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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 468 Cloudsea Elder
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It all occurred in an instant. Time quite literally seemed to stop at this moment. All sensations of the rules of the world transformed into something far beyond Cain's group's expectations.

Everyone on the tower ground, including Cain and Amber, froze up. A particular sensation flowed through their Spiritual Sea. It coursed down to their spines and traveled deep into their very souls.

None of them knew exactly how to describe this sudden sensation. Vastly profound, as if the Heavens were falling down, deeper than an infinite abyss, surpassing all rules and logic.

Almost like they suddenly came upon the door to a whole different dimension!

This enthralling sensation only lasted for a brief second.

Afterward, a charming voice of an immortal fairy of a woman slithered into everyone's ears like an angelic melody.

"Ah, as expected of the two young heroes. Lee, Xun, you two managed to perfectly pass within only 10 minutes. If this isn't the marking of true geniuses, I would have no idea between the Heaven and Earth on what a true genius is."

Cain, Amber, Ren Bao, Fan Fu, and Jin Ya were absolutely mesmerized. They could already tell the one whose speaking is massively stronger than them, to a degree that they are nothing more than mere ants compared to this fairy.

But even with this immense disparity of cultivation, this woman didn't exude an all-encompassing pressure that seemed that could control the world.

Rather, she was like a genuine Divine Spirit birthed from the heavens. An unfathomable cultivator meant to guide all those under her wings.

The youths shot their eyes up to the skies and were met with a tantalizing sight.

They had all met with beautiful sights before. Throughout the God Galaxies, the number of unfathomable beauty was imaginable high. But looks weren't what got the youths' souls to stop.

In all honesty, this woman was as beautiful as a fairy. She had a very distinct appearance from other beauties. But beauty in general came as a topic Cain's group felt partially numb to.

Lower geniuses or the average cultivator may be easily swayed by beauty. But with one forging their Divine Will, their determination that stems from the souls, the fleshly body just simply becomes the fleshly body.

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It wasn't a disrespect to country-toppling maidens. But just an unavoidable mindset that will come to higher realm cultivators.

Still, this doesn't mean that beauty can't sway higher realm cultivators. A person's image has subtle principles of the Heaven and Earth.

The higher cultivation realm one is, that person's appearance would naturally shift to near perfection. The essence from the Heaven and Earth is the greatest nourishment a physical body can ask for. It is basically absorbing the purest energy that keeps nature beautiful and ever-running.

Heaven and Earth's Divine Essence amplify the nourishment by thousands of degrees.

Thus, while her beauty was of God Galaxy's superior standards, what truly made her stand out was her unfathomable presence.

Her natural aura could just faintly exude the profundities of the Great Dao. It was as if she could control the very skies themselves and command the clouds beneath her feet.

Against her, Divine Star and Divine Rulers were all utterly insignificant. Great Divine Sea and Divine Origin cultivator would worship the ground she walks on. And mortal cultivators would pray to her as a goddess.

Out of them all, Cain felt the most shock. His hyper-sensitive Chaos sense could detect that this woman couldn't possibly be just an ordinary Holy King or even a decently powerful one.

Her Dao Laws faintly matched. No, it was above what he experienced while getting chased in the Lake of Stars!

This fairy of a woman could possibly be near the peak of the Holy King realm! At the very least, she must be a Late Stage master.

This Cloudsea woman had to be the strongest person Cain had ever encountered. Not even his unfathomable grandmother could compare to this Cloudsea woman.

It was hard for even Amber, the one with the highest disinterest in cultivation, to take in this situation.

However, the powerful level of Cain and Amber's souls wasn't just for show. Any mental pressure they received could be resisted to varying degrees due to fortifying their souls.

Despite being met with absolute disparity, Cain and Amber subconsciously stimulated their souls to quell their nerves.

As soul energy instantly flowed through entire beings, flashes of green lights sparked. Their bursts of Chaos energy caused Cain and Amber's mental state to efficiently calm down.

No matter how unfathomable a Holy King is, even the Dao of the Holy couldn't negate the effects of Chaos energy!

Amber's expression quickly turned calm while Cain gained a faint smile. They both bowed their heads as Cain spoke with full confidence.

