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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 409
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Chapter 67 To Marry Me


Ciana's face said it all. She was clearly upset and shocked. I was also surprised to hear that. I heard

about Luther being a pain to deal with back at the palace, but I had no idea why he would come all the

way out here to Alvar pack to cause trouble.

"What the!" Ciana muttered, under her breath as the train began to slow down to a stop at the station. “I

guess... Raymond's plan is working."

"What plan?" I had a little bit of information about what had happened when Ciana and Theo had come

out here, but I didn't know all of the details.

Ciana was more thinking aloud than answering me from what I could tell. "Obviously, he found this girl

who looks like me and brought her in as a puppet. He probably convinced the pack elders and others

that he had the support of my family even though my parents aren't here because he has that fake

version of me."

"So he's using a woman who looks a bit like you to trick everyone into thinking you are willing to make

an alliance with Luther's pack?" I asked her.

She turned and looked at me. "She looks exactly like me, Warren. Exactly. Close enough to fool just

about anyone."

"Wow," I muttered. "Even your parents?"

"No, I don't think so, but they're not here, and I don't have any other family. No, the only other person

besides my mom and dad who might be able to tell would be Susan, but she's... dead." Ciana's eyes

widened slowly, and she began nodding.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"That's why she had to die! Of course!" she gritted through her teeth as she turned and looked at me,

grasping onto my arm.

"What are you talking about?"

"Raymond knew because Susan and I were so close that she would see that this imposter isn't me,

and she would say something. So... he killed her." I saw a mixture of anger and sadness on her face at

this revelation.

We pulled into the train station, I grabbed her luggage as well as mine. "Let's go. We'll get all of this



"Yes, we. I'll go to my sister's once we get your pack affairs straightened out."

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"But Pr... Warren. You really don't need to. I can handle this myself."

I sighed. I knew why she didn't want me to come along.

Even though she didn't say it aloud, she basically had rejected me. Being on the road going in the

same direction and keeping each other accompanied is one thing, but she probably wouldn't feel

comfortable if I decided to follow her around.

However, I really just wanted to help her and protect her. Not just as a man who wanted to help the

woman that he cared about, but also as a friend looking out for another friend.

I wasn't looking for anything in return from her.

I simply just wanted to be there for her.

"Why don't you let me go with you and help you?" I asked her as the train stopped and the people

around us began to gather up their belongings. In my experience, Ciana was good at helping people,

but she wasn't the greatest at accepting help from others.

"Because this is not your burden to bear," she said. "My pack may not be safe at this moment. It seems

quite clear that he has been able to fool the pack into throwing their support behind him through these

devious means."

"That's exactly why you need to let me go with you, Ciana. By yourself, you won't be able to get as

much done as you would if you allow me to stay for a day or two and help." I thought it might take a bit

longer than that, but I needed to ease her into the idea.

She was still shaking her head, but I thought she might be coming around to the idea. Everyone else

was off of the train now, so I took her bags and led her out. I waited until we were off of the train and

could find a more secluded part of the station to speak.

It seemed like a lot of people were arriving at the village for the ceremony. Maybe we'd gotten here just

in time.

Once we had a bit of privacy, I turned to Ciana. "If you were me and you knew your friend was going

into a dangerous situation, would you just turn around and leave me to handle the mess all by myself?"

She stared at me for a moment, and shook her head honestly.

I beamed at her, "See, then what makes you think I would leave you all alone when I'm already here?"

Finally, she sighed, and gave in. "In that case, Prince Warren, thank you so much!"

""Great! Call me Warren, and it's my pleasure! Now, do you have any thoughts on where to start?"

She pondered for a moment, and analyzed, "To enter the alliance, they would have to present my

pack's artifact as the symbol of authority in place of my parents. If I can get it... I'll be able to persuade

the pack that I'm the real Ciana Black, and interrupt the ceremony."

"Do you know where it'll be?" I asked.

"I do, but most likely, Raymond has moved it." I saw the wheels turning in her head before she

shrugged and said, "No, but I'm sure they will get it out for the alliance ceremony since that is such a

big deal."

"What is your pack's artifact?"

"It's a feather from an arrow of the Moon Goddess," Ciana explained to me. "It's said to be a sacred

arrow she shot from her bow. It's a symbol of power for our entire pack when the Alpha and the Luna

are absent."

