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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 451 A More Profound Person
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"Lee! I trust you understand the ramifications of your actions?!"

In that moment, Demon Tao's loud voice boomed all across the battle arena. His presence suddenly intensifies, instantly climbing to levels that Du Hu exuded with her Inner World.

The sickening sensation that Demon Tao exuded only increased as his Divine Aura rose. It swept past everyone, to the young Great Divine Sea members and the Divine Star Elders. They all experienced a subconscious shiver crawling through their bodies as if it was some kind of virus.

A surge of shock swirled throughout the audience.

Already, with just the mere release of his Divine Aura, Demon Tao's momentum could match Du Hu!

As Demon Tao's public image wasn't particularly well known to the outside world, many couldn't fathom just how much more powerful he was compared to Du Hu.

It was evident that Demon Tao was superior, but to this degree?

Zhou Family members started to slowly realize that Demon Tao may be a genius with a far more significant status!

Because of the potential of his greater background, it wasn't a wonder that Demon Tao could so boldly fly into the battle stage without repercussion. In this situation, the scenario seemingly seemed on his side.

At the direct descendent section of the audience, Zhou Ping and, surprisingly, Zhou Ling had equally serious expressions.

The past fight was like a fantastical dream. And now, another great genius was rushing into the foray!

But despite the genuine threat Demon Tao exuded, Zhou Ping felt slightly confused. 'His Inner World manifestation sure is great. But why does it feel so lacking compared to Lee's?'

This same line of question swirled Zhou Ling's mind like a chaotic storm. With his higher cultivation realm, it was easier for him to detect the differences between Demon Tao and Cain. Despite this domineeringly loud act, it was evident to see who has the initial upper hand.

The sinking feeling within Zhou Ling's gut intensifies with each passing second.

Up in the skies, under his lightning-transformed state, neither Cain's clothes nor hair swayed from Demon Tao's billowing momentum.

A small smile tugged the edges of his lips. His calm gaze pierced through Demon Tao. It was as if he could see right through his physical body and peer directly into Demon Tao's soul.

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The previous cold sensation returned with a vengeance for Demon Tao. He was clear enough about his disparity more than anyone else. But at this point, after putting on such a huge show, there wasn't any way that he could simply retreat.

A determined thought fermented Demon Tao's mind. He needed to take this head-on!

Under all eyes, Demon Tao boldly flew towards Cain. His initial momentum seemed overwhelming, as if his Divine Aura can swallow everything hole.

But when getting close to Cain, Demon Tao wisely chose to keep a sizable distance away. The pressure Cain was currently exuding still caused an uncomfortable tightening in his chest.

If he tried to throw his weight off being a Late Stage genius, Demon Tao didn't doubt it would end miserably for him.

In the eyes of everyone, Demon Tao showed off a confident stance while a respectable distance away.

His gaze didn't break off from Cain as he loudly proclaimed, "This match was not a life-or-death match. You most certainly could have given Du Hu the time to forfeit. I trust you realize the background Du Hu has?"

The tension suddenly reached its peak once again. Nearly all Zhou Family members were silent as they awaited what seemed to be another violent exchange.

Would Cain actually go against a more powerful genius without any hesitation?

Just from the way Cain proudly looks down upon Demon Tao, it appeared like a fight would erupt at any moment!

However, after only a moment, Cain realized that Demon Tao won't try anything foolish.

Cain didn't have any fear himself facing off against Demon Tao. In fact, he believed he could dispatch Demon Tao as easily as he did with Du Hu.

After all, Demon Tao's prowess would be at most peak Stage Divine Star. And just previously, he smashed apart a peak Divine Star talisman with only his overbearing Divine Aura!

A Divine Mortal's potential and combat prowess will never stall. Even at Great Divine Sea, Cain had thoughts of facing an Early Divine Ruler at full power!

Much less a peak Stage Divine Star warrior, a genius on Demon Tao's level, wasn't much to Cain.

Whether or not Demon Tao could fully understand this remains to be seen. But at the very least, he knows fighting wouldn't bring him any advantage.

Cain had even detected that Demon Tao recalled his simmering killing intent.

At the same time, Cain recalled his powers back into his body as he gave the demonic genius a calm smile. "Indeed, I'm more than aware of who I had just killed. A prime genius backed by your faction. But...even so, why should I really care? After all, within this battle arena, all fights are practically life-or-death duels. She could've admitted defeat at any time. Moreover, our fight was being overseen by Holy King Elders. Truthfully, all of my actions were in my right."

