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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 466 Connect To The Atmosphere
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Sparkles of lightning could be fully seen around Cain's legs. And flashes of shadowy lights revolved around Amber's legs.

Their concentration was at it most maximum and they started to feel a slight, gradual strain on their soul energy. But the duo didn't sway their expressions and remained firm like water.

The sensations of the atmosphere slowly made their way through the duo's minds. The sensation of space, World Source Laws, and the pressure of an extremely high cultivation master were projected to the duo.

In this state, Cain and Amber didn't try to overextend. They focused their minds on one specific sensation of the atmosphere. The Source Laws of the world.

Then, as a complete surprise to the duo, they felt as if a new door had unlocked for them. Their soul energy instinctively expanded out more, stimulating more of their Inner World energies.

Within mere moments, the Laws around the duo's legs started to change. Cain and Amber's faint Laws exuded essence that flowed throughout the air.

Immediately afterward, both streams of essence seemingly disappeared.

But while one may think the Law essence dispersed, a critical change had occurred for the duo.

For only a brief second, they felt more enlightened than ever before. This was because their Law essence had actually connected directly to the atmosphere!

The unlocking sensation they experienced before, their soul energy continuing to stimulate their Inner World, it was their Spiritual Sea broadening to connect their Laws into the atmosphere.

For a very brief moment, an enlightened expression crossed Cain's and Amber's faces. But the very moment after, their faces twisted with pain.

Cain and Amber's connection of their own Laws to the outside world caused immense stress to smash upon their Spiritual Seas.

The splitting headache sensations intensify to nearly unbearable degrees for the duo. Their consciousness nearly turned into a complete daze. If they lapse, focus for even a moment, then all of their efforts would be for naught.

But just gritting their teeth and deeply gripping their palms until they nearly broke the skin, Cain and Amber forcefully overcame the crushing pressure. Their soul energy did begin to strain more, but it wasn't at an intolerable level.

Once the initial pressure passed, they refocused their efforts on comprehending the sensations of Source Laws.

Perhaps it was because they overcame the pressure or that they gained slight enlightenment, but the duo's understanding had noticeably broadened. It caused their rate of improvement to dramatically shoot up.

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Unbeknownst to Cain, Amber, and those whose watching, a flash of black lightning flowed from Cain and Amber's pupils. Nobody in this current situation had the ability to notice this.

But Cain and Amber only felt that their perception abilities were improving even faster.

The confusing mist of Source Laws began to slowly unveil itself, allowing the duo to comprehend just a small portion of the Source Laws and grasp it with their very soul energy.

Compared to trying to connect their Laws to the atmosphere, perceiving the sensations of Source Laws came far easier.

Cain and Amber's Source Law comprehension already reached master attainment after all. At the very least, their perception abilities were enough to identify regular Source Law threads that fueled the Divine Boundless Heavens.

Even with the added force of a Primal Sovereign grandmaster, the duo was still able to counteract the intense Source Laws with their own Laws.

Their Laws could only control a small portion of the atmosphere. But just this was enough for them to finally move!

Bending their legs and jumping with great force, Cain and Amber didn't just gain enough control to move, they could also fuse a small portion of their Inner World power into their Laws!

The Inner World's energy force caused a greater strain on their soul energy, but it also allowed their speeds to massively increase.

The duo flew forward in a faint trail of lights. Strange dust blew all around beneath the duo's flying off.

The dust didn't kick up the wind as one normally expected. But rather, great distortion of space sparsely swirled in the area.

Evident, this wasn't any normal dust. It was the resulting scattered Source Law force of Cain and Amber forcefully tearing through the atmosphere.

"They already got it?!?"

The Great Divine Sea geniuses and the Divine Star geniuses were all fraught with pure awe and horror.

In only a span of a couple of minutes, Cain and Amber comprehended the mystery of the surrounding Souce Laws, connected their own Laws to the atmosphere, and use that connection to forcefully fly into the air!

In the geniuses' eyes, it looked like to them that the duo tore off the pressure with their own understanding of Source Laws.

To achieve this in such a short amount of time wasn't just monstrous talent. It was downright demonic!

At this point, Ren Bao and Fan Fu were still struggling to fend off the voice pressure. But even if they already had, they both knew they would continue to struggle with summoning their own Laws.

Seeing how fast Cain and Amber were didn't discourage Jin Ya, but immensely fueled her determination! Her clothes and hair recklessly flapped under the chaotic burst of Law dust.

But around her legs, traces of a faint, blue watery light could be seen sparsely flashing about.

At this time, Cain and Amber were already shredded hundreds of meters high into the skies.

