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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 989: The powerful Potter
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The person who pushed in the door was not today's trial person Harry Potter, but a member of Wizengamore who had just arrived.

The time in the courtroom passed quickly in the chat of everyone, and the originally scheduled court time had passed.

No doubt Potter was late!

Potter's late arrival undoubtedly left a bad impression on all the members of the Wizengamot, which is probably what Fudge wanted to see the most.

It's really annoying!

Albert wanted to see Fudge sit on it and be tried more and more. Fortunately, someone was more diligent than him in this matter, and he hoped that Fudge would be unlucky.

"This kind of thing is not common." Bud looked in Fudge's direction and said softly to Albert.

"It's unsurprising, someone probably wants us to hang out here for a few hours." Albert could see that Fudge was in a good mood.

If Potter was really a few hours late, his plan had really worked.

"What happens if I miss this trial?" Albert asked.

"I don't think Potter has another chance," Sera said, frowning. He obviously guessed the reason, especially after finding out that the person being tried here today was Harry Potter, he knew that this scene was definitely made by someone on purpose.

Anyone who understands can actually guess that although some people are dissatisfied with Fudge's actions, they can't do anything for the time being.

Who made Potter late.

"I'm looking forward to today's trial."

Albert looked at the smug Fudge with a malicious smile on his face.

He believed that Fred and George would let Harry Potter know that the Dementors that attacked him most likely came from the Ministry of Magic.

In the case of knowing that he was framed by the Ministry of Magic, he still has to come to the Ministry of Magic to be tried. I believe that Harry Potter will never swallow this breath.

A savior with malice to the Ministry of Magic, it's funny to think about.

Really looking forward to the next development.

Sure enough, the protagonist never disappoints.

It didn't take long for the door of the courtroom to be pushed open again, and the surrounding whispers stopped abruptly.

Because today's protagonist is here.

Albert motioned Bud and Sera to look at a certain minister. Fudge's face was very gloomy, like a child who just heard that the Christmas party was cancelled. He obviously didn't expect Harry Potter to appear here.

"You're late." Fudge's indifferent voice echoed in the courtroom, giving people a strong sense of oppression, but Harry Potter, who had just entered the courtroom, was indifferent.

"I have been notified: Trial in the office of Ms. Amelia Burns, Head of the Law Enforcement Division at the Ministry of Magic, at ten this morning."

Under the dual effects of tranquilizers and Felicity, Harry showed unprecedented calmness. He had learned the "truth" from the twins, and he knew that he would be fine, so now he can be said to be full of confidence. Instead, he looked at Fudge with an odd look.

Sitting in the only chair in front of him, he said in a slow and gentle tone: "I just found out a few minutes ago that the time was two hours earlier, but luckily I came to the Ministry earlier, otherwise I would have missed this trial, Let everyone waste their time here."

Although he said that he was being tried, but listening to that tone, it was as if he was not the one who came to be tried.New chapters are published on _Fire

"It wasn't Wizengamore's fault," Fudge interrupted impatiently, looking even more gloomy. "The Ministry sent an owl to inform you this morning."

However, Fudge was unable to interrupt Harry, who seemed to ignore it and said to himself.

"I think the owls at the Ministry of Magic must have sent the letter to the wrong place, since I was attacked by the Dementors and have changed places."

Harry ignored Fudge's annoyed look, and looked around to himself, surprised to see an acquaintance in the corner.

"He's calmer than I expected." Bud looked at Harry Potter below in surprise, turned his head and said to Albert, "If it wasn't for you by my side, I would have thought it was you below. "

"After all, it's the savior, I haven't seen any big scenes."

Albert said in a voice that could be heard by everyone around him: "I think the Triwizard Tournament a while ago gave Potter a strong heart. After all, compared to those more sinister scenes, this time is really different. What's the matter, let alone this time he has a helper."

This is the result of drinking tranquilizers, Felicity and knowing the truth and knowing the ending, a savior Harry Potter who is full of fighting power.

Harry Potter is not easy to mess with right now.

"Very well, the defendant is finally here, let's get started!"

