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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 308 Hope?
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Soon enough, Huang Dilong started to mutter in slight disbelief. "Just how? Just how could this even be possible? The last Divine Mortals from the lower God realms were over hundreds of years ago. And even in Heavenly Great Worlds, it is incredibly rare to see a Divine Mortal. Moreover, if there is one, they would usually either come from Crimson Thunder Emperor or Divine Faith's Great Worlds. All of this is just too…astounding."

The Huang Dragons all felt legitimately complex.

On the one hand, there were the immense potential benefits of raising Divine Mortals.

Just looking at history, all Divine Mortals raised their homelands to unprecedented levels.

Some of the known Heavenly Great Worlds came as such because a Divine Mortal led them there.

Whether the Holy Land force was righteous, close-knit, or secluded, they all had a priority on achieving as much benefit as possible.

Similar to massive corporate organizations that seek out the most profit with either minimal or only a certain amount of risk.

The temptation was amazingly strong.

These Huang Dragons, despite living for thousands of years, still had grand ambitions. It's engraved in their blood to never be stagnant, never stay submissive, never allow themselves to not improve.

So when presented with the possibility of two Divine Mortals, these Huang Dragons can no longer keep their rational calm, feeling tempted as if it was a bewitching seductress.

But at the same time, they all genuinely couldn't place their internal feelings on both Cain and Kali.

These two went from cold indifference to forceful acknowledgment and now to a position the Crown Prince can't even match!

All of it happened within the span of literal months.

The main question stirring like a storm on these Huang Dragons' minds was, just how the hell was these two achieving all of this?

Shi Wei, the person responsible for causing such mind chaos, didn't explain anything but instead said, "The doubts in your minds can't be reasonably cleared up until action is finally done, right? This is understandable, so you will have to wait. Besides, Senior Maolong agrees with my decision."

Promptly, the other Huang Dragons snapped their gazes on Maolong. His words, to even the saint Dragon Elders, Emperor, Empress, and even the other Ancient Dragons, were like law.

He held the highest seniority and arguably the most wisdom among them. Naturally, he can't be disrespected.

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Huang Maolong briefly closed his eyes in seeming contemplation. But instantly, a moment later, he slowly nodded.

That slow, silent nod was all that needed to be said for the other Huang Dragons.

Shi Wei lightly smiled. "Now then, I shall be off. Hopefully, you all can come and see this new mark of our history."

She didn't stay a second longer, promptly teleporting out the room through Space Laws.

Her leave was very abrupt; the other Huang Dragons could only turn their attention over to Maolong.

However, Huang Maolong didn't offer any other explanation, similarly teleporting out the room through Space Laws.

Left all alone, the Huang Dragons turned their attention to each other.

Huang Xilong was the first to click his teeth, his expression showcasing mild annoyance. "She's always going off on him, leaving all of us in the dark. It would be better for all of us that she's more willing to cooperate."

"It's bewildering, but we just have to accept. I doubt she will be changing her act anytime soon. Especially when all of her actions lead to great results." Huang Nailong hopelessly shrugged.

At this moment, Huang Ya suddenly spoke up, her tone a bit icy. "Truthfully, I honestly can't recall when she was ever proven wrong. Moreover, don't you all realize this event seemed a bit too strange? In fact, those two have always been far too strange."

The Huang Dragons curled their brows in puzzlement.

Huang Wulong directly asked, "What do you exactly mean?"

"Don't all of you recall it?" Huang Ya's eyes became slightly dazed. "Only a short time after their births, when we lost all hope, Ancestor Wei's hope never wavered, and she made a prediction that practically came true at this moment."

At that moment, the Huang Dragons slightly stiffened. Each of them started to suddenly recount one crucial memory.


Years ago, in the Huang Dragon Imperial Palace.

In one imperial chamber, a group of high figures adults was crowded around two young children, not even above 4 years old, sleeping on a luxurious bed.

All of the Huang Dragons' highest figures were present.

All of them had intent gazes as they stared at a golden robe man kneeling at the bed of young Cain and Kali.

The golden robe man's clothing had distinct spirit insignia designed all along it, showcasing his World Spirit Master Class level.

A stream of golden Spirit energy spewed from both his hands, his expression warped in immense concentration.

His Spirit energy was engraved with Spirit Law Marks of the healing attainment path.

As a well-known and reputable healing World Spirit Master, he was giving his absolute best.

