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SSS-Class Suicide Hunter-Novel

Chapter 288: 50th Floor. (2)
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On a rainy morning, I ventured out to the plaza, my face concealed under a raincoat.

From the hologram billboard set up in the plaza, an unfamiliar voice echoed. It was mine from a recording made two months ago.


My face flushed with embarrassment.

‘Why does my voice always sound so weird? Damn. It gives me the creeps…’

I quickly fled the scene.

As I left the plaza, I glimpsed my face in the hologram. There I was, speaking earnestly, every word clear and deliberate.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this vote is not just about whether to trust us, the Five Great Guilds. It’s about deciding the direction of our entire Tower. Do we ascend to the 50th floor or stay here, giving up further exploration? It’s a crucial decision.”

The hologram then showed scenes of Babylon Square bustling with people, ecstatic after casting their votes.

“King! King! King…”

“Indeed, you’ve just seen a video from two months ago,” announced the announcer appearing on one side of the hologram.

“As you saw, the vote, held two months ago, passed with an overwhelming majority. It was almost a single decisive battle asking for approval of the current regime. Professor, the approval votes far outnumbered the disapprovals, didn’t they?”

“Yes, it seems Death King, our Rank 2 Hunter, has a positive image. He and his spouse are quite popular.”

“Very popular!”

“Yes, so it was kind of like a popularity vote…”

“A popularity vote?”

“That’s how it had to be. Death King’s appearance during the vote and Duke

Ivansia’s rebuttals were compelling…”

The farther I got from the plaza, the quieter the news became, and my embarrassment slowly subsided.

I sighed and adjusted the hood of my raincoat.

‘…It’s been two months already.’

Sixty days since the vote.

‘Time flies.’

During this time, I had been busy organizing the inner workings of the Tower.

Handling the Three Tower Society, the fanatics in the Black Dragon Guild and the Ten Thousand Temple, was part of this internal reorganization.

‘Now there’s no risk of being stabbed in the back.’

Everything was ready.

The likelihood of internal division within our Tower was now minimal.

As I stepped through puddles, breathing in the scent of the clouds, I headed towards the outskirts of the city.

“Welcome, Death King.”

Sitting in the middle of a desolate alley was the [Lady Who Walks the Mirage].

“It’s been a while.”

“Two months is just a blink.”

“Were you waiting for me here?”

It was a deserted street. Long-neglected roofs failed to stop the rain. Water flowed through perforated pipes. The [Lady], crouching down, gently pressed her index finger against a rainwater drain.

“Yes. You were coming to find me anyway, weren’t you, Death King? I anticipated your path and came here to meet you. It’s raining, and there’s no need to waste time.”


I approached the Lady from behind.

The Lady didn’t turn to look at me. She continued playing with the water in the drain. As she moved her finger, the flowing water split into two streams.

“I suppose you’re here to request the opening of the 50th floor?”


“Alright. I’m always ready to grant requests. But are you sure? You’re alone now, Death King. Wouldn’t it be better to be teleported with all your trustworthy comrades?”

I shook my head.


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“When the 50th floor opens, other worlds will be accessible. Conversely, it means that those worlds could invade ours.”


“All hunters, except me, will remain here to prepare for any invasion. The Goblins… the Asuras are already in full readiness. If any force underestimates us and decides to invade, thinking we’re amateurs, they’re in for a rude awakening.”

“Very cautious of you.”

The Lady stood up with a sigh.

“All the others are in defensive positions. You alone will act as a scout and venture into the 50th floor. After all, even if something goes wrong, you won’t die.”

“Exactly.”Follow current s on novelenglish.net . ꜰɪre.nᴇt


She reached out and grabbed my wrist.

“Now, you all graduate from the [novice] phase.”

The moment her damp palm touched mine, the sky above tore open.


Violet lightning struck down. Once, twice, the thunder roared through the clouds. Even the clouds, swirling like armor made of steam, couldn’t contain the thunder. Kwarrr! Kurrr…! The clouds split into dozens, hundreds of ways, and purple thunder spread across the sky like capillaries.

