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The Black Necromancer

Chapter 124 Fighting The Armored Giant
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Bodies made of hard mana clashed against bodies covered in silver armor. Explosions rang out as the various fighters unleashed explosive skills. But even with the high intensity battle taking place, Leon and Jet stayed put. Their eyes were firmly trained on the giant figure that remained sitting on its throne. They could feel its gaze also trained on them, but neither side made a move, instead letting the weaker ones battle it out.

Leon's mana levels rose and fell with each passing moment. His boosted recovery helped a lot as he had to summon those of his underlings that were killed.

Leon's attention was still focused on the unmoving giant when Jet suddenly exclaimed.

"Lex, watch out!" He yelled before ducking to the side. Before Leon could even properly understand what was going on, he felt an incredible force slam into his side, sending him flying off and crashing into the wall.

"Ugh..." Leon's head spun from the crash so bad that he could not even clearly make out the damage notification that was floating in front of him. He could vaguely see a giant figure standing in the location he was standing in only moments ago. The armored giant.

Groggily, he stood up with his vision clearing up little by little. The armored giant had a massive greatsword in its hands, and its faceless head was staring at Jet, who was the stronger of the two. Gritting his teeth, he diverted some of his B rank summons to charge at the giant. He would provide fire support for them.

Purple light dyed the gleaming armor of the giant, and its stats immediately dropped down to half of the original numbers. A black flame burned around Leon as his armor appeared around him, gearing him up for another sudden attack. He would not be caught off guard again.

Bang! Bang!

The two Armored Centaur Generals that Leon had called over were thrown aside like sacks of potatoes by the armored giant. The strength gap was too wide!

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'Is this what all bosses are like? So overpowered?!' Leon thought to himself, recalling the spider queen that he had yet to rename and put to use, and now, this. Were all these bosses only half a step from the next rank or what?

Without another moment to waste, Leon directed a good portion of the B rank summons he had gained since coming to this zone to the armored giant. It may be overpowered, but it was only a second floor boss. Surely they would bring it down.

A giant mob, aided by Jet's consistent space attacks, slowly managed to hold back the giant figure. Although it was able to bulldoze its way through the monsters, it was not able to move around as freely as before. It certainly was not able to use that instant movement thing it pulled on Leon.

With the distraction from his summons, the giant monster was no longer able to direct its attention to him. It left him with enough space to concentrate on his spells.

As usual, balls of flame floated around him. His love for fire was just too much. The red fire slowly turned back as he mixed Fire magic and Dark magic together. A haze of black smoke also began to build around him as he utilized his little expertise of Dark magic to its fullest.


A ball of dark flames raced straight for the back of the armored giant, which turned around smoothly at the last moment, a conjured silver shield in its grasp. The fireball exploded against the shield, and in the next moment, the results of the combined spell was displayed for all to see. A brown rust immediately started spreading across the shield, forcing the armored giant to toss aside the shield.

The greatsword in its and stabbed into the ground, and a force was generated from it that blew away everything within five meters at once, giving it some breathing space.

Leon was just about to launch another attack when a breaking sound rang out. The thick fingers of the giant tore into the sword, forcing it into two different halves that it grasped tightly.

"GRRAAAAH!" An angry growl was heard as the armor of the giant began to morph. Its solid face twisted and morphed, making way for two eye holes, and a mouth that shone with bright blue light. Those glowing eyes turned to look at Leon, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.

'Crap!' He moved to distance himself a bit more from the giant, but in the next moment, its form flickered, and it appeared right beside him, with its leg slamming into his side once again.


A loud explosion rang out as Leon was sent flying, but before he could reach the other end of the hall, a large shadow flickered into existence right beside him. He barely registered the sight of its now twin blades flashing before he felt a massive force strike his right arm, and send him barreling down into the ground.

Before another continuation to the battering combo could come, dozens of Leon's summons placed themselves between him and the armored giant, and the space around him solidified to a high degree.

Red light flashed and Nero unleashed a combo of his own against the armored giant. Although he was blocked, the explosive damage he was able to deal made the monster slow down. Next, a green halo painted everything in the vicinity with its glow, and Grokus used his formidable Sigils to cast debuffs on the monster.

Of course, Kaladin was not left out. The spell casting summon's eyes crackled with lightning and he raised his arms above his head, summoning a massive curtain of lightning bolts above the armored giant's head. The lightning numbed its body and slowed its movements, while also dealing monstrous damage to it. Its armor began to glow red with heat, and its slow movements allowed Nero's attacks to land, carving out portions of its thick armor.

The Armored Centaur Generals were also there. They were two tiers above Nero and the others, so their damage was also quite impressive, despite them not packing up many skills. Their glaives cut groves into the back of the armored giant's knees, and the pure physical might that they put behind their blows forced it to stagger.

A spatial storm was conjured around the giant's head by Jet as he tried his best to damage the monster. Dark blades sliced through its neck and face as they tried to get under the armor and do damage to whatever body hid beneath it.

By this time, Leon had finally regained his wits. He had been knocked senseless by this armored giant twice in just a few minutes, and it truly pissed him off.

Aura dark and full of rage, Leon got up to his feet. His right arm hung limp beside him, with its bones having being smashed with those two hits. He was already healing, but it would take time. He quickly drank a bottle of health recovery potion and mana recovery potion before turning his full focus to the giant. The dark haze that had mostly dissipated by now began to return in full force. He had realized that the rot of his spell was truly the bane of this armored creature. If he could hit it with a full blast rot spell, then it would go down for sure.

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"Keep him still, Jet!" Leon exclaimed loudly. When Jet's eyes turned to him and saw the black smoky haze, they widened, and he nodded. He quickly understood Leon's intention and generated a sturdy spatial wall that would make it much harder for the giant to run away.

The giant also noticed what was going on and wanted to rush to Leon. Its eyes blazed with power, and it was just about to use that instantaneous movement skill, but a thunderous curtain of lightning fell on its head at once, pushing it down to one knee. Up in the air above it, Kaladin floated with his arms raised.

Uncaring of the immense damage landing on his body, Nero charged forward and stabbed his sword right into the armor's mouth hole, sending in pulse of explosive mana that blew its head back, gravely injuring the creature.

Grokus raised his arms and the earth around the creature rose up, binding it in place for Leon's finishing attack.

Nedra remained at a distance, but she used her high level Hive Mind skill to bombard the armored giant with constant, piercing mental attacks.

With all the powerful attacks raining down on it, the armored giant was truly stuck in a pickle. It could not escape. A chilling feeling rose up in the back of its mind, and its head turned to face Leon.

"GRRAAAHHHH!!!" It groaned and tried to stand up, but Kaladin's lightning barrage only grew heavier, pushing it back down.

By now, Leon was finally ready. The black haze around him floated together, condensing into a long, black spear that radiated death. He gripped it in his good arm and took aim, cocking back his arm, before throwing.

Noticing Leon's aim, Nero quickly discarded his weapons and grabbed hold of the giant's neck, holding its head and leaving it open for the spear to flash by, and sink in through the large space in the armor for the mouth.


An massive explosion of light and darkness grew, expanding and consuming all of Leon's summons.