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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 310: There are always people who want to harm me
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Albert stretched out his hand and rubbed his cheek, pretending that nothing happened just now, and continued to walk toward the Gryffindor common room. He planned to go back to the dormitory first to prepare, feeling that something big was about to happen.

"Didn't you go out on a date? I thought you would be back in the afternoon, maybe you have been dumped?" George heard the noise from the entrance of the common room, turned his head and saw Albert from the common room. Entering the entrance of the room, he couldn't help but joked.

"Come back and get something." Albert said casually.

"Would you like some toffee?" Fred stuffed a toffee into his mouth, handed the opened Easter egg in the direction of Albert, eating Percy's Easter egg to make him feel Delightful.

"No, I'll see you later." Albert just walked up the stairs and suddenly stopped at his feet. He turned to his roommate and said, "Whoever of you lends me his wand."

"Don't you have a wand yourself?" Fred asked suspiciously. Although he didn't know what Albert was going to do with his wand, he still drew out his wand and handed it to Albert.

"My wand was temporarily lent to some hapless guy. I'll get it back later." Albert took Fred's wand and waved it lightly. It turned into a flower out of thin air, and it felt uncomfortable. , So he looked at Lee Jordan beside him.

"Use mine!"

Lee Jordan reluctantly handed the wand to Albert.

"Don't be so stingy, if it breaks, I'll buy you a new one from Ollivander." Albert raised his wand and waved it, feeling that his own wand is still not as easy to use, but with Frey De's wand is much better.

"No, I really like this wand now." Lee Jordan muttered, "What are you going to do with the wand?"

"Didn't George say it? Go on a date!" Albert smiled and stuffed his wand into his pocket, then turned and returned to the dormitory along the stairs.

"It feels like his smile is a little awkward," Lee Jordan muttered. "Every time I see Albert smile like this, someone will be out of luck."

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"It always feels like he is going to make trouble, do you want to follow him secretly?" George has the urge to make trouble.

"Go on your own." Fred shook his head. "If he really goes on a date, you will definitely be beaten."

"Do you believe that nonsense?" George couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Who knows?" Lee Jordan recalled Albert's smile before immediately shook his head and said, "I'm not going anyway."

At this moment, Albert has lifted the curse on the cabinet and took out the treasure map of the Gryffindor Secret Treasure obtained last semester from the drawer.

Then, he took out the remaining blessing agent from his deformed lizard skin bag, and took a small sip.

This is the third time Albert has used the elixir, and the elixir in the bottle can only be drunk once more.

However, as long as the matter can be fixed, it doesn't matter even if the remaining blessing potion is consumed.

Albert closed his eyes and felt the changes brought to his body by the blessing agent, and began to sort out the items he might use, and by the way, he checked the new tasks in the task panel.


A wizard secretly used the Impermissible Curse of the Unforgivable Curse on you. You must let the other party understand why these dark magic are called unforgivable spells by the world.

Reward: 1500 experience, get the skill of Imperius.

As solid as a rock.

Rowena Smith is an advanced wizard. He tries to use Imperius to control you, break free from the Imperius, and let him know that your will is extremely tough, and it is not the Imperius that can be controlled at will.

Reward: 1000 experience, resistance to Imperius +1.

Difficult brothers.

Your friend is also under the control of the Imperius Curse. Now that you have taken the lead out of control, extend a helping hand to help her out of the predicament.

Reward: 500 experience, Katrina's favor +20, Isabel's favor +20.

the wrong decision making.

Rowena Smith secretly used the Imperius Curse on you. He has shown his fangs to you. As the one who will repay you, you should frustrate his plan, interrupt his fangs, and let the other party understand that it is a mistake to stare at you. decision.

Reward: 3000 experience, random access to the skills of Rowena Smith.

In addition to the "another purpose" mission some time ago, there are a total of five missions related to Smith.

"This time you can definitely get a wave of fat." Albert murmured, rewarding him for the rock-solid mission, and then took out the contents of the deformed lizard leather bag again, and stuffed it so that he could get it easily. When he reached the place, he touched his pocket again, and chanted a traceless stretching spell on the pocket of the robe to avoid being seen by Rowena Smith.

After all, it was still too obvious to have a wand in his pocket.

"By the way, there is also the big killer prepared some time ago."

Albert took out the Howl of the Banshee, this thing can definitely bring down the defenseless Rowena Smith.

Surprise is always the most invincible means, just like he entered the Office of Defense Against the Dark Arts just now, and was controlled by the Imperius Curse unsuspectingly.

Albert took the treasure map of Gryffindor's secret treasure and was about to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. He suddenly stopped, scratched the back of his head, and fell on Fred's cabinet. For a moment, he took out the live spot map from the cabinet and scanned it to find it. On the periphery of the castle, he saw two familiar names walking in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. They murmured, "It really wasn't an illusion just now, this matter is stable. "

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"Next, let's have fun and see who is the better one!" Albert re-stuffed the live spot map in his pocket and walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

After entering the door, Albert found that Katrina had disappeared~www.mtl.com~ Only Smith was sitting at the table alone, not knowing what to do there.

Albert stepped forward and gave Smith the treasure map. However, after the guy took the treasure map, he actually recited another Imperius Curse to him, as if worried that Albert would break free of the Imperius Curse.

This time, Albert was already prepared, and the panel mission reward he had just received came in handy immediately. His resistance to the Imperius Curse was much stronger than before.

It was just a momentary trance, and the brain regained consciousness.

When Smith asked Albert to hand over his magical items, he simply took off the protective bracelet on his wrist and placed it on the table.

"It's worthy of being the candidate they valued." Rowena Smith took the protective bracelet and looked at it, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "But that's it."

With that said, he took the letter on the table and gave it to Albert, and asked him to pass it to Isabel's hand.

There is no doubt that Rowena Smith is ready to serve them both in one pot.

"Sure enough, is it because of the candidate?"

Albert murmured as he walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

When he went to the library, he thought Isobel should be there. Just think of the hapless Percy. That guy must have a lot of homework.

As for what Rowena Smith wanted to do, Albert thought he might have guessed it: let them die in the forbidden forest, even thinking of an excuse.

The two were about to enter the woods to find Gryffindor's secret treasure, but unfortunately died in the forbidden forest.

As for the secret treasure of Gryffindor, Rowena Smith may also be interested and want to find it, just like the secret treasure of Ravenclaw.

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