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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 235
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Chapter 235

What frustrated him was the fact that he was actually feeling jealous of an actor and a television character.

However, when it came to women like Lillian, it seemed he could only accept this situation.

She was the kind of woman who, if you treated her sternly, she would bear it, but if you were kind to her, she would

take advantage of it, leaving others helpless.

But when Callum heard Lillian say that Rosalie used to be a fan of Dominic as well, he suddenly felt better.

It seemed that he wasn’t the only one who would feel frustrated!

During the journey, Jonathan and Callum took turns driving. By the time they reached the detention center in

Sloummont, it was already past 9 a.m.

As Callum had already made arrangements beforehand, the group was led to a room next to the meeting room.

In the room, there were several large screens displaying the scene inside the meeting room, allowing them to see

what was happening as well as hear the conversations inside.

After a brief moment, the mediator responsible for the meeting came into the room where Rosalie was. She then

shared the doubts she had in mind with the mediator and discussed how to approach the questioning.

The mediator was clearly experienced and had already considered many aspects without Rosalie’s reminders.

Rosalie couldn’t help but feel grateful that Callum had found such a capable assistant.

After concluding the discussion with Rosalie, the mediator moved to the neighboring meeting room to await further

proceedings. It didn’t take long before the police escorted the witness with the last name Concord to the room.

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When Rosalie saw the witness on the screen, her eyes immediately locked onto his face. She recognized him all too

well. Back in the courtroom, this man had testified that she had been drinking alcohol, and even though she

vehemently claimed her innocence, he insisted he had seen it and vividly described the scene.

He was just one of several witnesses, and their testimonies, combined with physical evidence, had formed a

compelling chain of evidence that left her with no room to defend herself.

Why… Why…

She had asked herself this question repeatedly at that time, but no one could provide her with an answer.

Could she finally have an answer today?

The mediator was currently in conversation with Benjamin, discussing how to resolve the matter and minimize its

impact. The mediator skillfully shifted the discussion from compensation to Benjamin’s current residence and then

to his family. However, no matter how they questioned him, Benjamin remained steadfast in his stance. He insisted

that the 1 million dollars house had been acquired through the profits he earned by helping a friend in the business.

“This house is like a life I traded for. There’s no way I can sell it. It’s impossible! Did they want 200 thousand dollars?

I can offer at most 20,000 dollars, nothing more!” Benjamin said.

“Is the source of the money used to buy the house legitimate? Those people are aware of your ownership of this

property. If you don’t offer them a more substantial compensation, and they happen to discover any irregularities in

the source of the funds for this house, you might end up losing more in the long run.”

A hint of unease flickered in Benjamin’s eyes, and he quickly replied, “What do you mean by legitimate source? I led

a lawful and upright life. There’s nothing illegitimate about it.”

“Oh, by the way, I visited your parents’ home yesterday to discuss your situation with them. I noticed they had quite

a strong Strico accent. Are they originally from there?” asked the mediator casually.

“Yes, they used to live in Strico.”

“So, you used to be from Strico as well? What made you decide to settle in Sloummont? Strico is arguably better

than Sloummont,” the mediator said as if engaged in casual conversation.

“There’s too much pressure in the big city. Although this place is smaller, it’s more comfortable to live here.”

“I see.” The mediator smiled and suddenly mentioned, “I almost forgot, the person you injured said to ask you

about Ms. Hamilton’s matter. He mentioned that if you’re not afraid of it being exposed, it would be best to follow

his advice and compensate, or else he might reveal it to the public.”

Benjamin’s face turned a shade paler, even though he seemed to be trying hard to conceal it. “Ms. Hamilton… I

don’t quite understand what you mean by ‘exposed’, but back then, I did serve as a witness in a case. The victim’s

last name was Hamilton, a well-known socialite in Strico. Her death was quite tragic. So, it goes to show that one

shouldn’t be drunk driving. If it weren’t for a woman’s drunk driving, Ms. Hamilton wouldn’t have been hit by a car

and died.”

As if reluctant to dwell on the memories, Benjamin shook his head. But then, he seemed confused and asked,

“However, why

would the person I fought with suddenly bring up Ms. Hamilton without any apparent reason?”

“I don’t know about that. Maybe when you’re out, you can meet with them and ask?” the mediator suggested.

They chatted for a while, but the mediator couldn’t extract any useful information from Benjamin.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Finally, the mediator walked over to the adjacent room and said to Rosalie and the others, “I’m sorry.”

“No problem,” Rosalie replied with a faint smile. In truth, this outcome was within her expectations. After all, it was

just a routine conversation, and things are rarely that easy.

She wondered if they could trace the source of the money for this house, which Benjamin claimed was earned by

assisting a friend in a business endeavor, would it lead them to the person responsible for framing her all those

years ago?

While Rosalie pondered to herself after the mediator left, Callum addressed her unspoken thoughts, “I’ve looked

into the source of the money for Benjamin’s house. Initially, someone transferred 1 million dollars into his account,

and that person was indeed a friend of his. However, the reason his friend transferred the 1 million dollars to him

remains unclear. It’s been three years since this incident, and his friend has since relocated overseas.”

“Could it be that he genuinely helped his friend earn money, and his friend gave him a share or a bonus? But why

would it be this much? Besides, Benjamin was just a junior employee at the time. How much could he have

contributed to help his friend make a fortune?” Lillian chuckled.

“We’ll need to continue the investigation,” Callum said.

“All right, I’ll have someone look into it,” Jonathan assured them. He then lowered his gaze to Rosalie and added,

“As for the rest of the matter, I’ll have it investigated. You don’t need to worry. If you truly seek to prove your

innocence, I’ll help you. on that.”

A clean slate concealed beneath the truth, he could offer her that, as long as she could be content and happy.

Rosalie looked at Jonathan in a daze. “Does this imply that he believes in my innocence and is willing to dig up all

the evidence for me?” she pondered.

“Well, that’s great!” Lillian exclaimed joyfully. “With Mr. Youngblood’s assistance, Rosalie will surely clear her name!”