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Solo Farming In The Tower-Novel

Chapter 344: He's my only servant!
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TL: Hanguk

Fourth floor of the Black Tower.

“O Goddess of Abundance, Leah, today too, I diligently made and sold holy water and holy oil.”

As usual, the King of Farmers prayed to the Goddess of Abundance, Leah, and gained strength.


-My child, it is time!

After a long time, Leah responded to the King of Farmer’s prayers.


-Yes. Park Sejun, the tower farmer of the Black Tower, has passed the 10th tower’s trial. Go and help Park Sejun.

“Yes, Goddess Leah!”

The King of Farmers energetically responded to Leah’s command.

“Goddess Leah, but what exactly should I help with?”

-For now, take the money you’ve earned, holy water, and holy oil with you. Everything else will be resolved once you meet Park Sejun.


Following Leah’s command, the King of Farmers ascended the tower, and after five days, he finally met Sejun.



To Sejun, it was just a skeleton, indistinguishable in the dark whether it was a black skeleton.

“Meow?! Who is it, meow?!”


[Dad, Cuengi will protect you!]

“Hyung! I’ll protect you!”

Kking! Kking!

‘I’ll protect this guy! Bring it on!’

With the appearance of the monster, Theo, Cuengi, Ajax, and Blackie blocked the way in front of Sejun.


“Chairman Park, I’ll take care of it, meow!”

As Theo was preparing to attack the King of Farmers, wagging his tail,

Clatter. Clatter.

The King of Farmers started to take something out.

10 billion Tower Coins.

Grape wine?

Grape seed oil?!!


It was unclear why he was taking them out,

“I’ll buy all the grape seed oil!”

Now I can make fried dishes! Sejun, who wanted the grape seed oil, shouted.

At that moment

-All of this is yours, Tower Farmer Park Sejun.

The King of Farmers’ eyes shone golden as a dignified voice flowed out. The Goddess of Abundance, Leah, had descended into the body of the King of Farmers.

“Who are you? And why are you givingthese?”

As the atmosphere and voice of the opposite party suddenly changed, Sejun cautiously collected the grape seed oil and asked.

I’ll take it since they’re giving it toanyway.

-I am the Goddess of Abundance, Leah. Park Sejun, I have cto help you.

Meanwhile, Leah responded and drew up her energy.


[The Elixir Shop of the Goddess of Abundance, Leah, will open temporarily for 10 minutes.]

[Harvest Elixir 1 drop – 100 billion Tower Coins] (Up to 10 drops can be purchased)

A message appeared before Sejun. It will only be open for 10 minutes?

“But Goddess Leah, you said you would help me… Why is the price higher?”

He clearly bought the Harvest Elixir for 70 billion tower coins per drop before, but now it was 100 billion tower coins per drop.

Is this really helping? That’s a rip-off.

-Hohoho. Isn’t it about helping each other? It’s more expensive because this is an unofficial route.

“Unofficial route?”

Is this guy a scammer impersonating a goddess? Or a wandering merchant?

Thinking about it, it was strange. Why would a god descend into a skeleton?

-Oh! What is that look in your eyes?! It’s very disrespectful! There are circumstances!

Leah snapped back at Sejun’s skeptical look.

“Then prove that you’re a god.”

-Khem. Alright. But if I prove I am a god, you must purchase all my elixirs.

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“Okay. Aileen, how much money do I have?”

Having a lot of Harvest Elixir can’t be bad. Sejun accepted Leah’s offer and asked Aileen.

[The Tower’s Administrator says you have about 700 billion Tower Coins.]

700 billion plus my own money should be enough.

“Send that to me.”

[The Tower’s Administrator says okay.]


A heavy pouch of money dropped in front of Sejun.

“Now prove you are a god. If you are real, I’ll buy all the elixirs.”

-Very well. Then take out the golden box of abundance you have.


After Sejun took out sblack beans from the Golden Box of Abundance and handed it over to Leah,


-It’s done. Check it.

Leah briefly held the Golden Box of Abundance with both hands and then handed it back to Sejun.

