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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 107 - Martial Immortal Valley Disciples
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Cain, Kali, and Amber practically didn't hear the young group elites. The pain flowing through them was too distracting. 

It wasn't to the point of ultimate, excruciating anguish. But the feeling of having numerous bones broken and organs split open wasn't a pleasant feeling, to the say least.

Amber relied on her deep and firm cultivation foundation to tank the powerful aftershocks. While the sibling duo relied purely on their Draconic Bodies and Astral Energy seeped into their bones to survive.

Any other Nascent Formation youths would be in a near-death state or outright dead from that previous attack.

Still, Cain felt the roughest. He had to use two teleportations in quick succession!

The drain on his Soul's Core was immense. Dizziness accompanied by significant pain created a situation where Cain nearly collapsed to the ground. 

However, Cain didn't dare let himself show weakness.

Now that they are with an unknown group whose prowess exceeds them, weakness can lead to their death. 

Without it needing to be said, Cain, Kali, and Amber simultaneously traced their spatial rings, taking out Healing Pills and stuffing them into their mouths.

Thankfully, no matter the situation, their Spatial Ring would always be a great convenient tool. Even as they weren't planning on an expedition like this, their emergency resources were plenty enough.

Within moments, waves of Healing Energy burst within Cain, Kali, and Amber's internal bodies. Their injuries rapidly healed, and color returned to their once pale faces.

"Huu~. Counting the days for when our lucky break will finally come." Amber tiredly sighs, feeling far better now. At this moment, she felt a rollercoaster of emotion.

To think this all started just because she wanted to give the sibling duo a simple tour guide. As she put it, life was truly unpredictable. 

Although, strangely enough, Amber couldn't feel any regret about this situation at all. In fact, she felt like a stronger sensation for Cain specifically was growing within her chest.

She didn't dare to look over at him. But her mind couldn't suppress any thoughts about him. 

Once again, he saved their lives through Heaven-Defying means. This guy truly is a fascinating individual. 

"Tch. To think we got company once again." Kali, on the other hand, was struggling to suppress her annoyance. 

She could clearly sense those other young elites slowly walking towards them. And the most frustrating about this situation is that three of them are stronger than her! 

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A great trial was currently before her. The trial was to suppress her disdain for when these Mortals inevitably end up pissing her off.

She could tell it just from that one line. No tone of great fear or respect was in that youth voice. These were people of equal standing to them. 

And at this time, Cain was the first to toss his gaze up.

His eyes glanced over this group of young elites, and his Spirit Senses swept through them. In this instance, sourness swelled in his chest. He knew precisely where these young elite belong.

Each of them wore luxurious blue robes designed with intricate symbols of Elemental Fire. And one recurring pattern on their robes was the design of a star valley symbol. 

As Cain swept his gaze over them, the group of young elites stopped, some curiously tilting their head at him.

At this moment, Cain said, "Martial Immortal Valley disciples….just how much of a coincidence to meet all the way out here." 

"Coincidence? Really?"

One of the Profound Soul disciples suddenly stepped forward. His gaze was at first curious but soon turned suspicious. 

Completely out of the blue, two weak Nascent Formation and one decently strong Profound Soul talent suddenly appear right before them?

How could there be such a stranger coincidence in the world? 

Furthermore, with their cultivation levels, it's basically impossible for them to survive more than a few minutes in this area.

All of this was far too suspicious. Even when this disciple appeared a little aggressive, Tan and his other team members were in silent agreement. The same amount of suspicions ran through everyone's mind.

"Just what exactly is going on here? All three of you are far too suspicious." That same Profound Soul disciple pursued his questioning. 

But before this conversation continued, Amber finally lifted her head. Now, full color returned to her face, showcasing her enchanting beauty.

"Hm? Ah-ah??" 

The Profound Soul disciple felt a natural pull when Amber lifted her head. As he curiously glanced over to her, he immediately became shocked. 

"Th-this! It's her!" 

As Amber revealed her face, Tan and everyone else similarly became shocked.

All attention was gathered on Amber at that moment. Their eyes were a mix of respect, admiration, and for others, hidden longing desires. Even among the top organizations, Amber's status was quite precious.

"Haah~. And here it comes. You all recognize me." Amber released another tired sigh. "How troublesome." 