Fudge's face became more and more ugly, as if he had just been punched in the face. The witch next to him was staring at Harry Potter, as if she wanted to swallow him.

"Are you ready?" Fudge asked aloud to Percy, the trial reporter.

"Yes, sir."

Percy responded, saying he was fine. He had recovered from the surprise of seeing Albert, his eyes were focused on the parchment in front of him, and a quill was in his hand ready to write.

"Trial on August 12," Fudge said aloud: "Harry James Potter, 4 Privet Road, Little Whinging, Surrey, for breaches of the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act and the International Secrecy Act.”

"Interrogators: Minister of Magic Cornelius Oswald Fudge; Director of Magical Law Enforcement Division Amelia Susan Burns; Senior Deputy Minister Dolores Jane Umbridge ."

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"Trial Recorder: Percy..."

Harry glanced at Percy, he had heard Ron talk about the reason why Percy left the Weasleys, and it seemed that betraying his family had earned him Fudge's appreciation.

However, it was Albert who was even more surprised than Harry, who had never imagined that Umbridge had now become a senior deputy minister.

It's so funny that a deputy minister went to Hogwarts to teach!

Next, Dumbledore also did not disappoint everyone, and he appeared at a critical moment.

Perhaps because of what he had experienced, Dumbledore looked calm and did not show the slightest anger because of Fudge's calculations, as if it was just a trivial matter.

Compared with the calm interrogator and defense witnesses.

Fudge, who was still majestic, was actually panicked by the appearance of Dumbledore.

The members of the Wizengamore present watched this scene with interest. Some of them seemed annoyed, some seemed a little scared, and most of them were whispering, as if discussing the previous "Daily Prophet" about the Dumbledore's old and confused report.

In particular, Dumbledore gently declined the inarticulate Fudge's kindness, and changed himself into a chair. After sitting down, his suave appearance didn't look like an old muddle.

"This scene is so hilarious!" Sera muttered.

Whether Harry Potter or Dumbledore, at this moment, they are looking at Fudge with a kind of interest, as if Fudge sitting on the judgment seat is the monkey jumping up and down.

"I think after today, a lot of people won't be able to sleep at night!" Bud said to Albert in French.

"When are you leaving the UK?" Albert asked.

"After a while!" Bud said without hesitation.

"What?" Hetok was a little puzzled.

"Britain is not safe!" Bud said softly, "I think you just don't stay in the UK at all. After you get married, let's go around the world with us."

"The place where I live is very safe." Albert declined: "As for traveling around the world, I will consider it."

He looked around and had to admit that Bud was right.

This attitude of Dumbledore made the members of Wizengamore present uneasy, because if Dumbledore was not old and confused, not crazy, it means that the news he announced a while ago is very likely to be true.

That man is really back!

This is undoubtedly a cruel reality that many people are unwilling to face.

Cornelius Fudge took a deep breath, and after forcing himself to calm down, shiveringly pulled out a piece of parchment from a pile of documents, took another deep breath, and read aloud: "Accus the defendant of the following crimes: The defendant Having previously received a written warning from the Ministry of Magic for similar allegations, this time, knowingly and knowingly, at 9.23pm on August 2, in a Muggle-inhabited area In the face of a Muggle, the use of a Guardian Charm violated paragraph 3 of the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act 1875 and paragraph 3 of the International Confederation of Magicians Secrecy Act. Thirteen."

When Fudge finished, he put down the parchment and glared at Harry, "Have you ever used the Patronus Charm in front of Muggles?"

"Underage wizards can use magic to save themselves when they are in danger." Harry didn't answer Fudge, but said calmly, "So, your accusation is not valid."

Not only Fudge was stunned, but the other Wizengamore members were stunned.

Everyone looked up and down at Harry Potter, who was sitting there calmly. The other party was completely unaffected by the atmosphere of the courtroom, and it seemed that he did not intend to follow the procedures of the Ministry of Magic.

Moreover, Harry Potter did not seem to intend to stop, and continued to speak.

"There are some things that I have to correct."

