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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 303 - Motivations
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"Seriously? This is the second time this has happened. And your expressions now are no different from savage beasts." Amber chided as she approached the Dragon siblings. 

When she got close to them, neither Cain nor Kali had that previous crazed expression. 

The siblings slowly pulled their fists back and cast a curious gaze onto Amber.

Kali coldly snorted, directly asking, "I know this Spirit sensation. The Spirit Mending Aura, right? Just when did you become so proficient with it? I expected my natural defensive to work against it."

Cain held his brief gaze for a moment before coming to a great realization. "I get it. Your attainment in Origin Spirit Law has increased. You should be at the quasi-expert level, right?"

"Hehe~." Amber lightly giggled while proudly nodding. "Indeed I did. My overall Spirit energy level didn't increase, but my density turned more profound." 

"So that's it. I reached quasi-expert in Source Laws, and you reached quasi-expert in Heaven and Earth Path, right?" Kali pointed to Cain while asking. 

"That's right." Cain confirmed. "It seems like Heavenly energy raised what our affinity is most aligned with. This will make our future even smoother."

As the trio talked among themselves, Shi Wei was in deep contemplation. Her Divine Sense could accurately detect the level of prowess Cain and Kali exuded. 

One could just imagine her shock when she discovered a mere casual attack from them was equal to a Middle Stage Sacred Sage expert! 

The significance of this was higher than any of their previous combat prowess.

What was the Sacred Sage realm? 

It was the absolute peak of Mortalhood! 

In this realm, any cultivator can grasp the 100% power of Heaven and Earth Origin energy. There wouldn't be any more filter energy that weakens a Martial cultivator's prowess.

All Sacred Sage cultivators fuse their entire being with the perfection form of Origin energy. 

Naturally, Origin energy couldn't possibly compare to Heaven and Earth's Divine Essence. But it was still a highly potent power that thrives in the Lower Realm, Divine Plane, and the God Galaxies. 

Controlling the perfect form of such power could only come with dozens of years of cultivating the Martial Path. 

In all aspects, whether it was dantian cultivation, Source Law comprehension, battle comprehension, life experiences, or cultivation manuals, a Martial cultivator would usually thoroughly experience it all before reaching perfection form of Origin energy.

But Cain and Kali reached this kind of level with just purely their physical body! 

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Moreover, the depths of their prowess can't be calculated the same way anymore. The benefits of Heavenly energy went far beyond Shi Wei's expectations. 

Even Amber's Spirit energy could leave their Spirit Dragon Elders stunned. 

Shi Wei, a grand Divine Ruler master who experienced hundreds of years of life, was left genuinely stunned.

She can't tell which played the most crucial role, whether it is their incredibly high inborn luck, significant ties to fate, or just simply tremendous natural talent. 

Either way, Shi Wei felt her intuition slowly rise.

It was time for their proper start in the massive God Galaxy. 

Shi Wei suddenly spoke up to Cain's group, saying, "The previous instinct you two felt would have to be our special Huang Dragon bloodline. First Great Ancestor may have modified our bloodline to have extra abilities from humans, but in the end, we can't escape our fundamental beastly Draconinc instincts."

Cain, Kali, and Amber were immediately intrigued. 

A question always rummaged on their mind on why the Huang Dragons or even the Ancient Phoenix beasts were so different from those low intelligent, vicious beasts.

For a brief moment, Cain had a thought to ask about Shi Wei's circumstance. He thought his grandmother was a purebred human before marrying into the family. 

But he pushed down the question in favor of asking, "So in the end, we take on the dominant traits from humans but sometimes, the recessive bestial genes surges. Does this also hold true for the Ancient Phoenixes? And for that matter, what makes our bestial bloodline so much better?"

"Truthfully, I am not entirely aware of the Phoenixes' circumstances, but they should be closely similar to us. As for our bloodline, it ranks at the Divine level. In essence, we have inborn Divine Essence flowing through our veins. First Ancestor explained that our specific bloodline has strong sties to luck; thus, we accumulated far more Divine Essence in our blood. And thus, our Dragon Race is no less pure than the top Monster races despite our lower cultivation level." Shi Wei explained.

And as she saw the trio nod in understanding, she continued on to say, "Now then, do you three want to make a massive wave in not only our Imperial Place but gradually, the entirety of the God Galaxies?"


Were Cain and Kali's immediate curt replies. Though Amber's Spirit energy briefly suppressed them, that same bestial Draconinc instinct was slowly stirring their Martial Heart.

Kali always had an affinity for dominating and controlling. 

She did and still counts all beings in the Lower Realm as inferior to her and even has aspirations of reaching that same position in the God Galaxies.

Crudeness or morality didn't mean much in her eyes. 

