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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 244: Real warrior
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  Running all the way, Fred and George are too tired to run, holding on to the tree trunk and gasping for breath.

   "Fortunately, the monster didn't chase him!" Fred sat on the snow with exhaustion and looked at the path behind him with lingering fear. They were almost killed by the three monsters just now.

   "I was scared to death," George reached out and patted his chest, and couldn't help complaining, "How dare Hagrid raise such a dangerous monster in the Forbidden Forest."

"I should have listened to Albert's words and left early." Fred regretted that he didn't listen to Albert's advice and left early. "By the way, what about Albert and Lee Jordan? They are not. Are you leaving now?"

   "How would I know." George's face showed a little uneasy color, and he looked at the snow-covered forest trail behind him, and said uncertainly: "They go ahead of us, they should be in front of us."

   However, there were only the footprints of two people running over on the snow.

   Albert and Lee Jordan are obviously still behind them, but when they ran desperately just now, why didn’t they meet them?

   The two of them fell into a brief mental confusion. Even if they ran desperately just now, it was impossible not to notice the talent on the road.

   Fred and George looked at each other, and said uncomfortably, "Should we not go the wrong way?"

   "Should...no, is there a fork in the road?" Fred looked at George, hoping to get the answer from the other person.

   "How could I have noticed." George slowed down, licked his dry lips, and looked at Fang Xiang who had just run over, "Or, turn back and find them?"

   "Turn back?" Fred's tone could not help but raised a few points, he really didn't want to face the **** three-headed monster. But... you can't just leave Albert and Lee Jordan in the forest!

   "Well, go back and have a look." Fred hesitated for a moment, nodding in agreement.

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   After the two encountered danger, they subconsciously believed that they should not leave their friends and escape by themselves.

   Actually, as long as you are more alert, you will realize that Albert, such a fierce man who dared to break through the forbidden forest alone in the middle of the night and single out a group of eight-eyed giant spiders, could be lost outside the forbidden forest?

   It's a pity that the sprint just now left their brains deprived of oxygen, and they failed to think things through.

When Fred and George returned the same way, they met Lee Jordan, who had just separated from Hagrid. This roommate had already lifted the phantom spell on him, and was still depressed where Albert had gone. What?

   "Why are you the only one, Albert?" Fred looked at Lee Jordan with a gloomy look in doubt and asked.

   "How would I know." Lee Jordan shrugged.

   "How did you know? Didn't you leave first together?" George frowned and asked.

   "We just turned back..." Lee Jordan coughed lightly and complained, "You actually left me there alone... I am still concerned about your safety and turn back."

   "Ahem, didn't you notice it? Wait, you guys sneaked back, I didn't notice..." Fred's face was displeased, these two guys must have gone back to see them embarrassed.

   "The monster just now was so terrible..." George didn't care about this, he still has lingering fears.

   "Are you talking about Lu Wei?"

   "Lu Wei, do you mean the monster with three heads?" Fred has gradually calmed down.

"Well, that's Hagrid's pet." Lee Jordan said with a gloomy expression: "I was severely trained by Hagrid just now. That **** Albert actually sneaked away by himself. What are you doing running so fast?"

   "By the way, was Hagrid where he was just now?" George asked depressedly.

   "Of course, or how do you think I survived that monster's mouth." Lee Jordan muttered, "If you didn't insist on it, I wouldn't..."

   "Okay, stop complaining about this? Shall we go to Albert first now?" Fred interrupted their complaints and reminded them.

   "Don't worry about him, let's go back to the castle first." Lee Jordan shook his head.

   "Whether he is really good?"

   "If we have something, he won't have anything." Lee Jordan couldn't help rolling his eyes at the two of them and said: "Maybe that guy is roasting snow mushrooms in the castle.

   "It makes sense, because he actually sneaked away by himself."

"Who did you say sneaked away?" A voice suddenly sounded from the side, and the three of them looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a figure walking out from behind a big tree. Isn't this just what disappeared inexplicably? Albert?

   "You actually hid yourself." Lee Jordan took the lead in attacking Albert. "Do you know that I was trained by Hagrid for a long time."

   "I know, or am I still waiting to be scolded?" Albert admitted bluntly, and swallowed back what Lee Jordan originally wanted to say.

   "I told you to leave soon, you don't listen, can you blame me?" Albert shrugged helplessly.

   "We were almost killed by that monster just now." Fred complained.

   "Well, it's a bit stupid to run away. When you run away next time, don't leave your back behind to the enemy." Albert began to teach, "If Hagrid was not there, you would have been killed by a three-headed dog."

   "Did you steal some fun just now!" Fred suddenly realized something, this guy is so bad, he hid and watched their jokes

   "Who told you to stay? Can you blame me for being chased by a dog? No, you can only blame yourself." Albert shook his head, it was your own fault.

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   "Isn't you here?" George's face twitched, and he sneered helplessly.

   "So I will run away first!" Albert said.

   Fred and George were swallowed, and suddenly they were speechless.

   "Remember not to spread this out, or Hagrid might make trouble for us." Lee Jordan couldn't help laughing, but he still didn't forget Hagrid's instructions.

   "We won't." Although being chased by that monster miserably, both Fred and George knew nothing to say.

   The four of them went directly to the kitchen and grilled the snow mushrooms they found with the help of the house elves. The taste was really wonderful.

   "By the way, is it really appropriate for Hagrid to raise that kind of monster in the Forbidden Forest?" Fred asked with some concern. After all, they would often enter the Forbidden Forest. It would not be a good idea to encounter it inside.

   The three-headed dog is really dangerous, if Hagrid weren't there~www.mtl.com~ they might be bitten by it, or even killed by it, as Albert said.

   "Don't worry, when it becomes an adult, it is estimated that it will not stay in the Forbidden Forest. Principal Dumbledore should ask someone to send Lu Wei back to Greece." Albert muttered while chewing on the food in his mouth.

   "What if the principal doesn't know about this?" Lee Jordan asked rhetorically

   "I will write a letter to Principal Dumbledore and tell him this." Albert said without hesitation.

   "By the way, that monster hasn't grown up yet!" George asked incredulously.

"Of course not. Lu Wei's body is not too big. It is estimated that he will have the size of Hagrid next year." Albert had seen the information of the three-headed dog. He knew that Lu Wei was still at school next year and was borrowed by the principal. Guard the Philosopher's Stone.

   "I really don't understand how Hagrid can guarantee that it won't hurt others." Fred couldn't help complaining, he still felt that Hagrid was too risky.

   "He trains Lu Wei like he does Fang. It is undeniable that this is still somewhat effective." Lee Jordan witnessed the scene where Hagrid stopped Lu Wei, so he was not worried about this issue. He suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Albert, and asked with a complicated expression, "Did you really rub Lou Wei's head?"

   "Wow! Are you not afraid?" Fred and George both looked shocked and rubbed the monster's head. How much courage does it take?

   "It was not that big at the time." Albert thought for a while and said, "It feels good, it feels comfortable, and it's a good experience."

   The only thing Albert regretted was that he had forgotten to film this scene. It was a miscalculation.