[Novice protection measures are terminated.]

Thunder poured from above.

[Novice privileges are permanently revoked.]

[The Lion World officially joins the common route.]

[From this moment, the Lion World can freely traverse the 50th floor.]

[From this moment, other worlds can freely traverse the Lion World.]

They vanished.

The intangible walls that have protected us crumble.

‘A world Yu Su-ha never breached.’

I swallowed the rainwater seeping into my lips.

‘A world where hunters like Constellation Killer roam… a world dominated by the Sword Emperor.’

Thunder struck again.


The sound was more massive than any lightning. The sky, from the firmament to the horizon, literally split in two. The clouds, even the relentless rain, were divided. Kurr…! The split widened, growing bigger and bigger.

Like an eggshell.

[Announcement to all.]

The sky was shedding its skin.

[The 50th floor is now open.]

[Announcement to all, once again.]

[The 50th floor is now open.]

Finally, beyond the fully opened sky, a scene unfolded that we never knew.

The Tower.

A single tower rose like the World Tree.

“Now, whenever you look up, you’ll see that tower!”

The Lady stood with me in the rain, looking up at the sky.

“In the mansion where the dolls sleep. In the Aegim Empire. In the snow-covered martial world. From the library window. In Guru, where the Goblins were born… Wherever you choose to be together.”


“Bye-bye, Death King. Survive.”

Drenched, the Lady smiled.

“I’ll wait for you on the 100th floor!”

I smiled back.

Just as I was about to say “Yes,”

[Entering the 50th floor.]

A blinding white light enveloped my vision.


I’ve been to the 50th floor before.

A kind of trick, an unofficial cheat.

But I remember it being quiet when I entered the stage.

[‘The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains’ detects your arrival!]

This time was different.

[‘The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains’ senses your Constellation Killer aura.’]

[‘The Lone Seeker of Truth’ welcomes a resident of a new world.’]

[‘The Lotus Reflected on the Water’ observes your sword.’]

Before I could even open my eyes, my mind was bombarded with alerts.

Familiar and unfamiliar titles sent messages, reacting to my official stage entrance.

‘Quite a grand welcome!’

Then, Bae Hu-ryeong, who had been silent since the dream I had this morning, spoke lazily.

-Of course it’s grand. You probably got flagged as a person of interest by almost all constellations.

“Huh? Why? Though there was a commotion here, that was undone by my return, making it ‘as if it never happened.’ From their perspective, this should be their first time seeing me.”

-It’s true they’re seeing you directly for the first time, kiddo. But just think about the antics you’ve been up to until now.

The blinding whiteness slowly faded from my vision.

“What have I done to deserve this?”

-First off, you killed the Apostle of Mahos. Not only did you kill him, but you also harvested his life with your skill and made him your subordinate. And you are the one who captured Constellation Killer, you know. Do you have any idea how famous Constellation Killer is among the constellations? He was considered the craziest of the crazies. And you caught that crazy.

“Wait. The constellations already know I’ve taken Kim Yul? That’s nonsense. What I captured was just Kim Yul, and Constellation Killer’s [puppets] should still be moving around just fine…”

-Yeah, maybe not everyone knows. But there must have been a few sharp ones. At least one or two would have been observing Constellation Killer continuously and figured out he was captured by you. You get what I’m saying? Be careful, wise guy.


The first sense to return was my sense of touch.

I had finished teleporting and felt the ground beneath my feet.

-You caught [The Devil King of Fall Rain]. Not just that, you gathered all of [The Goddess of Protection] and subjugated them. [The Corner Librarian] turned into an ordinary kid because of you. That’s what you’ve done. A novice who hasn’t even ascended the 50th floor yet!

Bae Hu-ryeong chuckled softly.

-Normally, constellations, like game masters, should kindly guide you and provide quests, but you just broke and barged through them! Besides, nobody probably knows this, but you’ve even met the Tower Master. Huh? Even I find that strange.

