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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 246: Accident and Necessity (continued)
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"The last time you asked Katrina for that bet, wasn't it just for this?" Isabel looked at Albert with a more weird expression, completely confused about what the guy in front of him wanted to do?

"Ah, you guessed it!" Albert pretended to be surprised. Of course, this kind of clumsy performance can't hide from Isabel's eyes.

The latter didn't say anything, just looked at Albert calmly, as if to say to him: You go on, I'm watching from the side.

"Ahem, okay. Actually, I'm just pursuing Katrina. It's just that your sister is too stubborn, and she won't let her win once. I might not give up easily." Albert gave another reason casually.

In other words, it seems, seems a bit... exciting to say that you are going to chase her sister in front of other sisters. Well, Albert really wanted to see how Isobel would react.

Isobel’s expression was very complicated. There was no expected anger or other intense emotional reactions. He just said quietly: "I don’t mind if you chase Katrina. However, it’s too early for Katrina. It's too early to say!"

"Why?" Albert couldn't help but blurt out.

Of course, I was not asking why it was too early, but I was asking if Isobel would agree, and he seemed to agree with me to chase her sister. This was... too strange. At least, in Albert's eyes, it was too strange.

The kid knows the love of a fart.

If a twelve or thirteen-year-old child wants to pursue his sister, Albert has to beat the other person's shit.

"Because Katrina's mentality is not mature enough." Isobel looked up at Albert and answered this question head-on, "Your mentality is mature enough, but Katrina is not mature enough. This is not good for you. Fall in love now."

"As for, why would I agree?" Isabel looked at Albert, and she sometimes felt that this guy's thinking was very different.

"Why?" Albert was a little curious about the reason.

"After all, you are the best student in Hogwarts school, not one of them." Isabel's words directly acknowledge Albert's talent and ability.

In fact, he was right. Albert was indeed the most outstanding student in the college. After all, no one had a companion like him.

"Ahem, I just made a joke." The expression on Albert's face was a little stiff, and he smiled awkwardly at the other party.

"I know, I can see it." Isabel nodded, not angry with it, but found it interesting.

Now that you know how to say such things, is this implying that you agree to go after your sister?

Albert suddenly had a strange feeling: It turned out that his three views have not been completely assimilated into this world!

Still retaining the ideas of the previous generation, it is no wonder that sometimes it makes him look a little out of place.

"However, ten Gallons, you are very generous!" Isabel said with a light sigh, "Thank you for that. I haven't seen Katrina so happy for a long time."

"Knowledge is always precious, and to a certain extent, I am not at a disadvantage!" Albert raised his hand and shook his hand to record the eagle ring riddle. "Someday I will collect the eagle ring riddle. Organized into a book, let alone ten gallons by then, you can earn a hundred gallons, and you will definitely pay back."

Isobel felt that Albert's thinking was more and more peculiar, but his ideas were not wrong, knowledge is precious, and it can be done, but many people did not think about it.

"You continue, I'll wait for you here, and after I go into the secret room, I will tell you what I found." Isobel brought the topic back again, and pulled a chair to the side, quietly watching Abb Special knock on the door to answer the eagle ring riddle.

To be honest, the remaining riddles are not difficult, at least not difficult for Albert. It's like trying to brush the questions. The faster you brush, the more you get to feel it. In less than half an hour, Albert has finished answering. Under the riddle. After confirming on the task panel that he completed the "greedy predator", he suddenly became more happy, but Albert did not rush to receive the task reward, but opened the door of the secret room, and Izawa who was waiting next to him Bell goes in together.

"What secret did you find?" Albert walked to the wall, stretched his hand over the ancient magic text on the wall, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"What about you? What did you find?" Isobel did not answer immediately, but asked aloud.

"You speak first, and then I'll speak." Albert made the gesture of please.

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"Well, you know Ravenclaw's eagle ring riddle." Isabel walked to Albert's side, stared at the ancient magic text on the wall, and whispered: "We need to answer the eagle ring riddle to get in. "

Albert raised his eyebrows, but still listened quietly to Isobel to continue.

"It's like the first threshold outside," Isobel looked at Albert and continued: "If you get a wrong answer, then you have to wait for someone to get the right answer, so you can learn knowledge. This is Lavin. Crowe."

"Learned knowledge? So, do you think Ravenclaw hopes the newcomers who enter the secret room will learn knowledge?" Albert immediately grasped the key, not because of the hint given by Isobel, but Albert had also thought about it. This issue.

"Yes, you are really smart, you figured it out all at once. This is my discovery." Isabel nodded and asked, "Where is your discovery?"

"Ancient magic texts. Perhaps Ravenclaw hopes that we can master the correct use of ancient magic texts." Albert brushed the writing on the wall between his fingers and said to himself, "It is said that the runes are A kind of magical writing, however, this is obviously beyond the scope of our knowledge of runes."

The secret room suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"Is Professor Smith really coming to Hogwarts to find Ravenclaw's secret room?" Albert broke the silence again, and raised his doubts to Isobel.

