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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 343 Good Sportsmanship
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Countless thoughts ran through Lu Lin's mind within a single moment. Her Spiritual Sea overworked itself, attempting to piece together any solution for the inevitable upcoming scene.

But nothing reasonable came to her mind.

And when she saw Cain give a slight smirk, Lu Lin's pupils dilated. Fear took over her.

This wasn't another genius she was facing. But rather a total monster of Martial cultivation!

Lu Lin didn't care at all; she revolved every single ounce of her strength in her Inner World to the point it ferociously shook!

"Ahh!! Light of Sword!!"

Lu Lin raised her own Master Grade True Spirit Sword high as her Light aura rapidly intensified.

Streams of Light Law essence and Sword energy covered her True Spirit Sword until it formulated into a Radiant Sword aura!

This was Lu Lin's absolute zenith state.

And because she's using her True Spirit Sword, her combat prowess even slightly eclipses Huo Zhi's peak state. Even an upper-tier 4thfall expert would need to treat her attack with the utmost caution!

But right before Lu Lin could even lift her foot, a flash of green blinded her vision.

The Laws of Space distorted right by her side. Li Lu felt and could hear space shattering like glass. And at the same time, a powerful aura tightly locked around her, sealing her movements akin to a space cage!

Flashes of Draconic Lightning streaked through the air. The Draconic Lighting gleamed brighter than that of pure and intense Light Laws.

The once incredibly bright Light Law and Sword energy aura was immediately overpowered.

Bolts of Draconic Lightning energy continually sliced Lu Lin's peak state Sword of Light aura into particles of tiny light wisps.

All in just a moment, Cain's Draconic Lightning energy completely shredded Lu Lin's Sword of Light!

Cain simply didn't need any tactics. His prowess was far higher than Lu Lin's. With just a tiny portion of his power, he could shred through Divine defenses like tofu.

And Cain spared no expense, skipping over using a small portion of strength to just his full power! His immense, near inexhaustible energy reserves capacity, allowed him to so carelessly use his full power

The use of Chaos teleportation also gave Cain an absolute advantage. Unless it was a higher realm cultivator or one proficient with Space Laws, wanting to defend against Chaos teleportation was nigh-impossible.

Lu Lin had zero ways to even react to something basically instantaneous.

Cain's Draconic Lightning Claw hovered inches away from Lu Lin's shoulder.

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The remnant force of his Martial skill already collapsed all of Lu Lin's Divine defenses and drilled into her Inner World.

All it took was a stream of Draconic Lightning to numb Lu Lin's bodily nerves and suppress her Inner World.


Lu Lin suddenly coughed up blood as she crashed right to her knees.

Even though Cain held back considerably, his stream of Draconic Lightning was just too much for her to handle. She could no longer move. It was like all of her energy reserves capacity was fried to crisps.

Cain quickly recalled his Draconic Lightning stream before the damage actually became too noticeable.

And just like that, the spar came to a swift end.

Neither Cain nor Kali felt any shock. Through Shi Wei's training, they were finally able to tell that their prowess was at least upper-tier sixthfall expert!

And perhaps if they use all in their arsenal, they can briefly suppress a 7thfall expert!

These were the specialties of Divine Mortals.

The stronger their cultivation bases, the higher their combat prowess grows.

Neither Cain nor Kali will ever stop evolving past their current state. Facing geniuses with merely 4thfall prowess was nothing but child's play to the both of them.

Cain, however, didn't put on any airs just like Kali. He recalled his aura, reverting back to his base state.

He walked around to the front of Lu Lin, put his hand out, and said with a friendly smile, "Truly, you are a genius. I really did need to act fast, or I could've been in some trouble."

Lu Lin took a deep look at Cain's handsome face. That whole last moment felt like a dream to her. He dealt with her so efficiently it was almost like she was a Mortal in front of an actual Divine being.

The usually proud Lu Lin felt her Martial Heart crack and her soul faintly quiver with desire.

Her body moved on autopilot as she grasped Cain's hand, slightly flushing from the touch, loudly muttering, "Seeing and experiencing it really is a world apart. Sir Cain is honestly specular."

While watching the show of good sportsmanship, Yang Lin, Huo Zhi, Elder Chun, and Elder Weilong were just as, if not slightly more impressed with Cain's performance.

His domination was even more domineering than Kali's!

That battle was less flashy, but it stuck with everyone else slightly more than Kali's battle.

The most significant shocking factor was Cain's movement.  The mystical power of Space Laws was beyond their expectations!

Elder Chun's thoughts were on one line. 'When Sect Master sees this, he would be more than pleased about investing our time in the Huang Dragons. His foresight truly is beyond my scope.'

At the same time, Yang Lin was slowly caressing the recording ring. Scenes of both battles vividly replayed in his head. He honestly couldn't figure out who was more outstanding out of the two Divine Mortals.

There was only thing Yang Lin knew for sure. 'When this battle gets broadcasted, even the Senior Martial brothers and sisters will feel pressure. I bet even Heavenly Great World geniuses will treat them seriously!'

After all, wasn't Cain and Kali only at Early Stage Sacred Sage?