Finally, the landscape around me became clear.

-It’s a peculiar situation. Now, Zombie. It may be the first time these star freaks are seeing you directly, but wouldn’t you be curious about such a crazy newcomer? Wouldn’t you?


“I guess I would be.”

-Of course, they’d be overflowing with interest.

“So what? I like getting attention. Don’t worry. Be happy. Okay?”

-Sorry, but that attention isn’t the kind you think. My dear.

And then.

-Constellations are like game masters, GMs. They create and give quests. Feel for yourself what happens when you catch their attention.

I was teleported to the middle of a wilderness.

In a place where strange monsters should roam, there was a bustling crowd of dozens of people.

I would have liked to believe these people were hunters who happened to be out hunting monsters, and my teleportation here was a total coincidence, but at first glance, it didn’t seem so.

“—-There he is! That’s the guy!”

Because as soon as they saw me, they pointed at me.

“Finally showed up!”

“Everyone, prepare for battle!”

Moreover, each of them was holding a gruesome-looking sword.

Seeing the pointing fingers and drawn swords, it’s difficult to dismiss everything as mere coincidences.

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And certainly, it was no different for me.

“What is this now…?”

Without a moment to relish the feeling of finally arriving at the 50th floor, I quickly drew my holy sword. Surrounded already. Over twenty people had encircled me.

[‘The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains’ issues a quest to its followers.]

[You have been targeted by the quest!]

[The quest is now public.]

Then, an absurd text scrolled across thin air.


[Hunt Down Death King]

Difficulty: Unknown

Mission Objective: Death King is a newly registered human from the Lion World. Before even entering the common route, Death King dared to oppose ‘The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains’ by massacring the Apostle of Mahos.


‘The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains’ commands you, its brave followers, to hunt down Death King! Seize the opportunity to ambush him as he just arrives on the 50th floor!

Please be cautious.

Death King is fearsome and cunning. He is a heretic who stops at nothing. He is also the evil leader commanding hundreds of fanatics. However, do not fear, warriors. If you attack him while he is still unfamiliar with the common route, you have a chance of success!

The warrior who kills or captures Death King will receive the Apostle’s Blessing from Mahos.

※Note: You cannot participate in this quest.

※You are the [Target] of this quest.



Dumbfounded, my mind went blank.

‘Me? Fearsome and cunning?’

A heretic who stops at nothing?

‘Who are they talking about!?’

I don’t know such a person.

Is this some kind of error or misunderstanding?

-It’s not a mistake. You’re a part of the Demonic Cult, aren’t you? To those who don’t know you, you’re definitely a heretic.

But since when have I been the evil leader commanding hundreds of fanatics?

-That’s a plausible description, isn’t it? You’re the deputy-leader of a cult. In fact, you’re practically the Heavenly Demon, considering everything. Ha! Just the name sounds like a bad guy.


What nonsense is that!

“Don’t let your guard down!”

One of the hunters, a resident of another world who received this ridiculous quest, shouted.

“Mahos himself has forewarned us! Don’t be fooled by his appearance similar to ours! He’s a demon among demons, a beginner not to be underestimated! Draw your swords!”

“Draw swords!”


The encircling hunters charged at me, all at once, shouting in unison.

I raised my aura to prepare for combat, but couldn’t help but scream out.

“Wait! I’m not a bad guy! I’m actually more of a good guy! This quest is a lie! How can they blatantly lie in a quest? Hey, everyone. This quest is not telling the truth about me!”

-It’s no use.

Bae Hu-ryeong snickered.

-Quests are at the GM’s discretion. Remember the quest that [The Devil King of Fall Rain] gave you? It’s no wonder Constellation Killer went around killing constellations.

‘Then what should I do now?’

-What else? Fight.

Bae Hu-ryeong laughed gleefully.

-Welcome to the 50th floor’s world of manipulation and distortion! Good luck, Your Highness!

Damn it all.