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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 459 Fortune Restaurant
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Cain dug through his pocket to pick out a contact ring. Recognizing who it was, he linked his soul to the ring.

A moment later, Zhou Ping's eager voice echoed in his mind, 'Sir Lee? Do you have a moment? If you're not busy right now, I would like to invite you and Miss Xun to my celebration banquet. As may not know, recently, my father has promoted me to 2nd ranking of all descendants. It may not seem like much to you two, but I assure you, this event will be worth it. All of my family highest up will be there, including the Family head, my father, the Zhou's mistress, the ancient Elders, and the highest Elders.'

'Oh?' Cain briefly paused, feeling a small amount of intrigue.

He only need a second to figure out that this was a play for him and Amber to make solidly firm connections within the Zhou Family. At the very least, if he were to go, the best option would be to accept at least one of their contact rings.

Truthfully, the Zhou Family, despite being inferior to some first-rate sects, is still a potential ally. They have several Gold-level World Spirt Masters and several other Holy King masters. It's a rumor that there is possibly a Primal Sovereign master within their ranks.

Though, Cain had no way of confirming if this was just a passing attempt to increase their reputation.

Thinking on his reply for a moment, Cain curiously asked, 'I wonder, will any of your other siblings be attending? I'm sure with your advancement, it'll only cause unrest and discontentment among everyone else.'

Zhou Ling sounded confident and even laughed as he said, 'Sir Lee, you won't have to worry about my siblings trying to kick up any schemes. Under the Elders' eyes, they wouldn't dare do anything. But above all, you and Miss Xun are just too terrifying. I may not like most of them, but I can say that all of my siblings are no fools.'

When considering his time there, Cain was inclined to agree. If he and Amber didn't have this amazing strength to back up their actions, Cain was sure they would've fallen prey to one of their schemes.

But there was one fact that couldn't be overlooked in Cain's mind. Zhou Ling especially arouses his killing intent.

He was the one who sent them to find that Dao Core Fragment cave to be ambushed. And also have connections to Wen Shao based on what Zi Yan informed him of.

A rat like this, Cain certainly wouldn't let him off. Even if he's non-threatening now, leaving enemies in the field has a high probability of bitting back when one least expects it.

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However, Cain also knows he can't just kill a direct bloodline descendent, even for good reasons. Provoking a Holy King master would serve him no good unless he can directly contend with one.

Still, Cain's tone turned a bit cold when he spoke again. 'By the way, because of how busy we were, I haven't had a chance to ask this, but isn't obvious that Zhou Ling has some sort of connections with the Cloudsea Holy Land? I truly doubt those two prime geniuses came down because they simply owed him a favor.'

'Ah, this thing...' Zhou Ping's tone slightly wavered. Even through a spiritual connection, the coldness of Cain's tone still made his soul shiver.

'I only know as much as you, Sir Lee. Out of all of us, Ling has always been the most reclusive one. He makes occasional public appearances and does shows up to meetings. But, what he does alone, even his faction members are confused about it. I think he really did just get lucky with those prime geniuses.'

'Lucky, huh? Are you telling me that the Divine Ruler Elders or the Holy King masters didn't have anything to say about it?' Cain further inquired. He didn't have high hopes for his questioning, but he was still a bit curious about any information.

Zhou Ping's tone was a bit helpless. 'If there are things the Elders know, then I'm completely out of the loop. But I hope this won't affect Sir Lee's decision-making with the banquet.'

'No, it won't,' Cain assuredly spoke. Before saying anything further, he paused to think it over.

With how fearful Zhou Ping was of him and Amber, Cain didn't doubt for a second that he was lying. Even if Zhou Ping was covering Zhou Ling for some reason, it wouldn't matter, as Cain and Amber's situation would change in the near future.

Still, through simply talking it out, Cain already had a plan starting to form. But before making any concrete decision, he transmitted to Amber, 'Tried asking about Zhou Ling, and apparently, that guy is too reclusive, so Zhou Ping doesn't know a thing about his plans.'

'Ah, shouldn't expect too much anyway. That Wen Shao really does seem like a venomous snake type. He can command all these Divine Star experts unknowingly to their deaths without care. Having secret connections like Zhou Ling is just a given.' Amber casually shrugged.

