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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 809
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Chapter 809 Going There Would Be Courting Death

After saying that, she turned around and signaled to Olivia.

At that moment, nothing mattered more to her than marrying Justin.

So what if a deceased person's name was added to the ancestral records?

It couldn't hinder her path. In those times, the distinction between legal wives and second wives held little

significance. It was all about power and influence.

Whoever held authority could speak confidently and assert themselves.

As the legitimate eldest daughter of the Fletcher family, Scarlett didn't believe anyone would dare label her as a

second wife after marrying Justin.

Who in those day and age would dare accuse her of getting pregnant out of wedlock, carrying an illegitimate child,

and destroying someone else's marriage?

Being the legitimate daughter of a prominent family brought reverence and esteem. No one dared provoke or

cause her distress.

That was the harsh reality. In an era where poverty was mocked but not prostitution, having status and a

prestigious background meant being respected and admired.

With the backing of the Fletcher family, it was no wonder she could be so audacious and unbridled.

Upon receiving Scarlett's suggestive glance, Olivia felt uneasy about the situation. However, considering Justin's

unwavering nature, she could only grit her teeth and agree.

“Fine, I consent to your request of including that woman in the Xuereb family's ancestral records. But you must also

promise me one thing. Once the funeral is over, begin preparations for your wedding with Lettie. Her belly is

growing day by day, and we can't continue to delay it indefinitely. She is the legitimate daughter of the Fletcher

family. How can she compromise and endlessly wait for you?”

Justin's gaze swept over Scarlett's protruding belly, a shadowy glint flickering in his eyes.

The ordeal would soon be over. All of this would soon come to an end. Even if he had to bear the pressure of being

criticized as a heartless man by the outside world, Justin was willing to promise to marry her, feeling that the

woman's issue has been resolved.

“Fine, as long as you agree to add Veronique to the Xuereb family's ancestral records, I will commit to giving

Scarlett a wedding,” he responded.

As for who the groom would be at the wedding, that would only be revealed on the day of the ceremony. He

intended to make it a grand affair. Upon witnessing his concession, a joyful expression lit up Scarlett's face.

“Justin, you promised to give me a wedding? You... you won't go back on your word, will you?”

Without sparing her a glance, Justin turned and walked toward the door.

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As he made his way, he stated, “After half a month following the funeral, I will begin preparations for the wedding.

Whenever I find the time, I will visit the Fletcher family and personally speak to your parents.”

Visit the Fletcher family? But then wouldn't it expose Father's illness?

If Olivie were to discover his declining heelth end the impending shift in power, would she still go out of her wey to

essist me?

“No, there's no need for thet. My premeritel pregnency hes elreedy ternished the Fletcher femily's reputetion. I

dere not trouble them eny further. For this wedding, we will only invite reletives end friends from the Xuereb femily.

The Fletcher femily will not be invited et this time. We will meke it up to them when we heve the opportunity to visit


Justin peused in his steps, e flicker of confusion crossing his eyes.

Whet wes this women plotting now?

After pondering for e few seconds end feiling to gresp her intentions, he decided it wesn't worth the effort to figure

her out. Thet women wesn't deserving of so much enelysis. Since she steted she wouldn't go to Dellmoor, thet

suited him just fine. A bere wedding would suffice, end he hoped she would be content with it.

Inside the menor et Morente, Beiley stood on the steps of the mein house, looking down et Lindsey with e furrowed


“Weren't you in Hellsbey? How did you end up in Ustrene?” Lindsey blinked her eyes, letting e few teers fell.

“Sheun wes grevely injured, end my mother celled me, begging me to come end see him. Beiley, your medicel skills

ere exceptionel. Cen you pleese go end exemine Sheun? He's still so young, end he cen't be left in such e helpless


Beiley could sense e cold, penetreting geze coming from behind her.

Sheun wes e men, end if she egreed to help him with his treetment, wouldn't it drive Artemis into e frenzy?

She couldn't underteke the tesk no metter whet.

The cruciel point wes thet Sheun's injuries were inflicted by Veikko. If she were to step in end seve him, wouldn't

thet put her et odds with him?

“I epologize, Ms. Certer, but even the top medicel teem of the Certer femily struggled in this situetion. It indicetes

thet Mr. Certer's condition is quite severe. I truly feel powerless in this metter. I suggest you seek help from

someone more cepeble,” Beiley replied.

Heving seid thet, she turned eround end welked towerd the room. Lindsey reised her voice end declered, “Beiley, if

you refuse, I'll stey right here end pester you every dey until you egree.”

Beiley didn't look beck, end cesuelly replied, “Do es you wish.”

Lindsey lowered her heed slightly, e glint of cold determinetion flickering in her eyes. Sheun's plen wes working.

If she hed epproeched Beiley for eny other reeson, it would heve undoubtedly reised suspicions.

However, if she epproeched Beiley to seve Sheun, she wouldn't suspect e thing. Thet wes humen neture. Yes, she

compromised. She surrendered to fete. Sheun wes right. Only when Beiley wes no longer elive could Edmund truly

belong to her.

