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The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 134 Rutting
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Chapter 134 Rutting

Sirrah laughed nervously. "I am sure it is nothing serious. The guards are just being extra cautious. I will be back soon. Morava must be overwhelmed and excited about it."

"I am hardly doing anything here, Sirrah. I will accompany you," Alrakis said with a mystic smile.

Sirrah couldn't counter him, so she gave a tight nod and rushed out. The guard followed him. Alrakis gulped his wine and strode after them. The entire way back to the fire festival, Sirrah's stomach was knotted with anticipation. She hoped that her daughter had behaved. She was sure that Morava had mated with Eltanin, but what was the urgency that the guard was talking  about? Why was Morava running around? She wanted to ask the guard about it, but every time she saw Alrakis's face, she would just give a nervous smile and look out the window.

When Sirrah reached the festival, she saw that the festivities were in full swing. Men and women were found in positions that would put a normal man to shame. Some were behind the trees, others near the fires and some just sprawled over the grass. They were having wild sex, screaming and grunting and shouting out of pleasures of joy. "Where is Morava?" she asked, as she started walking to the cave.

Rigel approached to meet with them. He bowed to the queen and Alpha Alrakis. "You look… petrified, Queen Sirrah," he remarked.

"I am not!" she snapped, without breaking her stead.

"Are you looking for Princess Morava?" he asked.

Sirrah stopped in her tracks and whipped her head towards him. She glared at him and asked, "Did you happen to see her?"

He nodded politely as his lips curled up. "In fact, I have. And she isn't in the direction you are going." He pointed in the opposite direction. "I saw her going to that side."

Whatever little stability she had, vanished. Strange fear surged through her, drying her throat. "Wh—where?" she asked in a hoarse voice. "Is King Eltanin with her?"

Rigel's brows furrowed. "Eltanin is in the cave. Why would he be with her?"

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Sirrah's stomach plummeted to the floor. "Can you please lead me to her?" she asked in a low voice like that of a mouse. She didn't know what was happening, but she knew one thing,  that she was going to get Morava back into the cave.

"Of course!" Rigel said, his face beaming up. He waved his hand in the front to lead her. As they walked, he said, "I have to commend Princess Morava though."

"About what?" Sirrah asked, gnashing her teeth as rage and worry warred inside her.

"If she hadn't abducted Tania to the kingdom of Pegasii, Tania never would have learned about  her true lineage. She is the true heir of Pegasii. Who could have thought that a slave girl was waiting to be discovered?" Rigel replied.

Sirrah hated every word that came out of his mouth, but she gave him a tight smile. She knew he was insinuating that Morava had committed such a serious crime of abduction. But she let his remark pass. The moment Eltanin marries Morava, Rigel will be eating his words.

"That reminds me. Where is Princess Lusitania? I haven't seen her since yesterday!" he added.

"Even I haven't seen her. I am getting worried about the true heir of Pegasii," Alrakis chuckled. "I will have to report this to King Biham."

"Or how about we send some soldiers to go find her?" Rigel suggested.

Sirrah's guts tightened. If they sent soldiers to fine Tania, her truth would come out. "No!" she responded immediately. "Lusitania is my responsibility. I will send my soldiers to find her!"

"Fair enough," Alrakis said. "My soldiers will assist yours, in that case. I don't want Biham to tell me that I couldn't protect his heir. He would get very angry, wouldn't he?"

Sirrah started shaking with fear. "Lusitania is around. She had left for the festival before us. She must be around!"

"Good!" Rigel and Alrakis said in unison.

Suddenly Sirrah saw Fafnir running towards them. He had this anxious look in his eyes. He bowed to the king. "Alpha Alrakis?"

"Send your soldiers to comb the palace and the fire festival to find Princess Lusitania. She is missing. You can take the soldiers of Pegasii as well. Do a joint operation."

"Yes, Alpha," he bowed again and rushed out of there much to Sirrah's chagrin.

"Where is Morava?" she snapped at Rigel.

"Right over there," he replied as he pointed to a thicket of trees.

Sirrah increased her pace to reach the thicket, mumbling curses under her breath. Rigel and Alrakis also increased their paces, along with all the guards who were following them.

"Yoo hoooo!" Sirrah heard Morava's squeal. "I am mating with the king!"

Joy dispelled Sirrah's worries. "Oh, thank God!" she blurted. She stopped in her tracks. "Maybe we shouldn't disturb them," she chortled.

"But Eltanin is in the cave," Rigel remarked. "Which king is she mating?" he asked innocently, appearing confused.

"Your information must be wrong!" Sirrah dismissed him. "Eltanin is with her."

"I highly doubt that."

"Shut up Prince Rigel!" Sirrah roared. "What are you implying? How dare you?"

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"Yippee!" Another squeal sounded followed by grunts of men. "I am mating with the kings!"

"Kings?" Rigel repeated.

Alrakis started going to the thicket.

"Alpha Alrakis!" Sirrah stopped him. "This would be inappropriate. We can't stop them—" She was about to hold his hand and yank him back when through the trees she saw Morava. Her heart plummeted to the ground. Morava was naked. She had straddled a man and was moving over him as another one pushed her down and was in between her butt-cheeks. Her breasts were going up and down.

Sirrah paled.

Shock pounded inside her like thunder. She heard gasps from all the men behind her. Tears welled in her eyes. "Morava…" she muttered.

The men pounded inside her and she shouted again. "I am mating with the king. King Eltanin! And Prince Rigel!"

"But I am here!" Rigel remarked naively.

Jolted, Sirrah's knees became wobbly. Why was Morava behaving like this? She didn't seem to be in her right mind. Did she have the drug that was meant for Eltanin?

Alrakis turned and walked away without speaking a word.

Rigel said in a low voice, "I saw her drinking water that she meant to give to Eltanin. I believe she had mixed something in it."

Did that mean that Morava had the drug that was meant for Eltanin? Sirrah looked away from her daughter, burying her face in her hands. Morava was rutting like a wild animal with unknown soldiers. She had fallen so low and in front of so many people, that now there was no redemption for her. She heard the roars of the guards as they came inside her. Tears rolled out of her eyes as every plan, every dream, came crashing down. She had sent Lusitania to the Nyxers and her elder daughter had made herself unworthy in every sense.

Mizvah came rushing to her and sat down with his queen. He looked inside the thicket and his eyes became misty.

Morava frantically got up from there. "I am going to mate with more kingssss!" she shouted and ran away from there. She leapt in the darkness and shifted into her wolf. Mizvah rushed after her, shifting into his wolf.