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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1130: July 13
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"How about it?"

"Very handsome."

Daisy looked at Albert, who was wearing a black dress, and showed a relieved smile.

"That's good." Albert picked up the wand and pocket watch on the table, opened his eyes and glanced at the time above, raised his feet and walked out, asking: "By the way, how are the girls preparing. "

"Be patient, girls always take a long time to put on makeup." Daisy said mysteriously, "Isobel definitely wants to marry you when she is most beautiful."

"Then I'll pick up the Lemay couple first." Albert nodded to express his understanding. It is normal for women to like beauty, especially when it comes to marriage. This is why Albert is willing to spend time and energy on this event. reason for the wedding.

"No need, the Lemay couple have already come over, and Mr. Serra is receiving them." Mogue came over and said to Albert with a smile: "You go over and say hello to them first, Mr. Lemay seems to bring you What, I plan to hand it over to you personally."

Albert was a little surprised, but he followed Mog towards the big tent he had set up.

After walking some distance, Mog suddenly asked, "You should know about the UK side!"

"Well, I know." Albert nodded and said, "I was there at the time."

"You shouldn't take the risk." Mog frowned.

"If I want to live a peaceful life, I have to give them a little warning." Albert said lightly, "and I don't want to be disturbed when I get married."

"It's very safe here, but you can't let your guard down." Mog actually agreed with Albert's point of view, and asked, "How is the arrangement on the UK side?"

"Old friends from the UK, Tiberius will inform them to meet at Hogwarts, and then Dumbledore will bring them over." Albert had already made arrangements and was not worried about any trouble. .

Mog naturally knew about Albert's arrangement, but he was still a little worried that there would be an accident.

After all, there are a lot of guests in the UK. Once the number of guests is large, it will be difficult to hide their whereabouts. God knows if the mysterious person will be attracted.

After the mysterious man suffered a loss, he obviously wouldn't let it go.

"Don't worry, I made a large box, which is big enough to accommodate the guests from the UK. I think even if someone is following, Dumbledore alone will definitely be able to easily get rid of the follower." Albert added Don't worry about the problems in the UK, Fred, George and Lee Jordan will also take Fluoxins to ensure that the whole process can go smoothly, which is why Albert prepared Fluxins in advance.

"As for the guests from other countries, I have asked Dobby the house elf to help receive them. Before that, I will use the elixir for the house elf. I don't think there will be any major problems." Albert side The head asked Mog, "How are you preparing there?"

"It's all ready." Mog said softly, "You can always arrange things in an orderly manner. In fact, you are very suitable to be a leader."

Albert asked Dumbledore to borrow the house elf from Hogwarts in advance to clean up the manor. Even the food that the Aurors enjoyed yesterday was prepared in advance by the house elf.

At this moment, the house elves have helped set up the wedding venue and are busy in the kitchen, preparing for the upcoming wedding banquet.

If they were to arrange it, it would not be impossible, but it would be more troublesome.

"Forget it, I'm lazy and don't like to meddle in my own business."

After walking into the large tent, Albert saw the three people chatting in the corner at a glance, and quickly walked over to greet the LeMay couple and Serra.

The two old men were wearing very formal silk robes and greeted Albert with a smile. On the contrary, Sera, the old man, was a little restrained.

Nico smiled and said, "We have prepared a present for you."

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"Open it and take a look."

Perenal handed Albert an exquisite wooden box.

"This is…"

After Albert opened it, he found that there were actually two rings inside. It was obviously made by Nicole for them. The appearance was very simple. Except for some mysterious lines, there were no other decorations on it, but Albert saw magic on the ring. Traces seem to have some magical effect.

"We cast love magic on it," Nicole said mysteriously.

"That's a very magical magic, and that's it, our feelings have not faded after a long time." Perenal winked at Albert.

"It looks amazing."

Sera looked away from the ring and asked, "Are you ready?"

"No problem, everything is going according to plan, and we will be taking the phlegm." Albert asked with a smile, "Do you want some?"

"Forget it, things like elixirs are very rare, you should keep them for yourself!" Sera waved her hand and refused.