"We greet honorable Elder and honor for the praise." His tone didn't waver in the slightest.

He and Amber truly managed to retain their own bearing in the face of a monumental Holy King.

'Oh?' The Cloudsea Elder curled her brows, the light in her eyes dancing with intrigue.

Neither Fan Fu, Ren Bao, nor Jin Ya woke from the presence stupor at this point.

The only thing worthy of note was that only Jin Ya could be seen struggling to come back to reality. Her soul energy wildly fluctuates in a determined struggle.

Seeing Cain and Amber's success fiercely ignited her fighting spirit. She may not be able to match them, but it didn't mean she shouldn't strive for perfection!

Naturally, the Cloudsea Elder knew what kind of effect her presence would have on lower cultivators. She purposely released just the slightest portion of her presence to witness how can these geniuses handle the pressure of a Great Dao Law.

And to her expectation and also a surprise, Cain and Amber surpassed all results thought possible. She was already impressed by their multiple battle rings and previous performance.

Now, her intrigue surged to its peak.

The Cloudsea Elder gave a beautiful, her teeth dazzling like stars as she slowly floated down. "Mn. Good children, indeed. In my opinion, you two should have simply joined our Holy Land directly."

At this point, the Cloudsea Elder sighed with regret. "But, aiya-ancient rules are cumbersome. Come, I will take you all in now. You can refer to me as Elder Hon."

With a wave of her hand, invisible energy swirled around Cain's group and engulfed them.

The youths couldn't put up any resistance to this energy. But it felt quite soft, as if they were getting lifted by the clouds themselves.

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Space shifted around for the youths. The next thing they knew, they were already above the previous cloud barrier, officially entering into the Cloudsea sect branch!

In that moment, Jin Ya, Fan Fu, and Ren Bao were already shocked out of their stupors. They and Cain and Amber looked around in wonder at the sect located in the skies.

The atmosphere, the scope, the souces of energy permeating the air were all at levels the Zhou Family's manor simply can't compare to.

The celestial mountains and immortal palaces all exuded heavily dense Divine Essence that purify the entire atmosphere to a far greater degree than a place like the Zhou Family manor.

These places have Divine spiritual veins running through their core that have been fermented for thousands of years. After such long periods of fermentation, these Divine spiritual veins now naturally produce denser Heaven and Earth's Divine Essence, which quickens the rate a cultivator can absorb energy from the environment.

The youths were genuinely impressed. They had come across texts detailing the treatment of a Holy Land have to their subsidiary sect branches.

It was actually quite rare for a Holy Land to dominate its subsidiary sects. Only the more unorthodox sects take it upon themselves to harshly suppress their neighbors.

The only time when first-rate sects have bad conditions are because of the limited supply of resources from the main Holy Land.

After all, the universe may be ever expanding and Martial cultivators are ever expanding, the hunt for resources becomes more and more scarce as time goes on. There wasn't a single Holy Land that would dare claim they have all the cultivation resources in the known universe.

Compared to what the duo read about, the Cloudsea Holy Land doesn't seem to match this picture at all. Everything here seemed considerably greater than what they can find in the Zhou Family manor.

This was only the sect branch. One could only imagine how much more advanced the main Holy Land is.

At this time, Elder Heng cast a gaze over the youths. She nodded to Jin Ya, Ren Bao, and Fan Fu, telling them, "The original exam Elder will be here to usher you three to your next test. To surpass our first part is still an immense feat definitely worthy of praise. I wish you all good luck."

It was unspoken, but Jin Ya's group knew that Cain and Amber were about to directly go into the Holy Land mainland. Wonderment glossed over their eyes. They had no choice but to simply gaze upon the immense disparity between average special geniuses and those counted as Emperor Tiers.

But right as Elder Heng looked over at Cain and Amber, a Divine Aura suddenly pulsed through the area.

Cain, Amber, and Jin Ya's group experienced the same, soul-stopping sensation, just like with Elder Heng. This time, however, the sensations weren't as overwhelming.

The presence felt weaker than what Elder Hon can exude. In fact, it was several times less potent, like a large stone smashing into an unending ocean.

But still, this was the presence of another Holy King master!