She could still recall her younger days of being so crushingly oppressed by her elder siblings, ignored by the Elders, and ignored by even her own parents.

She had solaces such as Cain and her grandmother, but they could never replace her instinct pride. 

The fact that being a Dragon amplified these feelings was only a plus to her.

Every time she recalls where her pride stems from, one specific memory always flashes in her mind. 


A young Kali and Cain, no older than 14 years old, were sitting around in a secluded section of the private imperial library.

They both looked drastically different compared to now, but their expressions were curiously similar. 

Young Kali wore a slightly cold expression as if she couldn't trust anyone. While young Cain had a simple, calm smile as he read a strange old book. 

Them silently reading close together was a usual occurrence. 

But at this time, a beautiful young girl had suddenly entered the library and dauntingly strolled over to them.

This girl had arrogance seeped into her bones. Her lips carried an ever-present sneer as she cast a gaze of disdain at the younger Dragon siblings. 

She was a true gorgeous young maiden but one that treated nearly everyone as inferior to her.

Looming before Cain's table, the girl spoke disdainfully, "So you wastes are still coming around here? When Royal grandmother isn't around, it would be better to hide up in here, right?"

"Just what the hell do you want with us, Jaolong." Young Kali got directly to the point, matching a fierce gaze with Huang Jaolong. 

While young Cain dawned a troubled expression.

At this point, they both were used to the oppression and could even understand it. 

After all, the foundation of the God Galaxy was strength prevails above all.

Without strength, just what can one do? 

Especially in a large Holy Martial Family where strength is absolutely needed. Only with strength can one simply survive in their merciless world.

From a purely pragmatic point of view, young Kali and Cain were indeed nothing but waste taking up resources that can be used for much better causes. 

But even understanding all of this, Kali was truly indigent!

She just can't accept being a trash waste all because of elements out of her control. Thus, she didn't back down from glaring at Huang Jaolong. 

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Facing Kali's stubbornness, Huang Jaolong scoffed.

"Don't worry, I have much better things to do. I only wanted to rely on this message that me, our other siblings, and even our parents may think. Just face the blunt reality. You two hold very little value here. Those Dragon Charms don't belong to you. So, just think for the good of the family and actually do something worthy of your short life. After all, you don't want to be seen as a waste for the remainder of it, right?"

The moment she spoke these words, Huang Jaolong promptly swiveled around to leave. 

But as her colorful hair wildly swayed, a voice so cold that it actually managed to stop her drilled into Huang Jaolong's ears.

"The good the family? What you all think of us? Blunt reality? Hehehe! Fine, fine! Disdain us all you want, step on all over us because there will be a day where brother and I will step on this Imperial Place to reach the summit of the Marital World! No matter how many times you try and break out spirits, it won't ever happen! In fact, all Dragons in the universe will bow their head to me!!"

As that speech echoed in Kali's mind, she subconsciously smiled. 

During that time, she saw hope in the future because of Cain's Ancient Chaos Manual. And when Huang Jaolong tried one last time to break their spirit, all of her accumulations spilled over.

Now, years later, she can finally take the first step in stepping on the entirety of her Imperial Palace! Her motivation couldn't be higher! 

As Kali was lost in memories, Cain never felt clearer and more motivated in his life.

Cain, who is usually the calmest between them, couldn't suppress waves of excitement. He wasn't sure exactly when it happened, but he had completely assimilated into the race of a Dragon in both mind and body.

His reasoning? 

His underlying determination? 

It was all relatively simple in his mind. 

That is to pursue the ultimate freedom of the Martial Path! 

His ambitions weren't overly grand, but they had always aligned with what he always believed in.

Cain could still recall one specific conversation he had with his previous homeworld sister, Lisa. 

"Oh, Cain, you're telling me that you don't want to be gazed upon with reverence? Or have so many wives obediently serving you with love? Just this so-called search for true freedom?" Lisa had an incredulous expression while asking her question. 

The two would typically engage in talks like this, and she could never quite figure out this odd goal that varied from the norm.

In her eyes, she found that it simply made sense to live to one's fullest desires if one were granted the tools to achieve it. Achieving this so-called true freedom seemed like a narrowed scope.

Cain only gave a simple smile. "What do you think? Of course, I would want respect and love. But isn't that too limited of a worldview? I say freedom isn't just living without care but the freedom to enjoy life to its fullest! And what do you need to do that? Absolute strength! With that, I can have eternal life to use freedom to its fullest average. So that's why no matter how lavish a life I can temporarily achieve in another world, I will wholeheartedly pursue accumulating strength to achieve the freedom of life."

Coming back to reality, Cain could practically feel the heat coming from his gaze. All other previous points were building blocks for all future events. 

His goal was one step closer to being achieved.