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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 465 Start Of The Exam
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There was a high probability if it was another genius in the same position as Cain, they would've likely ignored Jin Ya the same way Amber does it.

The nobility value of the God Galaxy is simply far too integrated into nearly all humans' lifestyles.

But Cain never posed himself as someone conventional from day one.

Ren Bao and Fan Fu could only silently click their teeth while rolling their eyes. Even they had to admit that Jin Ya's dedication to action surpassed their own.

She's too decisive and blunt to the point she's practically unladylike!

Cain as well could see just how queer this elegant yet rough beauty was. Compared to all other fairies he encounters on his journey, only a few acts straightforwardly as Jin Ya.

Of course, Cain didn't mind this quality a single bit, finding it just slightly amusing.

As nobody had the courage to speak up to them, Cain and Amber also close their eyes to maintain their best focus.

Their Divine Sense honed in on the superior Law sensation permeating this entire atmosphere. Compared to cultivating in the Zhou Family manor, it was a much smoother process to connect their Spiritual Sea into the atmosphere. It was almost as if the natural sensations of Laws were hundreds if not thousands of times more complex than the outside world.

The more complex the sensation of a Law is, the more principles could a cultivator derive from their Spiritual Sea. They can paint a clearer understanding of Source Law sensation through learning about the higher order energy principles.

Cain found it similar to learning a new topic of the same subject, such as math or science. The foundation of what he knows is already there, and now it's expanding upon with new yet familiar concepts.

The other geniuses also began maximizing their focus. Though, they weren't nearly as successful as Cain's group or Jin Ya.

Ren Bao and Fan Fu had an easier time adjusting their state of mind. But not even they can compare the rate at which Cain or Jin Ya blended their minds into the atmosphere.

Minutes soon started to pass on the misty celestial mountain.

After failing to calm their nerves through cultivation, the other groups of geniuses had already split off to discuss several topics with each other, cultivation or something off-topic to ease their tensions.

Ren Bao and Fan Fu still kept to themselves and tried their best to ignore the faint pressure that both Cain and Amber exuded.

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While Jin Ya had already woken from her slight trance. Even now, her expression appeared the calmest out of Ren Bao and Fan Fu. Her eyes were completely serene as her mind continued to strategize.

There was no need to speak of the marvelous duo's consistent mood.

Soon enough, the entrance exam time had finally come.

Before anyone on the misty celestial mountain could react, an immense pressure suddenly engulfed the entire area!

The presence of far superior Source Laws gripped everyone like a king's iron fist. It didn't matter who it was. Even Cain and Amber couldn't ignore the pressure of these Source Laws.

"Nng! This force...so intense!"

The Great Divine Sea geniuses were all in disorder. Only a few could just barely stay calm.

While Ren Bao and Fan Fu turned completely solemn. Beads of sweat started to roll down their faces as their nerves locked up.

Jin Ya's brows fiercely twisted, but a brilliant light flowed from her pupils. She silently gripped her hands, not in fear, but in pure anticipation. An incredibly fighting spirit surged throughout her entire being.

For a test of this magnitude, Cain and Amber had to treat it a bit seriously. Soul energy already began pouring into their Spiritual Sea so that they could achieve their maximum focus.

In a test, Cain tried utilizing a small speck of his Inner World. And to his surprise, his soul energy could efficiently move through his body and stimulate his Inner World.

It was intriguing considering the fact that aura pressure could suppress every facet of a person. To their bodily movement, circulation of Inner World energy, and even the thoughts of their Spiritual Sea, aura pressure could completely freeze a person.

While Cain couldn't move his body, the fact that he can still mobilize his Inner World energy was highly suspicious.

Amber as well realized she could just faintly stimulate her Inner World. Although, it came at a far slower rate compared to Cain.

Cain wanted to experiment more, but a presence cut his thought short.

At this point, a voice suddenly boomed throughout the area.

"The test starts now. Everyone has one hour to cross to the Sky Tower."

The voice wasn't powerfully loud or radiated an extreme aura. Yet, it still carried a sense of world-like pressure. Nobody in the world could resist this voice. All who listen to the voice will obey no question asked. It was as if this voice exuded the Laws and rules of the universe itself!

