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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 342: young people
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Remember in one second【】

"I think so too." Mr. Delacour said something that made Albert feel inexplicable, and then reached out and took a piece of parchment from his pocket and passed it directly to him.

"Hertok asked me to give it to you," he said.

Albert took the parchment suspiciously, the handwriting on it was indeed a bit like Mr. Dagworth's writing, and asked if he came to help with the original intention.

As for how to help, I didn't say in the letter, because it only wrote such a sentence without beginning and ending.

Albert glanced at Mr. Delacour, waiting for explanation.

"Hertok will contact you personally soon." Mr. Delacour said with a smile, "He knows that you don't trust a stranger at will. By the way, my name is Adrian Delacour. The brother of the helpful Mr. Delacour I mentioned last time, by the way, I am also a pharmacist."

Albert was stunned when he heard the words, and looked up and down the man in front of him who called himself Adrian Delacour. He remembered that the Veeva player should be the same age as him, and this Adrian Delacour Mr. Kuhl's daughter Louise is at least four or five years older than herself.

Are you sure it's your elder brother, not your younger brother?

"Is there any problem?" Adrian Delacour asked curiously, noticing the surprise on Albert's face.

"I don't see the pharmacist's staidness in your body." Albert said with a weird expression, no way, the guy in front of him is really jumping, and he likes to make trouble more than the Weasley twins.

In Albert's impression, most pharmacists are a bit old-fashioned. Snape is the best example. Mr. Dagworth has that kind of trend. "

"Aren't you not staid?" Mr. Delacour blinked. "He will contact you soon. If you are interested, you can come and help. This is a very good experience."

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"I can't throw my family here, they don't know French." Albert shook his head and refused.

"No, no, I didn't mean now." Mr. Delacour explained: "We will meet again. The cured meat here is very good. You must try it."

Mr. Delacour left with his daughter, leaving behind the inexplicable Anderson family. Albert briefly talked to his family about topics they were curious about.

"Is there really a werewolf in this world?" Niya asked, blinking. Although she has read some books about the magic world that Albert bought, she is still very interested in legendary creatures.

"Yeah, there is……"

Albert said something about the werewolf casually, and simply fooled the past.

Daisy is even more curious about the magical world who drinks potions that can make people more beautiful. Women are always interested in how to make themselves beautiful.

"Beauty potion, a potion that can make people look more beautiful and more attractive after drinking. Of course, this is like makeup, which requires regular drinking. As for the side effects of drinking too much, I am not sure." I especially think that potions shouldn't be drunk too much, because medicine has three points of poison.

Daisy fell silent, she was considering whether to let Albert buy a bottle for herself to try the effect.

No woman does not want to be beautiful.

"Ahem!" Herb seemed to have guessed his wife's thoughts, and interrupted with a dry cough: "You add those weird things together, will it really be fine if you drink it?"

Herb, who has been to the drugstore, is really insensitive to the materials inside.

"If you want to be beautiful, you should exercise more, eat healthy, maintain a good mood, and use less strange things." Albert said to Niya seriously.

"If it's useful according to your words, many people have done that a long time ago." Niya curled her lips and said, obviously not believing Albert's flicker.

"That's because most people can't do it."

"You can tell us if you can't." Daisy said irritably.

She was shaken.

In the evening, Albert received a letter from Mr. Dagworth, who sent him a mirror.

"It's actually a double-sided mirror?" Albert looked at the double-sided mirror in front of him with interest.

"What's that?" Niya couldn't help asking.

"A double-sided mirror, something similar to a phone, can be used for face-to-face communication through two magic mirrors. Don't miss your butt, Tom, and be careful to crush the mirror." Albert held Tom helplessly, like Cats like to occupy the keyboard when others are playing on the computer, and like to squat on the book when others are reading. Tom sometimes uses this method to attract the master's attention when others ignore it.

"That's really great. If we have this, we can see each other often in the future and we don't need to write any more letters." Niya's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"The manufacture of this kind of magic mirror has been lost. Currently there are few double-sided mirrors on the market. I thought about buying a pair before, but unfortunately I couldn't find it." Albert explained and moved Tom away. I don't want the fat cat to crush the mirror.

The next moment, there was a voice calling Albert in the mirror, and then Mr. Dagworth's face appeared in the mirror, it was a slightly tired face.

Tom was taken aback and jumped to the side at once, and quickly approached cautiously, grabbing the person in the mirror with his paw.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Dagworth." Albert pulled Tom's paw away so that he wouldn't scratch the mirror.

"It's been a long time since I saw Albert. I heard Adrian say you are going to France."

"Well, I'm vacationing in France with my family."

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"Me too

^0^Remember in one second【】

In France, studying his medicine with Damocles, are you interested in coming over? I remember that you are very talented in improving medicine. "When Mr. Dagworth talked about it, Nia immediately glared at the person in the mirror.

"Sorry, I can't get away for the time being, and I heard Mr. Delacour say that you are betting on an appointment."

"This is just a gimmick." Mr. Dagworth explained helplessly: "Damocles has been studying the wolf poison potion for many years, but the results deviated from his assumptions. This potion does not restore the werewolves. It just keeps them sane during the full moon, and reduces the pain caused when the werewolf transforms."

"Do you want Mr. Damocles to be famous?" Albert asked tentatively.

"That's what he deserves." Mr. Dagworth said softly, "Damocles worked a lot to invent the wolf poison potion."

"Why didn't Mr. Damocles get the Merlin badge and deserved reputation?" Albert couldn't help asking.

"The reputation of Damocles is not obvious. A few years ago, he tried to promote this medicine, but failed because the materials of the wolf poison medicine are too expensive, and the formula is not very friendly to most pharmacists. "Mr. Dagworth sighed softly. "Moreover, the Ministry of Magic doesn't pay much attention to werewolves, so it's like this."

"I probably understand!"

"If you are interested, you can come and participate in the improvement of the medicine. If you can't come, we will contact you through the double-sided mirror. I believe you will definitely be interested in it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Dagworth After speaking, the husband added: "I hope Adrian didn't cause you trouble. He likes to make fun of others and is not malicious. The guy's popularity is actually very good."

"That Mr. Delacour is also a pharmacist?"

"He is a pharmacist, I know. You want to say that he is not like him. In fact, when I first met him, I thought he was not like him. Most people who knew him thought that." Mr. Duggworth The face is helpless, but it is undeniable that Adrian's level is not bad.

The face in the mirror disappeared completely.

"That's the Mr. Anderson that you are very optimistic about." Damocles and Albert have written letters. Although he also thinks Albert's talent is very good, he doesn't trust him very much because of his terrible age.

"Don't see our little friend Albert, he is really talented in improvement. Maybe, some of his whimsical ideas will help you solve the problem that has been troubled for several years." Mr. Dagworth Knowing that his friend doesn't trust Albert.

No way, Albert is too young.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^