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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 418
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Chapter 76: Show Time


The following day I didn't see Tallis at all. I'd woken up in his empty room and figured he'd gone to

work. I went to find him, but it seemed as if he'd vanished. He didn't even return at night.

I sent word to let Warren know where I was and we met up somewhere in the woods to plan what to do

about the alliance ceremony.

When the morning of the ceremony arrived, I steadily made my way to the location, cloaked in a

ceremonial robe with an oversized hood like most pack members. My face was shielded. but otherwise


Only a few hours remained until the contract was to be signed. After those signatures were marked in

ink and blood it would be too late to go back.

I mingled among the shadows, away from people that moved around the pack square, getting ready for

the big alliance ceremony. I could feel their excitement. They saw this as a step forward to greatness

as Raymond had said in his speech to the pack a few days ago.

The man made my skin crawl.

Some people brushed past me, nearly knocking me off balance.

"Sorry," they muttered, continuing on their way.

I hadn't seen Warren since the morning, but he knew the plan.

The crowd would be gathering in the great hall for the ceremony, and I was nervous to say the least. I

knew my people would come to my aid once they learnt the truth. But there was a part of me that still

believed that Raymond could manipulate them in some way. He had done it before, what was stopping

him from doing it again?

I made sure to keep to the shadows.

Fake Ciana walked onto the stage. She dressed in the pack colors of white and deep purple. The dress

had a whimsical touch to it. The skirt flowed all the way to the floor, concealing her feet. The bodice

was tight and cinched at her waist perfectly. It had a sweetheart neckline that gave her just the right

amount of cleavage to remain tasteful.

Her hair had been pinned up and her face was kept natural.

I had to say she looked beautiful. If she hadn't had a nervous look etched on her face I would have

thought she almost looked like a princess.

"She is stunning, isn't she?" a woman beside me whispered.

I simply nodded my reply.

I followed her every move as she made her way to Raymond who was wearing a ceremonial white

gown, something only the Alpha was supposed to. It was then that I noticed the feather in her hand.

It was the same feather that was meant to be in my father's safe, but Raymond had hidden it. Fake

Ciana gave a forced smile and went to sit at one of the chairs. She placed the feather on the table and

zeroed in on it.

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I walked toward the stage seeing Raymond talking to a rather tall looking man. The man's back was

turned toward me but I could see Raymond's face clearly.

Raymond's brows were furrowed and his eyes were narrowed at the man before him.

I drew closer toward them trying to pick up on what they were talking about.

"What do you mean he isn't here? The ceremony is meant to begin within the next twenty minutes. We

cannot have the union without him here." He bit out lowly. "Do you understand what it took to get us to

this point? This could ruin everything."

The man bowed his head, "I'm sorry sir. There seems to have been some kind of landslide which may

be blocking his way over here."

"We cannot wait. Time is of the essence. We will begin the announcement and when he arrives, he will

join Ciana on stage. Then I will perform the ceremony. Go and prepare the contract, wax seal, and the


The man bowed his head and left Raymond standing alone.

I walked back to the ground and took a seat among the rest of my pack members. I made sure to keep

my head low and my hood on.

Each second felt like an hour as I waited for the twenty minutes to tick down.

After the time had passed Raymond walked onto the stage with a smile on his face. Oh, how I wanted

to put my fist right in the middle of his face.

"My people!" He addressed the pack, "Today is a day of great honor for this pack. Today we unite not

only two lands but we make history. We usher in a new age and opportunities that have never been

seen before."

Everyone in the crowd cheered with joy.

If only they knew.

"Alpha Luther has had some trouble on his journey here, but he will be here shortly." He then turned to

look at the side of the stage. "But we have Alpha's representative, our beloved Miss Ciana Black!"

The crowd roared again and chanted my name.

The place fell silent as everyone looked to Raymond for the proceedings to continue. He opened his

mouth but a loud banging sound interrupted him.

Suddenly, Warren barged in through the doors dressed in a suit and tie.

Audible gasps could be heard from all over the area. Guests stood from their seats to get a closer look

at the young prince who had just walked in.

"Stop this madness at once!" His graceful yet authoritative voice echoed. Everyone lowered their heads

to show their respect. After all, Warren was a royal prince. He was born with Alphaness, just like his


"Ciana Black is not going through with this alliance today," he finished his words, staring at Raymond.

Raymond looked frustrated. "Prince Warren, what is the meaning of this?"

"The meaning of this?" Warren scoffed. He then turned to address the pack members. "The meaning of

this is that I am a man in love. I thought I'd made myself clear the first day I arrived."