During this short moment, the trio was actually biding their time until their injuries were nearly healed.

Now that they could talk without experiencing pain, Cain, Kali, and Amber slowly stood up. Each of them looked relaxed and causal externally. 

But internally, their guards were entirely raised.

They may be weaker, but it was much easier to deal with other humans than Vicious Beasts who only act on primal instincts. 

"Ah, Miss Hiyashi, sorry for not recognizing you at first. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The leader of the group, Tan, steps forward, going right in front of the Profound Soul disciple. His and everyone else attention still gathered on Amber. Cain and Kali were only worth a passing glance from them.

Their cultivation foundation may be incredibly deep and solid, but they were still only Nascent Formation small fries. 

While with Amber, she was a Martial Talent renowned throughout the whole city!

Achieving Mid-Stage Profound Soul and carrying a pure, rich noble bloodline that massively surpasses all ordinary humans, how could they not become excited over her?

Furthermore, her beauty was utterly hypnotic. She was genuinely at a standard that these Martial Immortal Valley disciples had never seen before. 

If one of them could make a close connection with Amber Hiyashi, the benefits gained would be immense!

Seeing these kids' intense reaction over Amber, Cain and Kali internally sneered. To idolize someone they just only met, truly weak-will. 

For a rare moment, the sibling duo's thoughts were in complete sync.

Amber had taken a brief glance over to the sibling duo, only to see their indifferent face. For a brief moment, her mind made a comparison. 

Even when these two came to know of her status, they never treated her any differently.

Kali still put her slightly below her, which didn't bother her at all. While Cain always treated her as his equal, as someone who's just another person. 

With Cain specifically, she could never feel tired. She instead felt a desire to speak for hours with him. 

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Turning back over to the Martial Immortal Valley disciple, a slight sickening feeling swirled in the pits of her gut. 

The difference was clear as night and day.

Their eyes were the same as everyone else. Great reverence, greed, and longing desires. She didn't even need to carry a conversation to already feel mentally drained by them.

'Cain, Kali….really no wonder….' All of Amber's thoughts were at a different place. 

But in this situation, she had no choice but to act accordingly, putting on a friendly soft smile, saying,

"Martial Immortal Valley disciples, right? In all honesty, this is quite a coincidence. I just used a special life-saving talisman to get us out of a tight spot. These two are my juniors, Cain, Kali."

Amber nudged her head over while introducing them. In that brief moment, nobody in Tan's group noticed the different light within her eyes when she settled her gaze on them.

Cain and Kali, however, instantly picked up on it. 

Their Spirit Sense is highly sensitive, allowing them to notice the faintest trace of change somebody may have about them.

But before they could think deeply about that, a collective sigh was released from Tan's group. 

"Ah. So that's what happened. Now it all makes sense. Your Family has some great means."

Nobody even paid great attention to the sibling duo as Tan spoke virtually what was on everyone's mind. 

Although, Tan still felt a little bit confused. 

Life-saving talisman wasn't anything too new to him. He has even seen it a few times used before. 

And the energy he perceived from those talismans was distinctly different from the energy Amber had appeared with.

It was certainly odd, but Tan didn't pay extra attention to it. Suppressing his curiosity, he continued to say, "My name is Tan. And these are my juniors Yao Yang, Sun Ahi, Lan Kun and Chen Ai. We're on a small excursion to find something special all the way out here deep in a Demonic Area. And given your current status, I'm assuming you're here for a similar reason, right?"

"Huu~. Kind of. Well, we were mainly planning to come out here for simple….late night training. But things happened, and now we're all the way out here." Amber smoothly fabricated a story.

Hearing this, a bright glint twinkled within Tan's eyes. Ideas instantly formulated in his mind, and he said, "Is that right? It seems you all got the unlucky draw of being teleported out here. So, would you like to travel with us? Combining our might gives a much better chance at survival than separated."

Absolute zero disagreements came from Tan's other team members. They all were clearly aware of the significant gains. Making favorable connections with the Amber Hiyashi will only turn out good for them.

Plus, Amber is also strong on her own. Even if they are bogged down by Cain and Kali, their overall prowess wouldn't be affected much by them. 

At this moment, everyone expected a swift reply from Amber.

But against their expectations, Amber turned over to Cain and Kali, asking them a simple question that told great value. "Should we go?"