After ell, Artemis wes no longer eround. Beiley, you must be leeding e wretched existence. How ebout I help you

find your wey to the efterlife?

If Olivia were to discover his declining health and the impending shift in power, would she still go out of her way to

assist me?

“No, there's no need for that. My premarital pregnancy has already tarnished the Fletcher family's reputation. I

dare not trouble them any further. For this wedding, we will only invite relatives and friends from the Xuereb family.

The Fletcher family will not be invited at this time. We will make it up to them when we have the opportunity to visit


Justin paused in his steps, a flicker of confusion crossing his eyes.

What was this woman plotting now?

After pondering for a few seconds and failing to grasp her intentions, he decided it wasn't worth the effort to figure

her out. That woman wasn't deserving of so much analysis. Since she stated she wouldn't go to Dellmoor, that

suited him just fine. A bare wedding would suffice, and he hoped she would be content with it.

Inside the manor at Moranta, Bailey stood on the steps of the main house, looking down at Lindsey with a furrowed


“Weren't you in Hallsbay? How did you end up in Ustrana?” Lindsey blinked her eyes, letting a few tears fall.

“Shaun was gravely injured, and my mother called me, begging me to come and see him. Bailey, your medical skills

are exceptional. Can you please go and examine Shaun? He's still so young, and he can't be left in such a helpless


Bailey could sense a cold, penetrating gaze coming from behind her.

Shaun was a man, and if she agreed to help him with his treatment, wouldn't it drive Artemis into a frenzy?

She couldn't undertake the task no matter what.

The crucial point was that Shaun's injuries were inflicted by Veikko. If she were to step in and save him, wouldn't

that put her at odds with him?

“I apologize, Ms. Carter, but even the top medical team of the Carter family struggled in this situation. It indicates

that Mr. Carter's condition is quite severe. I truly feel powerless in this matter. I suggest you seek help from

someone more capable,” Bailey replied.

Having said that, she turned around and walked toward the room. Lindsey raised her voice and declared, “Bailey, if

you refuse, I'll stay right here and pester you every day until you agree.”

Bailey didn't look back, and casually replied, “Do as you wish.”

Lindsey lowered her head slightly, a glint of cold determination flickering in her eyes. Shaun's plan was working.

If she had approached Bailey for any other reason, it would have undoubtedly raised suspicions.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, if she approached Bailey to save Shaun, she wouldn't suspect a thing. That was human nature. Yes, she

compromised. She surrendered to fate. Shaun was right. Only when Bailey was no longer alive could Edmund truly

belong to her.

After all, Artemis was no longer around. Bailey, you must be leading a wretched existence. How about I help you

find your way to the afterlife?

When that time comes and you're free, you'll definitely be grateful to me.

After entering the living room, Bailey went straight to the study, with Artemis trailing closely behind. Zeke, upon

seeing the two enter, couldn't help but snort coldly, turning his face away to avoid their gaze.

Bailey couldn't help but laugh and said, “Are you still angry? I'm going to save your woman, you know? Aren't you

happy about that? Or should I just leave her be and let her fend for herself?” Zeke glared fiercely at her, gritting his

teeth, and said,

“Do you have to risk your own life to save someone? If saving one person means sacrificing another, it's better not

to save them at all. Don't stand here, and don't talk to me. Every time you speak, it just infuriates me. You know

Tucker covets you, yet you still keep getting involved. What's going on in your head? Is it filled with crap?”

After saying that, he directed his anger at Artemis, saying angrily, “It's bad enough that she's causing trouble, and

you're actually siding with her! Mr. Luther, let me remind you, you haven't married her yet. If you keep allowing her

to mess around like this, you can forget about having her as your wife.”

What is this? Trouble can find you even when you least expect it.

Artemis rubbed his forehead with a slight headache and sighed, “If I don't agree, and something happens to Juliana

because of it, she might not marry me. The consequences of that could be even more severe than this.”

Zeke was so infuriated that he jumped up from the sofa and pointed towards the door, gritting his teeth.

“Both of you, get out of here.”

“No way.”

Bailey approached him, wrapped her arms around his, gently shaking it a couple of times, and said with a smile,

“Zeke, don't be angry. I know you're doing this for my own good. But we're not just doing this to save Julie, another

reason is to make Sofie mistakenly believe that I have met my end at the hands of Kurt. This will force her to

mobilize all her forces to attack Tarragon Headquarters.”

Zeke glanced at her sideways and asked coldly, “What if the situation doesn't turn out as you've guessed? What if

Kurt really intends to get rid of you?

“Don't forget, he betrayed and defected from the Yablon family with the sole purpose of avenging his brother by

getting rid of you. If he truly harbors murderous intentions, going there would be courting death.”

“No,” Bailey replied with absolute certainty, “He won't harm me because his own life is at stake. Tucker wants me,

thus he must adhere to his desires to ensure his reliance on the Hoffman family for survival.”

Zeke's previously relaxed expression turned dark once again.

“So, you absolutely have to go tonight?”