The room grew silent and every single pair of eyes were on Warren.

"I have fallen in love with Ciana Black. She doesn't want this.

She wants to be with me. Why should we deny true love? Is it not a gift from the Moon Goddess

herself? Should it not be celebrated and honored?"

I heard a few hums of agreement.

Oh, he was selling this well. I was proud.

Warren then turned to Raymond. "Ciana is the one I have chosen. She is the one I want and she wants

me. You denying us this right to be together will go against the royal court. And I don't think you want to

take on the royal court, now would you?"

If looks could kill, Warren would be six feet deep. Even from where I sat I could see the bulging vein on

the side of Raymond's forehead. "I'm sorry Prince Warren, but once the ceremony is over, we'd be

happy to celebrate your union with Miss Ciana, but we need her for the agreement has already been

made between Alpha Luther. And Ciana agreed in front of her pack."

"Who's this Alpha Luther?" Warren let out a soft chuckle, and interrupted Raymond who wanted to

explain. "I don't care. Whoever he is, my father and brother probably would know, but it's none of my

business. What I do know is that Ciana cannot be a part of this alliance because she is now a part of

the royal court. She is already mine and I can't wait a single minute more."

Audible gasps filled the meeting hall.

"Let's go!" Warren reached out to the fake Ciana with a warm smile on his face, and she stared at him

in disbelief, but her shyness and the pink on her face told me that she was ready to go with Warren.

What girl could resist a romantic confession in public like this from a royal prince? I gave Warren a

thumbs up in my mind.

Raymond's face turned a bright red from the rage that filtered into his body. "Guards! Seize him!"

"No!" Fake Ciana cried.

Guards moved from the sides and went to capture the young prince. They bound him in chains and

forced him to his knees.

Warren struggled in his chains but I knew that was only for show. I knew he could take on Raymond's

men and still come up on top.

He might not be as fierce as Theo, but he was still well trained by the best warriors in the world. Taking

down normal pack guards should be just a piece of cake for him. He caught my eye in the crowd and

he gave me a subtle nod.

Your turn. His look read.

They dropped Warren on the stage and Raymond faced the crowd again. “What Price Warren is trying

to do is spread his disloyal and selfish corruption. Are we a people that go back on our word? No. We

do not conform to the pressures of those sitting at the royal table. This is for the betterment of our pack.

Miss Ciana, tell-Prince Warren to stop this nonsense! If he loves you, he should respect that you have

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your responsibilities!"

"Ciana, I've been waiting for this day. You have to make a choice, me, or your pack?" Warren shouted.

Fake Ciana had her eyes trained on Warren. Tears brimmed her eyes as she watched the man she

loved in chains.

"Ciana!" Raymond bellowed.

She flinched but she did not take her eyes off of Warren. "I...I..."

The words refused to leave her lips.

"You!" A huge man came flying onto the stage like a bat out of hell. He headed straight for Warren and

lifted him to his feet.

"You did this."

Hawke then rushed up to the stage and kicked onto Warren's stomach, causing him to double over.

"No! Please!" Fake Ciana got up from her chair but was held back by Raymond.

The crowd roared their disapproval for Hawke and I knew it was time to start making my way toward

the stage.

After all of this was said and done I would be deeply indebted to him for what he had done.

"Hawke!" Raymond yelled to his son but he just kept going.

"That's enough!"

"I will say it's enough when I know it's enough!" Hawke's eyes were wild. I could see how dilated his

pupils were.

"You are ruining the ceremony. Stand. Down. Now!"

Fake Ciana elbowed Raymond in the stomach and launched

herself at Hawke. She managed to push him away from

Warren and used her body to cover him on the floor.

Her body racked with panicked cries.

"All you want to do is get the power that Luther promised you, Raymond. This is not about the pack.

This is about your greed!"

Everyone heard her words and from the looks on many people's faces they were not happy.

Raymond let out a little laugh. "You see how the prince has brainwashed you, Ciana? You made a vow

to your people that you will see this through. You made the vow to Alpha Luther."

This was my cue. headed up the small stairs that led to the stage and waited. He was trying to bait

everyone into believing him.

"The alliance will take place today, Ciana. You are the sole heir."

I removed my hood and allowed my hair to flow free.

"I'm afraid that the ceremony will be canceled, Raymond." I walked onto the stage with my head held

high and eyes up. was finally stepping back into the light and claiming what was rightfully mine.

"She is not the sole heir to this pack. I am!"

There was no going back now.