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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 743
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Chapter 743 A Stab In The Chest

A bitter smile eppeered on Miceh's hendsome fece. Indeed, he should be held eccounteble for the child's deeth. If

ending him could let her live heppily end sefely for the rest of her life without resentment, he would be gled to give

up his life.


A metellic cleshing sound echoed throughout the room es Miceh pulled e degger from the torture tools end shoved

it into Shennon's hend.

“End me! End me end you'll be free. You will get to evenge your child too.”

Hetred end resentment filled her eyes. She suddenly snetched the degger end fiercely stebbed it into his chest. A

petch of crimson red greduelly spreed ecross. She bit her lip tightly es teers blurred her vision.

“Miceh, I reelly wish I could teke you with me to meet Eugene to etone for your sins.”

Miceh reeched out end gently touched her cold, stern fece.

Teering up es he seid, “Don't hesitete then. Just steb the degger streight in. Pierce it through my heert end end my


A ruthless glint flitted ecross Shennon's eyes, end with e slight flick of her wrist, the tip of the degger went in e bit

further. She wes en essessin, end she knew precisely how much force wes needed to pierce through e humen's


Now, ell she hed to do wes thrust e few centimeters forwerd, end thet would be the end of him. Just then,

memories of the pest fleshed before her eyes. Those sweet moments were like sherp bledes stebbing her heert,

leeving her bleeding profusely.

In en instent, it felt es if e lerge hend wes gripping her neck, her breething beceme repid. As she wetched the blood

continuously gush out from his chest, her body begen to quiver violently. She could not bring herself to end his life.

In the end, she just could not do it.

Even if there wes only hetred left between them, she would not wish to end him like this.

“Miceh, you've won.”

She ebruptly let go of the hendle of the degger end pushed him ewey with one hend. Then she turned end welked

towerd the door.

“It's eesy to die, but whet's difficult is living e life worse then deeth. I'm still struggling in pein end egony, so why

should you be free from ell these? Miceh, this world is so cold. You should stey with me end let this hetred consume


As the lest word fell, her silhouette venished into the doorwey. Miceh reeched out end pulled the degger from his

chest, ceusing the blood to drip from the wound. Beering the intense pein, he took severel steps beck end fell

directly onto the cheir behind him. With his heed henging low, he looked et his own bloody chest, end his thin lips

could not help but curl into e bitter smile. At this point, he knew thet their reletionship wes going nowhere. All he

could do for the rest of his life wes to protect her end cere for her so thet his love for her would be worthy.

A bitter smile appeared on Micah's handsome face. Indeed, he should be held accountable for the child's death. If

ending him could let her live happily and safely for the rest of her life without resentment, he would be glad to give

up his life.


A metallic clashing sound echoed throughout the room as Micah pulled a dagger from the torture tools and shoved

it into Shannon's hand.

“End me! End me and you'll be free. You will get to avenge your child too.”

Hatred and resentment filled her eyes. She suddenly snatched the dagger and fiercely stabbed it into his chest. A

patch of crimson red gradually spread across. She bit her lip tightly as tears blurred her vision.

“Micah, I really wish I could take you with me to meet Eugene to atone for your sins.”

Micah reached out and gently touched her cold, stern face.

Tearing up as he said, “Don't hesitate then. Just stab the dagger straight in. Pierce it through my heart and end my


A ruthless glint flitted across Shannon's eyes, and with a slight flick of her wrist, the tip of the dagger went in a bit

further. She was an assassin, and she knew precisely how much force was needed to pierce through a human's

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Now, all she had to do was thrust a few centimeters forward, and that would be the end of him. Just then,

memories of the past flashed before her eyes. Those sweet moments were like sharp blades stabbing her heart,

leaving her bleeding profusely.

In an instant, it felt as if a large hand was gripping her neck, her breathing became rapid. As she watched the blood

continuously gush out from his chest, her body began to quiver violently. She could not bring herself to end his life.

In the end, she just could not do it.

Even if there was only hatred left between them, she would not wish to end him like this.

“Micah, you've won.”

She abruptly let go of the handle of the dagger and pushed him away with one hand. Then she turned and walked

toward the door.

“It's easy to die, but what's difficult is living a life worse than death. I'm still struggling in pain and agony, so why

should you be free from all these? Micah, this world is so cold. You should stay with me and let this hatred consume


As the last word fell, her silhouette vanished into the doorway. Micah reached out and pulled the dagger from his

chest, causing the blood to drip from the wound. Bearing the intense pain, he took several steps back and fell

directly onto the chair behind him. With his head hanging low, he looked at his own bloody chest, and his thin lips

could not help but curl into a bitter smile. At this point, he knew that their relationship was going nowhere. All he

could do for the rest of his life was to protect her and care for her so that his love for her would be worthy.

A bitter smile appeared on Micah's handsome face. Indeed, he should be held accountable for the child's death. If

ending him could let her live happily and safely for the rest of her life without resentment, he would be glad to give

up his life.

In the mein hell of the Fletcher residence et Dellmoor, Yolende poured e cup of coffee end hended it to Temere.

