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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 205: That mouse
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The busy and fulfilling college life always flies very fast.

In the blink of an eye, time hurried to the end of October.

The rainy season continues every year, and the weather is getting colder and colder, just as it was last year, and the situation is as bad as ever.

"It's raining, it's always inspiring!"

Albert covered a yawn, looked up at the rainy ceiling, looking for an excuse for being lazy.


Fred and George were alone, reaching out and slapped Percy's shoulder vigorously to greet the brother sitting next to him. This shot made Percy choke while eating and coughed again and again.

Albert a little amused and handed the drink next to him. Percy took a big gulp, swallowed the food in his mouth, and stared at Fred and George who used Albert as a shield.

The two of them are opening their lips together. If you can read the lips, it is surprisingly: You swallowed it yourself, don't blame us.

At this time, the arrival of a large number of postmen attracted the attention of the students. These long-distance owls in the rain screen swooped through the rain-spattered windows, throwing the rain on everyone in the auditorium. .

A gray owl threw a boxy package in front of Albert.

"I always think you can receive emails every day." Fred said enviously, and he pointed to another owl flying here.

The owl sent a letter.

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Albert glanced at the messenger, stuffed the envelope into his pocket, and then opened the package in front of him. Inside was a "Advanced Magic Text Translation" that still smelled of ink. This book is most likely Lihen Bookstore. Just sent it. "

"Advanced Translation of Magic Texts?" Percy glanced at the title of the book and frowned slightly, because he, who also studied ancient magic texts, had never heard the name of this book.

"This is the latest book written by Professor Babling. It seems to be a reference book for the preparation of the ancient magic text courses in the upper grades." Albert explained casually.

To be honest, the publication of this book is faster than he expected.

"Professor Babling's own book?" Percy looked at the senior magic text translator in confusion, and borrowed it from Albert.

A moment later, a thick letter from the family fell in front of Fred and George, and their mouths were still chattering: "Mom made us wrong again."

"What's the matter?" Albert found that Percy's eyes looked a little strange, so he asked suspiciously.

"You helped edit the annotation?" Percy was stunned when he turned the first page, because it said: Dedicate this book to Albert, thank him for his help with this book.

Albert looked dumbfounded, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"This..." Percy pointed to the first page. There is no doubt that Albert was referring to the Albert Anderson in front of him.

"Yeah." Albert directly nodded and admitted, "I did help revise the content in Advanced Magic Text Translation."

At this time, the attention of the students in the hall was attracted by the slender package held by six owls.

"Flying broomstick!" Fred murmured softly, pursing his lower lip.

While everyone around him was still eager to know what was in the package, several people around Albert had already guessed what was in the package.

Before the owls overturned the breakfast, Albert quickly got up and caught the slender package held by the owl flying towards him.

"Can I open it?" Lee Jordan asked Albert excitedly, staring at the slender package.

"Yes." Albert agreed to let Lee Jordan unpack the package on the spot and take out the flying broomstick inside.

"Sweep the number six." George also came over, admiring the flying broomstick of the sweeping series. This sweeping number six broom is more expensive and faster than their sweeping number five.

"You actually bought a flying broom." Albert's roommates were very surprised that Albert would buy a flying broom, because Albert hadn't participated in Quidditch training for a long time.

"Fifty gallons, it's okay." Albert murmured.

When he felt a line of sight cast towards him, Albert turned his head and looked in the direction of the line of sight. It was Isabel, the girl from Ravenclaw who had just retracted his gaze.

Since the last time Occidental Cerebral surgery was taught, Albert and Isobel have maintained a friendly relationship. It's a bit like what I said in the previous life.

Well, it's really as plain as water.

When they met in the club, they would occasionally talk a few words. The biggest exchange between the two was to write to each other, and the content of the letter was all ancient magic texts.

When Lee Jordan introduced the superiority of sweeping six stars to others nearby, he suddenly turned his head and asked: "Are you going to try the superiority of the new broom later?"

"If you try first, go out and play by yourself!" Albert doesn't mind riding a new broomstick now, especially when it rains.

"Then I will try this broom for you first!" Li Qiaodan said happily.

"By the way, do you know where you can get a living mouse?" Albert asked suddenly when he took out his notes and flipped through them. Mandela grass’s crying storage plan has been successful, and it is still a childhood song. However, Albert cannot be sure whether the sound can kill a mouse.

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In fact, Albert originally hoped that Shera could catch a living mouse back for herself. What happened to UU reading www.uukanshu.com?

Sheila brought him a bunch of dead mice, so he had to come out to stop the farce.

Originally, Albert also hoped to catch a few mice at Hogwarts for experimentation, but unfortunately, he did not find the mice after looking for it for a long time.

"In the warehouse?" Lee Jordan said uncertainly.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, Percy has a mouse as a pet." Fred looked at his brother maliciously.

"What do you want a mouse for?" Percy couldn't help asking.

"Um." Albert thought for a while, "I'm trying a magic experiment. Well, the effect is similar to the coma spell. I want to use a mouse to try the effect first."

However, no mouse was found for a while.

"So you caught my attention?" Percy frowned slightly.

"Well, don't say that, Albert will definitely give the money." George reminded, "One Sico, two Sicos?"

"Three Sikors, there can be no more." Fred suddenly patted his thigh, his action shocked the others.

"It's not a pet rat anyway. It's not a pity to die." The twins made this matter in advance, causing Percy to frown slightly.

"You can't use people to try it!"

Although it is said that the singing of Mandela grass in its childhood cannot kill people, Albert still does not want to face its power directly. It is undoubtedly the best behavior to find a mouse to try.

After all, the vast number of experimental mice still make great contributions to mankind.

Even if you really can't find the white mouse, the house mouse is fine.

Well, Ron’s mouse seems to be his brother Percy’s original pet. He remembered that the mouse seemed to be a wizard, named Peter or something.

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