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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 344: The story of Quirinas Quirrell (3)
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Remember in one second【】

His patience is almost reaching its limit, and I know that I can't delay time and must act as soon as possible.

Quirrell told himself so in his heart.

Quite a long time ago, Quirrell had already done many deductions of plans to invade Gringotts in private in preparation for the successful steal of the Philosopher's Stone.

On the last day of the month, Quirrell got up very early, dressed in the usual clothes, and went to drink in the Broken Cauldron Bar.

He would go to the broken cauldron bar to sit for a while every day to cover up his actions.

Quirrell told Tom, the owner of the bar, that he came to Diagon Alley to buy a new book about vampires. He will also buy a book about vampires later, creating an established fact and preventing others from breaking into Gringotts. The thief had contact with him, otherwise, no matter whether he succeeded or not, he would have to hide from the Ministry of Magic and go after the goblins.

As soon as he drank a little wine, Quirrell found that the originally lively bar suddenly fell into a dead silence. He followed the eyes of the people and saw Hagrid was taking a thin boy into the bar, and casually introduced the boy to Tom.

This is the first time Quirrell has seen the famous Harry Potter.

It is said that when the savior was still a baby, he had already defeated the most powerful dark wizard. No one knew how Harry Potter did it. However, to Quirrell, the savior did not seem to be doing very well, he looked rather... thin.

It's hard to imagine that Dumbledore would hand over the famous Harry Potter to Muggles to raise him. Quirrell seemed to think that this thing was really weird.

Under Hagrid's introduction, Quirrell officially met Harry, shaking hands and stammering a few words.

He played his role well.

Quirrell knew that the Dark Lord might let him find and kill the savior while he was teaching at Hogwarts.

It is so easy to murder a child who knows nothing. Even the savior and legendary Harry Potter is now just an eleven-year-old boy who knows nothing. He is in the dark magic The front is so fragile.

After Harry Potter left, everyone was still discussing his affairs. Tom even generously stated that in order to celebrate Harry Potter's return, all guests present would have a drink for free.

Quirrell naturally joined the celebration. After people finished the celebration, Quirrell found an excuse to leave the bar and actually bought a new book about vampires from the Lihen Bookstore.

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Then, he inadvertently turned into a tourist shop called Horror Journey in the corner, pretending to come to chat with the owner here about the Transylvanian vampire castle.

In fact, the owner of this store had long been controlled by Quirrell using the Imperius Curse. He came here to wait for someone, who was his roommate at Hogwarts, a nasty guy who often made fun of him and teased him.

Quirrell was going to use the compound medicine to pretend to be the former roommate and enter the Gringotts. If the goblin finds any clues, it can only be considered bad luck for the other party.

Quill didn't have any pressure to frame the opponent.

Quirrell naturally wouldn't be so stupid to enter the Gringotts as his own. That would be too suspicious. With the help of the Imperius Curse and the compound potion, invading the Gringotts was not difficult for Quirrell.

Half an hour later, his roommate finally came.

Qiluo took the key from the other party, drank the compound medicine mixed with the other party's hair, disguised as the other party, and went to Gringotts to withdraw money.

The fairies didn't even have any doubts, and led him into the underground cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Qiluo was sure that there was no one around, and immediately used the Imperius Curse to control the fairy who led the way.

As for the fairy who was originally controlled by him using the Imperius Curse, he was already waiting for him in the predetermined Phnom Penh with another cart. Quirrell took a big bag of Kanon from Jinli, and took another car to go directly to No. 1 Jin, deeper in the cave.

Everything went smoothly and surprisingly, the goblin quickly took him to Golden Front No. 1 in the depths of the cave. Quirrell really didn't understand why no one had successfully stolen in Gringotts before?

Are those thieves too stupid?

He thought so.

He was about to obtain the Philosopher's Stone soon, and was rewarded by the Dark Lord.

As for how to leave here is the biggest problem, Gringotts can't Apparate, he has several plans for leaving.

Even if he is in trouble, he has already found a scapegoat.

An unlucky thief, this is still the object that Quirrell has chosen with all his care to confuse everyone's attention as much as possible.

If there is trouble when leaving here, Quirrell will hand the bag of Garon to the thief and modify his memory to divert everyone's attention.

That's right, he did it. As for the evidence, his wand is the evidence, the one that Quirrell uses now.

"Turn on Jin!" Quirrell gave orders to the fairy around him.

Fortunately, under the training of the Dark Lord, his attainments in Imperius Curse were not low, otherwise it would really be a little troublesome.

The fairy stretched out his long fingers and knocked gently on the door.

Quirrell heard from the fairy early on that the precious gold in Gringotts underground, which does not require a key, is not allowed to be touched by anyone except the fairy, otherwise it will be sucked in by the door immediately and directly stuck in it. Can't get out of the door.

What does the Philosopher's Stone look like? He can't wait to get it.

However, when Quirrell focused his attention on the door in front of him, he was stunned to find that the body of the goblin had actually sunk inside Jin's door.


^0^Remember in one second【】

What is going on?

Quirrell's brain was completely stunned, and a not-so-good premonition surged into his mind, and he immediately thought of the reason: fairy magic!

That's right, to open this door, you need fairy magic, and fairy magic, only a fairy can use it, so only a fairy can open this door.


Originally, Quirrell wanted to quietly take away the Philosopher's Stone, but now he can only do this!

Fortunately, he had already had several plans before.

Quirrell was very annoyed. He knew that he was being teased by the goblin in front of him, and even if he used the Sense of Spirit on him, he still had an accident.

A ray of flame spurted from the tip of Quirrell's wand and fell on Jin's door, and the flames began to burn on the metal door.

This is a fierce fire curse.

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A terrible flame with a curse that can easily destroy almost all objects.

The fairy trapped in the door was quickly burned to death by the fierce fire, and Jin's door was covered by flames, and a hole was directly burned out.

Quirrell immediately chanted the curse to extinguish Li Huo, he did not dare to let the flame spread, otherwise he might even destroy the Philosopher's Stone in Jin Li. What's worse, once the Li Huo curse spread, even he could not control it.

Fairy gold is no more than that.

Quirrell murmured, staring through the gold entrance and looking at the objects placed in the gold, he was stunned.

The gold is empty and there is nothing.

The Philosopher's Stone is gone!

Could it be that the goblin deceived himself, or was he a step late and the Philosopher's Stone had been taken by Dumbledore?

Qi Luo instantly fell into an ice cave, feeling his feet cold.

No, this is impossible!

At this moment ~www.mtl.com~ Quirrell panicked, he couldn't bear the consequences of not being able to steal the Philosopher's Stone. He couldn't imagine how the Dark Lord would punish himself, maybe he should run away, run away immediately, and go to Dumbledore for help?

Will Dumbledore help himself?

Quirrell suddenly felt that his thoughts were ridiculous!

is it possible?

I just prepared to steal the Philosopher's Stone that Dumbledore had stored in Gringotts.

Quirrell soon woke up from the trance, he knew he had to leave here immediately.

Those fairies must have known that someone invaded Gringotts, and he must leave immediately, otherwise he would be blocked by the fairies.

I hope that the retreat I prepared will allow him to leave smoothly.

Quirrell looked at the other fairy beside him, got on the cart and quickly returned to the upper level.

:. :

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^