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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1146: lethal attack
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Mr. Toller didn't have the time to pay attention to his son now. He pulled down his hood to cover his face and took a chance to blend in with the crowd.

Listening to the brief speech of the masked man in front, Mr. Tolle's mouth curved into a happy arc.

Such a big cake can only be watched, but no one can bear it.

However, as long as they rob all the things in their store and set fire to the store before leaving, I believe that the tragic loss will make it difficult for those little devils to turn over again.

If you lose the biggest obstacle, everyone will be better off in the future.This chapter is updated by ɴovel(F)ɪre

The things stolen from the store can be completely written off through Knockturn Alley, and maybe they can make a small profit. As for all the problems, they are naturally blamed on the revenge of the Death Eaters.

In fact, most of the wizards living in the gray area are willing to join or become Voldemort's minions, but they just want some benefits and give themselves a chance to turn over.

No one likes to live in a ghostly place like Knockturn Alley if they can.

Once there are more people involved, the whereabouts can’t be hidden.

Along the way, when I heard that they were planning to **** the specialty store, many people joined in, and the team suddenly swelled to nearly 60 people. The momentum was so great that the shops in Dijiao Lane were so frightened that they closed their doors and windows. Get yourself into big trouble.

Diagon Alley is so big, it doesn't take long to get from Knockturn Alley to Store 93.

The leading masked man waved his wand, rudely blasted the doors of Shop 93 and Shop 94, and shouted to the thugs behind him: "We're running out of time, take our things and leave, don't give it to the Ministry of Magic. Any reaction time, hurry up."

When the thugs cheered and rushed to the blasted Defence Against the Dark Arts store, ready to carry out a robbery, a burst of fireworks suddenly exploded over Diagon Alley, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Mr. Tolle suddenly felt a strong sense of unease in his heart, but before they could recover from the sudden change, a thick fog rolled over and completely enveloped the robbers, and the cold fog froze. They shivered.

This series of sudden changes made this group of speculators who wanted to take the opportunity to make a small fortune completely panicked. As long as their minds were clear, they could guess that this was a trap set against them.

More than a month ago, the Ministry of Magic relied on this method to arrest hundreds of dark wizards in one go, and now they plan to repeat the old trick?

At this moment, everyone greeted the organizer's family in their hearts. As long as their minds were clear, they would immediately use Apparition to leave this place of right and wrong, including the leading masked man.

As the lucky one who escaped the wedding trap last time, the masked man has been frightened and fled when he saw similar scenes.

No way, Scrimgeour killed so hard last time, he didn't dare to gamble with his own life.

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However, most people are not so lucky.

The sudden drop in low temperature and the influence of the stun spell made some wizards slow to respond, and a few who responded quickly had already used magic to protect themselves from being brought down by the stun spell sprinkled on their heads.

As for those inexperienced guys, someone has already fallen in this unexpected sneak attack.

"What a bunch of idiots, I feel like this group of people is just here to laugh." Lee Jordan curled his lips in disdain. I originally thought that Albert would be as powerful as the last time he faced the Aurors, and he would knock everyone to the ground alone.

Did not expect this?

That large group of people was actually dealt with by a stun spell?

"They were just terrified." Albert knew why the group below would be in chaos. "Probably thought he was being ambushed by the Ministry of Magic."

They all looked at each other in dismay, never expecting this to happen.

If it is a head-to-head duel, even if Albert wants to defeat so many wizards, it will not be easy, but it will be different if they collapse by themselves.

"It can only be said that Albert's prophecy is too powerful. Not only did he discover it in advance, but he also ambushes the other party. Otherwise, we will definitely suffer a loss if we really meet those people." Fred was actually more concerned about why so many people came to look for them. They are troublesome, and it looks like they are planning to rob their shop.

Once the goods in the store are looted, the loss will be unbearable for them.

Several people realized that Albert intends to temporarily close the store, I am afraid it is also to avoid this situation from happening now!

"How about it?"

"There should be no ambush." ​​George closed the Marauder's map and said.

"I don't think the probability is high." Fred didn't think these people would be bait right now.

"It's always right to be careful." Shanna agreed with Albert's caution.

In particular, Albert is still on the blacklist of the mysterious person. The reward of 10,000 Galleons is still hanging, and there are many guys who want to kill him in exchange for the reward.

"Okay, that's almost it, let's go down!" Albert waved his wand, and a gust of wind swept away the fog that filled Diagon Alley.