The way Cain freely spoke truly did sway the hearts of everyone watching. His domineering momentum and unending amount of confidence just made it seem like his words were actually truthful.

When recalling the duel, at any moment, it did seem like Du Hu could've admitted defeat at any time. Many thought because of her pride, she lost that critical moment to do so and paid the ultimate price.

Only a few veterans, peak Stage Divine Star Elders, slowly shook their heads at this explanation. They knew clearly just how much of a 'choice' Du Hu really had.

"This way of twisting of events, how seamless..." One of these Divine Star Elders muttered under their breaths, not even willing to curse Cain at this point.

At this time, Demon Tao felt a great deal of frustration surge like a volcano. He also clearly knew that Cain's Divine Aura had locked onto Du Hu's every movement, practically giving her zero chances to live.

But above all, Demon Tao never felt so constricted in life with a youth in his generation!

He wanted to display his prestige as a Holy Land genius but had zero chances to do so.

After all, Demon Tao knows the only reason Cain could boldly talk back to him and declare such reasoning is because of his personal strength, future talent, and social connections.

Never before had he had to swallow what he truly wanted to say.

But in due time, Demon Tao was sure Cain won't be able to stay tall and proud for long. A chilling light briefly gleamed across his eyes before instantly disappearing.

For now, Demon Tao gave a similar faint smile as he said, "Indeed, you were quite in your right. You'll have to excuse my earlier actions. It was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction."

When speaking here, a thought suddenly crossed Demon Tao's mind. "Still, that was quite the performance, Lee. If it's not too much trouble, I would like to invite you and Miss.Xun t-"

Before Demon Tao finished his thought, a sudden, glaring Divine Aura burst throughout the whole battle arena.

Many in the audience, Demon Tao and even Cain and Amber, instantly became alert. Everyone snapped their attention to the skies where there was now a handsome young man calmly floating down to Cain and Demon Tao.

The young man had elegance exuding from his very being. His voice loudly reverberated throughout the battle arena.

"Martial brother Tao, it's been some time hasn't it? I would've met up with you earlier, but some complications came my way."

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As his voice slithered into everyone's ears, the Zhou Family members and Demon Tao were especially shocked to their cores.

It was unknown who shout it out, but someone loudly proclaimed, "He-he's...Sir Jiang Ling! A genius whose only steps away from the Divine Ruler! Someone whose also very close to Divine Decree Lord Wen Dao!!"

The audience soon stirred into a frenzied uproar.

When Demon Tao appeared, many only felt threatened by his suffocating Divine Aura. It did honestly feel like he could kill numerous Divine Star cultivators with only a gaze.

However, his status didn't translate well for everyone else. Not many were fully aware of just who Demon Tao was or his connection to Divine Decree Lord Wen Shao. He simply didn't have much battle ring recording about him.

But with Jiang Ling's case, he's wildly known throughout the entirety of Sky Bless City!

This was a genius tremendously close to achieving the Divine Ruler realm!

Even a freshly new Divine Ruler would still experience a status change within the God Galaxy. That cultivator could be considered as taking a step foot into the high-class society among Divine realm cultivators.

Along with his cultivation, Jiang Ling also had several public appearances with his Divine Decree Lord compared to Demon Tao.

Several times has he gone to powerful Martial families or first-rate sects to establish connections with Divine Ruler Elders or even the Holy King masters!

But above even that, Jiang Ling's monstrous combat prowess is known to all. One of his most famous recordings showcased him suppressing a half-step Divine Ruler expert!

A half-step Divine Ruler is still a powerhouse that can summon Laws and Divine Qi of a superior to any Divine Star warrior. Half-step warriors can easily sweep through the Divine Star warriors like butchering a chicken.

And yet, such an expert, not only couldn't beat Jiang Ling but was also ruthlessly suppressed by him!

In all manner of speaking, Jiang Ling completely suppressed Demon Tao in all aspects, to the point it was barely a comparison.

Demon Tao was fully aware of this point. He tried to keep a calm face, but stress could be seen in his expression and his hands slightly clenched.

"Ah, Senior Martial brother Ling. To think we would meet here of all places." Demon Tao attempted to keep his tone even, but slight cracks of stress could be heard.

Jiang Ling only gave one last nod to Demon Tao before completely shifting his attention to Cain.

His and Cain's gazes matched each other. Their expressions didn't betray anything other than complete serenity.