"Why do you have such a thought?" Isobel was a little surprised, and looked up and down Albert.

"I don't know, it's intuition. Although Professor Smith has shown enough curiosity about Ravenclaw's secret room, but..." Albert frowned and said, "I don't think Professor Smith is taking the risk in Huo There should be other reasons for Gewarts to teach."

"Do you think I know something inside?"

"Yes, I think you should know many things."

"Do you want to know?" Isabel did not deny, but asked rhetorically, she really knew something.

"Yeah." Albert nodded.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you, anyway, this matter is also related to you."

"Related to me?"

"It should be said that it is related to an inheritance right of the Smith family, or it is not necessarily the Smith family. Anyway, it is a question of inheritance." Isobel seemed unhappy about this matter.

"I think you may have misunderstood. I am a Muggle wizard and come from a Muggle family." Albert reminded kindly.

"Muggle wizard? No, I don't think you are just a pure Muggle wizard," Isabel directly shook his head and denied it, and he was quite sure of his own judgment. "Professor Broad and Uncle Mogg McDoug I will not help you just because you are a genius."

"Why do you say that..." Albert was surprised, although he actually thought it was a bit strange, Professor Broad clearly had the idea of ​​cultivating himself.

"Because of your situation, I have also experienced it. To a certain extent, you are a copy of me. Don't get me wrong. I mean something." Isobel's face became more gloomy, and Abel I talked about some childhood memories, "Since my father died, Professor Broad, Uncle Mogg, and other father’s friends have taken care of me and my family. Thanks to their help, I My childhood with Katrina was pretty good."

"I have been considered a genius from a very young age." The girl continued with a slight irony in her tone, "Before I was regarded as a genius, they were not so passionate."

"You hate them?"

"No, it’s not annoying, I’m actually very grateful to them. Thanks to their help, my childhood was pretty happy." Isabel shook his head and said: "Later, my situation was similar to what you are now. They seem to be in Trying my best to train me, it's like training a..."


"Yes, heir." Isobel did not deny it, but nodded and continued, "At first, I didn't pay much attention to these things, but I thought it was a bit strange. Later, I read my father's diary..."

"As far as I know, my father and Professor Rowena Smith have had similar experiences." Isabel turned his head, not allowing Albert to meet his gaze, "Now you have met again, you Why do you think this is?"

"My situation is similar to yours?" Albert said without hesitation: "Because I am also a genius?"

"Not only that, although you are also a genius, it is definitely not for this reason." Isobel shook his head and said: "They still don't have enough energy to help you achieve further achievements."

"So, you must have a blood connection with the Smith family?"

"I'm a Muggle wizard." Albert reminded with a smile.

"I know, but it doesn't mean that your family must be Muggles. They may also be dumb guns, or wizards living in the Muggle world. They must be traced back to a certain generation and may be related to that family, otherwise you will not be selected. ."

Damn, I guessed it right!

Albert could feel his heartbeat quicken a few beats.

This guy is really not easy!

"Oh!" Albert pretended that he didn't know anything, and replied non-committal, shaking his head, "What else?"

"There is no love for no reason in the world." Isabel reminded.

"That's not wrong. By the way, you seem to know a lot of things?" Albert re-evaluated Isobel and frowned deeply. "But I don't think they will tell you these things, that is, Say, all the things you said are speculated by yourself or derived from some places, but I think the former is more likely. How did you do it, I don’t think about it, but why are you Tell me? As you said, there is no love for no reason in the world. Are you planning to use me? Or what do you want me to do for you?"

Isobel fell into a brief silence upon hearing this, and seemed to hesitate whether to let Albert know more.

Albert used this free time to glance at the new mission. Although he had guessed something, what was going on with this heir.

Ancient secrets.

You seem to be involved in something, which involves an ancient family, you who somehow became the candidate for the heir, it is necessary to figure out what is going on.

Reward: 2000 experience, Isobel McDoug’s favor +10.

Albert stared at the task panel, feeling a little surprised. Didn't he expect to increase his favorability?

"Tell me what you know, if you need me to do anything." Albert made a please gesture at the girl.

"Actually, I don’t know too much. I only know that it’s for a certain heir’s place. More precisely, it should be a fight for a certain surname, but I’m not quite sure about the specifics either, because it’s too secretive, and there is not much. People know these things."

"Heir, last name?" Albert raised his eyebrows. He naturally knew that he was related to the Smith family, but he didn't expect this incident to fall on him.

"Every Smith has this opportunity? Or, that every person of that pedigree has that opportunity?"

"It shouldn't be. I feel that the quota should be selected. As far as I know, my sister Katrina was not selected." Isabel said, shaking his head.

"How poor is she?" Albert curled his lips and asked curiously, "How can you be sure?"

"She didn't have much contact with Professor Broad and Uncle Mogg, nor was she introduced to other famous wizards." Isabel continued, "Our situation is similar. Of course, it is undeniable that you are better than me in some ways. More genius."