"Quiet," growled Fudge.

"There's something wrong with your accusation," Harry said suddenly.


"Three years ago, the Ministry of Magic sent me a written warning for a misjudgment that I had violated the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act." Harry said calmly: "I have to check..."

"Enough, enough!" interrupted Fudge, very arrogantly, "I'm not free..."

"You should let me finish, I think everyone wants to know the truth." Harry said slowly, "and, I can show evidence."

The courtroom was suddenly silent, and everyone was staring at Harry Potter. They suddenly had a feeling that the person in front of them was not here to be tried, but was here to ask for guilt.

"Evidence?" Amelia Burns asked.

"Yes, I have proof," Harry continued. "Three years ago, the hover charm wasn't mine, it was a house elf, so it's purely a Ministry of Magic technical issue."

"Look!" shouted Fudge angrily, gesturing exaggeratedly in Harry's direction. "A house-elf! In a Muggle dwelling! Is that possible?"

"The house-elf is currently at Hogwarts." After speaking, Harry turned his head to look at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was also very surprised by Harry's performance, and nodded cooperatively: "It does happen, and if you want, I can call the house elf here to testify right away."

"I...I don't have time to listen to house-elf bullshit," Fudge exclaimed, a little flustered. "Not only this, but he blew his aunt up."

"Yes yes, it does," Harry admitted calmly.

"Look, he admitted it himself."

Fudge smashed the judge's bench with a punch, knocking over a bottle of ink, a slightly comical look that softened the expressions of many Wizengamore members.

"But I remember what you said at the time:" Harry repeated with a deliberate pause: "We won't punish you for such a trivial matter, it's an accident, we won't put people just for blowing up their aunts. Sent to Azkaban."

Looking at Dumbledore again, Harry added: "To be honest, I ran away from home and was so moved by what you said."

"Yes, I remember it too, you were very merciful not to press charges, and I think you agree that even the best wizards don't always have control over their emotions," said Dumbledore calmly.

For now Fudge was scrambling to wipe the ink off his notes.

The courtroom fell into an eerie silence again, because if the previous two things were uncovered, today's trial would be meaningless, at most it would be a warning.

What a hilarious trial.

Many Wizengamore members had such thoughts in their minds, and they also looked at Harry Potter's qualities differently.

"Okay, let's go back to today's topic!" Harry suddenly smiled, but the smile on his face gave people a creepy feeling.

"I was attacked, attacked by dementors," he told everyone.

"I'm sure this is a well-rehearsed lie!" Fudge roared excitedly.

"I have proof," Harry said firmly. "I have proof that what I said is true."

"Have you met a Dementor?" Amelia Burns asked Fudge, glancing at him.

"Yes, I have witnesses."

"You drove them away? I mean you summoned a full-fledged Patronus?" Amelia Burns asked curiously.

"A stag, it's a stag every time. If you doubt it, I can get one for you on the spot." Harry was confident that he could summon the physical Patronus in public.

"Every time?" Ms. Burns asked. "Have you ever conjured a Patronus before?"

"Yes, when I was in third grade, Dementors attacked me in the carriage and on the Quidditch pitch, so I had to get someone to teach me the Patronus Charm to protect myself," Harry said honestly.

"It's amazing," Ms. Burns told the group. "It's amazing that he can conjure a true Patronus at his age."

"No, it's not a big deal, as far as I know, Mr. Anderson mastered the Patronus Charm before me, and I asked him how to deal with Dementors at first, although Professor Lupin finally took the time to teach me. "

The expressions on the faces of the members of Wizengamore were slightly strange, and they looked almost instinctively in a certain direction in the courtroom. The Mr. Anderson that Harry Potter spoke of was sitting there, and the other party was equally calm, as if the person who had just been mentioned was not him.

"If there are no other questions, I will present the evidence."

"What do you mean?" Ms. Burns asked.

"I have witnesses to prove that the Dementors did attack me and my cousin that day." Harry glanced at Fudge and said firmly, "I mean with the exception of my cousin Dudley Dursley. ."

