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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 111 - Immediate Exit
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"Huu~. Truly, too much action for me for one day. This crazy guy….he sure knows how to rile me up. And I don't know if I like it or feel drained by it." Amber huffed a bit, speaking in a nearly amused tone.

Truly it was the duality of her nature. So much excitement and intriguing new feelings she can experience with Cain. 

But at the same time, Amber truly wanted to pass out in great exhaustion! Her lazybones is getting too much of a workout for one day. 

Although, even as she thinks this, Amber has a faint worrying feeling that her lazy days are about to permanently switch up. And she has no other option but to go forward with just a wry smile.

"Ah, well, that's just how he is. Even in our childhood, he would make this elder sister worry about him with his antics." Kali spoke while shaking her head. A rueful smile curved her lips.

For some reason, standing face to face with Amber, she didn't feel as annoyed with her presence as usual. Unexpectedly, it actually felt quite refreshing to talk with her like this.

Noticing this reaction, Amber's smile broadens. She decided to test her like, asking Kali, "Oh? Is that so? You would never guess this serious guy could be a mischievous little child. I certainly don't expect it."

"Heh. I guess, in a way, our Family life forced us to mature faster than normal. Still, even now, Cain could be a little rascal if he wants to be." Kali nearly giggled as memories surfaced in her mind.

Despite her insistent against it, Cain still decided to prank her by teleporting to her blindside when she completely didn't expect it. 

Annoying for sure, especially since she knows he loves seeing her reactions. But it was little fun moments like that she'll never forget. 

At the same time Kali and Amber were experiencing a rare bonding moment, Tan and his team finally awakened from their stupor.

Simultaneously, each of them took subconscious steps back from Cain's group. 

Lan Kun, Sun Ahi, Yao Yan, and Chen Ai wanted to get the hell away from this demon and never once turn back to look at him.

But, nobody dared to move too far. Their Martial Hearts were cracked into pieces, leading a to decline in confidence. 

At this moment, the only thing they could fully trust was Tan; thus, they all settled their gazes on him, awaiting his next move.

Tan felt the gazes on him but couldn't even properly react. He gave his team one look over and simply said, "Just….wait." 

With that, Tan forced him to climb the Great Soul Tree, collecting the rest of the Soul Peaches.

Even as Amber has gotten more, Tan wouldn't dare argue about fair distribution. His confidence was nowhere near high enough that. 

This whole process took only several seconds.

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Afterward, Tan returned to his team and was about to speak. But before he could open his mouth, Amber and Kali suddenly started to walk over to them. 

Their slow steps immediately caused Tan and the others to go stiff.

At one point, they all were hoping for this situation to happen. Now, they were utterly dreading what Amber could possibly want. 

"Well then, it's certainly been an experience. But we should split off now. Cain not exactly in prime top shape condition." Amber explained. 

And a collective sigh of relief exhaled from Tan's other team members. However, their rising hopes were soon dampened. 

Tan's expression was complicated. His eyes switched between the trio multiple times as a thought entered his mind. 

Throwing all caution, he decided to blurt out, "You….even as the Vicious Beast aren't around this area, we're still far too deep here. Wanting to leave and you will definitely encounter more powerful beasts. So….perheps you would like to come with to the Sword Sage Legacy. There, you can fully heal him up and strengthen yourself."


Sun Ahi, Lan Kun, Yao Yang, and Chen Ai utterly froze. They truly couldn't believe their ears. 

Out of all things, their Senior Brother wants this guy to come with them?

How the hell could they travel with a Demon like him?! 

Their fear heavily clouded their judgments. Nobody could understand Cain, so naturally, nobody was willing to put trust in him.

However, despite the protest, Tan didn't even take one glance back at his team, keeping a somewhat steady gaze. 

"Sword Sage Legacy? The hell is that?" Kali was the one to speak up this time, her eyes shining with slight interest.

No longer feeling any type of disdain towards Kali, Tan patiently explained himself. 

"You see, there's an unpopular spot here that holds an incredible legacy spot. The legacy was left behind by a Supreme Elder who was rumored to surpass his Mortality, becoming a legendary Divine God! In his Legacy spot, the Supreme Elder left behind many treasures that are separated by barriers. Because of my unique cultivation method, the Elders gave me a tool that only I could use to cross those barriers. With it, I'm sure I can give you three appropriate resources. It's only natural since you saved our lives."