"Today, you are the protagonist, you don't have to accompany us on purpose."

"Then I'll go see how the girls are preparing." Albert walked away with the ring.

"They are all excellent, let me see us in the past." Nico murmured.

"I think they will live happily." Perenal whispered softly.

"A great heir." Sera said with a smile.

When Albert went to the girls' room, he was stopped by Nia.

"You should be patient." Nia, who was wearing a nightdress, was blocking the door and said with a smile, "You will be pleasantly surprised when you see it later."

"Okay, then why don't you dress up?"

"It's still early, and Katrina is also getting dressed. It won't be my turn until she gets dressed." Nia raised her hand and poked Albert's chest, reminding again, "You should be patient now."

Albert reached out and rubbed Nia's hair and said, "I have to remind you, it's eight o'clock now, and you're still wearing pajamas."

"Damn, don't mess with my hair." Nia pushed away Albert's hand and complained, "You should go about your own business now."

"Okay!" Albert reluctantly walked away.

Katrina, who had changed into a white bridesmaid dress, walked out of the room, looked at Albert's back, and asked inexplicably, "Why don't you let him in?"

"Albert should be patiently waited first, and let him see now, it's too cheap for him." Nia turned to look at Katrina's dress and asked curiously, "Is it the same for me?"

"The styles are similar, but not the same."

"I hate this stuff."

With the help of Mrs. Weasley, Fred was arranging his dress in front of the full-length mirror and complained, "When I get married, I will definitely not engage in these nasty tricks."

"Okay, when the time comes, you can wear whatever you like, even if you're bare butt, that's your business." Mrs. Weasley helped Fred straighten his tie, and then reached out and patted the folds on his shoulders as a reminder, "But , you better hurry up, I think you definitely don't want to be late for Albert's wedding! Also, didn't you say you have an important task today?"

"There's still plenty of time. There's still half an hour before the scheduled time." George walked in with a newsletter bookmark and said, "Lee Jordan asked us when we were leaving. He has already contacted others."

"Assemble at Hogwarts in ten minutes." Fred picked up the planned schedule. They just had to follow the steps above and they wouldn't go wrong. They didn't need to worry about any big trouble, Albert. They always keep things in order, and they have the dual protection of Flux and Dumbledore, so there is no need to worry about problems.

"Bill going?" George asked Mrs Weasley sideways.

"He's going with Fleur." Mrs. Weasley nodded and said, "It's ready, just waiting for you."

"Then let's go first!" When Fred and George went downstairs, they saw Bill and Fleur talking. Ron, who was having breakfast, had a complicated face, while Ginny was a little envious.

"For the order from the Ministry of Magic, remember to ask and give me an answer." Mr. Weasley, who was eating, suddenly raised his head and said.

To be honest, this matter made him very confused.

After all, one side is his own job, and the other side is his son. Fortunately, Albert has the right to decide this matter, otherwise he doesn't know how long he will struggle.

"I'll remember to ask." George reminded, "But Dad, don't expect 30% off."

"lets go!"

Holding hands, the four of them Apparated to the main entrance of Hogwarts.

The gate of the school was directly open, and a tent was set up 100 meters away from the gate. Where was a group of people gathered, Haw Haw didn't know what they were talking about.Thᴇ link to the origin of this information rᴇsts in Novᴇ(l)Fɪre.net

The four of them walked over there. After Fred saw Angelina, he asked with a smile, "Is everyone here?"

"Not yet." Angelina looked at Fred up and down and said with a smile, "You look very handsome in this dress."

The girls next to her were giggling all the time.

"You are also very beautiful. You must dance with me later." Fred asked with a smile, "By the way, when will we get married?"

"You think it's beautiful." Angelina's face turned red as soon as she brushed it, and the others around her started to boo.

"We can wait a year or two, and Bill will get married this time next year. Well, we can consider getting engaged first." Fred said seriously, "You can think about it first, and don't rush to answer."

"This should be considered a marriage proposal, right?" Arya touched her friend on the shoulder and giggled.

"What were you talking about just now?" George changed the subject, lest Angelina be too embarrassed.