The longer they flew, the more comfortable they got with the surrounding Law pressure. Their connection to the natural Source Law threads was enhanced, and their Spiritual Sea perception abilities gradually increased.

The duo would've fallen into an enlightened trance if not for the fact they needed to complete this test.

Before they even knew it, Cain and Amber felt solid ground beneath them.

Glancing down, they saw a vibrant ground rippling with life. And above them was a beautifully structured tower that exude an ancient, profound aura.

Cain and Amber had already passed the first part of the entrance exams!

However, neither Cain nor Amber took the time to appreciate this face. Their eyes closed as they continued to pour their Law essence into the atmosphere. They continued to deepen their understanding of not only their own special Laws but also the Source Laws of this atmosphere.

In this trance, the duo didn't even notice the time passing.

They felt utterly blissful in this dream-like, enlightened state. Floating in the clouds themselves was entirely possible for them. Splitting large oceans with a mere gaze was far too simple.

Nobody was above them. Everything was below them, from other cultivators, legendary creatures, ancient ancestors, and even the Heaven and Earth itself!

Cain and Amber had a faint realization. The way of Martial cultivation truly isn't to follow under the Heavens or stay by the rules of the norm.

A critical point of Martial cultivation stems from the power within oneself.

The Inner World perfectly embodies this ideology. Martial cultivators may absorb energies from the Heaven and Earth and its Great Dao. But eventually, martial cultivation split off to where cultivators began forming their own system of energies, their own Great Dao.

Through comprehension of the greater universe, any and all cultivators would be able to form power no less than the greater universe. Whether it was Divine Essence or Source Laws, a martial cultivator's Inner World strives to reach the standards of equalling the greater universe and eventually surpassing it!

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To look down on everything, to separate themselves from the samsara of the Heaven and Earth, the universe, yin-yang, and chaos itself, that was the martial way.

All of this realization flashed through the duo's minds that felt like only seconds.

In this state, time seamlessly passed without any sense.

It only seemed like a few seconds to them but in reality, over 30 minutes have already passed!

At this point, the enlightened trance the duo was engrossed in slowly slipped away. They came back into consciousness, feeling as if everything they had just experienced was a passing fantasy.

When Can and Amber gazed over the world now, without even focusing their soul sense, they could spot faint colorful lines throughout the air. It appeared no different from the first time they reached the master attainment level in their Dao paths.

But now, the duo had a greater feeling of connection to the Great Dao and the Heaven and Earth. The principles surrounding them weren't a completely hazy mist they can miraculously peer into.

Now they felt as if a small path was clearly laid out for them. And the end of this path contains an endless number of nomological truths of the Great Dao and the universe itself!

All from a short moment, Cain and Amber's Spiritual Sea perception abilities enhanced and their Spiritual Sea borders increased.

Their mental accumulations can easily rival those in the Late Stage of the Divine Star realm!

Cain sighed with content bliss. He stretched his arms while transmitting to Amber, 'Never would I expect that kind of connection would give out that kind of experience. I think we just found out a, or most likely, the way higher realm cultivators progress.'

A contemplative expression briefly crossed Amber's face. Crossing her arms while tilting her head, she replied back, 'I can't help but think we would've realized this sooner if we had some sort of teacher. We've really just been adapting ever since we left home and still making crazed progress that would make those old fossils feel like their lives were wasted.'

A dry chuckle nearly escaped her lips. Now that they were in an environment where the resources are plenty and higher instructors are readily available, Amber could only wonder how much chaos they will stir now.

'Haah...I hope after a few tramplings, we can be left alone. Sounds almost like a dream, really.' Amber already had a wry smile.

Shrugging, Cain's only condolence was, 'Don't worry, as we are now, only a Divine Ruler can give us some problems. And even then, close to my full power can threaten a Divine Ruler. Until that inheritance comes up, I'm sure we can quickly secure a nice, quiet place to live.'

As the duo spoke with each other, their senses had passively spread out. Unsurprisingly, besides them, nobody else made it up to the tower.

Though Cain and Amber made the test look quite simple, it was actually a brutal exam that pushed all challengers to the very limit.

First from having to overcome a fearsome soul pressure that felt like one's entire being frozen over. Then from having to fuse their own Laws into the surrounding atmosphere. If not careful, a cultivator could directly collapse their Spiritual Sea from the fusion!

The Spiritual Sea perception abilities need to be at an extremely high level so that a cultivator's soul energy can filter the chaotic atmosphere of Source Laws through their own cultivated Laws.

This is why Cain told Jin Ya it was a test purely of their Spiritual Sea. Brute forcing was simply impossible. It all came down to one's individual skill.