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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 156: True Crow's Mouth
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Before Albert took the time to challenge the Eagle Ring Riddle, the Easter holiday was over.

After the holidays, the news of Professor Browd's resignation spread throughout Hogwarts in the blink of an eye. Everyone regretted it. Defense against the Dark Arts was one of the few subjects that could bring them fun. The humorous and humorous Professor Broad can always make everyone learn a lot of useful things.

"Next semester, who will they arrange to teach?"

"Who knows?" Lee Jordan stared at the Defense Against the Dark Arts essay on the parchment, and said glumly, "Can you still do the holiday homework for Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

Everyone knows that Professor Browder will resign early, but they never thought that he would resign so soon.

"Do you know why Professor Browd resigned?" Angelina looked at Albert suspiciously and asked.

"Professor Browd already mentioned this in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Albert said without looking up, "It's just that the time is a bit earlier."

"Is there such a thing?" Lee Jordan muttered. He is trying to finish the thesis. As for what was said in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he has forgotten.

"Yes, I remember it happened." Shanna nodded in agreement.

"It is rumored that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is cursed." Albert was checking his paper, and said while reading.

"I thought you would say that the rumors are unreliable."

"If I don’t change the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every year, I don’t believe in any rumors, but the professor of this subject has never been more than a year. The wizards who are the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will always resign due to various troubles. Some are seriously injured. Some even lost their lives as a result."

"Professor Browd's early resignation is a very wise choice." Albert continued, "At least, he can ensure his own safety without having to spend his old age in the hospital."

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"Is it so serious?" Angelina didn't believe it, she felt that Albert was deliberately exaggerating the so-called curse.

"I suggest you look up the information yourself. This is much more credible than what I said with great effort." Albert is sorting out the parchment, and the library will close soon.

"Professor Broad has resigned, so what should we do with our Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Lee Jordan frowned and asked, "study?"

"Someone substitutes for lessons, or we study by ourselves." Albert said without hesitation, "If someone substitutes for lessons, 80% of them will be Snape."

"Oh no."

"Of course, Snape also has his own class, so 80% will be self-study." Albert continued.

"Can't you just say it all at once?" Lee Jordan said grimly. Many people didn't like Snape's class, it was too depressing.

After ten thirty in the evening, the Weasley twins dragged their tired bodies back to the dormitory.

Filch deliberately did not close the confinement at one time, but was confined twice a week. The confinement of the two had lasted for nearly a month.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!

Filch obviously knew this well, and the means made the Weasley brothers gritted their teeth, but they had nothing to do with Filch.

"I feel like my hand is about to break!" Fred sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his sore wrist.

"What did Filch ask you to do?" Li Qiaodan covered a yawn and stuffed a spinach-flavored Bibi Duo into his mouth.

"Copy the mistakes and punishments of some students." Fred said weakly.

"This kind of work is boring and meaningless." George looked extremely annoyed. "Filch must have done it deliberately. Every time I see his gloating face, I want to put a big **** on his. Face.

"There is nothing to complain about, who let you sneak into the woods!" Lee Jordan shrugged, "It is good luck not to be fired."

"Where's Albert? Did he go to the kitchen." George peeled himself a toffee, and he felt a little hungry.

"No, I'm taking a shower."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and Albert in pajamas walked in.

"I'm back, what can Filch think of to toss you?" Albert was wiping the water stains from his hair with a towel.

"It's terrible. Filch asked us to copy some records of previous students' mistakes. My hand was about to break." Fred muttered.

"Uh, how many times is this?"

"Oh, no, don't mention it. We are still friends." Fred suddenly felt that he was about to collapse.

"The fifth time?" Lee Jordan guessed.

"It's the sixth time," George muttered.

"I want revenge on Filch!" Fred muttered, waving his fists, "Help us find a way!"

"Throw a bunch of big dung eggs in his office?" Lee Jordan suggested, "make him afraid to get in."

"Our big **** eggs have been used up!" Fred said glumly, and he didn't think it was a good idea.

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"I can sponsor you a pack of big dung bombs for free." Albert said suddenly, obviously also a master who doesn't think it is too big.

"I also sponsored you a few big dung bombs." Lee Jordan agreed, who was watering the garlic.

The twins hesitated.

However, on the first weekend after Easter, Fred and George made a decision.

The Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, which everyone pays attention to, was held on the first weekend after Easter.

But on the weekend morning, Fred and George were told by Filch to be confined today, which directly caused them to miss the opportunity to watch the last important Gryffindor game.

"Filch must be deliberate, absolutely deliberate, he is revenge on us, revenge on us in this way." Angrily Fred tore the note to pieces.

Filch's punishment was simply unbearable for the twins~www.mtl.com~ This trick is truly incredible. "Albert commented, "It seems that Filch really hates you two. "

"Hate?" Lee Jordan felt that Albert's words were inappropriate. If it weren't for hate, how could he deliberately detain them during the Quidditch game? The punishment for the confinement was to wash the chamber pot. "

"Does the funding you mentioned last time count?" Fred gritted his teeth, looking ready to take revenge on Filch.

"Forget it, of course!" Albert tilted his head and looked at Fred and George, reminding, "However, I suggest you do it the night before leaving school."

"I know."

"After we finish watching, we will tell you about the game process." Lee Jordan comforted. However, how does the tone sound a little schadenfreude?

"Maybe, after your confinement is over, the game is not over yet!"

"You should say that Gryffindor will defeat Ravenclaw and win this year's Quidditch Cup." Fred and George corrected in unison.