"What happened yesterday." Diggory went on, "Did Albert guessed it, that's why..."

Yesterday, the death eaters attacked the wedding scene, apparently shocked everyone.

However, everyone is more curious that Albert actually beat the group of guys together with the Ministry of Magic, which undoubtedly made them very relieved.

"By the way, Diggory, when will you and Qiu get married?" Fred asked suddenly.

"This..." Diggory stammered, his cheeks flushed, "it's too early to get married."

"It's getting late, don't you think Albert is going to get married." Fred said with a smile, "Perhaps, you can consider getting engaged first. Well, you can ask me to be the best man then."

"Let's talk about it later, which of you will be Albert's best man?" Diggory noticed Qiu's look at him, and quickly reached out and grabbed Qiu's hand, thinking about the engagement.

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"The two of you together?"

"I don't know, maybe it's time to guess the fist, or leave this important task to you." Fred changed the subject and asked, "How much is left to arrive."

"It should be almost there, half an hour left."

"Have you seen Dumbledore?" George looked around and didn't see Dumbledore. "I think we should discuss it with him. Albert said Dumbledore would take us to France."

"Do you want to go abroad?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Yes, it's not very safe to stay in the UK. You should have read yesterday's newspaper."

"But how do we get to France and use the port key?"

"I don't feel like it." George pointed to the old people over there and said, "They are not suitable for such tossing, maybe using a box to transfer, it may be more convenient and less likely to be detected."

"Anyway, call the name first to determine how many people are here. I'll ask Professor McGonagall to see what's going on with Dumbledore."

When Lee Jordan went to count the number of people, Fred ran to Hagrid to borrow a water basin, and George hurried to meet Professor McGonagall who was walking towards him.

"Professor, do you know where Professor Dumbledore went?" George asked straight to the point.

"I don't know, what's wrong?" Professor McGonagall asked suspiciously.

"Albert told us that Dumbledore would take us to the wedding." George explained, "That's why everyone came to Hogwarts to gather."

"If Anderson had instructed, Dumbledore should be here soon. I think he might go to the Ministry of Magic first." Professor McGonagall looked around and found that there were quite a few invited guests, including some of the previous ones. colleague.

"Long time no see Minerva." Slughorn greeted Professor McGonagall with a smile, "Where's Dumbledore?"

"Oh, old man, I didn't expect you to be willing to go to the wedding." Dumbledore and a group of elderly people came over.

"He said the wedding was safe." Slughorn gave Dumbledore a hug. "To be honest, I was frightened by yesterday's newspaper, and hesitated for a long time this morning."

"Don't worry, it's very safe there. I heard that they used the Faithful Charm on the manor to ensure that no one except the invited can break in." Dumbledore put down the suitcase in his hand and asked George sideways. , "Are everyone here?"

"Lee Jordan is counting the numbers." George explained, "I'll go to him to make sure."

"A few others didn't come."

After a while, Lee Jordan came to Dumbledore with a note, "This is the invited list from the UK side."

"I think they're probably not in England, let everyone else come over, we should go." After Dumbledore opened the box, he opened a downward door.

"Professor, before that, we need to let everyone wash their faces first. It can help us determine whether someone is taking the compound potion to disguise or be controlled by the Imperius Curse."

Fred turned out a wooden chair and put a water basin on it, while George took out a bottle of golden potion and sprinkled it in the water.

"What kind of potion is this?" Slughorn asked curiously.

"I don't know, Albert said that this potion can wash away most of the spells and magical disguise, and even if you are hit with the Imperius Curse, you will have abnormal reactions." George stretched out his hand to stir the water basin, and took the water and rubbed it first. own cheeks.

"It's an amazing invention." Slughorn sighed softly, "If this potion can lift the Imperius Curse."

"I don't know, I'm afraid you have to ask Albert."

"Okay, everyone, come here, go in after washing your faces, and I'll take you to France." Dumbledore pointed to the stairs and explained.

To be honest, being called by Albert to help made him very helpless. Fortunately, Albert also promised to tell him some useful news in return.