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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 183: Point addition
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As a student, it is normal to do homework every day.

However, the students at Hogwarts are undoubtedly lucky. The schoolwork here is easy. Homework is usually turned in every other week. This means that students have a lot of time to complete and can save all homework until Saturday. You can finish it on Sunday, and you can even wait until the day before you hand in your homework, and then temporarily find someone to borrow a copy.

In fact, this situation is not uncommon.

Hogwarts is known as the best magic school, however, there is only such one in the UK, so it is naturally the best.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Albert.

Well, Albert is a selfish person.

For him, as long as he can learn what he needs in school, that is enough.

It is undoubtedly an exciting thing to possess such an extraordinary power as magic.

If you want Albert to say, what is the most exciting thing?

It will never be a right, it will not be a bed with a woman, it will not be injecting something strange to yourself, but to become stronger and gain strength.

Watching yourself gradually become stronger and gain strength gradually, that feeling is really comfortable and even addictive.

Anyone who talks about pursuing power will go to depravity, most of them are rookies.

For others, chasing power may be difficult, but for Albert, it is actually very simple to make yourself stronger, as long as you learn more panel skills and upgrade the skill level is enough.

One of Albert's secrets to becoming stronger: doing homework.

For others, doing homework may be for homework.

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But for Albert, doing homework is also a way to increase experience. Only with experience can he upgrade his skills and become better.

However, how to extract more experience from homework is also a science.

Albert would ask himself, what was written in this assignment? Why write this part? what's it for?

Repeated questions will help keep the brain active and strengthen memory.

Well, in fact, these are all nonsense, mainly because Albert found that when doing homework, thinking about it helps to improve the experience gained.

Usually it will linger between one to three times.

Of course, although it may take some time, it is totally worth it.

"What's the matter?" Lee Jordan asked.

Fred and George entered the auditorium with a depressed look, and sat down on the chair on Albert's right.

"It's Filch, who just troubled us because when he came back, he stepped on mud footprints on the floor." George gritted his teeth. "This kind of rainy day, how can we not leave water marks when I just returned from training? Filch actually asked us to mop up the dirt and water marks on the floor."

"Use a spell," Albert said.

"You brain circuit." Fred couldn't help but complain, "Filch is revenge on us!"

"I know." Albert said without hesitation. "If Filch insists on letting you use a mop, you will blast his office another day."

Albert naturally knew what was going on.

Last semester, the twins made Filch's office full of garlic, and the other party was planning to make trouble for them.

"It seems that we need to order some big **** bombs by mail." The twins said in unison.

"I still have it, and I can support you with friendship." Lee Jordan grinned.

"By the way, what are you doing?" Fred asked, staring at Albert's wand, frowning.

"Practice how to get the ball of light out of the wand." Albert flipped through his notes and continued, "When I went to see Professor Smith for tea in the morning, I asked Professor Smith about this."

Every time when communicating with other people, Albert will take a moment to ask the other person his own questions, and they usually help Albert answer the questions.

"Can you do it?" George was even more curious.

"No! Not at least temporarily."

Albert chanted the spell softly, making the tip of his wand light up again. Then, he shook the wand lightly, um, yes, it just shook, as if to shake the light from the top of the wand.

Albert's Illumination Charm has reached the second level, even he himself doesn't know when it was up, but there is no doubt that his Illumination Charm is more skillful than before.

Currently, there is even a trend toward silent casting.

As for, why is there such a change?

It is really thanks to Albert that he raised his wizard bloodline to level 4.

After graduating from last semester, Gryffindor’s Glory mission was successfully completed. This mission gave Albert 1 skill point, plus two points for the rescue mission, and Albert raised the wizard’s bloodline to level 3.

After Level 3, Albert felt that he had undergone a significant change, and his magic power suddenly increased a lot. Then, he directly took the mission of Wizarding Road and raised the blood of the wizard to Level 4.

Well, Albert was actually worried that his skills could only be upgraded to level 5.

Calculated according to the third level requires 10,000 experience, the skill level will not be too high, otherwise, even if there is, the experience gained will not keep up.

If after level two, the experience of upgrading skills needs to be doubled five times, level five requires 250,000 experience, which is almost impossible to fill the hole.

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Therefore, Albert's judgment is the top level of skill level 5.

He won't risk waiting for level four and then try again. In case he can only rise to level four, Albert won't have to cry in the toilet.

Of course, the election is promoted at this time, in fact, there is another reason, he wants to make trouble.

Doing things requires strength, and strength is the source of confidence. Improving magic power is undoubtedly the fastest way to increase your strength.

Therefore, Albert was very confident when facing Hertok Dagworth, and wanted to squeeze some tasks out of him by the way, but he was a little disappointed.

With the improvement of magic power, Albert's magic power will become stronger, learning magic will be faster than before, and he may have the opportunity to try to find the so-called Gryffindor treasure in the forbidden forest. .

As for how much benefits can be gained on this task, Albert is still quite expecting.

"Don't shake, you are about to poke blind people in the eyes." Shanna couldn't help complaining.

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a faint ball of light separated from the wand, flying slowly like a fireball, and finally disappeared without warning.

"Did I just get dizzy?" Shanna murmured, rubbing her eyes.

"No~www.mtl.com~ no dazzling, I just saw it!" Lee Jordan opened his mouth in surprise and looked at Albert, "How did you do it?"

"Well," Albert recalled the feeling he had just now, "it seems like..."

Then, in full view, another ball of light separated from the wand, and it didn't last long before it disappeared out of thin air.

"I want it to separate from the wand." Albert whispered. "However, the ball of light seems to be out of my control."

According to Smith, the ball of light can be simply controlled as he wishes after it leaves the wand.

Albert did not completely succeed, but this is undoubtedly a good start, and now practice more in the way Smith taught.

"I never knew that the Glowing Charm could still be used like this." Shanna drew out her wand and tried it, but it didn't work. So, she couldn't help asking: "Is there any trick to this?"

At this moment, everyone pricked their ears for fear of missing the so-called trick.