The Great Divine Sea geniuses and even the Extreme Stages youths completely froze under this voice. They all felt like time itself stopped moving.

Ren Bao and Fan Fu barely fared any better. Their bodies trembled as they pushed their soul energy to the limit to resist this indescribable pressure.

The same amount of stress could also be seen on Jin Ya's face. But at the very least, her eyes glowed with faint energy lights, signifying she was quickly gaining control over herself.

Only Cain and Amber had an amazing phenomenon occurring in their soul's space. Their 150 Soul Law Marks surged with bright lights of soul energy.

Each Soul Law Mark soon burst out unending soul energy that circulated throughout the duo's entire being.

As the level of Cain and Amber's souls far surpassed the standards of their geniuses and even Divine Rulers, they could actually resist the pressure of this irresistible voice!

The voice preyed on everyone's deepest region of their soul's core. If one didn't have a determined enough Divine Will, then, no matter how powerful their Inner World was, they would be forever trapped under the lingering effects of the voice pressure.

There was no point in speaking about the level of these geniuses' souls, as they all haven't actively cultivated the soul. It only grew and strengthen due to the passive enhancements of increasing the base cultivation realm.

Only Cain and Amber's soul's space contained enough soul Law principles that could resist the voice pressure.

Furthermore, the duo's own Divine Will was immensely firm! Such determination in their path already allowed them to gain fast control of their own bodies within just a few seconds.

Cain and Amber slowly blink their eyes, calmly returning to reality.

Taking a look at each other and then towards the skies, Cain expanded out his Chaos sense while Amber could only rely on her soul sense.

Although, Cain using his Chaos sense was a bit rougher for him. His eyes did manage to spot faint colorful lines sparsely appearing throughout the area.

These were the very Source Law threads Cain had first observed upon obtaining master's attainment level.

But now, these Law threads were too bright and too intense! Under this mysterious force, the Law threads felt far more intenser.

Cain felt as if his eyes were burning and a headache that threaten to split his mind assaulted his Spiritual Sea.

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It was already praise-worthy enough that Cain didn't directly collapse under this unfathomable pressure.

'Nng...this can't just be the Laws of a Holy King. It has to be that of a Primal Sovereign!' Cain believed it was a reasonable conclusion.

After all, he had one time encountered the sensations of a Holy King in the Lake of Stars, but his Chaos Sense didn't feel as pressured as it does now.

But no matter if it was from a grand Primal Sovereign grandmaster, Cain wasn't about to give up.

At this point, Amber did have a slightly smoother time utilizing her Spiritual Sea to obverse the Source Law threads. Her soul sense wasn't anywhere near as hypersensitive.

But even so, the intense pressure here caused a completely serious expression to plaster her face.

At the same time, Cain and Amber drew a deep breath that quelled all of their nerves. Because they already knew that they can connect to their Inner World even while in this state, the duo decided to take this test head-on.

Their soul energy merely took a wisp of Law essence from their Inner World and surged it around their legs.

Faint blue lightning essence swirled around Cain's.

While faint black shadow essence engulfed Amber.

Perhaps if Cain were to utilize Chaos energy, he would be able to easily clear this test within an instant. But, not only would that be far too suspicious, Cain and even Amber also wanted to test themselves on their Laws mastery.

Cain had the obvious goal of perfecting his Martial cultivation.

While Amber knows that she'll need to master Spirit energy Laws just like how she does with Dao Laws. She saw this as a good test to further her Spirit energy mastery.

Cain's competitive spirit burned like fire while Amber's determination fully ignited.

Attempting to simply maintain their faint Law essence came with light trouble. The unfathomably strong sensation of Source Laws from the atmosphere continued to disrupt their Law essence flow.

This scenario was nearly the equivalent of trying to walk through powerful hurricanes with great suction force.

Though Cain and Amber had amazing Divine Wills, they still needed a couple of minutes before they could perfectly stabilize their Law essence.

Upon completion, their Law essence didn't appear as if it would dissipate immediately. Stabilization of their Laws alone already cost them immense concentration.

But this was just the beginning of Cain and Amber's ambitions to breeze this Holy Land test with perfect mastery.