It was even to the point where he's letting his Spirit energy reserves fall dangerously low, putting himself in an unfavorable position.

Naturally, this was all to pay favor to the Huang Dragons.

A Holy Martial Family would naturally be superior to any lone force, be it Martial cultivator or World Spirit Masters. The resources they have is incredibly enticing!

The gold World Spirit Master didn't dare to disappoint. However, the healing process was already reaching its end.

He was doing the best he could, even going so far as to cleanse Cain and Kali's bodies to a point where they're far healthier than an average mortal.

But just this was all he could do.

When his Spirit energy no longer had any effect on the Dragon siblings' bodies, the gold World Spirit Master had to regretfully stop.

He recalled his golden Spirit energy, disappointedly sighed, and shook his head. "I'm afraid this is the best I can do. It is nearly impossible to fix their cultivation aptitude. There truly isn't anything wrong with their internal bodies. Not even a Royal Class World Spirit Master would find anything strange. My apologies Huang Dragons."

The Huang Dragons barely put any thought into the gold World Spirit Master attitude. Their focus stayed entirely on the young sleeping children.

A gloomy atmosphere engulfed the room. Nearly all of the Huang Dragons' reactions were heavy.

"So it's like this." Huang Xilong and Nailong indifferently stated.

In their gaze, the young children on the bed seemingly lost something of significance as if they're barely different from an ordinary mortal.

Both Huang Dilong and Ya didn't offer any comments, choosing to stay silent with a smile that can exude ominous chills. Their cold smiles combined with a hint of mockery dancing within their eyes as they stared at the young Dragon siblings.

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"So they can only amount to this." Huang Laolong and Song Lin bluntly stated, their tones barely having any noticeable waves.

The parents of the young children spoke completely indifferently, treating the whole situation as if it was just two objects that were no longer useful.

In direct contrast, Huang Maolong's expression was unreadable. One wouldn't be able to tell if he was disappointed, upset, indifferent, cold, or even joyous.

Only Shi Wei kept a calm smile. Her whole entire bearing genuinely stayed precisely the same ever since the healing process first started.

She ignored the heavy atmosphere, directly asking, "You say that it is nearly impossible. So this naturally means there is a slight possibility, no?"

The gold World Spirit Master slowly stood up, his brows furrowing in deep contemplation.

However, a moment later, a helpless look plastered his face. "Perhaps by a stroke of miracle, something can change the situation. But, please don't put hope on it. Cases like this are near impossible to change."

"If there is a possibility, then it's fine." Shi Wei confidently assured. "Please, Sir Lian, allow our Dragon Elders to escort you out."

The gold World Spirit Master seemingly wanted to speak but held his tongue.

His gaze only held slight pity as he quickly left the chambers.

Left alone, the other Huang Dragons, of course, stayed behind. Each of them, besides Huang Maolong, seemed as if they had something to say.

But Shi Wei jumped the line, telling them all, "Well then, since it has been decided, I from here on will take exclusive care of these little ones. Moreover, I have something I want to test on them."

"Test?" Huang Ya nearly had the urge to scoff but smartly retained it. "No disrespect Ancestor Wei but what can there possibly be done? Just pragmatically speaking, none of us have any attainment in the Soul, healing Spirit energy, or any other mystical methods. I'm sorry, but any further attempts seem a bit…futile."

"The little empress has a point, Ancestor Wei." Huang Xilong instantly followed up. "I doubt even a Heavenly Venerate master can overturn this situation. And even if they can, do we have the resources to pay for that kind of help?"

"Mother, we all know you have a softer disposition to the royal children, but they are completely different from them. The situation is set in stone." Huang Dilong offered his comment.

"Mother, we are purely looking at from it a realistic standpoint. To keep our Imperial Family from washing over the waves of all other forces, sacrifices are only inevitable. You taught us all this and taught us when to make the most logical decisions." Huang Laolong calmly spoke with Song Lin giving her silent agreement.

Huang Wulong obverses everyone else faces, only feeling strange with both Shi Wei and Maolong's reactions.

But he still had to put forth his honest feelings at this moment. "Wei'er. I'm sorry, but even I can't put forth much hope. Being rational is the biggest reason we could rapidly develop to a staggering standpoint.

Huang Maolong still kept silent. Although, the other Huang Dragon saw it as a silent agreement.

The whole situation was heavily unbalanced. Low hopes and low morale as spread all across the board.

But there was one sliver lining of hope that refused to die out.