Everyone was dumbfounded by Harry's words.

Yes, the interrogator can give evidence, it is his power, and the interrogator cannot ignore this.

From the beginning, Harry Potter had the initiative because he had evidence, he had evidence from start to finish, and as the highest court in the United Kingdom, they had to be as impartial as possible, even though a lot of people here knew about this The joke-like trial is a farce created by the Minister of Magic, but the authority of the Wizengamore, all members of the Wizengamore must be maintained automatically, at least on the surface, because that is the source of their power, otherwise The entire British Ministry of Magic will be broken, and no one will take Wizengamore seriously anymore, and as members of Wizengamore, they will be a complete joke.

"Very well, where is this man?" Fudge seemed to be deflated, he knew what to do with Harry Potter today.

Harry turned to look at Dumbledore.

"I brought her," said Dumbledore. "She's just outside the door."

Mrs Figg, who was soon brought in by Percy, looked equally calm.

Yes, peaceful, terribly peaceful, like Harry Potter, completely unaffected by the atmosphere here.

Fudge suddenly had an ominous premonition. He glared at the old woman under his eyes and asked loudly, "Full name?"

"Arabella Figg," said Mrs. Figg blankly. "I'm a resident of Little Whinging, right next to Harry Potter's."

"On our records, apart from Harry Potter, no wizards live in Little Whinging," said Ms. Burns, frowning. "That area has been under constant surveillance."

"Squibs are not on your record," said Mrs Figg calmly.

"Squib?" Fudge looked up at Mrs Figg. "We'll check. By the way, can Squib see dementors?"

"We can see!" Mrs Figg glared at Fudge disapprovingly.

"Very well," said Fudge dryly. "Mr. Potter said you saw him attacked by dementors."

"On the evening of August 2, about a quarter past nine, I happened to go out to buy cat food." Mrs. Figg read out what she had memorized: "I happened to see two dementors sliding and attacking. Mr Potter and his cousin Dudley. To be honest, I was stunned because it was so cold after the Dementors showed up, and I felt as if all joy had disappeared from the world, and thought of some Horrible thing... oh yes, I got a letter from a stranger this morning with a few pictures of the time, and I think it must be more convincing than my claim."

With that said, Mrs. Figg actually took out a few photos from her pocket under the watchful eyes of the public. "The above is a picture of Potter being attacked by a dementor."

There was an eerie silence in the courtroom.

"Photo? Are you sure you're not joking." Fudge thought it was absurd.

"I also received a letter from an owl last night with a similar picture," said Dumbledore gently.

"Weasley, get the picture up." Fudge felt as sick as eating flies.

Several photographs were placed in front of the interrogators.

Amelia Burns also felt it was unusual, because the photos did show Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley being attacked, and even one of them showed Mrs Figg, although only back.

"Even the photos are ready, and I'm sure those photos were carefully faked by someone."

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"I can't see that these pictures are fake," Amelia Burns said quietly.

"But the Dementors ran into a Muggle settlement and happened to meet a wizard?" said Fudge contemptuously.

"If these two Dementors have recently received orders from someone outside the Ministry of Magic, then not necessarily," said Dumbledore calmly. "Of course, these two particular dementors may not be under the control of the Ministry of Magic..."

"No Dementor is out of the Ministry of Magic's control!" Fudge growled sharply, flushing maroon.

"No, Dumbledore, I think Mr. Minister has a good point. In fact, I was told that it was an elaborate scheme and that the person who made the Dementor attack me was one of those present. ' Harry glanced at Dumbledore, the smile on his face even more penetrating, and even Dumbledore frowned.

"It's a slur, a blatant slur," Fudge growled.

"He thinks someone wants me to be expelled and lose my identity as a wizard." Harry put his finger on his throat, released the Loud Voice Charm with ease, and suppressed Fudge's roar: "It turns out he was right. , whether it's being attacked by a dementor or a trivial matter where a minor uses magic, now a formal criminal court has to be tried, and the trial time has finally been adjusted, and I, the client, don't know it yet. Of course, I There is no evidence to accuse who did it, but I know that the person who sent the dementors to attack me will be locked up in Azkaban for life in a few years, so I am not angry and never doubt the prophecy After all, it was a prophecy that cost thousands of Galleons to make.”