"Sword Sage Legacy huh…." Kali and Amber paused, genuinely considering this offer. 

Indeed, what they need the most now is strength. To simply survive this Demonic Area, strength was the only factor.

And barring past the treasures, latching on to Tan's team was still a good idea. After all, they consisted of two Mid-Stage and one Late Stage Profound Soul warriors. 

Unless for unlucky situations like that last trap, nothing unreasonable should jump out at them. 

After a few silent moments, Kali and Amber gradually came to their answers.

Then, right as Amber was about to speak, Cain suddenly snapped his eyes wide open! 

"Ah!!" Sun Ahi, Lan Kun, Yao Yang, and Chen Ai all jumped back several feet in fearful shock.

While Tan stayed rooted but his body couldn't control its quivering. 


Amber and Kali's reactions were normal, just curiously throwing Cain a glance. Then, they suddenly felt him shift around until he was standing back on his feet.

No matter the reactions around him, Cain didn't react at all to them. It was like all surrounding background noise muffled away. 

At this moment, Cain felt his Soul's Core frantically alerting him.

This sensation was unforgettable to him. 

The sensation of looming death! 

Thankfully, at this moment, Cain felt a massive amount of Soul Energy return to him. In fact, he perceived that his Soul had tremendously strengthened!

How much it had strengthened, what was his current limits with it? Cain didn't have time to consider these questions. 

Without any words, Cain pulled out Soul Energy and linked it with his Chaos Energy.

A powerful, mystical Aura quickly gushed out of Cain as he wasn't focused on suppressing the leakage of Chaos Energy. 

This change was too abrupt; nobody could react at all.

Tan's eyes significantly widened to full-blown saucer sizes, practically bulging from his sockets. 

This….this was the exact same energy he first felt from them! So it was Cain all along rather than Amber?!

Amber and Kali didn't even have time to process the situation as Cain firmly pulled them into his chest. 

In this instance, Cain's Chaos Enhanced Sense locked on near something miles away from him.

Then, a radiant green shine engulfed Cain, Kali, and Amber, drowning the entire area in its brilliant glow. 

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The very Laws governing Space itself have directly torn apart as the mystical energy pulsated in the atmosphere.

Tan and the others were forced to shut their eyes because of the intense blinding green flash. 

A second passed, and the green flash instantly cleared away. 

As Tan and the other re-open their eyes, they were immediately struck with immense disbelief. 

Right before them, Cain, Kali, and Amber disappeared! Just how the hell?!

Everyone spread their Spirit Sense to their limits, but the trio was nowhere around here anymore! 

"Di-di-did they really just teleport? As in, actual space teleportation?!" Yao Yang couldn't suppress his shock.

He and everyone else had no idea what to make of this situation. So they simply stay rooted to their spots, eyes burning intense holes in were Cain, Kali, and Amber just stood.

But suddenly, Tan and his team had no time to wrap their heads around this event. Not when an inexplicable sensation of approaching death crashed right onto them!


Tan, Lan Kun, Sun Ahi, Yao Yang, and Chen Ai felt an incomparable Aura locked right on them. The young elites tried to move their bodies only to find they were all frozen in place!

At this moment, they all felt their hearts drop into the pits of their guts. 

This was absolute suppression of power! 

Tan and the others snapped their gazes towards the skies, and even more, horror-filled their faces.

"Sk-Sky Ruler?!?" 

They all could recognize this terrifying level of Aura. A realm of power that seemed utterly untouchable, almost like Gods amongst men. 

This was the Realm of Sky Ruler!

And at this time, far up into the skies, a black robe man had suddenly appeared. His eyes scanned around the immediate area while his Spirit Sense spread far out.

After only a few moments, the black robe man frustratingly shook his head, cursing out, "Damnit! Not again! I was sure that Aura was incredibly similar to that boy. And I did briefly sense them. Can those three really bypass absolute suppression? Just what the hell are they? Tch….no way they could get away far from here. But just in case I fail again…."

Suddenly, the black robe man snapped his gaze square on Tan's team. 

Gazed by what seemed like a black creature far up in the skies, Tan and his other members fell into the pits of despair. This was death truly descending upon them. 

And they were helpless to stop this.