Even at this point, she and Cain still didn't truly put this Divine Decree Lord in their eyes. He was more of an annoyance that will meet an inevitable dead-end one of these days.

Shifting the subject, Cain then said, ' Zhou Ping also told me about a banquet happening soon. Seems like some sort of connections meeting is about to happen with the Zhou's. What do you think about it?'

Curiously tilting her head, Amber contemplated for only a brief second. She didn't have any strong opinions as she indifferently said, 'Obviously, Jiang Ling is a better investment for us as of now. But we should at least throw them a bone or something. Keep this connection alive just in case something happens during this Holy Land.'

Already, Amber had her suspicions about the Clodusea Holy Land. An immense organization like this with numerous wildly ambitious people would be odd if there weren't schemes occurring in the shadows.

Even if she doesn't place the greatest talents in her eye, it would be foolish to ignore the threat they can exude.

To Amber, if everyone kept their thoughts to themselves and didn't dare attempt to cause trouble with them, then she wouldn't give a damn at all. But to those who are more daring than others, she won't hesitate to clear them out.

Her thoughts about Cloudsea weren't all negative, however. Besides her suspicions, Amber is also highly aware of a Holy Land's great value.

Cain was in a similar agreement. After a moment of thinking, he told Zhou Ping, 'We can't come as of now. Currently, we have a meeting with Jiang Ling and I believe you know how important this will be. However, I'm sure we can coordinate something later. At the very least, you can make some sort of connection with this contact ring with others if there are people who need to talk with us.'

'Ah! You're going to meet with Cloudsea Jiang Ling?' Zhou Ping's tone held great awe. 'I see...then it really shouldn't be any problems. And I'll look in to see if I can connect others to this contact ring. Good luck with your meeting, Sir Lee.'

The line promptly went dead after that parting sentence.

Paying attention back to the road, Cain was a bit surprised to see they had already neared their restaurant.

The restaurant in question was the typical luxurious design standards of God Galaxy quality. Its size was superior to mortal restaurants and a refreshing aura sensation naturally exuded from the structure.

But there was one distinct difference in this building design.

Flickering golden lights continually blared out like beautiful rays of sunshine. The cause of the golden lights came from a sign just perfectly center on the building.

As if it could draw in anyone's soul, the golden sign simply said, 'Fortune Restaurant.'

Both Cain and Amber couldn't resist this unique allure. Their eyes were naturally drawn to the golden sign, a quiet sigh leaking from both of them.

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"Even from attractions taken from mortals, everything is always amped up by a thousand. I can even detect Spirit energy sensations from the sign." Amber muttered out in genuine curiosity.

It was a bit astonishing considering these areas don't have particularly powerful backings. Yet, the golden sign clearly signifies this Fortune Restaurant is a far step above the curb.

"Well, this is a place that even the other Holy Land here frequently goes to. Let's get in." Shrugging, Cain, and Amber mentally prepared themselves.

There wasn't any guard blocking the restaurant's entrance. But the duo could clearly detect a faint energy barrier that prevent just any random person from strolling in.

An interesting thing to note was the fact that brute force will not work against this barrier. The energy principles within the barrier would simply absorb all damage and possibly reflect it back to the user.

Though they weren't quite sure if this was the case, Cain and Amber knew that even their full prowess can't do anything to do the energy barrier.

But neither of them had to worry about entrance anyway. Before they step in, the duo pulled down their hoodies and took out unique symbol badges.

They quickly shuffled to the entrance, their unique symbol badges gaining an automatic glow. Lights flickered from the badge and flowed straight into the restaurant entrance, causing the doors to automatically fly open.

Before anyone could spot them, the duo stepped inside. They were greeted by a fancy, detailed restaurant that didn't honestly shock the duo.

The base floor was thousands of square feet wide, enough to accommodate thousands of guests. The Chairs, tables, and walls were decorated with finely crafted Qi jewels.

And every person dining here was marginally cut above the average Divine Cultivator. Each of them had robust Divine Auras that exuded dense energy pulsations.

These cultivators, no matter their base cultivation, all held significant status of origin.

However, none of this could stimulate either Cain or Amber. What did take their attention was Fortune Restaurant's atmosphere.

First steps in and their bodies automatically felt a unique stirring. They felt smoothly refreshed as if they had entered into a blossoming spring field.

The cause of this wonderful sensation was a soothing melody flowed all throughout the place.