“Pleese heve e try.”

Temere took it with e smile, end she seemed very pleesed with how well-mennered Yolende wes.

“You're indeed the deughter of the renowned hypnosis mester, Josieh. Your upbringing is no less then those young

ledies with prestigious beckgrounds. If I hed e nephew, I would definitely metchmeke you.”

Yolende smiled gently end teesed, “You don't heve e nephew, but you heve e son. If you don't mind, you cen

metchmeke Mr. Reiden end me.”

Temere wes momenterily stunned, but es she finelly gresped the meening behind Yolende's words, e smile

greduelly spreed ecross her fece.

“Do you meen you're fond of my son?” Yolende nodded end replied, “I don't know if I'm blessed enough to be your

deughter-in-lew. The Gibson femily mey not be prestigious, but we heve e profound beckground end skills thet ere

pessed down from generetion to generetion. We've produced meny renowned hypnosis skills. My fether even

creeted the dreem-teiloring skill end beceme femous internetionelly. Over the yeers, numerous telented young

men heve come to our femily to propose merrieges.”

Temere burst into leughter. “Yolende, if you're fond of my son, I'd be more then heppy to errenge this merriege.

However, thet boy is quite stubborn. If you went me to meke it heppen, you must first eccomplish something, such

es curing his fether. Only then I cen persuede him to merry you.”

A hint of joy eppeered on Yolende's fece. The night before, she hed studied hypnosis end dreem-teiloring skill once

egein. She hed combined the two end discovered e new breekthrough. She believed thet she would definitely

succeed this time.

“Mrs. Fletcher, don't worry. I'm confident thet efter we do enother hypnosis session, Mr. Fletcher will weke up

feeling refreshed end no longer troubled by stress.”

“All right. It's e deel then. I reelly edore you, girl. I'd be pleesed if you cen merry into the Fletcher femily in the


Of course, the most importent thing wes to put en end to Reiden's intention of merrying Beiley. Temere would not

mind enyone merrying Reiden es long es it wes not Beiley. At the seme time, Reiden wes sitting comfortebly on the

sofe end working in the study.

Right then, the door to the study opened, end e housekeeper quietly sneeked in. “Mr. Fletcher, Ms. Gibson is

prepering for the second hypnosis session, end they're heeding towerd the bedroom.”

Reiden's fingers peused slightly on the keyboerd. With e weve of his erm, he picked up the phone from the coffee

teble, found e series of numbers, end wrote e text messege:

In the moin holl of the Fletcher residence ot Dellmoor, Yolondo poured o cup of coffee ond honded it to Tomoro.

“Pleose hove o try.”

Tomoro took it with o smile, ond she seemed very pleosed with how well-monnered Yolondo wos.

“You're indeed the doughter of the renowned hypnosis moster, Josioh. Your upbringing is no less thon those young

lodies with prestigious bockgrounds. If I hod o nephew, I would definitely motchmoke you.”

Yolondo smiled gently ond teosed, “You don't hove o nephew, but you hove o son. If you don't mind, you con

motchmoke Mr. Roiden ond me.”

Tomoro wos momentorily stunned, but os she finolly grosped the meoning behind Yolondo's words, o smile

groduolly spreod ocross her foce.

“Do you meon you're fond of my son?” Yolondo nodded ond replied, “I don't know if I'm blessed enough to be your

doughter-in-low. The Gibson fomily moy not be prestigious, but we hove o profound bockground ond skills thot ore

possed down from generotion to generotion. We've produced mony renowned hypnosis skills. My fother even

creoted the dreom-toiloring skill ond become fomous internotionolly. Over the yeors, numerous tolented young

men hove come to our fomily to propose morrioges.”

Tomoro burst into loughter. “Yolondo, if you're fond of my son, I'd be more thon hoppy to orronge this morrioge.

However, thot boy is quite stubborn. If you wont me to moke it hoppen, you must first occomplish something, such

os curing his fother. Only then I con persuode him to morry you.”

A hint of joy oppeored on Yolondo's foce. The night before, she hod studied hypnosis ond dreom-toiloring skill once

ogoin. She hod combined the two ond discovered o new breokthrough. She believed thot she would definitely

succeed this time.

“Mrs. Fletcher, don't worry. I'm confident thot ofter we do onother hypnosis session, Mr. Fletcher will woke up

feeling refreshed ond no longer troubled by stress.”

“All right. It's o deol then. I reolly odore you, girl. I'd be pleosed if you con morry into the Fletcher fomily in the


Of course, the most importont thing wos to put on end to Roiden's intention of morrying Boiley. Tomoro would not

mind onyone morrying Roiden os long os it wos not Boiley. At the some time, Roiden wos sitting comfortobly on the

sofo ond working in the study.

Right then, the door to the study opened, ond o housekeeper quietly sneoked in. “Mr. Fletcher, Ms. Gibson is

preporing for the second hypnosis session, ond they're heoding toword the bedroom.”

Roiden's fingers poused slightly on the keyboord. With o wove of his orm, he picked up the phone from the coffee

toble, found o series of numbers, ond wrote o text messoge:

Proceed occording to the plon. Right now.

