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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 365: Simple arithmetic divination
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"I don't understand, I really don't understand, what are these all about!"

Lee Jordan, who just left the divination classroom, looked very anxious.

This divination class did not teach you anything useful. Most of the time, Professor Trelawney asked them to use the contents of the fifth and sixth pages of the book "Peep out the fog to see the future" to interpret the shape of the tea dregs.

Later, Fred's cup actually made Professor Trelawney interpret the worst omen-the omen of death!

This makes Lee Jordan very uncomfortable, because Fred's cup is interpreted by him.

"Don't you guys take it seriously?" Albert could feel the depressed atmosphere around him, and suddenly said.

Several roommates stopped and looked at Albert.

"As far as I know, Professor Sybil Trelawney has predicted the death of a student every year since he came to this school." Albert calmly told a fact, "Foreseeing the signs of death is her favorite to welcome new students. The way."

"Every year?" Fred couldn't help but asked.

"Yes, it's like this every year." Albert patted Fred on the shoulder. "As of now, none of them have died."

"It seems you don't have to die." George grinned and put his arms around his brother's shoulders.

"Yes, that's great." Fred couldn't help but sighed. "To be honest, I was also taken aback by Professor Trelawney's prediction."

"But... prophecy..." Lee Jordan was still struggling with this matter.

"Of course the prediction is false. I suspect that Professor Trelawney can't predict at all. At least, she can't directly help people predict the future like those fortune-tellers, otherwise she will definitely show us her predictive ability in class. There is nothing more persuasive than that."

"Then what is your prediction?" Lee Jordan still asked unwillingly.

"Of course it's a lie." Albert noticed that a bunch of people were eavesdropping next to him, and said, "Since Harry Potter came to Hogwarts, Principal Dumbledore has been mysterious in the castle again. The secret has created a restricted area, and I always feel that something bad may happen."

"You guy, I thought..." Lee Jordan looked at Albert dumbfounded, knowing he had been deceived again.

"We've been together for two years, and you don't know Albert!" George looked at the expression on whether you were one of us or not.

"Albert still needs predictions?" Fred teased, "What he doesn't need, if he really wants to predict, just talk about it and make sure it is more accurate than the prediction."

The twins looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Yes, in the eyes of the Weasley brothers, Albert's mouth was more accurate than predicted.

As for Professor Trelawney's death prediction, 80% of the truth is her way of welcoming new students. If you only need to ask someone to ask about this kind of thing, you will know whether it is true or false.

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As for whether Albert predicted, Fred and George are more inclined to this guy should be.

No way, his mouth has already said many things. Another point is that Albert doesn't like to let too many people know certain things, such as whether or not he will divination. Maybe Albert doesn't mind telling them these things in private, but asking them in public is deliberately picking things up.

Moreover, this guy likes to tell some truths, some lies, and some half-truths, making people completely confused that those are the truth and those are the lies.

Fred and George never asked people more secret things, even if they were asked, it was purely a joke.

If you want to know anything, just go back to the dormitory to ask privately at night.

That is why Lee Jordan's stiff head could not be turned around for a while.

Fred and George both cast gazes at Lee Jordan to shut him up, and then changed the subject.

"Next there will be a transformation class, and in the afternoon there will be a class of magical creatures and potions. The courses are full these days, which is really uncomfortable."

"That's how your math fortune-telling fell off." George frowned and asked when they passed through the empty corridor.

"No, let the clone go to class. Okay, don't ask me how I did it. This needs to be kept confidential." Albert took out his pocket watch and checked the time, and said as he walked into the male bathroom next to him. "wait a second."

Albert pushed the door of the compartment lightly, and found that the door of the compartment was locked by someone. He buckled it three times. The door of the compartment also slammed three times. Albert turned and walked into the next compartment. , When the door was just closed, the originally locked door opened, and Albert with a tired face came out from inside.

As for the compartment where the door had just been locked, Albert was taking the time converter from his leather bag, carrying it around his neck, and then turning the time converter once.

Albert felt his time retreating fast, and something seemed to be banging in his ears. The next moment, he felt that his feet were stepping on solid ground, and everything came together again.

Putting away the time converter, taking out his pocket watch from his pocket and looking at the time, Albert quickly walked out of the boys' bathroom, ready to take math divination class.

"By the way, the place for arithmetic divination seems to be classroom 7A on the eighth floor." Albert murmured to himself, "Alas, it's a long way to go. It's really choking."

The "numerology" of arithmetic divination is a branch of arithmetic, which refers to the mysterious relationship between many events and simultaneous events.

Wake Field’s "Numerical Divination and Graphics" Albert had read it during the summer vacation, and it was not very friendly to most wizards who had not really learned mathematics.

These gadgets reminded him of a book called "Kabbalah Number Code", which is the secret Jewish divination, the so-called "numerical secretology".

In Albert's view, the arithmetic field of the magical world is equivalent to a mixture of probability calculations and a bunch of strange things.

If that's the case, maybe it can explain why the spell solver needs to be proficient in this stuff.

This will allow them to evaluate the success rate of the curse without actually executing it, which means that they can minimize the risk of failing the curse.