What would their prowess be like when they merely reach the very zenith of Mortalhood?

And for that matter, how much will they evolve after Divinehood ascensions?

Yang Lin, a proud genius who is usually undisturbed by even High God Galaxie's geniuses, felt a slight shudder at Divine Mortals' ascensions.

Out of everyone, only Kali cast a slightly annoyed look at Cain. Her teeth barely clicked together, feeling an itch.

But she quickly suppressed it before it could affect her actions.

Pushing down her thoughts, Kali suddenly clasped her hands, gaining everyone's attention again.

She eagerly said, "Well then, since we finished the initial greeting, are you all up for some more sparring? Only this time, we won't go hard so we all can enjoy the fight."

Cain's eyes brighten at this prospect. "Yea, Kali brings up a good suggestion. I am very curious about your Light Laws and your comprehension of Sword energy. I'm sure we have much to learn from each other."

Before coming to a decision, Yang Lin's group turned their gazes on Elder Chun. No matter their thoughts, all future actions would be decided by him. Hell, even the previous duel was pre-arranged by him.

By this point, Elder Chun's expression had already returned to normal. He casually glanced between the youths before happily saying, "Indeed. That is an excellent idea. Learning from each other is also a clear way to improve relationships."

Yang Lin, Lu Lin, and Huo Zhi turned back over. Their faces flushed with deep contemplation.

Admittedly, this would be the first time they would be learning from someone far younger than them.

The only teachers they had were older people with hundreds of years of experience under their belt.

So it was understandably a bit jarring to potentially learn from two youths who started their cultivation journey only months ago.

Still, the Radiant Core disciples didn't get too hunged upon it. They were entirely convinced of Cain and Kali's Martial talent.

Yang Lin had put away the recording ring and stepped forward to say, "That sounds like a perfect time. Furthermore, for this sparring, I will be joining in."

In an instant, both Lu Lin and Hua Zhi felt reinvigorated. Because Cain and Kali held back, their injuries weren't severe at all.

During the time they talked, their energy reserve capacity was gradually returning to them.

Since this wouldn't be a battle to win, neither Lu Lin nor Hua Zhi worried about their fatigue. And with Yang Lin joining in, their drive for battle further increased.

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At least with him, they should be able to handle the Divine Mortals' overwhelming prowess slightly better.

Yang Lin similarly felt his own fighting spirit arise. He knew only by experiencing Divine Mortals himself could he truly understand the massive vast chasm that separated them.

As the Dragon siblings and Radiant Core disciples prepare for another spar, Amber slightly opened her eyes.

She calmly smiled when seeing the current state of things and then focused back on Spirit energy refinement.

Her Spirit aura was entirely at peace. No matter how powerful shockwaves either Cain or Kali released, it couldn't breach through Amber's Spirit energy aura.

Although, her achievement went unnoticed by everyone there.

Even Gold-Class level Spirit Elder Weilong didn't pick up on Amber's Spirit energy attainments.


At this time, hundreds of meters above the courtyard, two silent figures had witnessed both duels.

Nobody in the courtyard notices these two people for even a moment. Their mastery of Space Laws allowed them to easily hide from weaker Divine Senses detection.

Within the hidden space distortion was one beautiful, gracefully mature woman. And one old yet dignified man.

These two would take all the attention if they were to appear within the courtyard.

As they were the Huang Dragons' greatest Ancestors, Shi Wei and Huang Maolong.

Both Ancestors intently watched the duo, taking extreme notice of highest Radiance Elder Chun's reaction.

Naturally, even with the Radiance Luster Holy Land words, Shi Wei couldn't help but take precautions.

It would be far too naive to believe everything would go their way. Her experience could see far past the surface.

Although, throughout the whole duel, neither Huang Maolong nor Shi Wei detected anything abnormal from Elder Chun.

Huang Maolong sighed internally, transmitting to Shi Wei, 'It appears your worries didn't come to fruition. He seems no less shocked than others. And even I can't help but marvel at the young one's prowess.'

Within her Space distortion, Shi Wei lightly smiles, transmitting over, 'That goes for me too. I truly don't control all aspects of their training. They tend to develop much faster when on their own.'

Divine Mortal or not, the same kind of logic apply to all geniuses. Only through letting their talent naturally expand on their own can they achieve greater insights than being fed a silver spoon.

Many across the God Galaxies realms approve of this belief. And there are countless legends in history backing up this belief.

After a short quiet moment, Huang Maolong said, 'With this, however, I have no doubt that high-realms and Heavenly Great Worlds will place all of their attention onto us. This...can we still rely on that method?'

'Fufu~.' Shi Wei giggled, sounding like a beautiful angel harmony. 'It worked during their birth, their childhood, and now their emergence, right?  You should already be aware that if this method wasn't foolproof, I would have already taken them away. Moreover, I have complete trust in him, more than most people here. Before any of that, however, they need to naturally develop, forge their reputation and create connections. Only this way, I can be at peace.'

'I see...' Huang Maolong didn't say anything more.

He and Shi Wei only cast one pondering gaze at Amber sitting quietly before vanishing without any traces.