"Do you care about it?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"No." Isabel didn't lie, she didn't really care much about being the so-called heir.

"Your father used to be one of the candidates for the heir?" Albert thought of Professor Smith's Bogut, with some unpleasant premonitions.

"Well, I think it should be." Isobel whispered.

"Do you think I am one of them, and are you looking for an ally?" Albert thought he had guessed the answer, which is very likely. "After all, what benefit can I get?"

"Should be able to inherit a large sum of Galleons." Isabel said without hesitation. "Old families are usually very rich."

"Do you think I'm a person who lacks Garon? Even if I lack Garon, don't you think I can't earn Garon? Why do I fight for that ridiculous inheritance right?" Albert said impatiently Judging, "Honestly, I dislike being involved in family disputes, not to mention that I have nothing to do with the Smith family, and even if it is related, is it possible that you are going to give me the right to inherit?"

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Isobel fell into a brief silence, then nodded towards Abel.

"To be honest, I also dislike this." Isobel did not hide his disgust, and continued: "My sister and mother are more important than these **** inheritance rights."

"Why don't you just give up?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"Don't you think this is funny?" Isabel's expression is even more weird. "Do you expect me to tell Uncle Mogg directly about this? What do you think he would think? Honestly pretending to know nothing. , That is the wisest choice."

"Well, you're right." Albert admitted it.

"However, the inheritance you said has something to do with Ravenclaw's secret room?"

"I don't know." Isabel shook his head and said: "I still continue to find a way to solve it, but I am still blocked here. Tell me about your findings!"

"Well, do you think I was lying just now?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"At least not completely telling the truth." Isabel said.

"Well, according to what you said earlier, Ravenclaw prefers to let people take the initiative to learn, just like the Eagle Ring Riddle. Although some people can get the answer with their own wisdom, they are only a few, and most people still have to learn. "Albert's finger crossed the line on the wall, "Extraordinary ingenuity is the greatest wealth of mankind".

"Those who want to pass here and get treasures from Ravenclaw's secret room need to master what Ravenclaw wants us to master...ancient magic text!"

"So, you didn't lie, you just hid some secrets."

"No, it's just that you didn't notice it yourself, or you noticed but you didn't want to admit it. You should have also discovered in studying ancient magic texts. Ancient magic texts are just an ancient text." Albert stretched his hand over it. "You need to understand how to use them in order to pass this level set by Ravenclaw and enter the next level. However, when we discover that we have truly mastered it, it means that we have The treasure left by Ravenclaw, this is Ravenclaw, isn't it?"

"Knowledge is sometimes a kind of wealth." Isobel smiled suddenly, very happy.

"Yes, this is very Ravenclaw, and it echoes the sentence that extraordinary ingenuity is the greatest wealth of mankind." She said softly, "Are you going to tell Professor Smith about this?"

"Why not? But I don't think he can open the hidden room. Maybe he can go to Principal Dumbledore for help, but what's the use? Open it and just enter the next room. He will still Nothing." Albert curled his lips and said, "Of course, maybe in the secret room, some Ravenclaw's legacy can be found, such as the disappearing crown."

"Is it Ravenclaw's crown? I don't think you can pin your wisdom on that thing!"

"I'm just talking about it casually! By the way, Professor Smith is a bit pitiful, and the secret room treasure he was looking forward to is actually like this."

Albert shrugged and didn't care much about it. Is Professor Smith poor?

Who knows!

"You may be the next person to open the secret room." Isobel couldn't help but rely on the sense of the wall. After all, Albert's ancient magic writing level far surpasses them, and although she has learned well, she is actually just getting started.

The two chatted about trivia for a while, and Isobel suddenly said, "It's ten o'clock, Professor Smith should be coming soon."

"Is he coming here?" Albert asked, wrinkling.

"Yes, I made an appointment yesterday. You can stay here too. At that time, I will study the ancient magic text." Isabel seems to be in a good mood: "When he comes, you can tell him your previous guess! "


About ten minutes later, there were other noises from outside the secret room, the door was opened from the outside, Professor Smith walked in, his gaze fell on Albert ~www.mtl.com~ It seemed a little surprised what happened to him. Will be here.

"You were there too, that happened to be..." Professor Smith greeted Albert with a smile.

"Professor Smith, I just discussed with Isobel..." Albert hurriedly interrupted, and immediately told Professor Smith of his guess with Isobel.

After a long silence, Professor Smith sighed deeply and said bitterly: "What you said is very possible. This will explain why this is the case here."

Maybe, what I shouldn't tell him, most of the time, truth is more cruel than lies.

Professor Smith took a few deep breaths. After depressing his emotions, he reached out and patted Albert's shoulder and said: "You are the only one of us who may open the secret room. I hope you can work harder, etc. After you officially opened it, just remember to tell me. After paying so much, I don’t want to be unclear in the end. That would be too cruel."

After finishing speaking, Professor Smith turned and left a little bit lonely, his back was depressed, and he seemed to be aging several years suddenly.