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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 135: If you feel it is useful, you must...
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Since getting to know McDoug, Albert can't believe that his campus life has changed drastically.

Excavating the secret of the magic text too deeply has caused a lot of burden on Albert's brain. The direct manifestation is that Albert's spirit has been a little sluggish during the recent period.

However, this kind of high load situation still has some advantages.

The experience of Albert's magic writing skills has increased rapidly at an incredible speed, and it has soared by nearly 1,000 points in less than half a month.

The most important thing is that Albert felt that he was about to get in touch with what he wanted. McDoug's words really used ancient magic texts.

If you upgrade the magic text skill to level 3, you may be able to master that part of the knowledge in a short time, but Albert still prefers to spend more time in this area, even if the skill is directly upgraded to level 3. It still takes a long time to digest.

Moreover, using too much experience at one time to upgrade the skill level is a big burden for the experience pool, and Albert will not risk doing this.

For him, upgrading a skill directly to level 2 is a range that is currently acceptable, and it must be a practical skill to do so.

The experience in the experience pool is not only reserved for upgrading the economy and finance, but also Albert's biggest back-hand and guarantee.

It is undoubtedly not a good thing if you only go out and not in.

"What's wrong with you lately, I feel very tired." George said.

"It's okay, it's just a bit too much. Excuse me, push me the marmalade over there." Albert is putting two sausages, a fried egg, and half a diced tomato on his plate. .

"Here." George gave Albert a suspicious look, and didn't ask any more.

After receiving the marmalade that George handed over, Albert spread a thick layer on the slice of bread, put it in his mouth and took a big bite, casually took out the diary from his pocket, and began to read the things he had recorded before. See if anything has been forgotten.

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Albert's memory is very strong, yes, but after he takes things seriously, he tends to forget other things.

"Looking at your notebook again?" Fred said with a smile: "By the way, there is an apparition class in the afternoon. Are you going to see it?"

"I remember the last time in the Apparition Class, one of Hufflepuff's boys was dismembered." Lee Jordan smiled and talked about the fun of the Apparition Class.

"It's a split, not a corpse." Angelina on the opposite side glanced at Lee Jordan in disgust and corrected, "Don't use this terrible word in the wrong place."

"I remember that person was called Feige." Lee Jordan said.

"It's Figo." Albert bit the fried egg, weakly correcting the opponent's mistake.

"How do you know?" Lee Jordan asked unconvincedly, "I remember..."

"Last time, I met a Hufflepuff friend in the library...cough cough." Albert poured a gulp of pumpkin juice into his mouth, glanced at the fried egg on the fork, and temporarily removed it. Set aside, ready to eat later.

"Do you still have Hufflepuff friends?" Alia is curious that Albert still knows Hufflepuff's students. This guy has a lot of friends!

"Who doesn't have many friends?" Albert disagrees.

"I remember... the fierce man who punched Prefect Ravenclaw last time, he seemed to be called..."

"It's Truman." Fred started to remind. "I found your memory is really bad."

"Who would memorize these things specially?" Lee Jordan defended.

Speaking of Truman, the Weasley brothers suddenly looked at Albert together and asked in a low voice: "Last time, did you give Truman an idea for that matter."

Albert didn’t answer, pretending he didn’t hear him, and continued to flip through the notebook, his gaze fell on a record, and he raised his head to look at George and asked: "I can’t fix the last "Uric’s Biography". . However, it seems that you took the book away, have you repaired it and returned it?"

"It was not repaired, but it has been returned. Mrs. Pins did not notice." George's face was a little unnatural.

"At that time, we made a bold decision." Fred explained, "We tore the page completely. As long as we don't turn to that page, we won't be discovered."

"Your luck is good." Albert looked speechless. He thought that the twins would repair the book and return it back. He didn't expect it to be like this, as long as Mrs. Pins didn't find it.

"I don't know which hapless guy will take the blame for you."

"Ahem, that has nothing to do with us." The twins' expressions were a bit awkward.

George quickly changed the subject: "By the way, are you going to see the apparition class in the afternoon?"

"Go, it's not bad to listen to a class, you can always learn something." Albert said, he wanted to see if he could make his skill list appear in apparition in this way.

Basically, every time Waikie Tecross comes to Hogwarts to teach the phantom manifestation class, Albert will watch it and record some knowledge that needs to be mastered by the way. There are three D's (three notes) mentioned by Tecross in his small book.

It would be great if you could try it yourself.

Unfortunately, first-year students cannot register, otherwise they can practice phantom manifestation under the guidance of someone, which will undoubtedly greatly improve the safety and learning efficiency of phantom manifestation.

"What are you thinking about?" Shanna interrupted.

"It is probably depressed again why students in the lower grades can't sign up for the Phantom Manifestation class." George gave me an expression that I had already seen through Albert.

"This kind of opportunity is rare. However, Apparition is too difficult for the students in the lower grades. We don't have enough magic power to support ourselves to complete this magic." Although Albert said so, it is actually very difficult. Depressed, he is different from other people, there is no such trouble, as long as he can master the skills, he can immediately master the phantom manifestation through experience at any time.

"You can use the phantom spell!" Fred whispered.

"Don't be silly, do you think that stuff can fill Professor McGonagall?" Albert rolled his eyes at Fred.

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"Even if you learn it, you can't use it. Magic is not allowed during summer vacation." George said seriously.

"Why?" Shanna asked puzzled.

"Anyway, this is what the Ministry of Magic stipulates. It is said that you will be severely warned the first time, and you may be expelled the second time. Even if you are not expelled by chance, you will be fined a lot of Gallon." George is serious. Reminded.

"How do you know?" Shanna asked with a frown. "I used it at home during the Christmas holidays without any warning?"

"That's because you haven't received the official notice." Percy sat next to George and answered Shanna's question for him. "After receiving an official notification from the Ministry of Magic during the summer vacation, you can't use it unless you become an adult at the age of 17."

"As far as I know, you won’t be warned if you use magic in an area with dense wizards like Diagon Alley. It should be fine for a pure-blood wizard to use it at home." Albert whispered, "The Ministry of Magic can’t figure out who it is. in use."

"How do you know." Shanna stared at Albert curiously, while Percy was a little embarrassed next to her.

"Since the hapless Truman was almost expelled for this incident." Albert curled his lips in disdain, "I paid special attention to this question, and later asked some senior students~www.mtl.com~ I learned that the Ministry of Magic uses something called trace silk to locate and monitor our surroundings. As long as you use magic in the Muggle area, the Ministry of Magic can send you warning letters."

"If you use magic in Diagon Alley or a place where a wizard lives, the Ministry of Magic can't figure out who used it?" Shanna asked tentatively.

"Yes, that's it." Albert headed.

"It's too unfair," Shanna said angrily.

"The wizard family needs to rely on the conscious supervision of the family." Percy explained with a dry cough.

"If it is really useful, why should the Ministry of Magic enact so many laws." Shanna sneered.

"I like what you said." Albert laughed uncontrollably. "How philosophical, don't you think?"

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