In this state, the duo lost all sense of time. Their soul cultivation continued to improve, pushing them on a rare path the God Galaxies have never seen before.


The day quickly passed.

Unknowingly, since starting their soul cultivation, Cain and Amber fell into such a trance that it was nearly noon the next day.

With their Inner World and the Divine Essence of the Heaven and Earth, Cain and Amber could truly go on for weeks or months in simple cultivation.

But even for how studious the duo was, they felt far too cooped up now that they were in a grand Holy Land.

Thus, they finished the last of their soul cultivation and quickly headed out.

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This time, they didn't fly toward the Holy Land general area but toward a transmission array a bit off the beaten path.

Cain and Amber had no problem passing through the transmission array because of the rainbow-colored cloud badge.

The sensation of space twisted and pulled the duo into an entirely new location.

Cain and Amber adjusted their sights to a more reserved area of the Holy Land.

Compared to the general area, there weren't numerous celestial mountains, immortal palaces, divine birds, or streams of members.

Instead, this area only had one massive temple floating majestically in a beautiful sea of clouds. Even from a distance away, anyone could bask in the rippling Spirit energy sensation of the massive temple.

Not just the temple as well.

The atmosphere was also far denser with Spirit energy. The sensation of the Spirit drilled into Cain and Amber's Spiritual Sea like a gentle spring breeze.

They both couldn't help but sigh with contentment simultaneously.

Cain said first, "A true heaven for World Spirit Masters, indeed. Looking at you, I can finally see some excitement curling your lips."

Indeed, compared to Amber's usual plain expression, her eyes now flowed with light and a smile tugged on her lips.

Still, her voice was calm as she said, "It feels like I'm in my natural element. Come on, let's see if what they have is up to standards."

The duo promptly flew towards the temple. Every inch they came closer, the Spirit energy sensations intensify. Their Spiritual Sea was nearly overwhelmed with the unfathomable sensations of Spirit Energy Laws.

It was distinctly different from what they can absorb and comprehend from the Spiritual Dimension.

The environment here produced Spirit energy principles with complexity that completely evaded Cain's perception.

Compared to Amber, Cain never found the time to work on his Spirit energy. Everything that was now being blared to him felt like walking into a dense, hazy mist.

Such an experience was equally fascinating and thrilling for Cain. With all of his high attainments, it's been some time since he actually felt so lost when it comes to energy principles.

His drive to enhance his Spirit energy Laws started to grow.

As for Amber, she was fully immersed. Like dipping into a refreshing spring pool that can open her palms and soothe all tension in her mind.