"Alright, well, then we need to get ourselves into the ceremony?" I ask her, half-thinking aloud.

"And I'll find an opportunity to steal it during the event!" She clapped her hands together. "Of course, if

we were able to locate it ahead of time, it would be even better."

"All right. It should be easy enough for me to walk right into 'your pack and announce that I am here," I

said. "But I'm not sure what to do about you. If you show up there, they are likely to arrest you-or


"That's true. Alright. You go in, and I'll stay back for a bit until I feel it's safe to sneak into the village."

"But... if you do that, how will you know where to find me?"

Ciana winked at me with a grin this time. "Do you not think I know my pack well enough to be able to

find you, silly? They will most definitely give you the grand visitors' suite at the pack house. But you

should say no."

"I'm listening."

"Instead, ask them to put you in the Alpha's mansion.

Raymond won't like it, but you're a prestigious prince. You can tell him what to do. If you are at my

parents' house, it will be easier for me to get to you, and it will be easier for us to find the feather."

"Sounds like a plan. Be careful. I don't want you to get hurt while I'm in here rubbing elbows with the

fake pack leader."

"I will," she assured me, and then, still lugging her bags, Ciana turned to walk away. She got about four

steps before she paused and turned back to face me. "Thank you. You always seem to be there when I

need you."

Her words made my heart warm. "I'll always be there for you, Ciana," I assured her.

It didn't take me too long to get to the town. Finding the man in charge was pretty easy as well. The

moment that Raymond heard that I was there, he came all the way out to greet me.

"Prince Warren!" he exclaimed, shaking my hand. I felt dirty just touching him. "It's an honor to meet

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you, Your Highness. Please tell me, what is it that brings you here to our humble pack?"

"It's nice to meet you as well. You're... not the pack Alpha, though, are you?" I looked around. "Where

is Alpha Black?"

"Oh, he and his wife are away on business and have been for some time. They have trusted me with

the pack affair while they're away. I'm doing my best to handle all of it, but it's quite difficult. Luckily

though, I have full support from their daughter, Miss Ciana Black." He gave me a confident nod.

I tried not to say anything sarcastic but only agreed with him by nodding adamantly as he spoke. "Do

you think that they will be back soon? I have an important matter that I'd like to discuss with the Alpha."

"Sadly, no," he said, looking down at the floor and shaking his head as if he were upset about the fact

that the Blacks were not in the village. "If I am honest with you, Prince Warren, some of us are

beginning to get a bit worried about them."

My eyebrows arched as I wondered what he might say next. "Why is that?"

"Well, no one has heard from them in quite some time. We continue to pray to the Moon Goddess that

all is well." He was acting like he thought his Alpha and Luna were dead, and he was sad about it, but I

saw right through his act.

"That's too bad," I sighed. "Well, I need to speak to the Alpha eventually, but for now, I would like to see

Ciana, please."

The man's eyes almost bugged out of his head. "Ciana?" he asked. "Oh, I'm afraid she's quite busy at

the moment."

"Oh?" I smiled. "I think she would like to see me. After all, the two of us became quite close when she

was at the castle. While things didn't work out between her and Theo, she and I have quite a bit in


"Is that so?" He was a bit astonished. "I wasn't aware of that. Well, I'm afraid she's not available at the

moment. Perhaps later in the day."

I knew exactly what he was doing. He didn't want me to see the imposter. He was trying to keep her

from me. He thought I might be able to tell the difference between the real Ciana and this one he'd

brought in.

He was right to be concerned.

"All right then," I said politely. "I'd like to stay in the Alpha's house then, if you don't mind. Ciana had

invited me to stay at her house if I ever came to visit."

"The Alpha's house?" he questioned. "But we have a lovely room in the pack house."

"No, no, I insist," I told him. "I prefer quieter surroundings and more privacy."

He nodded. "Well, you are the prince."

"Good, and as soon as you have a chance, please let Ciana know I am here and will wait for her." I

looked at the time, acting as if I was in such a hurry I needed to get out of there right away.

His eyes widened yet again as he asked me, "May I know what it is you intend to ask Miss Ciana?"

I didn't hesitate to respond, "To marry me."