"You found a master of prophecy?" Amelia Burns' face was equally ugly, Harry Potter's words were completely blatant threats, but... he obviously didn't seem to be lying.

"Yes, someone paid me to hire a Master Prophet," Harry said calmly.

"as far as I know…"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me who the master of prophecy was, nor who the person who sent the Dementor to attack me, he only said that he would enter Azkaban in a few years. It is said that his The prophecy is as ruthless as his charges, and there has never been a miss."

Bud, Sera, and Mog all turned their heads to Albert, and they suddenly understood why Harry Potter was so powerful.

No, it should not be tough, but head iron.

"Even if Wizengamore finds him guilty, the Ministry of Magic still has no right to fire Harry Potter," Albert reminded.

Of course, the script was indeed provided by him, although the last scene was not, but it is not surprising that the hatred Harry vented his anger after he was sure that he would not be fired.

Is he still a savior?


Even Dumbledore didn't expect Harry Potter to face Fudge in the end.

So what if he offended Fudge, what if he stomped the Minister of Magic's face under his feet.

Harry also knew someone was going to step down next year.

Moreover, Fudge's methods are vicious and leave him no room at all. If he doesn't get guidance, he might fall into the trap and be completely finished.

Harry was right, and everything was pointed at Fudge.

Fudge's face turned purplish liver, and the toaded witch to his right stared at Harry Potter.

"I think the Ministry of Magic should investigate thoroughly why those two Dementors attacked me without approval?"

"It's not up to you to decide what the Ministry of Magic does or doesn't do!" Fudge said gruffly.

Seeing Fudge like his Uncle Vernon made Harry all the more happy. He said maliciously: "I think the Ministry of Magic should give me an account, knowing that I was almost killed by a dementor. I think not only me, but everyone should be very concerned, and no one wants to. Be the next target of an attack."

Amelia Burns felt that someone was invisibly controlling all this, and her eyes couldn't help looking in a certain direction.

"I want to remind everyone that the behavior of those two dementors, even if they are not products of wild thoughts, is not the topic of this interrogation!" The toad-like witch beside Fudge reminded with a light cough: "We are here to Interrogate Harry Potter for breaching the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act!"

"Very well, maybe we should end Mr. Potter's trial first, and let the Ministry of Magic deal with the Dementors," said Ms. Burns in a loud voice.

"Raise your hand now if you are in favor of the accusation not being substantiated."

One hand was raised, and the number was more than half.

In fact, as long as he's not a fool, after Potter's series of evidence bombardment, he knows that even if Potter is convicted now, the Ministry of Magic can't do anything to him.

What's more, they also know very well that once Harry Potter is convicted,

Wizengamore authority would be challenged.

Who gave Harry Potter enough evidence to prove his innocence!

"Raise your hand if you approve of the crime," added Ms. Burns.

There were very few people raising their hands. Apart from Fudge, there were about five or six people. Obviously, Fudge didn't expect Wizengamore to sentence Potter from the beginning. If it takes more than an hour, the result will be a different matter, but there is no doubt that his plan has failed, and he has made himself a mess.

"Very good, the accusation is not established." Fudge tried to suppress his anger, and his voice became strange.

"Great. I have to go. Have a nice day everyone." Dumbledore quickly packed his things and walked out of the courtroom without looking at Harry.

"Mr. Headmaster really comes and goes like the wind." Albert looked at Dumbledore's back, and said softly: "However, today's trial is really interesting. Isn't every trial so interesting."

"It's really unexpected." Bud glanced at Albert, stood at the door and greeted some old friends, while watching the silver card that Albert distributed.

Everyone was surprised that Albert was getting married.

Of course, they were even more surprised by Albert's range of friends. Undoubtedly, those who received the cards were all Albert's friends, and nearly one-third of the entire Wizengamot was acquainted with him. Received silver card.

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