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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 207: Well, it's really magic
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"Hey, Albert, come down!" Charlie looked up at the black shadow flying up and down over the court, feeling relieved and helpless. When he turned his head to look at Fred and George next to him, the two immediately turned their heads in other directions and did not look at Charlie, indicating that this matter had nothing to do with them.

"He's down." Angelina said suddenly.

In the sight of everyone, Albert was falling at an extremely fast speed, which was astonishingly fast, as if he jumped directly from the plane without a parachute. In the blink of an eye, it was already close to the ground.


"He is about to hit the ground."

In the chaos, I didn't know who was screaming, and some people even closed their eyes in horror, not looking at the horror of Albert's fall.

However, Albert stopped the dive just a few feet from the ground and rose again. The momentum brought by the dive, mixed with strong wind, made everyone's hair flutter.

The next moment, exclamation and applause sounded simultaneously.

"Oh my God, how did he do it." Alia's face was pale, the Weasley twins next to her were cheering loudly, while Cormac McLagen, who was also a substitute, clenched her fists.

Regardless of whether the players are willing to admit, Albert's flying skills are indeed far superior to most people. His risky move just now, even Charlie did not dare to try, will definitely hit the ground directly. However, Albert succeeded. For him, such an adventure seemed to be just an exciting game.

A few seconds later, Albert slowly descended again. After landing on his feet, he closed his eyes to enjoy the wonderful taste of flying at high speed on a broomstick. Sweeping the six stars was even better than he expected. With a light touch, the broom will turn as he wants.

It is undeniable that the broom itself still has some shortcomings, but Albert is still very satisfied with sweeping the six stars.

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"In the dive just now, I felt my heart was about to stop beating for a few beats." Angelina said with a smile.

"Flying well." Charlie raised his fist and gently punched Albert's shoulder, stretched out his arm around his neck, and said with a smile, "It's a rare chance to come to the Quidditch pitch once. Don't even think of slipping away like this. !"

After flying happily for a day, Albert returned to the Gryffindor lounge with everyone after finishing the training. They entered the lounge and found that people were buzzing about something, and their faces were full of excitement.

"What happened?" Albert asked Lee Jordan. This guy is sitting by the fireplace playing wizard cards with Shanna.

"The first Hogsmeade weekend." Lee Jordan pointed to the notice on the bulletin board and blinked at the three of them. "Just in early November."

The trip to Hogsmeade!

The three of them smiled knowingly, Hogsmeade was nothing to the three of them, as long as they wanted, they could go to Hogsmeade through the secret road at any time.

"It has nothing to do with us, does it?" Fred smiled and shrugged. The three returned to the dormitory and took a hot bath. When they returned to the common room, George didn't know where to get a mouse.

"Where did you get the mouse?" Albert asked suspiciously, falling on the mouse that George was holding.

"Guess?" There was a malicious smile at the corner of George's mouth.

"Percy's pet?" Albert reached out his hand and took out the cookie from his pocket. After unpacking the wrapping paper, he handed the cookie to the mouse.

Zebra really ate happily, no wonder, after all, he is a person, even if he keeps becoming a mouse, how can he want to eat some decent food.

"This mouse has suffered a lot." Albert made a slurping sound, swept his front paws, and there was a toe missing. "The life span should not be too long. The average life span of a mouse is 3 or 4 years. , It’s already very long. It’s very old. I wonder if it can survive next summer."

"Well, are you going there?" Fred didn't pay attention to the lifespan of the mouse, and asked in a low voice, "Before Percy has discovered it, it's better to get it done."

"Alright." Albert took out his wand and waved it. The biscuit wrapper turned into a slender cage. Albert put the mouse in it and left some cookies in it before putting it in the bag.

The four people hurriedly left the Gryffindor common room and rushed to the responsive room.

"No problem, no one." Albert glanced at the map and looked at the name of Peter Pettigrew on it. He couldn't help but conjure a pleasant smile.

Because Albert found that there are more new tasks on the task panel, which is really pleasant!

However, Albert did not rush to look at the panel tasks, but entered the responsive house, which turned into an empty room with only four walls and one door, and a torch was burning on the wall.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Albert motioned everyone to put on earmuffs, and then took Scab out of his schoolbag.

"Why don't you bring it?" Albert looked at Lee Jordan suspiciously.

"Mandela grass is underage, at most it will fall into a coma?" Li Qiaodan didn't care much about it, "And, didn't you wear it either?"

"I will plug my ears." Albert took out his earplugs.

"If I faint, remember to take me to the school hospital." Lee Jordan seems to be planning to test the power of the mandela grass crying by himself.

The three looked at each other.

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Albert is no longer reluctant, the mandela grass fully matures, at least a few months, the lethality of crying is not very strong.

When everyone was ready, Albert put on his earplugs, and took out the magic item containing the cry of mandela grass from his pocket.

He raised his hand towards everyone, made a gesture of three, two, one, and then pressed the switch to open the container, and a harsh sound immediately sounded in the room.

The piercing voice was amplified countless times loudly, and even Albert could vaguely hear the sound, but he did not feel fainted.

Lee Jordan frowned slightly, covering his ears with his hands to resist the cry of Mandela grass. He felt a little dizzy, but he did not faint.

However, the unlucky Spots fainted, perhaps because the cry was too loud.

The next second, the cry of Mandela grass disappeared from the room.

Albert motioned everyone to take off the earmuffs~www.mtl.com~ looked at Lee Jordan and asked, "How about?"

"It seems to have some effect, I feel dizzy." Lee Jordan said.

"The cry of mandela grass is fatal. It should be related to some kind of curse contained in the sound. However, after I recorded the cry and replayed it, it meant that the power of the curse was greatly reduced. Weakened." Albert explained.

The principle is the same as that of a basilisk. Snake eyes can kill people, but after the eyes are refracted by a mirror, their power will be weakened and they can only petrify people. And the cry of mandela grass can indeed kill people, but it is not mature enough, its strength itself is not strong enough, and it is seriously weakened, and its lack of power is not incomprehensible.

The cry of the mandela grass is indeed a curse, and it has nothing to do with infrasound. This is quite normal.

"Let's go, we'd better send this poor mouse back before Percy finds it out." Albert didn't want something unpleasant to happen to the three brothers.

Having said that, Shaban's essence is still a wizard. Using it to do this experiment by himself is a wrong decision in itself. 5