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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 331: Troll's Lair
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The next morning, after having breakfast in the auditorium, the four Alberts disappeared.

Although the second-year students have finished the exam, the students in other grades are still preparing for the exam, and no one pays attention to them.

After confirming that Hagrid was protecting the Professor of Magical Biology through the Live Point Map, they secretly bypassed the Quidditch Stadium and slipped into the forbidden forest through the phantom spell.

Flying over the forbidden forest is far safer than going directly through the forbidden forest.

"Well, don't make a fuss, we will stare at you from behind!" Fred looked at Lee Jordan, who was a little nervous, and couldn't help joking. Lee Jordan's flying skills are really average, maybe because he didn't fly much, and he doesn't seem to have much confidence.

"Or, let's change the broom?" Lee Jordan complained stubbornly: "Otherwise you will shut up."

"Our direction is all right!" Fred turned off the subject, pretending not to hear what the other person was saying.

"should be no problem!"

Albert would stop every few minutes to look at the pointer on the treasure map to check their flight direction. Fred and George used to walk in the forbidden forest for several hours, but now they have flown a long distance in less than ten minutes.

"I have a question, will we get lost later, I mean will we not understand the specific position of Hogwarts." Lee Jordan said of his concerns.

The forbidden forest is too big. Even if you fly over the woods, you may fly to other places in the wrong direction. If you get lost, it will be bad.

"Don't worry, I buried something in the forbidden forest outside the school, which can be used as positioning coordinates. Then I will use tracking magic to locate Hogwarts through objects."

Hogwarts Castle could not be located, but the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade could. What's more, if they didn't, they could Apparate directly. Albert didn't worry about getting lost.

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"That's good!" Lee Jordan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I said, how could Albert not be prepared!" Fred felt relieved, "Sure enough, it is different to have a reliable teammate."

As he said, he glanced at George, and if George had been reliable last time, he wouldn't have fallen to that end.

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking." George snorted dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, don't quarrel, we're going down. The location of the treasure map should be near here. Be careful later, don't drop to the ground at once." Albert began to take the lead in lowering the height.

"I don't know what treasures there will be."

"Don't think too much, it is more likely to be a scam." Albert did not forget to vaccinate the three of them: "The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"

"I think you should say this is true." Fred muttered, he was a little worried about being told by Albert's broken mouth.

It was already deep in the Forbidden Forest. The forest was very dim. Several people were suspended on a big tree, observing the surroundings.

Albert threw several **** of light down, and he had to say that the advanced luminous spell was convenient, and immediately illuminated a large area nearby.

"You said this will attract any dangerous creatures." Lee Jordan said worriedly.

"I just want to see if there are any dangerous creatures below." Albert didn't care. They watched from above for five minutes, and then landed on the ground after making sure that there was no danger below.

After landing, Albert immediately chanted to the surroundings to expel any beasts that might exist nearby.

"You are on the alert." Fred handed the broom to Albert, took the treasure map and started looking for the location of the secret treasure.

After all the flying broomsticks were collected by Albert into the non-marking stretch bag, Fred took the treasure map and led the way ahead, while Albert took the three of them to guard the surroundings to avoid being attacked. The magical confrontation of the three was also They are not trained for nothing. They all know that they need to be vigilant after entering the forbidden forest.

"The direction the map points to is just ahead." Fred raised his finger to the front.

"Do you smell anything?" George murmured.

The surroundings are smelly, obviously not a good sign.

"It's probably a forest monster." Albert raised his hand to signal them to stop and watch their surroundings. "If it's that stuff, their weakness is the back of their heads."

"It's so stinking. I hate those guys." Lee Jordan murmured. He was obviously a little too nervous.

"If you encounter giant monsters, first limit their speed and I will deal with them." Albert said again, he knew he had to bring them confidence.

The four kept in formation and moved on. They did not encounter the giant monster, but found a place similar to the giant monster’s lair. Albert actually didn’t know whether the giant monster lived in a burrow, but he really didn’t want to go inside. He didn't even want to approach, because it was so stinky, it made him nauseous like being thrown into a cesspool.

This is comparable to biochemical weapons!

"Oh, did those stinks come out with the body odor of a troll."

The four of them decided to stay away first to avoid being fainted by the smell.

"Oh, this is definitely a bad joke. Ooh~ I feel like I'm about to throw up my breakfast today."

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan all retched on the trunk.

Albert's condition was not very good either. He resisted the nausea and retched a few times before suppressing the surge of discomfort.

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"Would you like to go in there?" he asked suddenly.

"This joke is not funny at all," Fred murmured, "I think we might be suffocated in it."

"Bubbly curse."

Albert opened the skill panel, looked for the skill of the Cannon Head Curse, and directly upgraded it from level one to level two.

"I haven't tried this spell much." Albert put a cover on himself.

"What is this?" George pointed to the huge bubbles around Albert's head and couldn't help asking.

"It looks so funny."

At this moment, Albert's facial features appear to be elongated and widened, which is very funny~www.mtl.com~ The bubble curse can isolate the stench and provide us with breathing, which can last for more than half an hour. "Albert began to bless the other three people with a bubble head curse, which Albert didn't use very well.

"Half an hour is enough, hurry up!" After the three of Fred hesitated, they decided to explore.

In any case, this matter can blow a wave to others.

"If only you had brought a camera," Lee Jordan mumbled. The four of them moved towards the lair. Albert threw a ball of light into it. I have to say that it was really a terrifying picture. There were not only trolls of domestic garbage but also some animal bones. It was speechless. They foretell that there are giant monsters living here.

"Perhaps, this is really a bad decision." George murmured.

"Who knows, prepare to fight." Albert has heard the roar of the troll, and there may be more than one.


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