Some of the thugs who had come to take advantage of them escaped, and some of the unlucky ones were brought down by the stun spell.

The remaining cloaked people were hiding in the magic shield, but they didn't directly Apparate and escape. Instead, they looked at Albert, who appeared out of thin air, and said something in a low voice.

"I really let them guess, and it really has something to do with this guy."

This unusual behavior made Albert frown slightly. He directly raised his wand and smashed the magic shield head on, intending to bring people down first, and then look for the reason in their minds.

Before a few people recovered from their astonishment, they were knocked out by a huge force, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out directly.

"I didn't expect it to be done so easily?" Shanna was very surprised, feeling that what happened tonight was like a farce in front of Albert.

Just using Stun and Mist Charms can easily resolve most of the troubles.

"It's Albert after all, it's not surprising."

"This kind of good thing only happens once or twice, and others will definitely be on guard in the future." After Albert used the stun spell to knock down the suspicious guys again, he raised his foot and walked towards them, intending to use Legilimency to search them. memory, to figure out what happened.

Just as Albert was about to point his wand at one of the heads, someone who had been knocked down by the stun spell suddenly jumped up from the ground and attacked Albert.

A deadly spell flew towards Albert at an unexpected angle.

"Be careful."

The exclamations and screams of several people rang in his ears. At the moment when his vision was flooded with green light, Albert felt that time had slowed down. He almost instinctively rushed to the side, trying to avoid the opponent's deadly sneak attack.

However, Youdao figure was faster than him, he suddenly stood up from the ground and protected Albert behind him in an extremely heroic way.

The smile on the face of the cloaked man who thought the sneak attack was successful suddenly froze. He never thought that his sneak attack was... blocked by his teammates.

The raiders plan to do it again.

However, the sneak attack suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm. He looked carefully at the arm that was holding the wand had disappeared, and blood spattered from the neat wound.

As soon as the painful screams sounded, they were forcibly blocked back.

"Are you okay." Shanna ran over to check Albert's body with a pale face, "Just now..."


Albert looked up at a corner, and then turned his attention to the **** who just nearly succeeded in sneak attack.

"What happened just now, it really scared me."

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Fred was still clutching his chest with his hands, apparently not recovering from the mutation.

Especially when they saw that someone was planning to use the Avada Solitaire to sneak up on Albert, their hearts almost jumped out of fear.

"Is this a trap for you?" George asked, frowning.

"It shouldn't be." Albert took a deep breath and calmed himself down quickly, then raised his wand and pointed at the guy who attacked him just now.

" Legilimency."

The memory of the sneak attack was quickly revealed to Albert without reservation, and it didn't take him much time to find out why he was attacked.

Everything is Galleon's fault, and the Malfoy family's 10,000 Galleon bounty is still valid.

The Death Eaters were behind the attack, and they were going to cause some trouble for the Ministry of Magic by hitting their shop.

Because they seem to have some information that the Weasley twins and Albert still have a close connection, and the attack is obviously only a tentative.

They didn't expect that Albert would come out and serve them in a pot.

The attack just now was just a temporary intention.

"It really surprised me just now." Albert glanced at the panel task in the corner, covered his chest and said to several people, "My heart almost jumped out."

"It's all..."

"Notify the people from the Ministry of Magic to clean up the mess. You don't need to mention what happened just now." Albert urged, as if nothing happened just now.

"But, you almost..."

"I'm still alive." Albert interrupted impatiently, "The Death Eaters now know that this store is related to me, and I think they will continue to look for trouble, so you can only act as suppliers for the time being. , move to safe house number three."

"Are you really all right?"

"Of course it's fine. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Albert reminded, "Let the house-elf take Shanna back, and I'll leave it to you to solve the problem. Remember to leave the credit to the Ministry of Magic, and let them look into it by the way. In this matter, let's see who is behind the trouble for us."

"The people of Yaxley, Malfoy's bounty?" After Albert turned around, he couldn't help but sneer.

The four looked at each other at the back of Albert's departure, frowning slightly.

"There's something weird about this," Fred muttered.

"That person is very strange, it seems that he suddenly helped Albert to save Avada Suo's life..." Several people turned their attention to the unfortunate person who was killed by Avada Suo's life, and fell into a brief silence.

"Since Albert doesn't want us to know, then it's best not to look into it any further." George interrupted suddenly, "Send the news to Kingsley first, and put a stun spell on these bastards."

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