‘It doesn’t look like she did anything…’

Sejun, with a doubtful look, checked the Golden Box of Abundance he received back from Leah.

[Golden Box of Abundance]

→ This box contains the powers of Leah, the ancient Goddess of Abundance.

→ Though most of the divine powers had faded over time, the Goddess of Abundance, Leah, has breathed her own power back into it, restoring its divine powers.

→ If you place a grain or fruit inside and wait a day, it will increase to five.

→ Usage Restriction: Tower Farmer Park Sejun, recognized by the Goddess of Abundance, Leah

→ Creator: Goddess of Abundance, Leah

→ Grade: SS+


The Golden Box of Abundance had transformed into a relic through Leah’s hands.



Sejun tightly hugged the golden box of abundance that had beca relic.

‘Now if I produce four more black beans each day…’

He could sell more black beans to the dragons and earn more money.

While Sejun was excited about making money,

-Hehehe. Since it was originally my relic, so turning it back into one is nothing to me.

Leah, satisfied with Sejun’s happy expression, said with a conceited voice.


[The power of the Goddess of Abundance, Leah, has diminished.]

[2 minutes remaining for the Elixir Shop’s operation.]

It doesn’t seem like it was nothing, right?

-Ahem. Park Sejun, hurry up and make the transaction…

Leah hurried Sejun.


“Puhuhut. Goddess Leah, aren’t you going to give a last-minute sale discount, meow?”

Theo, catching the opponent’s weak spot, tried to beat down the price ruthlessly. Hehehe. Our Vice Chairman Theo has learned well from someone.

But… he’s too impatient.

That’s the charm of Theo, who lives only for the moment…


“Vice Chairman Theo, stay still.”


Sejun quickly cut off Leah’s words as she was about to vent her anger and hid Theo behind his leg.

[Purchased 10 drops of the Harvest Elixir.]

[Paid 1 trillion Tower Coins to the Goddess of Abundance, Leah.]

He purchased the elixirs. If you’ve decided to buy, then buying coolly is the way to build trust between parties.

-Ahem. Thank you.

“I promised, didn’t I?”

-Park Sejun. One of the fragments leading to the 10th tower is on the 80th floor of the Black Tower. See you next time.

With those words, Leah left the body of the King of Farmers, and


The King of Farmers’ body collapsed to the floor.

“There’s a piece leading to the 10th tower on the 80th floor?”

Sejun repeated Leah’s words when,

Snore… Snore…

Despite the quite noisy situation, Uren, who had never woken up once, was seen sleeping peacefully. Isn’t that a bit irksome?


Sejun slightly lowered the green onion leaves he had covered over Uren and then said,

“Guys, let’s also get ssleep quickly.”

Sejun fell asleep along with his companions.

“Hehehe. It’s warm.”

With Theo on his legs, Cuengi and Ajax by his sides, and Blackie on his belly, it was a warm night without needing a blanket due to their body heat.


Black Tower’s Administrator Area.

“What is Sejun doing?”

Aileen, who could only watch through the crystal orb, did not see the Goddess of Abundance, Leah.

She could only see Sejun facing a skeleton.


[One of the Black Tower’s growth conditions has been met.]

An alarm appeared.


As Aileen hurried to check the conditions of the Black Tower,

[Black Tower Growth Conditions (5/8)]

-Tower Farmer (A): Achieved

-Create more than 10 new varieties: Exceeded (20/10)

-Cultivate more than 330 million square meter of farmland: Unachieved

-Grow a World Tree: Achieved (Podori, ?, ?)

-Acquire More than 10,000 World’s Energy Pieces: Unachieved

-Own more than 5 Relics: Achieved

-Achieve 3 great achievements: Unachieved

-Increase the number of Black Tower entrances to 120: Unachieved

Owning more than 5 relics had changed to “Achieved.”

“Huh?! When did it get 5 relics? Khihihi. As expected of our Sejun!”

Aileen, stimulated by Sejun’s achievements, decided to work a bit harder.


Nom. Nom.

She increased her strength by eating Elixir-class cherry tomatoes and Thick Darkness Cherries.