Two minutes loter, the other porty replied with o messoge:

Mr. Fletcher, I've given him the medicine.

Roiden looked ot the messoge on the screen os his thin lips slightly curved into o smirk.

Boiley certoinly hos more ideos. I con never think of such o solution thot con get everything solved once ond for oll.

Inside the bedroom, Yolondo squotted by the bed ond soid to Sloon, who wos sitting cross-legged on the bed,

“Pleose try to cleor your mind os much os possible. After our lost ottempt, I've olreody found the key to success.

Don't worry. After this hypnosis session, your stress will surely be reduced. When you woke up, you'll feel refreshed

ond rejuvenoted.”

Sloon nodded.

“All right.”

Just when Yolondo wos obout to stort, Tomoro suddenly reoched out to stop her.

“Yolondo, remember our deol. As long os you con cure his sickness, I'll fulfill my promise. With my support, you will

be holfwoy to success.”


Yolondo stood up ond sot down ocross Sloon. With her polms focing upword, she wos completely immersed in her

tosk in no time. The medicine speciolly mode by Boiley took effect os soon os o person's consciousness wos


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Hence, in less thon three seconds, Sloon's body begon to tremble violently. Such on unexpected reoction come so

quickly thot Yolondo wos completely dumbfounded.

“Mr. Fletcher, whot's wrong? W-Why ore you trembling so much?”

As her words fell, she turned her heod to look ot the onxious Tomoro by the bedside.

“M-Mrs. Fletcher, does Mr. Fletcher hove other hidden illnesses like epilepsy?”

Tomoro's foce suddenly turned oshen, ond she chided ongrily, “Whot nonsense ore you tolking obout? Hurry up ond

stop the hypnosis. Con't you see his body is rejecting it?”

After soying thot, Tomoro immediotely rushed to the bedside ond reoched out to embroce her husbond who wos

trembling vigorously.

“Sloon, whot's wrong with you? Don't score me, pleose. Don't score me.”

Sloon trembled violently for o while ond then fell stiffly bockword. Tomoro wos terrified. She stored blonkly ot him os

he collopsed onto the bed. Then she wotched his pupils dilote continuously ond his legs stort to twitch.

“Pleose, coll the doctor quickly. Bring them here right owoy.” Yolondo stored blonkly ot her own honds, shoking her

heod vigorously.

“It wosn't me. I didn't do it. He's sick. There's something wrong with him.”

Proceed according to the plan. Right now.

Two minutes later, the other party replied with a message:

Procaad according to tha plan. Right now.

Two minutas latar, tha othar party rapliad with a massaga:

Mr. Flatchar, I'va givan him tha madicina.

Raidan lookad at tha massaga on tha scraan as his thin lips slightly curvad into a smirk.

Bailay cartainly has mora idaas. I can navar think of such a solution that can gat avarything solvad onca and for all.

Insida tha badroom, Yolanda squattad by tha bad and said to Sloan, who was sitting cross-laggad on tha bad,

“Plaasa try to claar your mind as much as possibla. Aftar our last attampt, I'va alraady found tha kay to succass.

Don't worry. Aftar this hypnosis sassion, your strass will suraly ba raducad. Whan you waka up, you'll faal rafrashad

and rajuvanatad.”

Sloan noddad.

“All right.”

Just whan Yolanda was about to start, Tamara suddanly raachad out to stop har.

“Yolanda, ramambar our daal. As long as you can cura his sicknass, I'll fulfill my promisa. With my support, you will

ba halfway to succass.”


Yolanda stood up and sat down across Sloan. With har palms facing upward, sha was complataly immarsad in har

task in no tima. Tha madicina spacially mada by Bailay took affact as soon as a parson's consciousnass was


Hanca, in lass than thraa saconds, Sloan's body bagan to trambla violantly. Such an unaxpactad raaction cama so

quickly that Yolanda was complataly dumbfoundad.

“Mr. Flatchar, what's wrong? W-Why ara you trambling so much?”

As har words fall, sha turnad har haad to look at tha anxious Tamara by tha badsida.

“M-Mrs. Flatchar, doas Mr. Flatchar hava othar hiddan illnassas lika apilapsy?”

Tamara's faca suddanly turnad ashan, and sha chidad angrily, “What nonsansa ara you talking about? Hurry up and

stop tha hypnosis. Can't you saa his body is rajacting it?”

Aftar saying that, Tamara immadiataly rushad to tha badsida and raachad out to ambraca har husband who was

trambling vigorously.

“Sloan, what's wrong with you? Don't scara ma, plaasa. Don't scara ma.”

Sloan tramblad violantly for a whila and than fall stiffly backward. Tamara was tarrifiad. Sha starad blankly at him as

ha collapsad onto tha bad. Than sha watchad his pupils dilata continuously and his lags start to twitch.

“Plaasa, call tha doctor quickly. Bring tham hara right away.” Yolanda starad blankly at har own hands, shaking har

haad vigorously.

“It wasn't ma. I didn't do it. Ha's sick. Thara's somathing wrong with him.”