When Albert appeared on the fourth floor of the castle through a shortcut and was about to go to the eighth floor through other secret passages, he happened to see two hapless guys who talked back to Filch, the red-haired Weasley’s Ron Wey. Slay, there's another... the famous Harry Potter.

"Red-haired Weasley, hum, don't think I don't know what you are making. Students are not allowed to go to the fourth floor restricted corridor."

As soon as Albert got closer, he heard Filch's angry voice.

"Lost, I don't believe you would be so coincidental, ready to get lost in the restricted area on the fourth floor."

Soon, Albert saw someone heading over there. It was Professor Quirrell. He should be going to check the protection checkpoint. He happened to help the two hapless ones who got lost.

"If I see you again, you are going to get lost and enter the restricted area." Filch looked angrily at the two who had escaped and threatened. "Just put it in confinement, maybe staying in the dungeon for a day will help. Keep your heads awake."

When Harry and Ron passed the corner, they found Albert standing on the corner, looking at them with a smile.

"It's really Weasley, are you going to go to the school's restricted area on the first day of school?" Albert looked at Ron and said softly.

"No, we are just lost." Ron retorted.

"We just want to find the curse classroom." Harry murmured.

"Then go, go straight from here, and you will be there soon after passing through the armor corridor." Albert said softly, "If you are lost, it is better to find someone to ask for directions instead of wandering around the school. , That’s something no-brainer would do. Believe me, many people will be willing to lead you Potter, as long as you speak."

Harry and Ron trot in the direction Albert pointed.

"Do you know him?" Harry asked quietly.

"Fred and George invited him to my house during the summer vacation this year. Mom and Dad also liked him." Ron said dryly. "It is said to be a very powerful genius."

"But why did he say that." Harry couldn't help asking.

"Fred and George are naughty and mischievous at school. He guessed that I would be like them." Ron was a little depressed when he talked about this. He suddenly knew why Filch was targeting them. 80% are related to Fred and George.

Albert didn't know what Harry and Ron had said, he finally rushed to the arithmetic divination classroom by shortcut before class.

The teacher of this class is Professor Victor, and she explains to them what arithmetic divination is in class.

...Refers to a hypothetical form of divination based on assigning values ​​to words or phrases. Although this may seem contradictory at first glance, arithmetic uses more rigorous and mathematical methods to predict the future.

Well, this is actually the original words in "Digital Divination and Graphics".

"...Mathematics divination requires rigorous logic." Professor Victor said to the swollen students below, "You can't make up, don't think that filling in a bunch of numbers in your homework can deal with me."

Next, Professor Victor asked them to look at the dense numbers on the blackboard and began to teach everyone how to do mathematics divination.

Except for a few Muggle-born students such as Shanna and Albert, most of the students in the class frowned and listened carefully.

No way, a group of students who have not fully mastered the four arithmetic operations are undoubtedly very difficult to learn mathematics and divination.

However, Albert understands easily, well, the content is probability calculation.

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"Okay, do all the remaining questions. If you don't finish this lesson, you will take it back to do it. This is today's homework." Professor Victor said to the students in the class.

"Don't you do it?"

Shanna raised her eyebrows and asked, she wouldn't think Albert didn't understand.

Albert pointed to the form on his parchment, and he had finished the calculation.

It's very simple, you can get the answer in twos or twos.

"Why can you calculate it so quickly!"

Katrina felt unbelievable. She noticed that Albert had barely calculated, so she calculated the pile of numbers on Professor Victor’s blackboard and filled it on the parchment.

"I have studied advanced mathematics." Albert said casually.

Compared with advanced mathematics, the current arithmetic divination is indeed very simple.

It is undeniable that in this respect, Muggle wizards have far more advantages than wizards born in wizarding families. After all, they all went to school when they were young, learned a lot of mathematics, and were exposed to the four operations.

Professor Victor walked over here, picked up the parchment on the table casually, and scanned the numbers in the form.

All are correct.

Professor Victor gave Albert a surprised look. She had heard of Albert's deeds before, but when she taught him personally, she really understood why other professors would judge him that way.

"Look, Mr. Anderson has done the calculations, and everything is correct. Gryffindor will add 10 points." Professor Victor said, leaning over to Albert and said, "After class, you stay temporarily, I have something to follow. You said"

Arithmetic divination is really difficult for many students. Except for Shanna, even Katrina, who was immersed in calculations, failed to calculate the pile of numbers before get out of class.

Such a huge gap made Katrina a big blow.

After Albert came out of the classroom, Katrina wanted to say something, but Shanna was the first to get her.

"What is Professor Victor asking you for?" Shanna asked curiously~www.mtl.com~Professor Victor asked me to go to the improvement class when I had time. "

"I've heard that the improvement class only recruits the brightest students. I heard other seniors say that it is called advanced arithmetic and divination research. The classroom is on the first floor of the castle." Shanna suddenly asked, "Can I go to the class with you? ?"

"I don't care." Albert shrugged.

"How did you do it? I mean how did you learn it so quickly, is there any trick?" Katrina finally couldn't help but ask.

"You think that the difficulty may be related to the fact that you haven't studied mathematics." Albert told the truth. "Arithmetic divination is very similar to Muggle probability calculation. If you have learned this knowledge, you will feel very much simple."

Katrina gave Albert a ferocious look, then turned and left. She didn't want to talk to that guy, it was so annoying.

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