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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 139: Apparition
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The door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office was knocked.

Professor Browd opened the door, looked at Albert outside the door, and asked suspiciously: "Albert, is the apparition class over?"

"Not yet, there is something, I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Professor Broad asked, noticing the nervous expression on Albert's face.

"I want to experience what it's like to use Apparition?" Albert took a deep breath and said what he came from.

"Why do you have such an idea?" McDoug looked away from the parchment and looked at Albert who entered the room.

"Maybe you are right. I am wasting time on Apparition, but I still want to experience what it feels like to use Apparition." Albert hesitated for a moment, and continued: "I have temporarily given up for a short time. Learn its idea within."

There was a brief silence in the office, and Professor Broad and McDoug looked at each other. They never thought that Albert was planning to try to master the Apparition.

"It was uncomfortable to use Apparition at first, and that feeling was even bad. Some people would not adapt to it and give up learning Apparition. Are you sure you want to try it?" Professor Broad asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Albert knew that the other party had agreed, and if he didn't get the ability of Apparition by doing so, then he should give up temporarily.

"Albert, there is something you need to understand." McDoug's expression suddenly became serious, "Absolutely, I am absolutely not allowed to practice Apparition secretly, you know?"

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Albert nodded, saying that he would not do that.

"That's good." McDough nodded in satisfaction: "Come with me, Hogwarts can't use Apparition."

"No, I will take Albert to experience Apparition. But before that, you need to understand some knowledge." Professor Broad began to Apparition to Albert Science.

"The Apparition is actually divided into two parts, Apparition and Apparition. First, you need to use Apparition to make yourself disappear from the original position, and then use Apparition to appear from the position you need. Apparition itself is a kind of extreme Sophisticated magic is why it is necessary to reach adulthood before allowing research."

"There is a limit to the distance of apparition. As the distance of apparition increases, it will become more and more difficult. When apparition, the wizard needs to have a good understanding of the destination. Once the distance is too long, it may be possible Lead to splits, serious injuries and even death."

"What I'm going to take you to is the follower manifestation. It is a type of apparition. It refers to people who can apparate, and people who can't use apparition together."

Albert said that he remembered.

The two left the office together, walked through the hall, down the stone steps, and walked outside the castle.

The apparition class in the hall is still going on. Many senior students are still practicing hard. Albert is different from them. As long as he can learn the apparition skills, he doesn't need to worry about this issue.

"Hogwarts cannot Apparate, and must leave this range. Normally, we just go into the woods." Professor Brod knew that Albert would not want to experience Apparition in the hall.

Therefore, the best option at the moment is to ban forests.

The two came to the Forbidden Forest quietly. It was quiet and no one would bother them.

"Grab my wrist and don't let go." Professor Brod reminded, "I will take you Apparition to a clearing a few feet away. It's about to begin!"

Albert noticed that the surroundings suddenly became pitch black, and a strong squeezing sensation came from all directions. At this moment, Albert felt that he was being compressed by an invisible force, and his eyes were squeezed back into his head. It felt like he was being stuffed into a narrow rubber tube and was about to squeeze out of it.

It's all over, Albert sucking in the fresh air, he and Professor Brod appeared in the clearing a few feet away.

"I feel like nausea." Albert covered his mouth and forcibly suppressed the nausea in his stomach. Soon, he ran to a tree and began to retching.

Professor Browd looked at Albert who was holding on to the tree and gagging, and comforted: "This kind of feeling needs to adapt slowly."

"It feels terrible!" Albert murmured, but he quickly became happy again, because the skill panel really appeared apparition.

Once you are in a good mood, you will have energy, and some of the original negative emotions will be gradually overcome.

"Do you now know why we don't let you get into Apparition too early?" Professor Broad shook his head.

"Do most wizards take their children for apparitions?" Albert is a little unbelievable. For children, this will undoubtedly be a disaster, knowing that his ability to withstand is much higher than others.

"No, parents don't usually do that." Professor Broad shook his head and said: "Under normal circumstances, they will use more convenient methods, such as Floo fans."

"I will never try to practice this kind of spell indiscriminately." Albert murmured.

"Very wise." Professor Broad was satisfied with Albert's self-knowledge.

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However, he didn't know that Albert certainly didn't need to try to practice Apparition, because he already mastered Apparition.

If there is a real need, Albert will directly raise the spell to level 2.

"Albert, do you even want to sneak into the woods?" When Albert just walked out of the forest, he was caught by an angry Hagrid.

"Professor Brod, why are you here?"

"Well, Mr. Anderson and I came to the periphery of the forest to do some magic tests." Professor Broad explained casually.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this."

Despite receiving Professor Browd’s explanation, Hagrid looked at Albert a little suspiciously and couldn’t help complaining: “Recently, the Weasley twins have been drilling in the woods, and they are almost driving me crazy. Remember that your relationship is good, you should remind them not to let them do stupid things, the depths of the woods are not safe at all~www.mtl.com~Ahem, I know." Albert gave a dry cough and quickly promised. .

In fact, Albert also knew that he could not stop the Weasley brothers' adventure in the Forbidden Forest.

After bidding farewell to Hagrid, the two continued to walk towards the castle. On the way, Professor Browd suddenly remembered something, “I heard that there is a breeding base for eight-eyed giant spiders in the UK, and it is most likely in the forbidden forest.”

"Eight-eyed giant spider?"

"Once, a famous wizard tried to find the eight-eyed giant spider breeding base. Later, he disappeared in the depths of the forbidden forest." Professor Browder frowned slightly when he said this, "Those guys are very dangerous."

Albert said noncommittal. He knew what was going on with the breeding base that Professor Browd was talking about. It was Hagrid's pot.

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