I have to get stronger if I’m going to protect our Sejun!


As if responding to Aileen’s resolve, her shadow grew slightly larger.


The next morning.

[During sleep, 10% of your life force has been stored.]

[The Life Orb is 2.3% complete.]

[0.1 Magic power has accumulated over 24 hours.]

[Your Magic power increases by 0.1.]

“Hehehe. It’s increased.”

Sejun smiled as he read the messages that appeared before him.

Originally, the completion rate of the Life Orb increased by 0.15% each day, but today it had increased by 0.2% thanks to Ophelia boosting his stats.

As Sejun woke up in a good mood and,


got up from his spot, stretching.





Theo, Cuengi, Ajax, and Blackie also energetically stretched along with Sejun.

“Guys, just wait a bit. I’ll make something delicious. And stay a bit away today because it’s dangerous.”

Gurgle gurgle.

Sejun said as he poured grape seed oil into the pan.


He heated the oil and

“Hum~ hum~ hum~.”

made the batter for frying.

“Hehehe. I’ll fry everything.”

Today was a day for frying.

He planned to fry everything edible like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

“Is it morning already?”

Uren woke up too, lured by the smell of the oil.

While Sejun was preparing breakfast,

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“Puhuhut. Chairman Park, I’ll go pick the mugwort, meow!”


[Dad, I’ll help with the work!]


“I’ll help too!”

Theo, Cuengi, Ajax, and Uren picked mugwort while



Fenrir dozed off, waiting for breakfast to be ready.

A little later,


“Meow?! What’s this, meow?! Even the bones are delicious, meow!”

Kueng! Kueng!

[What is this?! It crushes deliciously!]

“This texture is new! As expected, Sejun hyung is a culinary genius!”

“Amazing! I’d pay more for food like this!”

Praises continued from Theo, Cuengi, Ajax, and Uren who tasted the fried dishes.

“Hehehe. Everything becomes delicious when fried.”

Sejun responded with a pleased expression when

[Your soul is fulfilled with overflowing praise.]

[Mental Strength increases by 1.]

His Mental Strength increased along with the message.

“Let’s feed our Blackie too.”

Sejun also gave thinly sliced sweet potato fries to Blackie.




Kking?! Kking!

‘What?! Why is this so delicious!’

Fenrir was excited after taking a bite of the sweet potato fries. He was so delighted that it made him angry. How did he not know about this delicious thing before?!

‘Definitely made the right choice saving this guy! He’s my only servant!’

Crunch. Crunch.

Convinced he had done well to give his core to Sejun, Fenrir enjoyed the sweet potato fries contentedly.

“Now I should eat too.”

Watching everyone enjoy their meal, Sejun dipped a piece of fried squid into soy sauce mixed with chili powder before put it in his mouth.


The crispy sound accompanied the breaking of the batter and the chewy squid inside. The crunchiness and chewiness mingled with the oiliness in his mouth.

And the soy sauce provided just the right amount of saltiness while the chili powder removed the greasiness of the fry…

“Keuh. This is it! Well done, Park Sejun!”

Sejun admired his own cooking as he began to eat the fried squid.

Crunch. Crunch.

Other than the sound of the crunching, nothing else could be heard during todays’ quiet morning breakfast .


Meanwhile, the King of Farmers, who had lost consciousness, opened his eyes.

‘Why am I lying here?’

The King of Farmers was puzzled.

He clearly remembered meeting Sejun yesterday, but his memories after that were blank.


-My child. You may return now.

He heard the voice of Leah.

“Yes, Goddess Leah.”


‘I will take my leave now.’

Thus, the King of Farmers prepared to say goodbye to Sejun and leave.


“Huh? Where are you going? You should stay and help us pick mugwort.”

Sejun caught hold of the King of Farmers.

He couldn’t let go of free labor just like that.



TL Note: Also you guys might be seeing the captcha a lot when trying to access the website. Its because a lot of bots are attacking the website due to which I had to add it to stop them from doing it. Hopefully they will stop soon so that I can remove it.


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